Blue and White Society

Chapter 149

Chapter 149 – Report Tomorrow

Chapter 149 Come to report tomorrow

The conversation between the two was also heard by the three D-class personnel who were urgently transferred from a nearby base.

But after hearing Carl clearly point out that there is no amnesty for D-class personnel, even though he knew it already, he listened to it again, and was still very depressed.

In fact, every D-class personnel knows very well that they can only stay in the Blue and White Club forever, until they die.

Since they faced the death penalty and S13, they have been told that after signing, they are a dead person in society.

Everyone knows that a condemned prisoner who has been executed cannot return to society no matter what, unless the world is in chaos and the end of the world is coming, there is still a possibility.

It is already the limit not to face the mortal mission.

Carl led Mo Poor away from the research institute, and along the way, Mo Poor finally understood why.

This is not just not allowed by the system, the reality also does not allow D-class personnel to have a guaranteed future.

Because the containment world itself is so cruel, the Blue and White Club can’t even guarantee the lives of its members, so how can it guarantee the safety of D-class personnel.

The containment failure resulted in the death of 154 official and peripheral personnel, and 21 deaths of D-class personnel.

But if the death rate is counted, before the reinforcements came, a total of 160 combatants were fighting in the research institute including the periphery, and there were 23 D-level personnel.

The death rate is 96% and 91%, respectively, and the D-class personnel are even lower.

Even if the official personnel are counted alone, the total number is 21, and 15 people died, and the death rate is 71%.

Only when researchers like Carl are included, the death rate of full-time members will drop to 50%.

Although it is an extreme situation like a containment breach that may cause a 100% mortality rate for the entire population.

But the containment operations of the members in the field are also quite dangerous.

They are strong enough, more capable than D-class personnel, and have more resources and intelligence, but correspondingly, they have to bear greater responsibilities.

Members are guaranteed, just in terms of life, and have more freedom than D-class personnel.

D-level personnel perform the death test, and members of the club will also perform the death task.

It’s just that one is executed daily and the other is executed occasionally.

The work done by the former is a necessary part of the containment business, so a group of people can only be forced to do it. If it is evil, it is a necessary evil.

The work done by the latter is also a necessary part of the containment business, and they also have to make sacrifices, but they are voluntary.

Mandatory because guilty.

Voluntary fulfillment, because there is love.

What is necessary, someone has to do it, someone has to do it… This is the reality.

It is impossible to let members who are supported by beliefs fulfill the obligations of D-class personnel.

Class-D personnel also do not have the spirit of voluntary sacrifice to perform their duties as members.

If you can get life protection because of your contributions, like the tens of millions of protected public groups, then it is not the D-level personnel who want to be amnesty, but the official members who want to be ‘promoted’ to D-level personnel.

Official members are also year-round and have made outstanding achievements, but they have also never received the guarantee of “survival”.

D-level personnel who have contributed too much can not be forced to face the death task, which is already the limit. Compared with some members, there is no difference except that they cannot enter the society casually.

The order cannot be chaotic, and the Lanbai Club, which has too many responsibilities, cannot and cannot set a precedent without authorization.

Carl told Mo Poor that it is not that D-class personnel cannot be rewarded, but the order cannot clearly indicate how to get rewarded.

D-class personnel can only redeem themselves and win the respect of the society in despair. At that time, even if there is no clear order to protect them, the members of the society will not treat them badly.

In fact, there are D-class personnel who fight side by side with the members, and no one discriminates against D-class personnel.

Everything is nothing but necessary people doing necessary things.

“Go back and rest first, Mo Poor, don’t tell those who don’t know the detailed information about the contents.”

“Tomorrow morning at eight o’clock… come to the institute to report.”

Hearing Carl’s words, Mo Poor couldn’t help asking: “What’s the matter?”

Carl smiled and said, “You will know tomorrow.”

Mo Qiong, who returned to the apartment, was soon approached by Zhang Wei and the others.

They didn’t know what Mo Poor did, but they also knew that a containment breach broke out in the research institute today!

The entire Meng Island was in turmoil, and hundreds of peripheral soldiers were guarding all parts of the town with guns and live ammunition.

The airport and docks are all blocked, and even two ships arrived just now, and they are moored outside the port.

A group of commune members either ran up on the air, or parachuted directly from the sky. They cut off the parachute bag when they were still 100 meters above the ground, and directly bounced on the air to slow down and land.

Restrictors are required to stay in the room and not to go out. Not long ago, teams of guards searched the apartment with guns, wandering from floor to floor, as if they were looking for something.

This made the restrainers even more nervous, until a contained object ran out.

Fortunately, it was a false alarm for them. Although they didn’t know what exactly happened, Mo Poor was in the research institute when the incident happened.

At this moment, Mo Poor came back alive, which made the limiters both excited and curious.

