Blue and White Society

Chapter 22

Chapter 22 – Track

Chapter 22 Tracking

Early the next morning, after a three-hour drive, Mo Qiong arrived in Weifang.

He travels lightly. Apart from his mobile phone, ID card and GPS, he only carries three ballpoint pens.

Yes, ballpoint pens…

He would like to bring a bow and arrow, but he can’t get on the train, his arrows can really hunt.

Mo Qiong didn’t bother to dismantle the arrow for this purpose. For self-defense, three ballpoint pens are enough.

For him, three pens are no different from three throwing knives.

In fact, he didn’t feel that he was going to confront Zhao Mingjun. After seeing where the other party was hiding, he just called the police.

and others were arrested, and 50,000 yuan will be happy to get it.

“Well, now continue to confirm his location.”

Getting off the train, Mo Poor was in no hurry to go to the previous GPS location, he avoided the cluttered field of vision.

After looking around, he went straight to a nearby supermarket and bought a set of chewing gum, plus a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.

“The scope is almost reduced now, just use anything to locate it.”

Standing in a place where no one was around, he took out a stick of chewing gum, and while eating the gum, he tossed the wrapping paper away.

I saw the wrapping paper floating in the air, flying in one direction at a very slow speed.

After confirming the direction, he reached out to take off the paper and put it in his pocket.

After rejecting all the black cars soliciting customers, he walked two streets before finding a shared bicycle.

After swiping a bicycle, Mo Qiongkuang pedaled in the direction of the target.

On the way, he would throw out the piece of paper from time to time to confirm Zhao Mingjun’s direction.

Step by step, Mo Poor left the urban area, sweating profusely on the road to the county seat.

“Sure enough, I knew he ran away again.”

Mo Poor sighed, took a taxi back to the train station, turned around and entered the ticket office, and lined up to buy tickets.

According to his estimates, Zhao Mingjun must have been terrified when he found out that someone had dropped a GPS on him last night. He thought he was being targeted and hurriedly moved his hiding place, but he didn’t dare to take the train.

Therefore, even if they escaped from the urban area, they should use other means of transportation, and the speed may not be fast.

That is to say, they should still be in a nearby county at this moment, and have not yet escaped from Weifang’s territory.

“In this direction, both Changle and Linqu are possible.”

“Let’s go to Changle first and then watch.”

Mo Poor bought the ticket quickly, and got on the bus after waiting for more than ten minutes.

“I can only try this step by step.”

“We can no longer use GPS to scare the snake away. When he is arrested and interrogated by the police, he will definitely explain it.”

Although it is very inefficient to determine his direction bit by bit by flying paper, it is far less troublesome than GPS.

But after Zhao Mingjun suspected of discovering GPS last night, Mo Poor must never use the same method again.

Being hit in the face by a GPS thrown by someone, this kind of thing is enough once, and it will be very suspicious if it happens more often. It is just that someone has been following him since last night until now.

If there is only one time, when Mo Poor reports him, as long as he doesn’t admit it, it’s fine. After all, he has an absolute alibi: when he was smashed last night, Mo Poor was in the Yanda dormitory.

If it wasn’t for him, the police wouldn’t have cared. They would have thought that the GPS smashing in the face last night was just a coincidence. It was probably thrown by someone nearby and hit Zhao Mingjun. And Zhao Mingjun ran away in fright, but he was guilty of being a thief, and all the grass and trees were soldiers.

Conversely, if you hit Zhao Mingjun with GPS many times and call the police after you find him, then combined with Zhao Mingjun’s confession, the police will think that you hit him last night.

But the problem is, Mo Qiong was still in the dormitory last night… Once the police noticed this detail, they would wonder how Mo Qiong hit Zhao Mingjun in Weifang in Dengzhou?

So Mo Poor has no choice at all, he can never say that he threw the GPS, he must downplay the GPS.

“Ha, what a grinder…”

After half an hour’s car ride, Mo Qiong walked out of Changle Railway Station.

Continue to use the flying paper to determine the direction a little bit, and ride to chase.

He didn’t believe that Zhao Mingjun would keep running and would always stop. He probably felt that he was too sensitive last night, and when he realized that no one was chasing him, he hid somewhere to rest.

Fifty thousand yuan is not so easy to get. After Mo Poor rode for another half an hour, he came to a certain community.

There is almost no security in this community, broken monitoring is rusted…

The concierge didn’t even look at him, Mo Poor went in swaggeringly.

There was no one around, I saw him put his bicycle away, chewing gum while walking, with a piece of gum wrapper floating in front of him, guiding him in the direction.

At this moment, this piece of paper is rather like the life paper in One Piece, closely tied to Zhao Mingjun’s position, wobbly and persistently chasing him.

Seeing that the flying paper suddenly rose and was about to float to the upper floor of a certain building, he just grabbed it and put it away.

“Sure, it’s in this building.”

As for which floor… Mo Poor took out a pack of cigarettes he bought just now, lit one, took a deep breath, and exhaled the smoke.

He doesn’t know how to smoke. At this moment, he is using cigarettes as an arrow, spitting at Zhao Mingjun.

Seeing that the smoke floated up at a constant speed, it did not disperse until it reached the fourth floor.

Smoke passed through the gap in the window and drifted directly into the room.


Mo Poor nodded, walked downstairs and saw the safety door, and pressed 401 directly.

But the bell rang for a long time, but there was no response, as if there was no one in the house.

“Ha ha…”

Zhao Mingjun has been on the run for three years. During these three years, he kept his name and lived a wandering life.

Because the ID card can’t be used, he can’t find a job at all, so he can only do some petty theft.

