Blue and White Society

Chapter 38

Chapter 38 – Non-Powered Boostable Submersible Dinghy

Chapter 38 Non-power-upable submersible boat

After a while, Mo Poor surfaced from the sea.

It was still dark, he was lying on the sea, thinking with his eyes closed.

He imagined that he would launch a huge bubble first, and then the whole person would get in it, and follow.

But this is just a fantasy after all. No matter how big the bubble is, it will form countless small bubbles under the squeeze of sea water, just like launching a ball of water in the air. drops of water.

Although they will not be affected by resistance to reach their destination, they don’t mind breaking into countless pieces on the road and then reaching their destination together.

“I still need to buy a diving respirator, let’s lie on the sea and go back.”

Mo Poor blew a breath, let the airbag accelerate him, and the whole person floated on the sea, like surfing, and quickly slid towards Yanda Beach.

In order to make it easier to see the road, he inflated the airbags on his feet and waist, so that he almost kept a sliding posture and moved forward.

At an extremely fast speed, he broke through a large amount of sea water, and all of them rushed to the shore at a certain speed.

Layers upon layers, they soon became two rows of huge waves, following behind Mo Poor.

The waves were getting bigger and bigger. When Mo Poor rushed onto the beach, he was overturned by the huge waves that caught up and was shot several meters away.

This is not caused by the waves, but that he broke through the sea all the way, deliberately maintaining the landing point on the shore, causing more and more seawater to rush here.

Thus, Mo Poor realized that when he kept maintaining a certain landing point and kept moving at high speed in the medium, huge waves would be rolled up, or the wind would howl.

If enough seawater and air collide, it will be a tsunami and typhoon.

At this moment, Mo Poor was drenched all over, and it was too late, he couldn’t go back to the dormitory, so he simply took a room in the hotel.

After taking a shower and taking a nap, the first thing he did when he woke up the next day was to rent a warehouse by the sea.

It is impossible to put a lot of equipment in the dormitory. He needs his own nest.

The warehouse doesn’t need to be too big, 30 square meters is enough. After finishing the work, put away the equipment and order a set of diving equipment before returning to school.

I asked for three days of leave, and there was no official leave note, I just asked for it by phone.

When he went back to school and asked the counselor to make up the leave, the counselor told him directly: Remember that you are absent from class.


“I was supposed to return in one day, but I was delayed because of something… I also said it on the phone.” Mo Poor said.

“Have you met a human trafficker?” the counselor laughed.


The counselor shook his head and said: “Stop talking, I can only count one day off for you, and three days need to be approved by the department head. It’s useless for you to just call me.”

“I also told the head of the department.” Mo Poor said.

The counselor said: “I know you said it, and the head of the department came to me to check the situation, but what should I say? I said you were fighting heroically with the traffickers? Can you say that casually? If you don’t have this honor afterwards, I will take it.” What account?”

Mo Poor sighed, he knew it would be like this, and said helplessly: “But I really caught the trafficker.”

“Come on, if you really have this honor, it will be the honor of our school. The director will definitely commend you in person, and even I will be honored by you.” The counselor laughed.

Mo Poor’s eyes lit up and said: “If I really have this honor, it will be good for you and the class, right?”

The counselor was taken aback for a moment, and said, “That’s for sure.”

“Then you have to approve me when I ask for leave in the future.” Mo Poor said.

The counselor laughed and said: “You are really good. If you don’t study hard, you just think about asking for leave. If you really have the honor that you said on the phone, let alone three days, you can ask for as many days as you want.”

“It’s a deal.” Mo Qiong smiled.

The counselor waved his hand and said: “Okay, don’t talk nonsense with me here, you have this honor, the department head has already called me here.”

“Ring, ring, ring…” The phone on the desk rang.

The counselor was taken aback and looked at Mo Poor.

Mo Poor said: “Don’t look at me, it may not be my business, but I definitely didn’t lie to you.”

The counselor blinked and picked up the phone.

“It’s me… er, the director… Mo Poor? Yes, it’s my student… You asked me yesterday…” As he spoke, the counselor stared at Mo Poor in astonishment.

