Blue and White Society

Chapter 1058

Chapter 1058 – The Sixth Thought Of Shan Hai Jing: Spiritually Illuminating The Wisdom Of Hundreds Of Miles

Chapter 1058 The Sixth Thought of Shan Hai Jing: The Light of Wisdom Illuminates Hundreds of Miles

The introduction of this chapter [Routines of Ancient Emperors] is placed at the end of the first volume and is a public chapter.

If you haven’t read it, you can go and watch it. After reading that, it’s better to watch this one.


Yao in Shan Hai Jing…is an emperor.

Looking through the Shan Hai Jing, Yao only mentioned Emperor Yao Terrace, except for the opening sentence, there is also “Dishan, Emperor Yao was buried in Yang, and Emperor Ku was buried in Yin”. In short, let us know that he is an emperor, so there is no up.

Some people say that Dayi was sent by Yao to kill monsters and shoot nine suns. But I’m sorry, that’s all a later statement, it was written in “Huainanzi” in the Western Han Dynasty.

In the Book of Mountains and Seas, it is written: “Emperor Jun bestowed Yitong with a bow and a simple mat to help the country, and Yi was the first to relieve the hardships in the land.”

Yi was appointed by Emperor Jun, and had nothing to do with Yao, and was even much earlier than Yao’s time.

Obviously, later generations forcibly assigned the deeds of Emperor Jun to Yao. After all, Yao really couldn’t show any great achievements that can be praised.

He is just an emperor, not at the level of the five emperors at all.

Even the Ji Dynasty was ruined after Yao.

What about Shun?

The Classic of Mountains and Seas: “Shunyi Dengbi’s family was born with night lights and candlelight, and lived in a great river, and the spirits of the two daughters can illuminate a hundred miles away.”

The Yi character of Shun Yi is a problem of variant characters, it should be Shun’s Wife.

Probable translation: Shun’s wife is Dengbishi, and they gave birth to Xiaoming and Candlelight. On the Great Lake, the aura of these two daughters shone for hundreds of miles.

Tsk tsk, it’s a daughter again, we saw it again, a daughter with a name and a surname, last time it was the daughters of Emperor Yan…

So, this is probably a ‘tool man’ again. That is, on the surface it is said that a daughter is born, but in fact it is an invention of something new.

sheng, in addition to giving birth, also means derivation, creation, and inheritance.

Shan Hai Jing: “There is a country of Beidi. The grandson of the Yellow Emperor is called Shijun, and Shijun was born in Beidi.”

The ‘birth’ here refers to derivation, and refers to the Beidi tribe derived from a descendant of Shijun.

Shan Hai Jing: “Emperor Jun gave birth to the Houji, and the Ji descended to the valley…”

The ‘birth’ here means giving birth to a child, and Hou Ji is an individual. Zhou people believed that he was their first ancestor, and it was impossible for Zhou people to worship their ancestors wrongly. He must be the name of a person, not a clan.

It is because of the error-prone problem that people in later generations use “birth” instead of “birth” when describing “childbirth”.

For example, it is written in the “Emperor Line”: The Yellow Emperor gave birth to Changyi, and Changyi gave birth to Gaoyang, and it was Emperor Zhuanxu. Zhuanxu gave birth to the poor cicada, the poor cicada gave birth to Jingkang, Jingkang gave birth to Jumang, Jumang gave birth to the oxen, the oxen gave birth to the gusou, and the gusou gave birth to Chonghua, for Emperor Shun…

Undoubtedly, there is no ambiguity when using the word ‘birth’, it must mean giving birth to a child.

So, is Shunsheng’s night candle light an object or a daughter?

The first possibility, daughter.

The words “the spirit of the two women” are written after it.

Then this record refers to the fact that the two women have supernatural powers, standing on the big lake, shining for hundreds of miles.

It is also possible that the two daughters died and turned into spiritual candles.

Next, the second possibility is to invent.

This is similar to the Jingwei Nvwa I mentioned before, which is to extend the things invented and created by the Emperor, or the phenomena caused by them, to become the daughter of the Emperor.

Then night candlelight, literally, isn’t it just a lantern or a candle?

But, I don’t agree.

Lantern candles are so ridiculous, what’s the surprise? Haven’t the ancients seen torches? Is it necessary to boast that a candle can light a hundred miles?

I believe that it is a searchlight or a large lighting facility, at least it did not insult the IQ of the ancients.

