Blue and White Society

Chapter 147

Chapter 147 – Containment Lost

Chapter 147 Containment Lost

“I’ll give you another chance…David, don’t challenge the limits of the nightmare of all beings.” Nightmare coaxed.

“Well, I remember.” David said, staring at the painting.

In the end, the nightmare did not disturb David as it said, and it was just talking.

Because similar situations have happened countless times, I know David’s nightmare very well, and know that David is not a person who will compromise.

It didn’t make him go crazy when he was young, and it doesn’t make him crazy now.

David has experienced more serious containment breaches than this. The nightmare also caused a lot of trouble at that time, but it still couldn’t kill David.

Now, Nightmare is just venting his frustration.

Seeing that David was really angry, he sensibly borrowed the **** to get off the donkey, but he still looked fierce and fierce, maintaining the dignity of a devil.

The members of the club looked at David with concern, but David didn’t speak, and stuffed the nightmare into his mouth indifferently with dead fish eyes, and swallowed it in one gulp.

Then he shook his head and said softly: It’s okay.

David knew Nightmare too well, he knew that Nightmare wouldn’t be **** him for too long because of this, and Nightmare also knew that he couldn’t give in.

The matter of the back view in the painting was resolved, and a member of the commune took Mo Poor to the bottom floor to replace the member who was feeding gluttonous food there.

Everyone is going to search the containment everywhere to ensure that all escaped containment is re-suppressed.

It seemed that the old ghost had something to say, and Mo Poor was satisfied with some of his curiosity about David on the way.

The member said that in the early days David was still afraid of nightmares, but as he grew up, he became less afraid of nightmares and became more aware of the importance of the containment cause.

Finally, at the age of fifteen, David fully realized that he had just ended his life with the nightmare, even if he couldn’t get close to others, even if he could only hurt each other with the nightmare, until he died, and spent his whole life with only this one containment, he would still There will never be any compromises on it.

Nightmare, who has been together day and night, naturally knows David’s awakening. Since then, Nightmare has compromised, pinning the hope of escape on the fragile life of human beings who will die sooner or later.

It was also from that year that David officially became a preacher.

“What is an interpreter?” Mo Qiong asked.

“In the Lanbai Society, when there were the most expounders, there were no more than twenty, and now there are only nine.” The member said.

“Is it because of the rarity of humanoid containment?” Mo Poor asked.

The member shook his head and said: “No, no, among the interpreters, there are only three human-shaped containment objects, and the other six are normal people. Being an interpreter has nothing to do with whether he is a containment object or not.”

“The so-called clarifiers are themselves containment measures for some containment objects. They will spend their entire lives suppressing the containment objects. They are the most trustworthy and respectable containers, and they are existences whose containment beliefs are so firm that no one will question them. Each of them has perfect control over themselves, or the contents they hold. Their lives do not belong to themselves, but to all mankind.”

“The things they contain with them are their enemies for life, and they are also one of the powers they possess. But it is not because they have mastered the power of the contained objects that they become interpreters, it is precisely because their beliefs are enough to become interpreters , have been recognized and trusted by everyone, and you can safely hand over the contained items to them for safekeeping and use, and let them use this power to contain more anomalies, as one of the pillars in the containment business.”

”The interpreter shoulders a heavy responsibility and has to bear unimaginable costs for ordinary people, even death, and things heavier than death.”

Mo Qiong understands that the power of the contained objects cannot be used casually, nor can anyone use it.

Even if there is no side effect, the person who controls the power of the contained object is an unstable factor.

However, except for the interpreters.

They are not only the elite among the elites, they can control the power of the contained objects, and they are more willing to pay everything for the containment, enduring all the pain and price brought by the contained objects.

Ability and belief are indispensable, but it is even more difficult to be recognized by everyone.

After all, this is not talk, it is really put into practice, and stick to it forever.

“Are there only nine people who carry this heavy responsibility?” Mo Qiong thought about it.

The member said with a smile: “There are many people who bear heavy responsibilities, but they are not necessarily interpreters, but the interpreters must be the most respectable.”

“David is so young, is he recognized by everyone?” Mo Poor thought of what he said before, David became an interpreter at the age of fifteen.

The member said: “David is indeed the youngest preacher in history, but he is a special case, because he does not need to sleep, he spends nearly twice as much waking time as ordinary people, and he is thinking all the time, compared to other people. The children are much more precocious.”

“He took in Nightmare at the age of ten, became an interpreter at the age of fifteen, and now at the age of twenty-five, he is the mainstay of the Blue and White Society.”

Mo Poor thought that this was the case, and he said why David was able to endure loneliness and pressure when he was so young, suppressing nightmares for a long time, facing many dangers and deaths, without distorted personality. The best of the best.

But he forgot, David didn’t need to sleep, he was always thinking.

A person who lives nearly twice as long as ordinary people is naturally precocious. The mentality of a ten-year-old is probably equivalent to that of a fifteen or sixteen-year-old child, and at the age of fifteen or sixteen, it is estimated that it is no less than an adult in his twenties.

Now at the age of twenty-five, having experienced the ups and downs of life in the Blue and White Club, coupled with the training of the best educational resources, I don’t know how much higher than my peers in terms of mind and experience.

“Since there are many members who are capable and qualified to shoulder heavy responsibilities, why not promote a few more elucidators?” Mo Poor asked.

