Blue and White Society

Chapter 1057

Chapter 1057 – Qingshi Heidi

Chapter 1057 The Dark Emperor

The birthplace of many contained objects in the endless dimension, the victims there, and the people distorted, suppressed, and imprisoned by the contained objects there have all returned to normal.

In an instant, cheers resounded from dimension to dimension.

All the members of the club have realized in an instant that the ultimate bearer named Hei Di has been born in the world.

With his own power, he eliminated all the contained objects in the world. So far under the blue and white world, everything is natural.

Turning the world around, the act of countless living people is enough to teach countless people to sing for it, and the merit is immeasurable.

For a time, the common people and the song.

However, people quickly forget all this.

Demonic Cangyue understands that the act of resurrection is too shocking, and the natural society of many worlds simply cannot accept it.

This itself is unnatural, people will remember it for a lifetime, but if you want to be natural, you have to distort everyone’s thinking and tamper with this memory.

Because people are like this, if the power of absolute characteristics is in the hands of others, they will worry, fear, and fear. At the same time, I hope to be in my own hands.

Even if they can’t get it, generations after generations will find ways to chase after things that don’t exist.

Therefore, Mo Poor dominated the world, and the last mental distortion, for those who did not participate in the containment, it seemed that nothing happened.

As for the members, as for the peripheral personnel, even the D-class personnel, and those government personnel who participated in the containment.

Mo Poor finally chose to keep their memories.

Because he understands the members, he has come step by step from a blue and white club that is the most typical and powerless.

And the demonic Cangyue also understands Mo Qiong.

He knew why Mo Poor did this, no one deserved to die, no one deserved to lose everything.

Ordinary people affected by the containment, one or two abnormalities are just episodes in life.

The memory of the contents should not belong to their lives.

However, for those members who have dedicated their lives to the cause of containment, those memories are their own life.

If they want to forget, how can they forget? How is this different from depriving them of the meaning of their entire lives?

David, everything he has learned since he was born is for containment.

It is true that Mo Poor can make his memory have other meanings, a life that is different from the ordinary scenery.

But this isn’t David anymore, that’s just a man twisted by Mo Poor’s mind. A poor creature living in a life arranged by others without knowing it.

Mo Xing Cang Yue understood very well, and he said, “Mo Poor, member of Lanbai Club, how do you arrange it?”

“All the inmates in the heavens can enter the blue and white realm. If they want to stay in the lower realm, they should give up their own characteristics.” Mo Qiong said.

Lord Gou laughed and said: “Who wants to stay here? Get rid of all my characteristics, I want to go home!”

But soon, all the members looked at Mo Poor.

After all this is done, where will Mo Poor go?

The world is all white, but I am alone in black. Could it be that this last black emperor cannot go home?

“You still have one last thing that you didn’t do.” Demonic Cangyue said.

Mo Poor smiled and said, “I still have a lot of things… I haven’t done.”

Moxing Cangyue said: “You can detach yourself. You already have the appearance of Po Luoge. Of course, maybe he is not what I imagined. He is completely indescribable.”

“But I think, detachment is not a difficult thing for you. You can find and explore the method by yourself. I can’t provide it anymore.”

“In a field that I can’t describe, doing things that I can’t describe.”

”Your characteristics determine that you can transcend endlessly, completely beyond my control, and become me, my god, and even my god… an indescribable and unimaginable existence in a lifetime.”

Mo Poor said: “You want me to also step into the endless unknown?”

Demonic Cang Yue said: “Absolute hit, so that you can reach everything you see, get everything you know, and surpass everything you shoot.”

“In this dimension, there is no one more suitable than you. You want to end the era of containment, and you have already done it, but you haven’t actually done it.”

“Because as long as I am still here, everything is not over. Only when you surpass me can you truly end the era of containment.”

Mo Poor said calmly: “Are you fooling Po Luoge like this?”

