Blue and White Society

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 – Data Seal

Chapter 13 Data Sealing

The blood-locker is indeed unsolvable, no matter how you beat it, you will not die, and the status will always be full. As mentioned in the previous discussion, the hang-up victory, and the countless crossbow craters on the head, chasing and killing everywhere with only a frying pan, all describe the horror of the blood locker.

But if there is a cheat that can kick off other players, it is undoubtedly the nemesis of the blood locker.

Can’t kill you, but exile you, can’t kill you, don’t let you play games.

In this case, there is no way to lock blood.

Everyone can figure out the reasoning, but so can those who do cheating.

The reason why there are two blood lockers who can’t do anything to the other is that the two plug-ins are made by one person, and both have the function of anti-kicking.

“I’d like to see how you kick me out.” The hacker didn’t believe it at all.

Although passers-by didn’t understand much, they still said: “He is a master who develops cheats by himself, so what’s the point of kicking you out?”

The hacker pointed his gun directly at the passers-by and said, “What’s the matter with you? Clean you up, and I’ll deal with him again.”

Obviously, he no longer wants to listen to passers-by, and plans to kill all the players. At that time, only he and Mo Qiong will be left. Talk privately, maybe they can buy it and hang it up.

“Grass!” Everyone knew what he was going to do, but there was nothing they could do.

However, at this moment, a heroic voice resounded through the audience.

“Justice from Heaven!”

This is the line for Pharah to release his ultimate move. There is no doubt that after so long, Pharah has already automatically recharged his ultimate move.

Mo Poor didn’t talk nonsense, he activated this big move with one click.

It was covered by a dense barrage of rockets, all of which bombarded the character who was about to shoot.

“Boom boom boom boom…”

This gorgeous barrage baptism instantly overwhelms the target.

Looking at the indiscriminate bombing of the Pharah, passers-by players who witnessed all this were all fascinated.

“Damn it, it really is justice from heaven.”

“Perfectly realized!”

“This is amazing, how did you do it?”

“It’s just the original version.”

Everyone was attracted by the righteous rocket barrage from the sky, but they didn’t notice that at the moment when the big move ended, Mo Poor seamlessly took a concussion.

The moment it is bounced, the role of the cheater disappears.

It’s just that no one has seen it being bounced, it seems that it was just blown away.

During this operation, Mo Poor closed his eyes, imagining it was his computer recycle bin.

In order to facilitate locking the target, he specially sent a folder called Data Sealing Land to the recycle bin as an auxiliary locking target.

The location is in that folder. As for whether this folder can carry a game character, and in what form, Mo Poor doesn’t care.

Anyway, the cheater’s character data has been lost, at least he was kicked out of the current map.

“do you died?”

“Not even a box.”

“Is it really kicked out of the game?”

Seeing that the hacker disappeared, everyone felt relieved at first, and then speculated.

Some bold ones even went straight into the circle, but they were not harmed, the absolute domain was gone, and it seemed that the cheater really quit the game?

Everyone has ideas and wants to ask Mo Poor for confirmation.

But Mo Poor sprayed paint directly on his feet, and then made a unique movement of the Pharah, and then the ejection disappeared.

When everyone saw this, they realized that what Mo Poor said before was true.

Get rid of that person, he will retire, and he will not play again in the future.

“Really quit.”

“Is it true that I will never play again?”

As they talked, they all went to the paint spraying station.

Painting is also a function that PUBG does not have, but it is very common in other shooting games.

I saw the imprint left by Mo Poor, which is a picture of a handsome pharaoh releasing justice from heaven.

“Even the spray paint has been done, this hang has much more functions than the game itself.”

“Unfortunately, I may not see this hanging in the future…”

Everyone was emotional for a while, and suddenly many people quit the game directly.

Obviously, they no longer care about the outcome of this round. Some may be in a hurry to release the video.

And some, maybe after experiencing this experience, they feel bored about the next normal game.

In a luxurious mansion in a certain city, a man looked at his computer screen in astonishment.

I saw his character in a weird white world with a weird exit above it, which looked like a folder icon.

And there were six words written on it, which made him tremble: the land where the data is sealed.

“Fuck, what kind of hack is this?”

He was completely confused, he kicked people and hung them up, didn’t he just kick them back to the game lobby?

Where the **** is this? Another server?

If it was just a few more words added to the blank screen, he wouldn’t be so shocked.

But his PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds game interface actually exists. If you look closely at the blood bar below, you will find that it is different from the white background.

What’s more, he can shoot by clicking the left button.

Just as he was about to think about it again, an invisible force suddenly tore his character apart.

The earphones heard a tearing sound, and the interface returned to the game lobby.

