Blue and White Society

Chapter 145

Chapter 145 – Nightmare And The Sleepless

Chapter 145 Nightmare and the Sleepless

It was only then that Mo Poor thought of the inconspicuous brown-haired green phobia that he had almost forgotten after hearing it.

That thing is a kind of mind-distorting effect, which makes the brown hair unconditionally fear green, and green is the scariest and most terrifying thing in the world to him.

There is nothing scarier than green. This inconspicuous color has become the biggest shadow in the brown-haired heart, the most unacceptable fear.

However, it is only now that I know that this proper negative effect can actually make him resist the fear brought about by the back view.

Recalling the spiritual resistance that Dr. Sang said, it seems that it is really possible.

“No, then why is he so worried about the back? He said the back will make him die hysterically.” Mo Poor asked.

“Because he didn’t know it himself, we didn’t tell him that he could resist the back view in the painting, otherwise he knew he wouldn’t be scared to death by the back view, and he might not supervise the oil painting with all his strength.” David said.

Mo Qiong thought the same thing, if the brown hair knew, he wouldn’t have worked so hard when he was on fire.

Throw away the painting a long time ago, and ran away with him, anyway, the brown-haired man couldn’t die by himself.

David said: “The back view in the painting will imprint your image as the most terrifying existence in the hearts of the observers, and then destroy the mind of the target, causing him to collapse and die in hysteria.”

“However, if the most terrifying existence in the observer’s heart is that it cannot be erased or replaced, then there is nothing to be afraid of from the back.”

“The containment that branded him with green phobia is an existence that even I can’t resist. The back figure in the painting is just a younger brother.”

Mo Poor nodded, it was easy to understand.

It is also “the most fearful”, the back view collided with the green fear, this is the collision of two absolute characteristics.

The chlorophobia of brown hair is more absolute, it cannot be erased and replaced, so the characteristics of the back view in the painting cannot be triggered by brown hair…

If the terrifying feature of the back in the painting is only to make the target fear and die, then the brown hair will be cold, that is, he is afraid of green and also afraid of the back.

But it is not. After so much experience, Mo Poor has realized that the absolute characteristics of the contained objects are quite rigid.

Many times, once it is triggered, it will not be saved, but if it is not triggered, it will be fine…

Like blond hair, during the exemption period, there are no fatal injuries, but small wounds where the knife cuts the skin are actually useful.

So even if the old ghosts and other members are strong-willed, they are useless in the face of absolute characteristics. When they encounter that back, they will only collapse and die. But the D-class personnel with brown hair can just resist.

“Existence that even you can’t resist? Could it be… something that destroys the world?” Mo Poor couldn’t help asking.

Something that even David can’t resist, isn’t that scary?

However, David smiled wryly and shook his head, “No, that’s an alpha containment that can endow others with ultimate fear.”

“Uh…” Mo Poor knows that the prefix comes from the degree of danger to humans, and does not necessarily represent the strength of the contained object.

So far, David, who has shown amazing immunity to mind distortions, just can’t resist an alpha containment.

No wonder the superiors strictly ordered him not to touch the containment at will, so as to avoid non-combat attrition and fall when unnecessary.

The craving for cigarettes before, it seems that David will definitely be able to resist, but who knows? Something that hasn’t been tried, maybe David just fell into that addiction.

“What kind of fear have you been twisted into?” Mo Poor asked.

The containment is known to warp the brown-haired mind into an unconditional fear of green.

But David, it is impossible to be afraid of Green, he escorted Taotie all the way here, and he was in the **** team at that time.

Among other things, there is a lot of green on Guangdao Island, so David is definitely not green-phobic.

So, maybe that thing is the same as the alien effect, which makes everyone have different ultimate fears.

David squinted at Mo Poor with dead fish eyes and said, “Don’t ask what you shouldn’t ask.”

Mo Poor hastily shut up, what is he doing secretly, this is obviously his weakness, and it may be the only flaw in his heart.

As an important preacher, his ultimate fear must be the top secret of the Blue and White Society.

However, judging from his ability to walk around freely, his ultimate fear must not be a color like brown hair, or something common.

As soon as they reached the stairs, a group of people in black combat uniforms came out of the elevator.

They were equipped with guns, but they were not holding them in their hands. Instead, there was a piece of pure black metal floating around each of them.

The metal is all kinds of strange things, some are sword-shaped, some are rings, some are cubes, and some are simply balls.

“The figure in the painting is wandering downstairs, I leave it to you, David.” A man with a ball floating beside him said.

