Blue and White Society

Chapter 19

Chapter 19 – Wanted Bounty

Chapter 19 Wanted Bounty

The next morning, Mo Poor arrived at the library on time.

It’s the end of the month now, and the strange thing is that he didn’t see Che Yun.

It’s already the 28th. Logically speaking, she will definitely come to work today.

“Sure enough, it’s just a part-time job, maybe work has been delayed.” Mo Poor thought.

“Magic… Ball!” Qin Ya came earlier than Mo Poor, and she obviously dressed up a lot today, and she is more beautiful than yesterday.

“This weekend, if you are busy, you just need to tell me the name of the book, and I can find it myself.” Mo Poor said.

On the big weekend, the girl came to accompany him to the library even though she was well dressed, this made Mo Qiong unable to restrain himself from saying these words.

But Qin Ya obviously didn’t care and said: “I have nothing to do today, it’s okay, and it’s not a book, it’s a description put together from several books. I can’t even remember the name, so I have to look for it. “

“Well, then please.”

Mo Poong smiled, no one knew at the moment, he was holding a small ball of air in his hand all the time.

After understanding his abilities, he was thinking of a way to control himself not to discharge randomly.

It’s okay for men, even if people of the same **** receive his pheromones, at most they think he is a good person, and it becomes a good impression.

But the opposite **** will be attracted by pheromone, and the effect is obvious.

Of course, this kind of physiological impact is not an absolute feeling. If a woman hates him very much, no matter how strong the hormonal shock is, it will be useless.

After having Qin Ya as a little girl, Mo Poor didn’t want to add more to himself.

Also in order to prevent the body from bouncing some invisible things randomly during daily activities.

Mo Poor thought of a method: Strictly control his subjectivity, thinking about hitting his palm every moment.

He even drew a spiral pattern on the palm for easy locking.

In this way, the dust and air mass that collided with his walking body surface all flew towards the palm of his hand.

The hormones emitted by the body no longer shoot out randomly with his vision, but gather in the palm of the hand with the air.

Even the air he exhaled when he breathed hit the pattern on his palm.

His hand continued to feel the slight impact of the air mass, and he knew that at least at this time, the hormones did not impact others.

Of course, it is very difficult to carry on this kind of thinking continuously, and when you are not sure, you will forget it for a short time.

You can only practice as many habits as possible to avoid affecting the physiology of others.

Any accidental injury is purely a mistake.

“This one, this one… and this one…” After searching for a while, Qin Ya brought three books to Mo Qiong.

Two of them are about the smuggling of merchants in the Ming Dynasty, and the great pirate king is mentioned in them, but the length is very small, and the description angles are also different.

The other one is even less, it is about the history of Ryukyu, in which it is mentioned that the palace was once invaded by pirates, and then they asked the heaven for decision.

“Look, there’s a mention of the lost crown…”

“And this book, although it doesn’t mention the loss of the Ryukyu crown, it mentions that in the 44th year of Jiajing, the Ming Dynasty bestowed the Ryukyu crown and other things, which confirms that the previous one was lost.”

The two sat side by side, Qin Ya was very attentive to help Mo Poor find the relevant passages, and thoughtfully flipped them to Mo Poor.

Mo Poor watched intently, and even took pictures with his mobile phone.

Qin Ya got up at every turn, shuttled through the library, and brought Mo Poor what she remembered to have seen.

The description of the crown, all the records about the Great Pirate King, and even the portraits of the Ryukyu kings were all found out for her.

After working for more than an hour, Qin Ya stopped, sat aside and stared blankly at Mo Poor’s serious study profile.

But Mo Poor is obviously more concerned about the treasure. At the moment, he is staring at an illustration. It is a portrait of an old man with the Ryukyu crown on his head.

The girl looked at him, and he looked at the crown in the painting.

It was silent for a long time.

“It’s done!” Mo Qiong thought to himself, the portrait clearly revealed the characteristics of the crown.

Although it is not as realistic as the photo, but with the assistance of other descriptions, he can completely give the crown a concrete idea.

Of course, there are bound to be some discrepancies that could cause the GPS to shoot somewhere else, or even go straight off Earth.

This is why he bought so many GPSs. It doesn’t matter if you fail, if you try a few times, you will always succeed.

And on the way of positioning, there must be damage, such as hitting a bird, or damage due to weather, or even being crushed by water pressure when entering the sea.

Even if the target is in a fully enclosed environment, the GPS is likely to hit the wall directly and smash it.

After all, it is absolutely a hit, just hit it, no matter whether the arrow hit halfway is intact or not.

Therefore, fifty GPS units are not even enough. If GPS consumables are used, it may take several hundred units.

In fact, these fifty GPS are used to do another thing, use that thing to earn funds for future treasure hunts.

He thought about it for a long time last night. To find this treasure, he needs to prepare at least 500,000 yuan.

Think about it, you need to prepare a lot of things just to go to sea. If you are on the bottom of the sea, it will be even more troublesome.

So he has to use the initial 20,000 yuan to earn 500,000 yuan.

As for how to make money, he already has a method, which is to catch wanted criminals.

Huaxia Police Network has posted a lot of arrest warrants for fugitives.

The major suspects that the police can’t find are listed as rewards. Most of the A-level arrest warrants reward 50,000 yuan, and sometimes 100,000 yuan.

Catch one at random, and there is still money left over. If you grab a few more, you can easily make up hundreds of thousands.

With hundreds of thousands, he can set sail.

I’m afraid that in a short period of time, the wanted criminals will be found all over the country, which will be too conspicuous in the police system.

There are a lot of bonuses to be distributed in a short period of time, and at the last look, they are all distributed to one person.