It must be worth recording in this way, it must be a kind of brightness that the ancients have never seen at night, a kind of unprecedented brightness.

At least there must be a clear difference from things like torches and campfires.

So, which possibility is it?

First of all, find out the meaning of Xiaoming and Candlelight.

Xiao, at eight or nine o’clock in the evening, after ‘twilight’ is ‘xiao’. Refers to the period of time between eating dinner and going to bed.

So Xiaoming literally means that it is as bright as daytime at eight or nine o’clock in the evening.

What about candlelight? Don’t get me wrong, candles don’t mean candles, the characters in big seal characters are ‘candles’, and the pictogram of Shu is sunflower insects.

During the Zhou Dynasty, it was interpreted as a torch.

Scholars now explain that the pictograms of fire and worms refer to the wick that resembles worms. There is a fire next to it, isn’t it the kind of wick of an oil lamp? So it’s a candle.

But the definition of the word candle was only from the Zhou Dynasty at the earliest. Is it earlier?

What about Oracle? Does oracle bone inscriptions have candle characters?

Sorry, there are similar ones, but the words are too abstract, it’s a long bug with fire on it.

There is a big gap between the font of [Huo and Shu] later…

Up to now, scholars of ancient characters have not reached a conclusion, and are still arguing whether it is the word “candle”.

Because according to them, the Shang Dynasty candle characters should be pictograms such as torches and torches, and the bronze inscriptions and seal characters are like insects, which can also be interpreted as being pronounced from the word “Shu”.

Oracle’s candle, how could it be a burning, long bug?

So now, the official has not revealed which oracle bone inscription of the candle character is.

However, I have my own understanding.

Because of interpreting the Classic of Mountains and Seas, thinking from the era of the Classic of Mountains and Seas, we only need to find out what the other words for “candle” mentioned in the Classic of Mountains and Seas mean.

Have it? Yes, everyone knows that Zhulong…’There is a god-man with a snake body and a red face, with straight eyes. Its eyes are dark, its vision is bright. Don’t eat, don’t sleep, don’t stop, the wind and rain are the same. It is Zhu Jiuyin, which is called Candle Dragon. ‘

About Candle Dragon, it’s too complicated and involves too much, I can only explain it in a separate chapter, so I won’t say much here, just tell you my thoughts.

That is, the word candle in ancient times did not refer to torches, but only to candle dragons.

Candle Dragon is also called Candle Yin. That ‘dragon’ is the body of the candle. In ancient times, when ‘zhu’ was mentioned, it had no other meaning, and it only referred to an object, specifically the ‘candle dragon’.

The pictographs in oracle bone inscriptions, and even earlier characters, are either pictographs or the pictographed dragon.

The dragon is the head of the scale worm, a long worm with fire on its head, which is the pictogram of the candle dragon.

The word ‘candle’ refers specifically to it.

The meaning of candlelight is: light like a candle dragon with straight eyes.

To put it more bluntly, it is a long and straight beam of light.

At night, if a strong light source travels in one direction, and the surrounding is dark, and there is a lot of dust and fog in the air, it will scatter and form an obvious beam of light.

In the Classic of Mountains and Seas, the pillar of light is the meaning of candlelight.

In the dark night of ancient times, there was no other light source except moonlight and torches.

People are extremely shocked when they see the beam of light in midair.

No less than us, seeing a wave of Kamehae Qigong.

Xiaoming refers to a thing that illuminates brightly at night. Candle refers to a beam of light.

Only by understanding the phenomenon behind these two names can we understand the records in Shan Hai Jing.

“Shunyi Dengbi’s family was born with Xiaoming and candlelight, and lived in a great river, and the spirits of the two daughters can illuminate this place for hundreds of miles.”

First of all, it cannot be as simple as a lantern or a torch, it must be like a searchlight or a large light source.

At night, beyond the cognition of people at that time, it is a kind of light that has never been seen before.

It illuminates hundreds of miles, and there is a long and straight beam of light.

I think with the mentality of you doing things, the first reaction is that there are UFOs…

At night, on the Great Lake, two luminous objects are flying, illuminating a radius of hundreds of miles.

A beam of light piercing the sky, it may be horizontal or vertical, I don’t know what it is doing. It shocked the tribal people under Shun’s management.

Shun’s two daughters were taken away just like that…

Hahaha, this is probably the most intuitive understanding.

