Blue and White Society

Chapter 148

Chapter 148 – Crisis Over

Chapter 148 The crisis is over

The blurring of the fan head is harder to find than stealth.

The invisible and intangible fan head can only be drawn out by the Blue and White Society with the help of its murderous characteristics.

It will only attack people with weapons. Weapons here refer to external objects, so at this moment, countless members of the club are carrying guns and searching for fan heads all over Mengdao.

You should know that when the fan head attacks others, others can also attack it. As long as you react quickly enough, you can throw away the weapons all over your body before you die.

Because the fan head loves to scratch the target’s heart, the first two attacks will be directed at the heart, so as long as the heart is deposited with the dice in advance, anyone who would rather die than hold a weapon can survive.

The power of the fan head is not very strong, the powerful part lies in the virtualization, all substances can penetrate through it, easily scratching everyone’s heart. Put the hand of the virtualization into the chest in advance, and then release the virtualization and suddenly appear, just pull it casually, and the person caught will not die or be disabled.

As for the containment objects, as long as the characteristics are clear, some containment measures can always be designed.

For example, keep throwing some poultry with small blades on the wings and chicken feet, attracting it to keep appearing and attacking.

In this way, these small animals become control items. One control fan head for a second, only needs more than 86,000 animals a day.

This is no different from using meat to suppress the glutton, except that the cost of containing the fan head is very low, because it only kills, and the dead chicken can be recovered and fed to the glutton, or consumed internally.

Moreover, when it is disabling the blur and attacking, people without any weapons can carry it and carry it away.

There is no doubt that this kind of containment that needs continuous monitoring can easily escape once the containment fails. Once the chickens with weapons around are killed and there is no follow-up replenishment, it will be free immediately.

A virtualization can directly penetrate through many restrictions, move freely in the research institute and even underground, even if it passes through the wall, it is quite easy to leave directly from the ground.

“If you don’t deposit your heart in advance, even a security guard who knows how to deal with it will have a hard time surviving. The external defense is meaningless, and it can directly attack the inside of the human body. Basically, only members of the club can guarantee that the reaction can be guaranteed in the hands of 509. Immortal.” The old ghost said.

Mo Poor said: “Then I’m really lucky. I beat it a few times, but it gave up and killed me. I just got a piece of chest muscle torn.”

“It’s not only your fate, but it has never committed crimes except for killing a few security guards when it first came out. Everyone has searched for more than half an hour now, but they have not encountered it, and there is no such thing on the surface of Mengdao after committing crimes.” It is basically confirmed that it left Meng Island, and it did not pass through the surface at all, it left directly from the ground, and it is probably in the sea now.” The old ghost said.

The tone of the old ghost seems to be a little rejoicing. Thinking about it, they must be prepared for the fan head to kill the Quartet. Even if the fan head does not kill the Quartet, the fan head can at least disarm the Quartet.

No matter how strong a member is, if he wants to save his life in front of it, he has to discard his weapon, otherwise he can only die in its hands. That virtual hand can penetrate all defenses. Either die… or throw your weapon to me Heck!

At this moment, judging from the fact that no one died on the surface, the fan head didn’t go up at all, but went straight from the ground through the earth and rocks and into the sea.

Now, I don’t know where I wandered.

“Then what should we do? Is this containment loss serious?” Mo Poor asked.

The old ghost said: “The loss of containment is of course a very bad situation. We have already sent ships to try our luck in the nearby waters, but the vast sea means little hope. Because it is blurred, it can fly to the sky and escape at will. Although the speed is not fast, but It is difficult to determine whether it is under the sea or in the sky now, and it is also difficult to guess how far it has traveled.”

“The only way to find it is to collect intelligence extensively, and when it enters other nearby human societies and kills those who carry weapons, we can detect its location. But when will this happen, and if we can Arriving at the first time, let it kill as few people as possible, these are unpredictable.”