Mo Poor shrugged and mouthed: “My absence from class…”

The counselor took a deep breath and continued to answer the phone: “Subdued five human traffickers? That was my mistake, my student asked for leave with me, right, right, he told you the same, right? Then It was indeed my mistake, yes, the absenteeism is to cancel it… He clearly asked for leave.”

“What’s Mo Poor’s usual situation? His situation…”

“Okay! He has good grades, and he is also part-time and part-study. I remember it was…”

As he spoke, he looked at Mo Poor again. How would he know what Mo Poor usually does?

Mo Poor smiled at him and mouthed: “Delivery…”

“Well… I remember he was delivering food, yes, he was very hardworking, and he also participated in club activities when he had time. He was the one…”

This time, there is no need to wink from the counselor. Mo Qiong took a pen and paper and wrote down all the class honors he had won in his club.

The counselor watched and said: “The main goalkeeper of the football club plays very well. I often go to the scene to support.”

Debo, debo, the counselor introduced Mo Poor’s usual study situation.

He actually doesn’t remember so much, and basically needs Mo Poor’s reminder.

But the school leader on the other end of the phone didn’t know, and thought he cared about the student very much.

“Yes, he’s back… OK, I’ll let him know.”

After hanging up, the counselor stood up excitedly.

Mo Poor smiled and said, “Are you telling me to go and get five hundred yuan?”

The counselor patted him and said, “What’s more? The department also rewarded you two thousand. Let me tell you, you caught those five human traffickers and got involved in a bigger case.”

Of course Mo Poor knew, and even closed the case.

But the counselor obviously didn’t know yet, and Mo Poor didn’t plan to say more.

So he said: “We can agree, I will continue to ask for leave in the future, you have to help me.”

The counselor smiled and said, “It’s fine, what do you want to fake so much?”

“Working, earning money, making a living…” Mo Poor said.

Mo Poor’s counselor is very young, and Mo Poor is his first class of students. Having such an honor is also very beneficial for him.

With his help to carry it, you don’t have to worry about asking for leave in the future, as long as it doesn’t last too many days.

After a few words and a few words, the counselor was settled. Mo Poor received the money and prize, attended a class meeting, and went straight to see the boat the next day.

“There are 350,000 left…”

This amount of money is enough to buy a slightly larger alloy fishing boat. Single room, the kind controlled by one person.

But this was enough, he chose for a long time, and finally picked a pure white double-decker fishing boat.

The upper deck is driven, and the cargo is loaded in the cabin, which is not much bigger than the average speedboat.

The boat alone is not expensive, only tens of thousands of dollars.

But it is very expensive to build first-class accessories, and even thicken the lower warehouse and modify the closed hatch.

And all the formalities of the ship, the ship’s registry, and the reporting to the Maritime Safety Administration have all been completed.

In the end, Moqiong spent 300,000 yuan.

In addition, he couldn’t get a fishing license. This boat looks like a fishing boat, but it can only be used as a yacht in fact.

But it doesn’t matter to Mo Poor, he doesn’t have to be legal in everything.

When he goes out to sea, who knows if he is only in seaworthy waters.

Even, who knew that his ordinary fishing boat could dive after adding a closed hatch?

Mo Poor’s accessories also include ordinary sonar. With his abilities, this can actually be a submarine…

“The air compressor is so big, it seems that it can only be stored in the warehouse.”

Mo Poor bought another set of air compressors, which can compress air into an air storage tank.

And the air tank is not only used to supply the diving rebreather, it is also a thruster… It can even be a weapon.

The high-pressure gas exits the tank without passing through the diving respirator, and the initial velocity is between 70 meters and 150 meters per second.

In other words, this can also be the speed of his ship, as long as it is carried in the airtight cabin and vents against the wall.

The airflow hits the walls of the cabin, even if the engine is not turned on, the ship can still sail on the sea.

“I want to drive as far as I want, and dive directly when I encounter a maritime ship, saving even fuel.”

p.s: Sorry, sorry for today.

(end of this chapter)

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