But even I, who supports aliens, have to question it.

First of all, if it is a UFO, then it is far-fetched to say that the spirit of the two women can travel hundreds of miles like this.

Why is it related to the second daughter? It doesn’t make sense, unless there are two possibilities.

One possibility is that the second daughter ascended to heaven and was taken away by UFO.

The beam of light took away Shun’s two daughters. To the onlookers, they were naturally the spirits of the two daughters, illuminating Baili.

But it’s so far-fetched that I don’t even believe it.

The other one is slightly better, that is, Shun just gave birth to two daughters, or just died of two daughters, and they died young, and UFOs appeared on the Great Lake.

Then people will correspond to it. Jiang Shun’s daughters are Xiaoming and Zhuguang.

This can be explained. After all, the ancients did not take names when they were just born. Generally, they only took a nickname when they were older, after the one, two, three or four years old when they were most likely to die. After that, when you become an adult, you will get a big name.

It was like this at the earliest time. Later, with the improvement of medical treatment and the improvement of baby survival rate, the time of choosing names became earlier and earlier.

Hyundai has just been born, or has not yet been born, so the name is chosen. In ancient times, the name was actually very late.

Back to the topic, because my daughter just died, or a UFO incident was witnessed a few days after giving birth to my daughter, so I named one Xiaoming and the other Candlelight according to the phenomenon.

There is a daughter who has not yet been named, and an unexplainable incident happened to happen, so it makes sense to make a connection, but I think it is too coincidental.

Moreover, there is still no direct evidence.

You can see that I always introduce the concept of aliens when interpreting Shan Hai Jing, but I want to explain that it is actually a helpless move.

There is no way, except for super technology, which cannot be explained, so I will introduce the concept of aliens or ancient technology.

Anything that can be explained normally, I will try my best to give a normal explanation.

Then, can the long and straight beam of light that illuminates hundreds of miles be explained by the ancient conditions?


Shun, or Shun’s wife, or Shun’s daughter. Two phenomena of light were discovered.

One is reflective and the other is diffuse.

The reflective umbrella in the studio is the kind of silver-white umbrella, which is responsible for collecting light. When it hits the desired place, the light distribution is even and soft.

When is the softest light, evenly filling every point? It is daytime.

The brightness during the day is completely different from the brightness illuminated by a torch at night. The former can be called “bright”, that is, there are no dark spots.

Yaoming does not mean particularly bright, but refers to something that illuminates the tribe particularly transparently, and every point is very bright.

What is the problem with light sources such as torches and wicks? That is, the light is only concentrated in a spherical range, the farther away from the torch, the darker it is, and the layers are decreasing, only a small range is illuminated, turn off the light, light a candle in the middle of the house, the surrounding walls are still dark of.

During the day, even if there is only a little light coming in through the window, it is much brighter than lighting candles at night when the power is out at home.

That kind of brightness is a very soft and full of ‘brightness’. During the day, if you hold an umbrella to cover the sun, you will also see that it is bright under the umbrella.

This kind of transparency is caused by the reflection of sunlight on the entire surface of the earth.

So, in the dark night of ancient times, if curtains coated with some kind of original reflective coating material are erected in all directions, then only a few bonfires and torch-level light sources can illuminate a large area brightly and evenly.

If you can make a similar reflective coating, then go home and paint all the walls on all sides of your home, then turn off the lights at night, and light a candle in the middle of the room, and you will understand what is called ‘Xiaoming’.

Perhaps, Shun invented or possessed the material ‘Xiaoming’. Let every household apply it, and then set up a fire at home at night to make the whole house bright.

However, this violates the following “Chuhe Daze”, and this phenomenon occurs on the Great Lakes.

So this kind of material was not available to everyone in ancient times, or it was not popularized. Think about it, we modern people don’t have reflective paints in every household. When I was a child, there was a power outage at home, and I could barely read a book by lighting candles, and the room was still completely dark.

It is impossible that we are worse than the ancients, right?

I don’t know who you are, but I’ve seen some night shows in the old days, and I’ve only seen them on TV. In the big night, the stage is set up at the head of the village to sing, and tall curtains are raised all around to surround the whole scene. stand up. In an era when there were only light sources in the form of lanterns and torches, this method can effectively concentrate the light, making the scene much brighter than without curtains. With the curtains removed, it is impossible to see how many torches are standing.

