Blue and White Society

Chapter 18

Chapter 18 – Treasure Hunting Ability

Chapter 18 Treasure Hunting Ability

Everyone’s alcohol capacity is average, but those who don’t have a high alcohol capacity are more likely to drink happily and drink non-stop, as if they are not drinking, but cooking porridge.

Two hours later, most of the people on the beach were gone, and most of them went back to the dormitory.

The beach is very cold at night at this time of year, only a few people who are more active, or those who live off-campus will play later.

Mo Poor took advantage of the fact that everyone drank too much and couldn’t think of what to say, so he took advantage of the trend and slipped away.

Of course, I guessed that I would have to help Han Dang back later, so I didn’t go far.

He found a place by the sea to sit down, eating while looking at the sea.

Mo Poor wants to have his own fishing boat, the kind that can accommodate people, complete with various facilities, and equipped with a complete set of diving equipment, preferably with a private warehouse on the seashore.

The reason for thinking this way is first of all because the ocean is the natural camouflage for his ballistics.

If you are in a city or in a mountain, the projectile is easy to see. But there is no need to be afraid in the sea, no matter how inexplicable his arrow trajectory is, no one in the sea can see it.

Secondly, it is because he knows that his ability is extremely good at finding known things.

For example, treasure.

There are treasures everywhere in the sea. Check the appearance of natural pearls on the Internet, what kind of shell is like, and what kind of environment it usually grows in.

Refer to some more materials, and then imagine a huge pearl oyster in the sea, shooting out a positioning instrument.

Maybe the instrument will fly too far, maybe the instrument will be damaged in the middle, but try a few more times, adjust the details of the imagination a few times, there will always be a landing point in the nearby sea area, which happens to be the landing point he imagined.

And this is just a natural treasure. Not to mention ancient shipwrecks, and many treasures that have been recorded but not discovered.

As long as there is enough information, such as knowing that there is a well-known treasure in a sunken ship, the literature records that it sank into the sea with the ship, but the specific location is not known.

Then there is a record about the baby’s appearance, preferably with words, special patterns, etc. as auxiliary conditions for locking, that would be even better.

Try a few more times, his arrows will lead him to find those buried treasures that have never been found.

It doesn’t matter if you fail, as long as you succeed once, you will be released. With this snowball, you can continue to discover all the lost secrets from all over the world throughout the ages.

He can quickly become a rich man and reach the pinnacle of his life, making 100 million in two years, which is conservative, considering the problem of sales channels.

“Hi!” Suddenly, someone came behind Mo Poor.

“Hello, senior, why are you sitting alone and not going to play?” A soft voice said, followed by a petite figure sitting beside him.

Mo Qiong saw it and was speechless.

This girl is the one dancing on the stage, and she stared at her for five minutes, verifying the effect of concentrated hormone transmission.

He is very clear that he is not popular with women, so watching him play before, and seeing this school girl now, must be due to the relationship between hormones before.

At this moment, the two looked at each other again. Perhaps because of the extremely close distance this time, the girl blushed when she rubbed against each other.

It seemed to be impacted by some indescribable breath.

I saw her face flushed, avoiding Mo Poor’s eyes, staring at the sand with her head down, very nervous.

Mo Poor sighed, he randomly found an experiment subject, but he didn’t intend to get to know her at all.

But the hormonal shock does not seem to happen all at once, it is a unique first impression, a chemical message of strong attraction is deeply imprinted in the other person’s feelings.

Maybe it was because I had impressed her too deeply before, but now she actually took the initiative to find her.

It is estimated that this girl must have mustered up a lot of courage to find her. I don’t know how long she has been entangled in the dark. After playing with her friends for two hours and being alone at this moment, she dared to come up to say hello.

Looking at this, it was really hard for her.

“Hello, my name is Mo Poor. If you think the name is awkward, you can call me Magic Ball… I’ve played those games a lot, so I won’t participate this time.” , This has taken the initiative to come up to say hello, and you can’t refuse people thousands of miles away.

The girl nervously said: “My name is Qin Ya, I’m a foreign language major, and I’m still a freshman, that, magic… magic ball?”

“Ha, at first it was my roommates who called me that, and then all my classmates called me that. I don’t bother to correct it, it’s just a name, I’m used to it. It’s fine, if I hear someone call me that, and And forget who he is, so when you hear this name, at least you know it’s Yanda.” Mo Qiong said with a smile.

Mo Poor is not popular with women, not because he is autistic, but because he simply has no money to go out to play.

The two of them sat by the seaside, enjoying the sea breeze, drinking drinks, chatting one after another, but they gradually became acquainted, and Qin Ya was no longer nervous at the beginning.

Through understanding, he found that Qin Ya not only learned dance since childhood, but also is a master of learning, can speak four foreign languages, and is the kind who can read, write, read and write. Now she is doing some copywriting translation part-time, including participating in the localization work in some subtitle groups.

On weekdays, I often go to the library to learn some obscure professional words.

Mo Poor also likes to go to the library. Apart from being fascinated by the female administrator of the library, he basically spends there when he is studying. After all, when he stays in the dormitory, he is dragged by Han Dang to play games.

Maybe because he was concerned about making money, and the topic was chatting, he was unknowingly brought to the treasure by Mo Poor.

“Speaking of treasures, I actually read some documents in the library. In the middle of the Ming Dynasty, there was a great pirate who ravaged the southeast coast for a long time, plundered many smuggling merchants in the south of the Yangtze River, and accumulated a lot of wealth. He was once called a pirate. Wang. Although he was wiped out by General Qi later, his wealth was nowhere to be found. Yu Dayou, the general of Hujian, once searched his den of thieves, but except for a small amount of property, none of the treasures that the big pirate really robbed were found.” Qin Ya said recalling.

