Blue and White Society

Chapter 144

Chapter 144 – Reinforcements Arrive

Chapter 144 Reinforcements arrive

They have dealt with the robots here, and Mo Poor really wants to ask the old ghost, is Taotie still safe? But I was afraid of disturbing the old ghost.

Despite a silent death in theory, that’s just how humans look.

The soul mates have vanished, and Taotie may feel it.

If they go berserk, there are only two members over there, and it may be difficult to resist.

Especially in the past so long, the amount of meat has been exhausted, if the people sent downstairs did not arrive in time, the gluttonous glutton will still run away without meat.

Maybe the two of them have a way to delay, but the brown hair is still there, if the back figure in the painting runs out, it will add to the chaos.

“Let’s go down and have a look and help the old ghost.” Mo Poor said.

David pointed to the box on the ground and said: “These containment objects are quite troublesome. Someone must watch them. Taking them down is just a waste of help.”

“Once there is a change, basically no one can contain them safely under simple conditions except me.”

Mo Qiong sighed slightly, these are all mind-distorting containment objects, which hurt people invisible, making it hard to guard against.

It’s okay for no one to watch, but if you take it down, no one can care about it. The bottom is already messy enough, if you still look at them, it will only be more messy, how can I help?

Stay by yourself, let David go down.

Even if the method of containment is known, the effects of these containment objects cannot be avoided.

Not all contained objects can be dealt with after knowing the strategy, just like the salted fish that has never been seen before. If Mo Poor sees it, he is afraid that it has been infected with the smell of salted fish and has only seven seconds of memory.

Only David can use the easiest way to directly ignore the effect of salted fish and collect the breath that emanates.

It is equivalent to the ability to carry the contained object hard to contain it.

Most of the things in these boxes can only be solved by David so easily.

So if David is nearby, Mo Poor can look at these boxes. If David is far away, he can’t deal with the boxes that have changed just by telling him the strategy.

“Then what should we do? What if the old ghosts can’t hold on?” Mo Poor asked.

“Trust your teammates.” David said calmly.

Mo Qiong has nothing to say.

Seeing him in a hurry, David couldn’t help saying: “It’s lucky this time, I haven’t left yet, otherwise, this kind of sudden containment failure without warning will often cause no one in the entire research institute to be spared. Cleaning up the mess.”

Mo Poor grinned. Although David’s words were a little narcissistic, it seemed to be true.

If these mind-distorting containment objects were not suppressed immediately, the entire underground research institute would be like hell. All kinds of lunatics, amnesiacs, and collapsers would be slaughtered one by one by gluttony, hammer and other containment objects.

Members and security guards may have a way to deal with the hammer, 202 and other contained objects, but if they lose their memory, become crazy, hysterical, or fall into inexplicable fear, no matter how capable they are, they will just wait for death.

What is a sudden containment breach, this time it is. Generally speaking, the rampage of the gluttony is often caused by the failure of the Lanbai Society to obliterate it. Before the obliteration plan was implemented, the preparations for containment failure were made, so that it was suppressed and appeased from the very beginning.

The same is basically true for other containment objects. If you want to do experiments that may cause containment failure, you must have made sufficient preparations in advance and deployed sufficient manpower.

Like this turmoil, I didn’t foresee it at all, I didn’t expect Taotie to have a soul mate at all.

Faced with this kind of unprepared containment breach, often when the reinforcements arrive, the research institute has no survivors.

“The reinforcements haven’t arrived yet?” Mo Poor said.

“It should have arrived, just wait, someone will contact me soon.” David leaned against the wall with a serious face, as if he had been waiting for the reminder from the communicator.

Mo Poor can’t help it, if he doesn’t have meat, it’s useless for him to go down.

However, a minute later, someone really contacted David.

Seeing that David’s dead fish eyes immediately bloomed, he quickly said: “Well, I have no problem with it. How are the old ghosts?”

“What? Are you so coquettish? It’s okay, just live. I know, I’ll go right away.”

David’s face suddenly became much lighter, and then he glanced at Mo Poor with dead fish eyes.

“It’s about to end, Taotie has been suppressed, reinforcements are cleaning the floors, and a small team will come here soon.”