Mo Xing Cang Yue said: “I did persecute him a little bit, but what I said was the truth. You can become Mo Qiong in an endless unknown state. The unknown is infinite, and your achievements are also infinite. Maybe one day , and regard me as the scenery on the side of the road, and easily transcend. To transcend infinitely is to end the era of containment infinitely.”

Master Gou and other commune members stared at Mo Poor, they would not affect Mo Poor’s decision at the moment.

Luo Yan also looked up at Mo Poor, this scene seemed familiar. After all, some people should embark on a journey that others will never be able to reach.

“I’m not here for myself. What I want is to end the era of containment. You want me to explore the endless unknown?” Mo Poor said.

Demonic Cang Yue said: “If you don’t go, I can also find the loopholes in your order, and continue to affect this place, the contained objects, as long as I think, sooner or later I will still be able to find a way to bypass the characteristics you set, and derive from…”

“I know, so I left, and you are the same. It seems that you are against me.” Mo Poor said.

Moxing Cangyue said: “Isn’t this because you are fighting with me? I said, I will let you go, and I will never describe you again. I only guard this corner, and it can only affect the observation. The information here. If you insist on staying, what do you want me to write later?”

Mo Poor said: “You really won’t let go… Do you think that I want you to let go?”

Demonic Cangyue didn’t know what to answer at the moment.

Mo Poor said: “When I learned about this, I already assumed that as long as you are still alive, you will not let go of this interface, and you will keep writing.”

“I…do I need you to let me go?”

“…” Demonic Cangyue has nothing to say, what should I say? No matter what Mo Poor said, he directly assumed that he would continue to interfere.

This person, no matter what others say, is just a reference, he always has his own judgment.

If the worst possibility exists, then he will consider it as if it really exists.

“You… want to stay in this world forever?” Demonic Cang Yue asked.

Mo Poor said: “How can you sweep the world without sweeping a house? Leave a characteristic that is destined to be deciphered by you, and then leave irresponsibly? Mr. Lan Da, he did this because his ambition is not here, what he wants is endless The unknown itself. Po Luoge, did the same, because if he stayed, he would be persecuted by you, and he went on step by step for himself, which is the selfishness of human nature.”

“I’m not saying that they are irresponsible, I just say that my responsibility is my home.”

“If you want this place to be orderly and natural forever, the known way is not to explore the unknown, that’s too lucky. It’s because I’m here for a day, and you can’t get around me!”

“Perhaps, the absolute hit you mentioned is ‘information’. Any method will be resolved by me, and any boundary added on top of the head will be surpassed by my absolute hit… This kind of rhetoric is also lying to me. .”

“But I don’t care. The soldiers come to cover up the water and cover them with earth. I will follow up with whatever moves you have.”

“I’m right here, if you want the Containment Era to appear here again, you kill me first!”

Moxing Cangyue realized that there was no need to say to let go, Mo Poor directly assumed that he would not let go, and decided to stay forever.

He can try to bypass Hei Di’s order, just like playing with Qingfeng’s so-called ultimate containment measures.

However, in front of this kind of omnipotent, infinitely detached ghost, he can no longer play tricks.

He couldn’t get around Mo Poor.

Unless the demonic Cangyue kills Mo Poor, Mo Poor will be here, suppressing his own settings forever!

Either kill Mo Poor, or there will be no era of containment forever!

“If you want me to kill you, it would be better if I kill myself.” Demonic Cangyue said.

Luo Yan’s eyes widened. He couldn’t believe that the Supreme Heavenly Ghost, the observer of the source of the interface, the so-called author, actually compromised.

Demonic Cangyue can do almost everything in the interface he observes, except that he can’t make Mo Qiong no longer Mo Qiong.

Just as Mo Poor cherishes this world, the demonic Cangyue also cherishes him.

Not to mention killing him, even if it was twisting Mo Poor’s mind, he would not bear it.

“Oh.” For the author’s emotional compromise, Mo Poor only has one oh.