Mo Poor’s eyes lit up, and he asked, “What treasures are there?”

Qin Ya said: “Eh? Gold, silver and jewelry, because he robbed many merchant ships, so there may be silk, porcelain and so on.”

“However, these are not as good as a crown. That is why the Ming Dynasty did not hesitate to send troops to destroy him.”

Mo Poor suddenly became excited. Pirates and treasures do exist. If he can find them, he will post them.

“Tell me quickly.” Mo Poor said.

Qin Ya said: “That big pirate also did a great thing, that is, he broke into the Ryukyu Palace and took away the crown bestowed on Ryukyu by Ming…”

Da Ming treated Ryukyu very well. Among the many tributary states, Ryukyu received the best treatment. Not only did Ming send large ships to Ryukyu to help its maritime trade develop.

There is also tax exemption for goods coming to China from Ryukyu, and there is no time limit for trading in the imperial capital, and even the return of tribute is much more than that of other countries.

Even the crown of the Ryukyu royal family was bestowed by Emperor Hongwu.

With such an intimate relationship, the crown was snatched by a pirate, so what? This gave the mighty great pirate a catastrophe.

However, although the great pirate was destroyed, the wealth he accumulated, as well as the crown, were not found.

In response to this, Daming gave another crown afterwards, which was even better than the previous one…The later crown has been handed down to the present and is stored in the museum.

“Very good…” Mo Poor decided that he will make preparations for the future, and the first treasure he will find is this.

Of course, although the crown is valuable, to Mo Poor, the gold, silver and jewels hidden by the great pirate are the most useful to him.

The reason why he was very excited to hear that there was a crown was because Mo Poor needed an auxiliary locking point.

There is no doubt that gold, silver and jewelry are not distinctive, but the crown is absolutely unique.

The point is, how does he know what the crown looks like?

“Do you have a picture of that crown?” Mo Poor asked.

“Yes, every generation of kings has their own portraits and wears their own crowns. There is that picture in the library, but I can’t remember the details. Anyway, there are many gems.” Qin Ya said.

“The library… I’ll look for that book tomorrow.” Mo Poor said, if you want to hit the target accurately, it’s best to lock it in detail, and the clearer your mind, the better.

He decided to go to the library tomorrow to look up information and do his homework.

Even now, he is not qualified to go to sea.

Qin Ya hurriedly said: “I know where it is, I will take you there.”

Mo Qiong was taken aback, but after thinking about it, he agreed.

“Okay, ten o’clock tomorrow morning.”

“Hmm…” Qin Ya replied softly, her voice was as soft as a mosquito.

Mo Poor knew what she was thinking, and probably took this as a date.

Although Mo Poor has a good impression of Qin Ya, after all, it is because of his experimental ability. Through the transmission of pheromones, people are very enthusiastic about him, which makes Mo Poor a little awkward.

After thinking for a while, he said, “By the way, you often go to the library, you should know Che Yun, right? She is the administrator there.”

“Of course, sister Yun is very kind to me, and she is very familiar with the library. She can often recommend some books that I need very much.” Qin Ya said.

“Yeah, she is really smart and charming. When I get to work, I will definitely confess my love to her.” Mo Poor said.

“…” Qin Ya was taken aback for a long time before she said, “Do you like Sister Yun?”

“Yes, I like her. It’s no secret. Many of my classmates know it.” Mo Poor said, looking at Qin Ya.

Qin Ya blinked, but said nothing.

The two chatted for a while, and Mo Poor sent her back first, and then came back and dragged Han Dang back to the dormitory.

Mo Poor believes that after expressing that he has someone he likes, the unique impression brought by hormones should not continue to develop.

This is not nonsense, he really likes Che Yun.

She’s not a student, but she doesn’t look too old, probably because she stayed in the library to work after graduation.

But it may be a part-time job, because I can only see her for a few days at the end of each month, and she is usually a student manager.

In the eyes of others, she is just an ordinary social worker in Yanda University. She looks pretty, but wears glasses.

But in Mo Poor’s eyes, he could feel that she had a unique charm, an indescribable beauty.

How should I put it, it’s as if he was born to understand her super well.

There was a classmate who lied to girls in the library and told some obvious lies. After hearing this, Che Yun glanced at the male classmate from a distance, but did not speak.

But Mo Poor noticed this detail, and suddenly got what Che Yun wanted: Say one more word, and your leg will be broken.

That may be automatically deduced through facial expressions, but he is not so sure when it comes to other people. But for Che Yun, she can be very sure, as if Mo Poor can understand what Che Yun is thinking, she really thinks so.

This is a very unique, indescribable telepathy.

But it seems to be one-sided. For this reason, Mo Poor always observes secretly in the library, feeling the thoughts of Che Yun that he occasionally feels.

I have seen a lot, and sometimes I would think of her in my dreams. In my dreams, this ordinary library social worker would wear a fancy dress, take off his glasses, attend a luxurious banquet, or wear cute pajamas, lying dishonestly on the bed, sleeping Fall asleep and roll out of bed.

Other times, I will participate in extreme sports, skydiving and even wingsuit flying.

Always having such dreams, Mo Poor had to wonder if he fell in love with her.

p.s: Theoretically speaking, this book has a heroine, so I try not to write it anymore…

(end of this chapter)

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