Since the interpreter is the mainstay, there are only nine members in the entire Lanbai club. Judging from the respectful tone of the members, it seems to be a very high honor or job title.

There are many people who also bear heavy responsibilities, so why are there only nine elucidators? Why are those members who are equally capable and qualified not promoted to elucidators?

Regarding this, the member frowned and glanced at Mo Poor, then shook his head and said, “Promotion? Is that what you think… Then if you ask this, it can only be said that you still don’t understand what an interpreter is.”

He seemed too lazy to explain any more, so he didn’t say any more.

Mo Poor realized that he was thinking wrong, but he didn’t know where he was thinking. Isn’t the more expounders the better?

Seeing that the other party didn’t want to talk anymore, Mo Poor had no choice but to remain silent.

Soon he came to Taotie’s pit, and saw Taotie obediently lying inside, eating food fed by a commune member.

“I leave it to you.” The member said.

Mo Poor looked at the buckets of meat, grabbed a large piece of meat and threw it to Taotie’s mouth precisely, and said, “Understood, I know what to do.”

The member left after observing for a while. Before leaving, he told: “If you encounter any trouble, you must report it as soon as possible.”

Mo Poor nodded in response, performing this simple task meticulously.

This is really simple for him. Feeding from a high position is much simpler and less labor-intensive. What’s more, he still has absolute hits, and he doesn’t need to aim.

Mo Poor deliberately threw a piece of meat away, and found that as long as it was not too far away, the gluttonous people would tilt their necks and eat the meat within one meter.

In this regard, Mo Poor tried to set the landing point somewhere behind the Taotie, and saw the meat being eaten into his stomach, and led the Taotie to take two steps back and stopped at the landing point.

Taotie is obsessed with eating meat, and doesn’t care about this promotion at all.

“It’s really possible…” Mo Poor smiled.

His arrows are unstoppable, if the arrow is broken, the debris will reach the point of impact, if the debris is annihilated into particles, those particles will also reach the point of impact, and if the particles are gone, the strength of the arrow will also be lost will hit the target.

Undoubtedly, when he aimed at a certain floor behind Taotie, even if the meat was eaten by Taotie, its force would still maintain the initial speed to reach there.

Taotie took Mo Qiong’s shot, and the arrow that had been digested in his stomach forced him to retreat violently.

With this hand, even if Taotie runs away again, Mo Poor can throw a lump of meat and forcefully push it back!

Unless the gluttonous meat passes by the mouth and is not eaten, it has to be thrown once every time it is served.

However, in the face of this monster that caused countless troubles, Mo Poor was still cautious, and it was better to end it safely and quickly than anything else.

However, Mo Poor fed for a full half an hour, and the security blockade was still not over.

“What’s going on? Didn’t you say that after dealing with Taotie, the rest can be easily solved? Why isn’t it over yet?”

Mo Poor looked around, not sure if there would be any strange contained objects popping out suddenly.

In order not to disturb others, he thought that although the old ghost was seriously injured, he was still awake and must be resting now, so he called through the earlobe communicator.

The old ghost was really free, so he directly connected to the channel: “What’s the matter, Mo Poor? Are your hands sore? Hold on, there is still the last item in storage that has not been found.”

He thought Mo Poor was tired. After all, Mo Poor had several life-and-death crises and was injured. Even if his heart was twice as strong, he would definitely be exhausted from mechanically throwing meat for half an hour.

“It’s okay, I can stick to… er, the last containment?” Mo Poor suddenly felt his heart move.

“Well.” The old ghost said: “Beta-509, we have already dealt with the rest and re-contained them all. The only thing left is that it has not been found. Not surprisingly… it should have escaped from the research institute. Meng Island is conducting a search, if it is not found, it can only be declared lost, and we will talk about it later.”

Mo Poor kept his expression on, but he knew what β-509 was, and it was the fan head that tore his left pectoral muscle.

“So many people can’t find it? Is it a good hiding place?” Mo Poor said.

“Hiding? It can be blurred, invisible, and intangible, so it is likely to go directly through the walls and earth and rocks, and leave the research institute. Only when it attacks, it will appear and have a body. By the way, it will Attack any creature with a weapon, if you don’t have guns or cold weapons on you now, it won’t attack you, you can deal with Taotie with confidence,” said the old ghost.

Mo Poor was taken aback, no wonder the fan head attacked him directly, obviously Xiao Feng was closer to the elevator entrance, but in the end he chose to kill him first, it turned out that it was because he was holding the pistol that Carl gave him.

“Void? Appear instantly when attacking? Is its head a broken electric fan?” Mo Poor said.

“That’s right, you met it before? When?” the old ghost hurriedly said.

Mo Poor said honestly: “Not long after the containment breach broke out, I don’t know the exact time. At the railing of the stairs on the fourth floor, it tore off my left pectoral muscle, and I hit it. After that, it left and never met.”

After feeling a long pause on the other side, the old devil said: “I’m looking for that video, it’s not something that knocked it away, as long as you still have a weapon, it won’t stop. You must have triggered the hidden way out, Let it give up and kill you, otherwise you would have died long ago with your heart scratched.”

“Is there a way to hide… Is it because I slapped it?” Mo Poor said.

“It’s said to be a hidden way out, how would I know? The only way to find it is to bring it back and test it.” The old ghost said.

p.s: I’m sorry, I went out late yesterday for something to do, and I will make up for it in a few days.

(end of this chapter)

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