Blue and White Society

Chapter 21

Chapter 21 – Walk 50,000 Yuan

Chapter 21 Walking 50,000 yuan

Mo Poor found that several GPSs had stopped at night.

GPS is not heavy, just one module and one battery.

Connected together, it looks like a U disk, wrapped in a sponge sleeve, and only 25 grams, which is equivalent to a soft ball weighing the weight of a AA battery.

The soft sponge cover makes it absolutely incapable of killing people even if it hits at high speed.

With cushioning measures and no sharp edges, this kind of thing can only injure the human body at a speed of 340 kilometers per hour, but will not penetrate the skull.

The magic ball shoots out of it at a speed of 60 meters per second, which is only 216 kilometers per hour.

For adults, it is equivalent to being hit in the face by a mobile phone. For children, they may be injured, but there will be no sequelae.

If you really want to kill someone, you can replace it with a pen. A pen with a speed of 200 kilometers per hour is enough to penetrate deeply into the human body.

“The damage rate is very high.”

Mo Poor numbered each GPS, corresponding to who its target is.

Once a GPS that stops flying is found, it means that it has hit the target.

Mo Poor pays attention to the computer all the time, but finds that twelve GPSs are out of contact.

Several of the lost contact locations are in villages and towns. It is estimated that they were demolished or damaged by hitting a wall. The arrow does not have to take the shortest path. When facing a wall blocking it, it will rub against the wall until it bypasses it wall.

It was as if when he passed the ball to Han Dang, Han Dang jumped up to catch the ball with his chest, and the ball slipped from his chest and rolled from his crotch to the landing point.

Of course, if the football were replaced with bullets, it wouldn’t go around, and it would just shoot through Han Dang.

This is related to the hardness. If the hardness of the obstacle is lower than it, it will pass through directly and be used as the background.

It is like an arrow passing through air and water.

If the hardness of the arrow is infinite, its path will be extremely straight, piercing through everything on the path without turning.

If the hardness of the obstacle is higher than that of the arrow, the arrow will not forcibly choose to penetrate the target, but will slide to the door, window and other places as much as possible to enter.

It can be seen in some small things, such as shooting an arrow somewhere in the United States.

The arrow would not pass through the earth to reach the other side, emerge from the ground and hit the target, but would circle the earth half a circle and go to America.

This is the arrow’s own judgment on the path, and it chooses to move in a medium with a hardness lower than it as much as possible.

Unless the target is in a fully enclosed room and there is no gap for it to squeeze in, then it will forcefully smash the wall, even if it squeezes itself to pieces.

All in all, the hardness of the arrow will affect its path.

Combined with muzzle velocity and landing point, the three combined affect how the arrow will hit the target.

This can be proved by the simplest experiment.

Put a plastic board in front of the target, and then forcefully shoot a paper ball. You can see that the paper ball draws a wonderful arc, bypassing the iron sheet and hitting the target.

On the contrary, he shot a serious arrow, the arrow maintained the speed and pierced through the iron sheet and hit the target.

Even if the arrow body and even the tail feathers were severely worn during the process, it did choose a more direct path.

“However, the place where these GPSs lost contact was in the wilderness, maybe they were struck by lightning on the way.”

Mo Poor thought about it. Although it was damaged, it would definitely hit the target, but it would be impossible to find out where it fell.

Four of them stopped, and they still maintained the signal connection. They should have landed freely after hitting the target.

In this case, the positioning location must be the end point.

“The three children’s, and Zhao Mingjun’s.”

Mo Poor checked the information and looked at the family backgrounds of the three children.

“It’s not a wealthy family, so forget it.”

The so-called forget it means giving up taking the initiative to show up and not accepting payment.

He put on the new card he had prepared and called the father of the first child.

“Who is it?” There was a very tired voice on the opposite side.

“I saw your information through Baby, and I’m…” Mo Poor looked at the GPS location, and read out the address on the map in detail.

“…I saw your son Xiaobao in Shangtang Village, Taiping Town. Go and make sure. Although you saw him in the fourth household, he may not be in that household now. You’d better look for it in the whole village.”

Mo Poor said so, but the other party’s reaction was not excited: “Really… are you sure that is my son?”

“Huh?” Mo Poor was taken aback and said, “Is it all up to you to determine for yourself?”

The other party is silent.

As soon as Mo Poor thought about it, he knew that the other party must have been deceived a lot.

It may be similar, and many people have called him and said so.

He may have run many times, but he returned disappointed, and he couldn’t believe it casually.

Mo Poor said calmly: “I’m not joking with you. I’m not 100% sure that it is your son, but I can be 100% sure that the birthmark is exactly the same as the photo you provided.”

“Whether it is or not, I don’t need any compensation. I am no longer there, so I will not participate in the following things. Remember to notify the police when you go, as soon as possible.”

Mo Poor spoke with such confidence that he immediately regained the spirit of the other party.

Hearing Mo Poor’s resolute tone, the other party was finally moved by his seriousness: “Okay, I’ll book the ticket now, can you confirm the address again? I didn’t remember it before.”