“You came back intact, how is it? Exciting!” Zhang Wei laughed, holding Mo Poor in his arms, not at all afraid that Mo Poor would bring some effect back.

He knew that Mo Poor could be put back in the apartment, which meant that there was no spreading hazard, and the containment breach must have been satisfactorily resolved.

It is mainly thanks to the fact that David, the interpreter, just happened to be there, so he didn’t have to come from other places, and he seized the golden opportunity.

In addition to avoiding, the members can only provoke the back as much as possible, flay them with their lives, and hold them underground so as not to run out.

Mo Poor frowned slightly and said, “More than 180 people died, do you find it exciting?”

“Uh…” Everyone stopped laughing.

Zhang Wei said: “Is this… so dangerous? I saw that you came back intact, and thought it was just a false alarm.”

Mo Poor looked at them helplessly, not knowing what to say for a moment.

After thinking for a while, he took off his shirt directly.

I saw the chest, the crimson blood scab was right at the center of the heart, the wound was as big as a bowl, and there were many thorn-like scars “blooming” in all directions around it, it was the trace of the skin being torn, and the blood from the heart The hole is just like a **** sun blooming.

The blood scab hasn’t fully grown yet, even if it grows well, there will be a flat, even sunken large blood scar on the heart, which is hideous and conspicuous.

This is a large piece of flesh that has been torn off. Compared with the intact right breast, such a horrible injury in front of the heart looks too scary.

“Hiss!” Everyone gasped, ordinary people have never seen such a big and hideous blood scab.

Zhang Wei said in horror: “You have been stabbed out of your heart! It’s so big…you’ve been stabbed in the heart and you’re still alive?”

He compared it with his hand, which was as big as a palm.

Such a large blood scab is on the heart, and I can’t help but think about it. It is a terrifying big hand, which is like a murder weapon. It pierced into the human atrium and pinched the beating heart…

Near death, absolute narrow escape, such a horrible injury, the restrictors turned pale when they thought about it, and dared not look directly at it.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that there were several large and small wounds on Mo Qiong’s waist and arms, which must have been caused by more than one crisis.

Mo Poor put on his clothes silently, without saying a word, he already let them understand how dangerous containment breach is.

Although the heart wound was not as terrible as they imagined, the fan head never touched Mo Poor’s heart, but tore off the left breast on the surface.

But the situation at that time was really critical. If Mo Poor didn’t say anything, he saw the security guard die, no matter what happened, he would have died first.

Because the next blow from the fan head is not digging out the chest, but directly scratching the heart. At that time, even for a second at night, Mo Poor is afraid that it is not as simple as missing his left breast, but he will be directly plucked off a few pieces of heart .

Heart was scratched into pieces, is there still life?

But even so, the injury of digging the chest alone is already extremely horrifying, and it is extremely visually shocking to these restricted people who have never seen this kind of injury.

“What kind of terrible thing attacked you? How did you survive?” Everyone asked.

Mo Poor shook his head and said: “I was told when I came back, I can’t just talk about the containment things you haven’t experienced before.”

When he was just a limiter, he didn’t know any other containment except for the containment experienced by these few people around him.

But after experiencing a containment breach and being temporarily recruited, he suddenly gained insight and learned the power of many contained objects, and the information about these contained objects would not have been told to him if he hadn’t been present.


Everyone was chattering and wanted to ask something else, and became more curious about Mo Poor’s experience.

But Mo Poor was not in the mood to chat with them, and said tiredly: “I’m too tired and injured, I want to rest early, what can you do?”

“You rest, you rest…”

“We will leave you alone…”

Seeing Mo Poor in a daze, coupled with the injury, everyone was very understanding, so they didn’t want to disturb him anymore, and they all said goodbye to let him rest.

Everyone left disappointed when they saw that he had no interest in satisfying their gossip.

Mo Poor was even more disappointed. After getting to know a few members and D-level personnel, he felt that the limiters were very happy, including himself.

No wonder there are three recommended places for training every year, but there has been no recommendation for three consecutive years. Among the restricted people, it is still too few to select those with training value.

Although 90% of restrictors will become peripheral personnel, almost none of them will become combat personnel in the periphery. In the future, they will basically still be protected roles, just like the general public.

The peripheral personnel converted from such restrictors only occupy a very small part of the peripheral personnel.

This containment failure caused heavy losses to the peripheral personnel. Except for a few who were locked in the stairwell and did not participate in the battle, the security guards were all wiped out!

This kind of combat-type peripheral personnel is actually only one step away from the official personnel. As far as Mo Poong knows, they are all members who have been trained but have not passed the assessment.

So they are actually in the same status as full-time members, but they haven’t passed the exam, haven’t become regulars, and their ability is a bit weaker.

p.s: Sorry, I’m curious how many people press their palms on their left chest? Even squeezed twice…

(end of this chapter)

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