Then, the truth may be that Shun set up a large bonfire party on the Great Lake, or some kind of ceremony.

In this ceremony, he made a very shocking ‘light show’.

Raise a very high cloth and smear it with the ‘Witch Pigment’ that he made from relatively primitive natural materials, which has a strong reflective effect.

These reflections are set up in a large circle around the lake, and there is a circle of torches beside the lake.

The light of the fire illuminated the entire lake and even the cloth on all sides, and everyone could see each other clearly at night, making the auditorium on the shore particularly bright.

At the same time, on the large wooden platform in the middle of the lake, Shun’s daughter danced in the mist, or some kind of sacrificial Nuo dance.

Around the bottom of the high platform, a large bonfire was lit, floating on the water surface, shining and dancing.

People gathered by the lake, looking at the magnificent and mysterious ceremony in the middle of the lake from a distance, coupled with the ‘Xiaoming’-like on-site lighting atmosphere, full of awe.

This is a large-scale light show: “Xiaoming”.

Then, another girl, on the high platform in the center of the lake, saw that the fire was getting bigger, and erected one or several huge mirrors.

She fiddled with the huge mirror, adjusted the focus, and reflected the fire, shining on the people on the lake shore.

I think everyone played with this kind of reflection when they were young, using mirrors to dazzle people’s eyes.

It is worth mentioning that if you just do this, there will be no beam of light between the mirror surface and the shining place.

It is actually very simple to form a beam of light, as long as there is dust, dust, or mist in the path of light propagation.

Between the stage in the middle of the lake and the auditorium by the lake, there is a section of water. There is no fire in this water, so it is relatively dark.

Use a light mist, or artificially increase the dust density in the air.

Then the girl uses the mirror to reflect the lake, and it will form an obvious beam of light above the lake.

This is a big light show: “Candlelight”.

This means that “Shun’s wife, Dengbi, gave birth to Xiaoming and candlelight, and lived in a river and a river, and the spirits of the two daughters can illuminate this place for hundreds of miles.”

Such a light show is just a performance for us, not even as good as a small open-air party in the county.

Maybe the light level is not as good as I described, after all, the materials are simple.

But for people back then, it was enough.

At that time, it was extremely amazing, a miraculous sacrifice or some kind of ceremony.

The two women in the middle of the lake are the people of “Lingzhao Baili”, and they are worthy of being the daughters of Emperor Shun.

Seeing this, I don’t know if you understand…

I really doubt that Shun is a time traveler…

Why are you so awesome? Combining with the interpretations of [Routines of Ancient Emperors], combined with Shun’s rise from the humble beginnings, his rise to the top, and his journey to the pinnacle of life.

It should be said that it is indeed the “Ancient Wang Mang”!

Shun’s knowledge was obviously beyond that of ordinary people at that time.

Either he is very talented, discovering several characteristics of light from the details of life, and figured out these ‘witchcraft’.

Either someone taught him “Optics”, and Shun knew how to use reflection and scattering to create an atmosphere on the scene and shock the public, increasing the sense of mystery of his family.

I think, some of you have traveled to ancient times, and you may not be able to make use of the simple conditions of ancient times to make such a magical large-scale pretending party with candlelight that illuminates hundreds of miles.

Of course, this kind belongs to ‘witchcraft’, that is, [several pretentious techniques of being a wizard].

So after Jedi Tiantong, only wives or daughters can do it. Shun just needs to enjoy the halo they bring.

Use theocracy to set off the imperial power, and use religion to enhance the power of politics.

Of course, I am not saying that Shun is a time traveler, but he does have unexpected abilities and the outstanding wisdom and care of that era.

He came to our era and received our education. He must eventually become an academician-level physicist, and he can manage other scientists and lead many important projects. And interpersonal relationships must be handled extremely well. With his emotional intelligence, he can become a star scientist.

This is my most sensible interpretation of this.

If aliens are not needed, then aliens are not needed.

I am more willing to believe that it is the ancient emperor Shun, whose spirit shines the light of wisdom for hundreds of miles.

p.s: Sorry. For the VIP chapter, I kept it as short as possible. For the candlelight at night, the spirit shines for hundreds of miles. I am probably the only interpretation, and I haven’t seen anyone who has interpreted this paragraph. Most of them are direct translations, and they are regarded as myths. I think you are not at a loss.

(end of this chapter)

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