Blue and White Society

Chapter 14

Chapter 14 – Hormonal Shock

Chapter 14 Hormone Shock

Twelve associations gather, hundreds of people, and generally there is really no place to accommodate them.

You can smoke a lot, but you can. The seaside is a natural meeting place, open and beautiful.

Negotiate with the school, and the entire beach will belong to the club. Of course, there must be rules for playing. The student union will probably organize a two-hour program.

As for the many items needed for the party, the school has them ready-made, and the only things that need to be purchased are food and drinks.

Mo Qiong and Han Dang deliberately went late, reckoning that at this time, they could just sit down, eat, drink and watch the show.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t watch it, anyway, leave the freshman there, everyone will play their own, and wait for the show to end before using the venue to have fun. This kind of thing is also normal.

As soon as you go out from the side door of the school, you will see the beach, and before going out, there is a row of basketball courts on the side, which is a place you must pass.

“Luo Qing and the others don’t seem to be there either, they are all playing basketball.” Han Dang saw a tall man at a glance, who was only a little shorter than Mo Qiong, which was already extremely high.

That was Luo Qing. Although he had never met, both Mo Qiong and Han Dang knew him.

“It feels like he didn’t take the bet to heart, that is, Wang Xiong himself felt that he was tricked.” Han Dang said.

Mo Poor smiled and said, “Isn’t that good? I don’t care so much, as long as I have money, I can get it.”

Han Dang said happily, “Yes.”

The two passed the basketball court, but they didn’t get close.

But at this moment, I heard the crowd laughing, followed by roaring, and someone hit the ball directly on the road with a single shot.

“Be careful!” Someone on the sidelines reminded immediately, because the ball went straight to Han Dang.

Mo Qiong had sharp eyes and quick hands. He grabbed the ball with one arm and hugged it firmly with one arm.

After having superpowers, he can easily unload the ball with one arm, because whenever he feels that the ball is about to fall out of his hand, he immediately designates the point of impact on his hand, and he will try again after it pops up. The force is easily removed.

It’s just that the palm of the hand is a little painful, and hard objects or sharp objects cannot be used in this way.

“Student, please throw the ball over here.” Luo Qing shouted from the field.

When he saw Mo Poor catch the ball in his hand with one arm, his eyes lit up, and he felt that Mo Poor’s palm control was very good.

Mo Poor waved his arms, and the basketball immediately spanned a distance of more than 20 meters, drawing a parabola and falling towards Luo Qing.

Luo Qingben took two steps to catch the ball, but he was taken aback for a moment and then backed away.

Because he has judged where the ball will fall, it seems redundant to take one more step.

“Boom.” Luo Qing stretched out his right hand without moving, and saw the basketball directly landed on the palm of his hand.

Seeing that he couldn’t hold the ball, he flipped his wrist, slapped it on the ground, and dribbled the ball.

“Hiss…” Luo Qing was surprised softly, amazed by the accuracy of the ball.

He seems to be superfluous to move more, just wait for the ball to be in his hand.

If Mo Poor hits the target, if he can see it, there will be absolutely no error.

The line of sight itself is also a method of auxiliary locking. Only when he shoots a target that he cannot see, can the landing point go to a certain other place that is exactly the same.

“Student, you made a good shot. Would you like to play together?” Luo Qing’s vision was quite good, and from a few small movements, he could tell that Mo Poor was a basketball player.

Not to mention that Mo Poor is tall and burly, with long hands and feet. Judging from his figure alone, he is not only suitable for being a goalkeeper, but also suitable for playing basketball.

“No, no, I have something else to do.” Mo Poor waved his hand, turned around and was about to leave.

Unexpectedly, Luo Qing said reluctantly: “Come on! You are also going to the party, so what’s the point of going to watch the show so early? Go out and have fun, anyway, we just fight casually.”

“Come here! Xiaoliu, you end up…”

As he spoke, he suddenly threw the ball at Mo Poor again, and then pointed at a person on the field.

Obviously, this person has the temper of a young master, as if everyone will definitely accept his request, and no matter what Mo Poor says, he just accepts it.