“It’s really possible.” After Mo Poor shot the character of the hacker into the recycle bin, he immediately checked the recycle bin.

In the folder of the data seal, there was a 3D character standing stupidly in the folder.

Its image is the character image of the hacker, which is a bit like a desktop elf, but this desktop elf is limited to this folder, and it just repeats some shaking movements, looking left and right, etc.

Then suddenly fired a shot!

Mo Poor had quick eyes and quick hands, and right-clicked to clear the target without hesitation.

There was a tearing sound, the character was deleted, and the recycle bin was empty.

“Sure enough, adaptation is mutual, and the rules of placement must be respected to a certain extent, so Pharah will be injured by cheating, and his role will also be cleared by me.”

“Interesting, if I send the character I control to someone else’s computer, can I ‘see’ the contents of other people’s hard drive?”

“Hack other people’s computers by ‘playing games’?”

Some ideas were tasted, and Mo Poor didn’t want to be a hacker for the time being, so he emptied the recycle bin a few times.

“What exile? What were you playing just now?” Han Dang came over and asked.

Mo Poor stood up and said, “Just play around, it’s almost time, let’s go.”

He already has a deep understanding of abilities.

Although I can’t understand the principle at all, it is enough to know it.

Mo Poor couldn’t think about the deeper why.

For him, being able to summarize various manifestations of abilities is what he can do.

It is meaningless to blindly pursue why, it is enough to get an answer that you can understand and accept.

Maybe what he thinks is not the real reason at all, maybe his analysis is just nonsense.

But so what? After summarizing the basic situation of your abilities, you only need to know how to use them.

“Regarding shooting, in the virtual world, this judgment is different from reality, because the interference is much stronger than reality.”

“In the virtual world, I can use rules such as skills, and even software functions to project characters.”

“The virtual world seems to be a real world. Characters, like a macroscopic whole, are shot into another virtual world.”

Mo Qiong thought about the difference between virtual and reality.

Of course, it is impossible to shoot virtual objects into reality. He has tried shooting virtual items in the game into his eyes.

But it didn’t work, maybe it did, but he couldn’t see it. In short, virtual data will not be realized in reality.

Conversely, he also tried to shoot real objects into the game, but it also failed. The shot object suddenly disappeared and appeared again in an instant.

As for the single-player game used as an experiment, it crashed directly, and the program was completely damaged and could not be started.

If the virtual thing goes to the virtual data world, then the landing point will adapt to the arrow.

Ability to play one game within another.

This brings up the problem. In online games, every move needs to synchronize data with the server. The game characters are all on the USB flash drive. How does the server synchronize data?

Forcibly adapt. It seems that the virtual world where the drop point is located, its program has updated functions to the extent that it can handle another game. Data will be exchanged normally with each other to maintain game operation.

This is on the software, not on the hardware. It may be something like data, and a quantum superposition state has appeared.

So if you enter a data carrier without networking function, then even if the game adapts to exist, the screen will remain stuck until the connection fails and you get disconnected.

Has such an update optimization really been done? No, but the superposition state of optimization and non-optimization.

To disrupt this uncanny adaptation, observers are needed.

“Even in reality, I don’t have as much control over the virtual world, and the incomprehensibility of this ability is quite domineering.”

When he and Han Dang rushed to the beach, Mo Poor looked at the crowd and thought of a terrible ability to use.

”No matter where I shoot, or where I imagine the landing, there is always a corresponding place in this world…”

“Exile…whether it is an exile in the dark, or an exile to the sun, or some imaginary place. When people are used as arrows, as long as the landing point is somewhere beyond the earth, or the imaginary magma in the core of the earth, there will always be This place corresponds to… and that person will fly there at a certain speed, and will be exiled irresistibly, and in the end, no matter whether he crashes to death midway, starves to death, or dies from cold… death is only a matter of time.”

In Mo Poor’s heart, he slightly replaced the Arrow of the Sun with a human being.

Immediately realized that with his ability, as long as he can touch and push away the opponent, he can actually kill the opponent. The landing point is set far enough, and death is a matter of time.

If you want someone to die, you throw them into the sun, or don’t know where the extreme environment is, it’s simply exile without solution.

“I don’t have to think about this usage…nor can I use it.”

“Even if I had to, I wouldn’t use the method of exile, it’s too slow. Before he died, he could even make a dozen phone calls in mid-air, saying goodbye to all relatives… Tsk, this is tantamount to exposing yourself directly, in theory It seems like a one-punch kill, but it’s actually not as good as an arrow to the head, straight forward.”

“Mo poor, Mo poor, finding ways to make money is the real business.”

p.s: I didn’t upload the cover, where did this cover come from? sent automatically?

(end of this chapter)

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