Three years after this, he came to Qilu Province.

With money, housing is easy to solve. At first, I couldn’t find a place that didn’t require an ID card, so I simply slept in the park.

Later, in the cold winter months and the weather was bad, seeing that the police had never caught me, I gradually became bolder and started to get acquainted with some local gangsters.

After having a so-called friend, give some rent, and he will have a place to live.

However, because he had a major case in hand, he fled away immediately after committing some crimes in one city.

Some new friends I met also stopped contacting all of them and started again.

Because he is not like those gangsters, he committed some crimes, at worst, he will be detained for a few days, it doesn’t hurt or itch.

If he was caught for something else, the things he committed before would be lost immediately.

With seven lives in his hands, if he is caught for stealing, robbery, or even fighting, he really wants to die.

It was also during his escape that he was always committing crimes and did not have a stable living environment, so his vigilance was always high, and if something went wrong, he would immediately change places.

Last night, he slept in a friend’s house and was lying in bed watching TV.

Suddenly he heard the sound of a window shattering, and then something hit his face, causing bruises.

He jumped up from the bed in shock, leaned over to the window and looked out.

You can look left and right, but you can’t see anyone.

Cautiously, he put on his clothes and ran out of the house first. He hid in the dark and waited for a long time, but he didn’t find any movement, as if someone just smashed the window.

Because he lives in the house of some gangster, so it is not surprising that someone smashed the window.

After staying for an hour without any movement, he returned to the room with confidence.

Seeing the sponge ball on the ground, I felt strange again: Who smashed other people’s windows with this thing? And why is it so painful?

He tore it open, but was startled.

There is a GPS hidden in the sponge ball, and it is running and positioning.

This scares him so badly, what is this for? Why do you want to locate here? And who did it?

He didn’t think it was aimed at him, but that the original owner of this room had offended someone, but he couldn’t figure out what this thing was used for.

In order not to cause any trouble, he stomped on the GPS, packed his things overnight and slipped away.

He walked all night, planning to walk to Qingzhou.

Because I was not in a hurry to get there, I stopped and went and picked paths. It was not until dawn the next day that I reached CL County.

I didn’t sleep at night, I was too tired after walking all night.

When I was tired, I thought, did I feel that I was too sensitive? What does it mean to throw a GPS if you want to catch yourself?

And he waited for an hour, but no one came, maybe he was thinking too much, it might be that the people upstairs opposite had a lot of money to burn, took a GPS and threw it randomly, and it happened to fall into his room. to his face.

The more I think about it, the more I think it is possible, and the more I think about it, the more I feel suffocated. I was already living in fear, but God even sent me a melon skin to make him uneasy, so I couldn’t help being angry.

Hungry and tired, with no money, he planned to make a fortune by taking advantage of this evil fire.

Anyway, he is going to change cities, and it has been his normal practice to make some money before leaving.

Randomly picked a dilapidated neighborhood, and he swaggered in.

Wandering downstairs from building to building, when he saw someone coming out of any building, he took advantage of the situation and sneaked into the building.

After going up and down the stairs to observe for a while, he chose 401, because from the door, this house is the richest, and he could hear someone inside by lying on the door.

Yes, he is looking for someone, because he can’t get in without someone…

Ranging the doorbell, he saw the door just opened a crack, and he slammed it directly, and the whole person squeezed in.

Closed the door with one hand, and took out a knife from his pocket with the other.

He wore a mask on his face and said calmly: “Robbery.”

There were only two people in the room, a man, a woman and two young people. The woman who opened the door was hit by him and fell to the ground.

The man ran out and saw the situation. It seemed that because Zhao Mingjun’s tone was too calm, he pointed at him and shouted: “Are you looking for death?”

“Pfft!” Zhao Mingjun swung his hand and cut off a finger that the man extended.

This ruthlessness immediately stunned the two people in the room.

Although Zhao Mingjun fled in fear, he cherished his own life and didn’t care about the lives of others.

In the past three years, there have been no more deaths, mainly because of robbery and murder, and the police’s police force is different. He could still run away if he robbed the money, but if he killed someone, he might not be able to get out of the city.

So when he commits crimes, he still has to cover his face, this is also to prevent robbery from turning into murder. Otherwise, the person who was robbed by him, after describing his appearance to the police, would probably find out that he was the person on the wanted warrant, and then he would attach great importance to it.

Over the years, I have done a lot of robbery, and I know how to control the situation very well.

Holding a knife and threatening others fiercely, it is far better to come up with a knife, not much, just see blood.

The former opponent may be submissive on the surface, but still thinking about how to fight back and how to fight.

The latter, being slashed, the other party immediately persuaded him, promised to cooperate, and did not dare to have any thoughts of resistance.

Sure enough, the man whose fingers had been cut off was trembling with his hands covered, tears and snot all over his face, but he didn’t dare to shout too loudly for fear of being silenced, so he could only hum in a suppressed manner.

“Quick! Get the money quickly! Why are you crying, silly girls, hurry up!” The man growled at the woman while humming.

The woman also cried in fright. She was hit and couldn’t stand up for a while.

At this moment, a puff of smoke came out of the room suddenly, and sprayed Zhao Mingjun in the face.

“Ahem… Bah!” Zhao Mingjun waved his hand, and the smoke was immediately dispersed.

“Is there someone in the room?” Zhao Mingjun’s eyes turned cold.

“Huh?” The couple were also puzzled.

Zhao Mingjun drove them into the house, and went in to check by himself, but found that there was no one in the room, and even the windows were closed.

Just as it was strange, a bell rang at the door.

p.s: Sorry.

(end of this chapter)

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