Mo Poor casually put the ball into his palm again, and after slapping the ball clumsily twice, he said, “I don’t know how to play basketball, you guys can play by yourself.”

Luo Qing didn’t care about his clumsy dribbling. Judging from Mo Poor’s catching and passing just now, it is enough for him to be a center forward. Dribbling is easy to master with more practice. .

So he smiled and said, “It doesn’t matter if you haven’t practiced before. I think you can get started easily. Join our basketball club.”

“Pfft…” Han Dang couldn’t help laughing.

He couldn’t help but not laugh, Mo Poor played bravely this afternoon, causing Luo Qing to lose to his rival Wang Xiong.

In a blink of an eye, Luo Qing actually wanted to lure Mo Qiong into the basketball club, as if he didn’t know Mo Qiong at all, and he had never even seen the school team play.

Mo Poor shook his head, he is a football club, how could he join the basketball club? If Wang Xiong knew about it, he wouldn’t blow it up.

“I’m not interested in basketball, and I already have my own club.” As he spoke, Mo Poor casually tossed the ball back into Luo Qing’s hands.

Luo Qing looked at this beautiful arc and felt that if this shot was aimed at the basket, it would probably be a direct three-pointer.

“You are suitable for playing basketball, otherwise it would be a waste. You feel so good, you should come to our basketball club.” Luo Qing frowned.

“I’m really not interested.” Mo Poor hurriedly waved his hand and pulled Han Dang away.

Seeing his resolute attitude, Luo Qing was extremely embarrassed, and it was difficult to chase him out.

I just want to inquire about it at night, and then talk to him.

“Why are you in such a hurry, just tell him that we belong to the football club and see how he reacts.” Han Dang laughed.

Mo Poor shook his head and said, “Why bother?”

When he and Han Dang arrived at the beach, almost everyone had arrived, the scene had been set up, and many people were already playing.

There are even people who don’t know what to do in the tent.

“Wang Xiong! Wang Xiong!” Han Dang looked everywhere for their company’s site.

At this time, a classmate from the same department said: “Magic Ball, Han Dang, you are here. I watched the game in the afternoon. It is really awesome.”

“Hey…” Han Dang bragged with his classmates for a while, and continued to ask: “Where are the people in our club?”

The classmate pointed to the stage set up on the other side of the beach and said, “They are all playing with girls from the drama club in the background.”

“…” Mo Qiong was speechless and couldn’t help sighing.

There is no doubt that the game in the afternoon gave them bragging rights.

At this moment, Han Dangdu’s eyes lit up and said: “Let’s go, let’s go too.”

There are still a few beautiful girls in the drama club. They all talk about the beauty of the drama club and the good figure of the dance club.

Especially now that Hanfu is popular, the makeup with ancient charm is more elegant.

Wang Xiong’s girlfriend, Yang Zhi, is from the drama club. She looks like a queen and is quite popular in school. If it weren’t for her, Wang Xiong alone wouldn’t be able to invite so many girls to watch the game in the afternoon.

Yingyingyanyan in the background is really eye-catching, and Han Dang was dumbfounded as soon as he entered the door.

Whether it is gentle and elegant, lively and active, or **** and coquettish, there are all here.

If there is no relationship with Wang Xiong, they can’t come in casually.

“Eh? Our star is finally here.” Wang Xiong was very excited, he pulled Mo Qiong and Han Dang and started bragging desperately. During the bragging, he didn’t forget to bring himself.

“Ha, hello everyone, hello sister-in-law.” Mo Poong smiled and looked at Wang Xiong’s girlfriend politely.

They have met before, that is, casual acquaintances, but this time, Yang Zhi seems to have watched him for too long.

The big eyes almost stared straight at him. After carefully sizing up Mo Poor, he actually took a step forward and touched his face. The distance was almost close to him.

“Magic Ball, you played really well in today’s game… It’s the first time I saw the goalkeeper score a goal.” Yang Zhi smiled. There was nothing wrong with what she said, but Mo Poor felt that her eyes were quite fiery.