“If it doesn’t kill people, it won’t show up, and if it doesn’t show up, it won’t be found at all. It’s not bad if you say it’s bad.”

Mo Poor thought, this is really bad, and the spread of the hazards of the contained objects is unacceptable to the Lanbai Club, which has worked so hard to contain them.

It is difficult to accept and you have to accept the reality. The only thing you can do is to find it as soon as possible, suppress the external harm to the minimum, and try to prevent possible serious consequences.

However, if the containment is really lost, that’s all.

But Mo Poor knew that β-509 would not spread to society, because that guy was exiled by it to a planet with ten suns in a different universe.

Lanbaishe might not be able to find it in this lifetime.

Another ten minutes later, three D-level personnel came to take over Mo Poor’s work.

It was Karl who brought them here.

The containment breach was suppressed, and the researchers naturally all came out of the protective cabin.

After they came out, they didn’t go to rest or what, after a little questioning about whether they were injured, they went straight to work.

Nowadays, the underground research institute is riddled with holes, and many of the containment objects are temporary containment. The containment measures must be repaired as soon as possible in order to be completely pacified.

“Mo Poor, I’ve heard about your achievements, but I didn’t expect you to not only survive, but also do so much.” Carl laughed.

Mo Poor said: “I don’t do much. Anyone who has a strategy can actually do it. It is the D-level personnel who really made sacrifices.”

After going through this crisis, he deeply realized that although his abilities are powerful and infinitely useful, in front of the contained objects…information is more important!

And he still can’t forget, the last expression of the blond hair when facing fate calmly.

Mo Poor’s greatest achievement was to suppress the number of wax figures to an extremely low level by relying on marksmanship and fire attacks.

In comparison, Blonde resisted several deaths for everyone, and finally used the last few seconds of his life to contain the sword-forging hammer. This is a hurdle that even if you know the strategy, you can’t get over it. Without his sacrifice, everyone would die.

Although Xiao Feng didn’t die, he was seriously injured because he didn’t feel pain. In the end, he became addicted to cigarettes, completely erasing the root cause of Taotie’s rampage, ending this containment breach.

Even the brown-haired man, who seems to have done nothing important, is a great achievement in suppressing the back of the painting without any slack. He didn’t give up in the fire scene, and he didn’t give up under the hammer, even in the Taotie. When it sucked it out, it stared firmly at the painting. Even if the brown hair has a hint of self-abandonment and a hint of ‘forget it, it’s a dead end’ attitude, he and others are really dead.

Isn’t this pile of merit?

Mo Poor told Karl these things, hoping to win something for the dead blond, as well as the living Xiao Feng and brown hair.

Carl smiled and listened, and said: “I know what you said. They are not the first batch of D-level personnel who have made great contributions. There are many D-level personnel in the Blue and White Club, either by ear, or by spontaneous comprehension. , and cultivated the three spirits of containment that are no less than members of the community.”

“This is also the reason why we recruit D-class personnel to help when necessary, because some D-class personnel are indeed worth entrusting.”

Mo Poor said: “But they didn’t get anything in return…”

“Who says you can’t get something in return? It’s just… the order cannot clearly point out how to get something in return…” Carl said unclearly.

“Just let them not do too dangerous work, is that considered a reward? I heard that D-class personnel only get honors.” Mo Poor said.

Carl tilted his head and said: “Otherwise? We don’t have the right to amnesty any D-class personnel. Not giving them the task of mortal is already the limit.”

“But the containment experiment is too dangerous. Even if they don’t die, they will be infected with all kinds of terrible effects and suffer all kinds of pain or price…Even if they can’t return to society, can’t they let those who have made great contributions to mankind live well?” Are you alive?” Mo Poor said.

But before he finished speaking, Carl exclaimed: “If I can guarantee a good life, I want to be a D-class personnel…”

Mo Poor was taken aback, speechless for a long time.

(end of this chapter)

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