Mo Poor smiled and said, “I will send you another text message for the address.”

“Okay, okay, thank you so much, if it’s really my child, there must be a big thank you…” The other party said gratefully.

“No, I’m just a passer-by. If you don’t find it, let me know. If you find it, you don’t need to contact me again.” Mo Poor said.

“Huh?” The other party was taken aback, wondering if Mo Poor had said the wrong thing.

But no matter what, Mo Poor’s meaning of not wanting to be paid was made clear.

“Thank you, thank you so much.” The other party kept saying that no payment was required, which meant that Mo Poor was simply helping them. Regardless of success or failure, it was worth saying a few more words of thanks.

But Mo Poor had already hung up the phone first.

Then, he contacted the parents of the remaining two children, both of whom had been missing for less than a year.

Parents are still very enthusiastic about looking for it. As soon as they hear Mo Poor’s information, they immediately set off to verify it.

On the issue of remuneration, Mo Poor directly said that he didn’t need it.

Ordinary families don’t get much remuneration, and they don’t know how much it will cost just to look for a child for a long time. Even if Mo Poor accepts the remuneration, it may only be a few thousand yuan.

If you want to get money, you must show up, even participate in it, and deal with the police. Although this is a private reward, it doesn’t matter if you make multiple appearances in different places.

But for the sake of thousands of dollars, it is not necessary. It is better to save some money for other families.

He knows the families who really want to be paid, and they are all marked on the list.

The one reward of those families is worth ten of these families.

“But I haven’t found it yet. The GPS used to track these children lost contact halfway, and I have to shoot again.”

“It just so happens that a new batch of GPS has arrived, keep launching!”

On the rooftop, Mo Qiong shot out another 12 GPSs, which corresponded to the 12 GPSs that were lost before.

On hand, there are only eighteen GPS left.

What was left, he didn’t use it to find more children.

Because more children have been lost for more than one or two years, and there are only so many children who have been lost for about one year, all of them have launched GPS accordingly.

For children, there will be a big change in two years, especially if the living environment is changed, the change will be even greater.

Often exposed to the wind and the sun, the skin will undergo major changes, and bumps and bumps will also undergo major changes.

The details are not well thought out, and Mo Poor doesn’t know if the person he is thinking of is the person he is looking for.

There is nothing he can do with just the photos of when he got lost, or even when he was younger.

Unless, like the little treasure just now, although it has been lost for two years, it has a unique birthmark.

Or, like Qin Ya’s cousin, who wears a pendant on his body and has a close-up photo of the pendant, then it is worth a try.

Nowadays, although there are many people who lose their children, there have been fewer people in the past one or two years.

Most of the information that Mo Poor found was lost for four to five years, or even more than ten years.

He even saw something that had been lost for twenty-five years and was still looking for it…

Those who have been lost for such a long time, even if there are any belongings, scars, or birthmarks, it is meaningless. The time is too long, and things are different.

For this kind of situation, the biological parents may not recognize the child, so he has nothing to do.

“Even if my GPS hits the longevity lock, her cousin may not be there.”

“Four years, who knows whose hands the longevity is locked in?”

Mo Poor shook his head, after all, it was the business of the people around him, and he had to try even if the hope was slim.

“Phew, the last one to determine the location is Zhao Mingjun…”

“It’s actually in Qilu Province, this guy, how did he escape from the south to come here?”

Mo Poor looked at the display on the electronic map, and suddenly, the corresponding signal disappeared, and the GPS lost contact.


The signal was still there before, and it was in a stop state, that is to say, it was not damaged by hitting something halfway, but it was damaged after arriving at the location and hitting the target after such a long time.

“It was discovered, and then artificially destroyed…” Mo Poor quickly thought of this possibility.

Zhao Mingjun is a wanted criminal who has been on the run for many years. He has not been caught for so many years, so he thinks carefully.

He must have peeled off the sponge case, knowing that it was the GPS that destroyed it.

At this moment, he must have left the location marked on the map.

Thinking of this, Mo Poor secretly thought it was difficult, if he just called the police now, it would definitely not work.

What do you say to the police? Said that he saw Zhao Mingjun in this place? He hasn’t even been to this place.

By the time the police ran over, Zhao Mingjun would definitely be gone.

For such a matter of showing up to collect the money, Mo Qiong had to go there in person to confirm that he had found the target, Zhao Mingjun.

“Weifang, it shouldn’t be too far away. I’ll go there myself. When I get closer, I’ll follow and look for it step by step.” Mo Poor made up his mind, picked up his phone and quickly booked a ticket.

Dengzhou is 250 kilometers away from Weifang, and it takes three hours by car. Depart early in the morning and arrive at ten o’clock.

Swish Swish Swish, write a leave note and put it on the table.

Just call the instructor tomorrow morning. Although class is important, 50,000 yuan is more important.

Zhao Mingjun is the 50,000 yuan he walks in his eyes.

(end of this chapter)

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