It seems that Yang Zhi also felt that touching his face was a bit awkward, so he changed his hand to pinching, pinched Mo Poor’s face and pulled it mischievously, then retracted it.

It looked like he pinched his face for fun, but Mo Poor felt as if he was being molested.

“What the hell?” Mo Poor was calm on the surface, but he was confused in his heart.

He is really a bit of a showman today, but even if he makes people look different, he will at most attract some new little fans.

How could Yang Zhi treat him like this, and…his boyfriend was standing next to him.

“It’s not as good as the captain’s assist. He passed back to me at that time, and I knew he wanted me to shoot.” Mo Poor said, looking at Wang Xiong at the side.

Wang Xiong didn’t seem to take it seriously, but Yang Zhi’s unexpected behavior still made him smile a bit unnaturally.

Mo Poor hastily clasped his arms around Wang Xiong’s shoulders, moved away from Yang Zhi, and retreated behind Wang Xiong.

Of course, his attention was still on Yang Zhi, peeking around, he found that Yang Zhi still seemed to be very enthusiastic about him.

Yang Zhi stared at Mo Qiong and smiled, “Don’t talk about the magic ball, I’ve never seen you so tall.”

“…” Mo Poor was confused: I’ve always been this tall, okay! Sister-in-law, what are you doing, I’ve been talking to me since I came in, why don’t you pay attention to Han Dang, he came in with me, why is he so enthusiastic about me alone.

Wang Xiong moved his shoulders awkwardly, and Mo Poor put his hands down knowingly.

Obviously, Wang Xiong would appear to be particularly short if he was draped like this. In fact, he wasn’t short, but Mo Poor was too tall, especially his girlfriend boasted so much, which made him feel even more awkward.

Fortunately, modern children, this little abruptness is not enough to bring it out, and everyone just feels that Yang Zhi is more enthusiastic about Mo Poor today.

Everyone was chatting normally, but Mo Poor knew in his heart that something was wrong.

As long as he turned his head to look at Yang Zhi, Yang Zhi seemed to feel it and looked at him too, and then smiled at him without hesitation.

“This doesn’t feel right…”

It’s not that Mo Qiong is sensitive, but that he is a little transparent on weekdays, a person who either goes to work or practice archery when he has free time. He can clearly feel that the way Yang Zhi looks at him is much different than before.

“Hey, why are you still here? Get out, get out!” A teacher came backstage and immediately started chasing people away.

Everyone was a little dawdling, but Mo Qiong walked out of the backstage neatly.

After he came out, Wang Xiong didn’t say anything, he just called everyone to go to the seats and do a good job, and after watching the show, he can feel high.

Mo Poor sat obediently, his mind spinning rapidly.

“My attractiveness has increased? Is it because I played well today, or because of my ability?”

“If it’s because of playing football, it doesn’t make sense for Yang Zhi to be so enthusiastic about me, but other girls are normal.”

“Is it because of the ability? What did I fire at her when I looked at her?”

After Mo Poor figured out his abilities, he was very worried that he would shoot something unintentionally, but what would increase his attractiveness? Could it be a discharge?

“Uh… hormones?”

Hormones are hormones produced by human metabolism, which affect all aspects of human beings. Without hormones, human beings would even have no feeling, no emotions, and even various bodily functions.

There are many types of hormones in the human body, and one of them will be emitted out of the body through the sweat glands. Usually, the amount is about micrograms. If you exercise vigorously, the amount will increase exponentially.

This hormone, which transmits chemical information to the outside, is actually a smell.

Mo Poor realized that the air that his body surface touches every day will fly to the target, so the things emitted by this sweat gland will naturally also.

These things are attached to the surface of other people’s bodies, or even inhaled into the body, which convey the chemical information of Mo Poor’s body.

If this is the case, the target will even absorb all the hormones emitted by Mo Poor because of his ability.

“If this kind of chemical information is sent by a youthful person, it will be extremely vigorous and make the recipient feel the attraction of the target.”

“Even… the target will have an impulse and enthusiasm for me.”

“That’s… the charm.”

p.s: This inexplicable cover made me look stupid.

(end of this chapter)

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