Mo Poor’s eyes lit up, he didn’t expect that when the reinforcements arrived, Taotie would be suppressed immediately.

As an interpreter, since he said that it was coming to an end, he must be sure.

“It’s finally over.” Mo Poor said with emotion, and hurriedly asked: “How are the old ghosts? Are you all right?”

“Both of them are still alive, they just received three injections, and their hands and feet are gone.” David said.

“This…” Mo Poor was startled.

I lost my hands and feet, is it something to be thankful for?

“Three injections?” Mo Poor asked.

“It’s a special adrenaline, which can make them perform supernormally. Even if they are seriously injured, they will not die immediately. It can be regarded as a drug that overdraws their lives in exchange for physical strength. It is a dose that exceeds ordinary people. The side effects are great. Two injections are the limit. .If you get three injections, you will almost die,” David said.

“What? Isn’t that about to die?” Mo Qiong said in shock.

David shook his head and said: “Fortunately, they lasted until the reinforcements arrived. The reinforcements have a medical team. Don’t talk about hands and feet, even if the kidneys are gone, they can be transplanted. And the reinforcements brought pain crystals to equalize all the negative states of the two. Distributed to everyone, saved the old ghost and the others.”

Mo Poor was taken aback, there is such a thing?

Transfer negative status? This is simply an artifact that harms people, but… it is also an artifact that saves people.

“Can the effect of the contained object be transferred?” Mo Poor asked.

“Some can, but most of them can’t. In addition, pain crystal users themselves will force to accept half of the negative state.” David said, building up the box and pushing it with a small cart.

Mo Poor nodded, in this case, it is best for multiple people to use that crystal in turn.

No matter how serious the injury was, if it was distributed to too many people, everyone would bear it. In this way, the old ghost and others who were bound to die were saved.

This is indeed a good way to keep the mortals alive. It seems to be a storage item specially used by the Lanbai Club to save partners who are about to die.

“Mo Poor, I have a task for you later.” David said.

“you say!”

Mo Qiong carried Xiao Feng on his back, David pushed the cart, and the two rushed towards the elevator.

On the way, David said: “There are still scattered storage items that have not been controlled, and we still have a lot of finishing work to do. The only non-combatants that can be used in the research institute are you, and the automatic feeding device of Taotie has been removed. damage, so in the next time, you must, as an artificial breeder, continue to control the glutton, and wait for all the facilities to be repaired before stopping.”

Mo Poor nodded. Although the gluttonous meat was suppressed, the meat could not stop!

Now the research institute is dilapidated. Although the reinforcements have arrived, it doesn’t mean that there is a surplus of manpower.

There are idlers who can take advantage of it, why spare a member to do it? There are still too many things to do at the end, this kind of thing must be handed over to D-level personnel or Mo Poor.

There are only two D-level personnel left… no, there are three, Xiao Feng is addicted to cigarettes, and 202 itself also needs someone to stabilize it.

Only the brown hair and Mo Poor are left… Mo Poor has shown good feeding ability before, with good strength and precision, so he naturally does his part.

Thinking of this, Mo Poor hurriedly asked how the brown hair was. After all, even the members of the commune were injured so badly, and they managed to survive until the reinforcements arrived. The brown hair, a D-level personnel who could only stare at the painting, might have died?

David said: “Oh, Taotie ran away and destroyed the light, resulting in darkness. The old ghost ordered him to run as far as he could with the painting…”

“Huh? The back came out?” Mo Poor was shocked, and only then did he know that David hurried down to deal with the back.

“So… is he dead?” Mo Poor was a little sad, his brown hair stayed there, and everyone would go crazy when he saw his back, and then died at the hands of Taotie.

Since this is the case, the only way is to let the brown hair run as far as possible with the painting while the back is not yet out.

“Oh… he’s fine. That D-class personnel has mental resistance and may be very scared, but he won’t collapse because of the fearful power from his back.” David said.

“Spiritual resistance?” Mo Poor was taken aback, he didn’t expect the brown hair to be fine.

David said: “He was specially selected as a D-class personnel who stared at the back, so naturally he was not randomly selected.”

“For him, there is nothing scarier than green… The back view will not scare him to death.”

“This…” Mo Qiong was speechless.

(end of this chapter)

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