When the files are compiled, it will be found that Mo Poor, who was caught in the south yesterday, went to the north to catch another one today. Two days later, there will be another record of him assisting the police in catching wanted criminals in the southwest region. Not long after, he did the same thing in the Northeast… So, isn’t it conspicuous enough? Hunter King Conan?

“Magic Ball, it’s noon, are you hungry?” Qin Ya sat aside for a long time, seeing that Mo Poor had been deep in thought, she finally couldn’t help asking.

“Huh? Oh… I’m sorry for leaving you alone for so long.” Mo Poor apologized.

Qin Ya’s face was puffy, and she said softly: “It’s okay, it’s okay.”

Mo Poor thought for a while and said, “For dinner…well, let’s go together.”

Thank you Qin Ya this time, and it is also appropriate to treat me to a meal by the way.

The two of them put the books back together. At this moment, Mo Poor asked, “How do you know how to read these books? If you don’t look for these books, you usually won’t see them.”

Qin Ya smiled and said: “My father runs an antique shop, and my brother is a graduate student in archaeology. I have been fascinated by it since I was a child, so when I don’t want to read professional books in the library, I just read some miscellaneous books. For me, these books are interesting readings. gone.”

Mo Poor’s heart moved when he heard this. No wonder I talked to Qin Ya last night about ancient shipwrecks, historical lost treasures, etc. She didn’t find such boring things boring like most girls.

On the contrary, I was more interested. At that time, I was not nervous and talked freely.

It turns out that this is what her family does. She runs an antique shop, and she must have a solid foundation in history and appreciation.

However, Mo Poor still asked: “Then how did you study foreign languages?”

Qin Ya smiled and said: “My brother has taken over in my family, so I can do whatever I want. They never restrict me from learning anything.”

“By the way, I think you like these too. In fact, I also know a lot of things about ancient treasures that can’t be found in the library. I can tell you. My father, brother, and even my grandfather have studied these things. There are a lot of related documents sorted out at home. I don’t know how many shipwrecks have been recorded in history. We have not found the remains in later generations. There are many lost cultural relics not only at sea, but also on land. My brother dreamed of finding them. I intend to put in the effort of my life.”

“I’ve listened to some bits and pieces since I was a child. If you are interested, I can tell you all the stories I know.”

Mo Poor’s eyes widened, and he looked at Qin Ya as if he was looking at a treasure.

Even if he has the ability to hunt for treasure, he still needs to know the target’s situation in detail.

Without Qin Ya, I don’t know how long it would take me to rummage through the library to find out about the great Pirate King.

Because he doesn’t know, he won’t have a clue, and he can’t find out.

And after finding this one, what about the next one? What are you looking for? Many unknown records cannot be found in ordinary libraries.

But now, Qin Ya actually said that her family has a lot of information about this kind of ancient lost cultural relics, many of which are accompanied by gold, silver and jewelry.

“Interested! I’m very interested, you can tell these stories now.” Mo Poor stared at her in surprise.

Qin Ya was frightened by Mo Poor’s eyes, and said softly, “Now? Aren’t you going to eat?”

“Ah yes, let’s go, let’s chat while eating.” Mo Poor took her hand and rushed out of the library.

Being held by the hand, Qin Ya wanted to pull it out, but seeing that Mo Qiong didn’t notice it, she gave up.

I saw Mo Poor leading her all the way to the cafeteria…

Halfway through, Mo Poor suddenly stopped, and turned to walk outside the school.

Mo Qiong got used to the cafeteria, and then he remembered that if he took Qin Ya to eat in the cafeteria, his classmates would definitely see him.

It will definitely be annoying to ask questions, so why not find a quiet place outside and chat while eating.

Soon, the two came to a restaurant, where he had never been here, and he had never ordered food.

In the private room, he asked Qin Ya to order while he watched from the side.

Qin Ya happily asked: “What do you want to eat?”

“I’ll eat anything.” Mo Poor said.

“Favorite!” Qin Ya asked.

Mo Poor knew that it would be too impolite to speak casually at this time.

So he said: “Fish, I like fish best.”

Sure enough, Qin Ya quickly ordered a grilled fish, a bowl of fish soup, and a serving of vegetables.

Looking at Qin Ya’s smile, Mo Poor was a little lost in thought. He had never experienced such a situation before.

This feeling made Mo Poor deeply involved, and he chatted with Qin Ya for many days without knowing it.

After eating a meal, I didn’t even ask for clues about other lost things that I wanted to know.

It’s not that she forgot, but she saw Qin Ya happily sitting across from her, and she didn’t want to spoil the atmosphere by asking such a question, otherwise it seemed that the meal was not for thanking her, but for her things at home.

“I haven’t even started to collect funds for going overseas, thinking about what to do so far.”

“What I need to consider more now is the problem of getting too many bounties in a short period of time, which is too eye-catching.”

Mo Poor was thinking while chatting with Qin Ya.

Before I knew it, I would talk about my childhood.

He had a lot of experiences when he was a child, a childhood that children in the city can hardly experience.

Qin Ya was fascinated by listening, but gradually, she became depressed.

Seeing her in a daze, Mo Poor knew that she must be thinking of something sad.

“Uh, did I say something wrong?”

Qin Ya shook her head and said: “It’s not your problem, it’s just that I thought of my cousin. He was taken away when he was two years old. Our whole family went crazy. We searched and inquired everywhere. We have been looking for him for four years. Searched all over the country, but found nothing.”

“Because of this, my second uncle quit his job and hasn’t stopped searching until now.”

She bowed her head and said, usually at this time, the people next to her would comfort her, saying that she would definitely find it.

However, Mo Poor didn’t hear that.

She raised her head, and found that Mo Qiong was staring at her in a daze, with a dazed look on his face.

(end of this chapter)

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