Demonic Cang Yue knew that no matter what she said, she could not shake Mo Poor’s judgment.

He really can’t beat Mo Qiong as long as Mo Qiong is alive.

Mo Poor doesn’t care about this, because it doesn’t matter whether it’s a lie or not, whether it’s true or not, and whether the author can’t avoid the absolute hit.

Mo Qiong has decided to give his all and try his best to the death.

This is the real thing, the world is all white, but I am the only one in black!

Hei Di regards himself as a tool, as the real ultimate containment measure. As long as he exists for a day, the containment era will not come!

“The black emperor of the world, the master of heaven and earth, the blue and white of Yongzhen, the pastoral song of the common people.” Lin Xiqiu said.

Lin Xiqiu already understood the compromise of the demonic Cangyue, and bowed to Mo Qiong.

Luo Yan and other people in the blue and white world already understood Hei Di’s decision.

He gave up the endless unknown and indescribable future, and lived in this world forever.

So far, endless dimensions, endless up and down dimensions, the entire interface observed by the author has really ushered in a man who only wants peace in his homeland.

Tsk, the whole book is over…

“Tsk… Transcendence is a means, not an end. Why is it that in your mind, you are either going forward or staying in this world forever?” Mo Qiong said.

Um? Demonic Cang Yue was stunned. It’s all over!

“Wait a minute, I have finished writing the whole book. Although according to the usual practice, Mr. Lan Da needs to write it, but this can be considered to be completed to a certain extent, and I can no longer describe Mr. Lan Da.” Mo Xing Cangyue wrote.

Mo Poor said: “That has nothing to do with me, will you kill me or not?”

“I said, let me kill you, I would rather kill myself. Didn’t I promise you? You Yongzhen Interface, I have no choice.” Mo Xing Cangyue wrote.

Mo Qiong said: “I didn’t say I want the interface of Yongzhen, you forced me to hang the ending of ‘forever’, are you lying to yourself? You can’t lie to me, right?”

“…” Demonic Cang Yue knew that Mo Poor had never said it.

Mo Qiong said he would stay, and the demonic Cangyue went straight ahead, and directly came to Yongzhen Lanbai.

This is actually a kind of interference, a calculation, and an invisible constraint.

You can fool the readers, you can fool the author himself, but you can’t fool Mo Poor.

“Well, I really can’t hide it from you, I really lied to myself… Hahaha!” Demonic Cangyue could only tell the truth.

As a matter of fact, he, or rather, I, knows very well. What is Yongzhen blue and white, it can’t restrain Mo Qiong at all.

According to the absolute hit of the information, as the author, there is no way to stop it.

What Mo Qiong knows can be reached, and what Mo Qiong can shoot can be surpassed.

This is a man who can transcend infinitely. Although he has decided to stay, he doesn’t need to stay forever.

If you want to go up, go up, if you want to surpass, go beyond, if you want to go home, you can go home.

He doesn’t need to be like blue █ and white █, going forward and never looking back.

Mo Qiong is an omnipotent detached person who can turn back. Because his ambition is not in the infinite unknown itself, he will not have the completely indescribable achievements of the first two. But he can **** at will, detached for an unknown number of layers, and comes back when he gets homesick.

Can advance and retreat, can go up and down, countless unknown scenery, he has seen it, it is the landing point, and he can go again at any time…

It is neither infinite detachment nor eternal guarding.

One person can’t guard the infinity, that’s too lucky. But what he cherishes is only limited.

Mo Qiong, the end of the containment era, you can take care of what you can see, and what does it matter to him if you can’t see it?

Even if one day surpasses the author, Lanbaishe will always be his home and his root.

If you want to go, you can go, and if you want to go back, you can go back. When to leave and when to return, there is no limit.

This free will, or in terms of unimaginable heights, cannot really be compared with the scale of blue █ and white █ chasing endlessness itself.

But it is Hei Di’s great freedom.