David put the eight boxes on the ground and said: “Let’s block it all at once, and don’t let any gaps leak. I’ll fix the back first, and you wrap them up and follow me.”

The man nodded, and saw that he didn’t move, and the black metal ball beside him unfolded automatically, turning into a black curtain as smoothly as water, wrapping all eight boxes together.

When wrapping, the black metal collided with the alloy floor, making a harsh metal friction sound, leaving obvious scratches, which shows that it is extremely hard.

However, such a hard metal is as soft as mercury, with thousands of changes, and Mo Qiong was stunned when he saw it.

“A metal that can be manipulated out of thin air? Good stuff.”

Mo Poor knows that this is definitely a problem with ferrous metals, it should be its characteristics. It’s just that he didn’t know why, so many people were busy, so he thought to himself that he would ask again when he had a chance.

A black gold combatant followed them, and the others immediately dispersed to search for the containment.

The three of them took the elevator down, and immediately saw another group of people tending to the wounded.

The old ghost was lying on the ground and was being treated for his injuries. Although he lost his arms and legs and looked quite scary, he seemed to have regained consciousness and improved a lot. He was lying on the ground talking and laughing happily with people.

“Old ghost…” Mo Poor greeted.

The old ghost smiled and said, “Mo Poor, you still have a task for a while.”

“I know, leave the job of feeding the gluttons to me.” Mo Qiong said consciously.

Everyone nodded and looked at David one after another. Before that, they had to draw the running back into the painting.

David glanced at the square and said, “Where’s the back?”

“That’s it!” Everyone pointed to a room in the distance.

As for the back view in the painting, the reinforcements looked strong and strong, but they didn’t dare to approach them, so they had to wait for David to solve the problem.

David smiled and slammed his stomach.

Mo Poor stared dumbfounded, but saw that David didn’t stop, he was still beating, and even his stomach acid was about to vomit.

“Ouch!” Suddenly, a black monster vomited out of David’s mouth.

“Damn it!” Mo Poor backed away again and again.

I saw that the black monster was something similar to the image of a lamp god, but the whole body was pitch black, and the lower body twisted like a wisp of smoke.

“Damn it, you want to die!” The black thing screamed like a nightmare, but Mo Poor felt an ethereal voice in his mind.

This voice was not actually a language, but Mo Poor understood the meaning of this sentence.

David said calmly with dead fish eyes: “Think about it.”

The black monster was mad with anger, its smoky body writhed wantonly, exuding a palpitating feeling.

Its face is blurry and ever-changing, but it is formed of shapeless black twists, like a demon.

But regarding this thing, everyone present was calm and not afraid of him at all.

David grabbed the monster even more, digging his nails into the body of the black mist, preventing it from flying away.

“Let go of me! David! I will kill you! I will kill you one day!” The monster’s voice hit the heart.

“Oh…” David was extremely calm.

The black mist stared at David with extremely fierce eyes, as if he was very helpless to him, but then scanned everyone with that terrifying look.

Mo Poor was stared at by it, and felt sleepy, and fell asleep as soon as his body softened.

Not only him, but others are also confused.

David seemed to have been prepared for a long time, opened his mouth and bit the black mist violently, pulling and deforming it, like a rubber stretched to the limit.

Hei Wu screamed in shock, and everyone woke up immediately.

Mo Poor asked in amazement, “What is this?”

David calmly said: “Oh, it claims to be the nightmare of all living beings. It is invincible in the dream, but in reality… it is an indestructible black rubber.”

“Eraser? Damn it! Damn it! You don’t want to humiliate me again! You will die! I will definitely torture you to death and let you suffer in endless nightmares!” the monster roared.

“I’m waiting for you, Nightmare, please let me sleep for just a second.” David seemed to say very sincerely.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Mengmai screamed angrily.

Mo Poor was terrified by such a scream before, but after hearing David’s words, he suddenly wanted to laugh.

Nightmare of all beings, this seems to be a very powerful containment object, but meeting David…this…David is not a nightmare of nightmare…

I saw that David was extremely calm, he carried the monster and walked towards the back of the painting. At the same time, he took an oil pen with black ink from his teammate with his other hand.

“Damn David, **** it! Paintbrush? You… What are you going to do to me again!” Nightmare said fiercely.

“I can only rely on you to touch it, and I will use you as a brick…” David’s dead fish eyes did not fluctuate.

Nightmare roared with extreme humiliation: “One day I will let you fall asleep! You are dead! You are dead! I will return the humiliation you brought me to you as a nightmare of endless pain!”

“I’m waiting for you.” David said calmly.

p.s: Sorry.

(end of this chapter)

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