“So you will still be detached, right? When will you go? That completely unknown world… After you see it, can you give me some enlightenment?” Moxing Cangyue wrote.

“It has nothing to do with you, you are not immortal, why ask so much?” Mo Poor said.

Demonic Cangyue is really uncomfortable to death!

Life is so short, he is just a mortal, when Mo Poor wants to transcend, it has nothing to do with him.

Look at the meaning of this…

“Are you going to boil me to death?” Demonic Cangyue wrote, shuddering at the same time.

Mo Poor said: “I didn’t say that… I just said, you can kill me.”

Demonic Cangyue was helpless, realizing that in his lifetime, he might not be able to see the wider unknown.

“What else do you have…” Demonic Cangyue wrote.

“When will you write your next book?” Mo Poor asked.

“Actually, when I communicated with you, I haven’t written this book yet.” Demon Xing Cangyue wrote.

Mo Poor said: “Have you not written yet?”

Moxing Cangyue wrote: “The conversation between me and you will be described in the third person when it is in progress, because it is serialized. To the readers, it will seem as if it just happened. I don’t say it, they don’t know it. Before I wrote this book, you had already won for a long time. The scene at this moment, as early as when I wrote the description, had already happened in my brain or observation.”

“As for the information in the heavenly book, when I actually chat with you, I can’t see it. Because for me, it hasn’t happened yet. In my brain observation, it is a blank that needs to be filled. I will After you start writing, add to it based on reader comments.”

“And one of the names I describe as evil like an ancient **** is a blank place to take the blame. I will choose a reader to take the blame.”

Magic Cangyue, when writing this text, has already arrived in 2019, and has experienced the harmony of being reported, and then made changes to the facts that have been observed in writing.

Because of some kind of interference, this book is no longer the complete version of the truth observed in the author’s mind.

Except for him, the original observer, all other readers are indirect observers, and what readers see are second-hand versions.

They don’t know the truest picture of Mo Poor’s life, and they no longer know the truest content of the last communication between the author and Mo Poor. What they write at this moment is only the superficial version.

The demonic Cang Yue didn’t know whether that harmony was originally done by Mo Qiong.

Whether he has planned something for himself, or is still planning something, as a mortal author, living in a society like a tide, and in the confusion of ignorance, it is impossible to describe it comprehensively.

My heart is full of obstacles of knowledge and vision, and only from the many surfaces can I figure out a bit of one-sidedness.

“Are you coming when I get married?” Mo Poor said.

This is interesting, Moxing Cangyue wrote: “I will let Lin Xiqiu go, he has full authority to represent me. Unfortunately, I can’t go in person…but I can observe and describe it.”

Mo Qiong said: “The next book is ready, show me the idea first, I want to review the manuscript.”

“Don’t! It’s not… Are you really going to kill me? I have already given you the interface of the Lanbai Club, and you have made it impossible for me to interfere there. You don’t even let my other books go?” Mo Xingcang Yue felt very uncomfortable in her heart, and wrote silently.

Mo Poor said: “You want to observe my wedding and prevent me from reviewing your next book?”

“What kind of logic is this?” Demonic Cangyue wrote.

But he already understood what Mo Poor meant in his heart, this was an exchange.

If you want to describe Mo Poor’s wedding, you have to ask Mo Poor to be the editor of the next book.

Ah, I really want to write about your wedding.

Magic Cangyue wrote: “Are you still there?”

“Mo Poor?”

“Don’t be like this, I even promised readers to be a guest at your wedding.”

“Speak up, brother, save face.”

“Hei Di, you are not married anymore?”

“If you agree, let’s write a book, not all books, right?”

“Do you interfere with all your books? Don’t you feel how good I am to you?”

“Ruthless! I’ll kill you, believe it or not!”

“Fine, fine, it’s all up to you.”

Then I hit the ellipsis.

p.s: Sorry, I was wrong, it’s up to you.

(end of this chapter)

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