Blue and White Society

Chapter 39

Chapter 39 – Go To Sea

Chapter 39 Going to Sea

Mo Poor goes to class normally during the day, and launches GPS at the beach at night.

In order to prevent the GPS from being damaged, he bought fifty aluminum alloy cans and used them to hold the GPS and shoot it out. Anyway, no one can see it in the sea.

It seems that there are no buildings blocking the sea, but in fact the water pressure itself is very powerful.

GPS moves in the sea at high speed, and I am afraid it will be useless before reaching the destination.

The jars that Mo Poong bought can withstand water pressure at a depth of 500 meters without deformation, and the price is not cheaper than GPS.

“First, try a random arrow.”

Mo Poor tried to shoot out a can, just imagining that there was a jewel in a certain environment in the sea.

In the imagination, the surroundings are all blurred, and only one beautiful gemstone is identified, soaked in the turbid sea water. The details of the gemstone refer to some pictures on the Internet, but they have been changed to make it a little different.

In short, the brain-filling environment is like something sunk in the sea, but the details of the environment, what is covered after the gemstone is soaked, all these are not considered or considered.

In this way, even if there are exactly the same jewels on land, the arrow will not pass, because Mo Qiongduo imagined a set of seawater reference objects to refine the target.

Actually, this is a matter of detail. Mo Poor can come up with a gemstone of a certain image at random. If other factors are not determined, it is possible for the arrow to hit any gemstone, as long as it is the same gemstone.

If you imagine seawater soaking it, then all gems soaked in the sea may become targets.

It’s as if when you shoot someone, you think about his eyes open, but that person’s eyes are closed now, it’s a bit different, shouldn’t it hit him?

No, that guy can shoot him even if he wears glasses, or even a mask, and makeup, as long as no one looks exactly like him.

Conversely, if Mo Qiong thought about the target when he shot, he had already imagined that he was wearing glasses and makeup, etc., and there were many more reference objects, then he would only shoot at a more detailed corresponding target.

“It may even be possible to travel through time and space… Well, the disappearance of the arrow is time travel. This possibility is the greatest.”

“If the arrow can really pass through, then even if there are other worlds with the same target, it will give priority to this world.”

“Arrows will break the rules as little as possible. As long as they don’t have to go, arrows will generally not trample on the laws of nature.”

”The arrow will disappear if there is nothing in the whole world. Conversely, the disappearance of the arrow proves that the thing I want to shoot is not in the same world as me.”

Mo Poor wants to shoot a certain person, so it is best to give as much detail as possible about the shooting situation.

However, randomness also has its advantages. For gems, you don’t have to hit a certain one, as long as it is a gem.

In this way, Mo Poor doesn’t need so many details. Gemstones, soaked in sea water, arrows, you can figure it out, whichever one is fine, as long as it doesn’t disappear, grab one nearby, it’s worth money anyway.

“Tsk, it really disappeared.”

Mo Poor saw that the jar was gone, and the GPS fell from it.

This situation means that the gem he imagined, the sea in front of him is completely gone, and this shot directly passed through.

“It doesn’t matter, this is a shot by chance. Without the details of the landing point, we can only exchange the number of times for opportunities.”

Mo Poor took out his mobile phone and inquired about the appearance of various gemstones for reference.

Then keep shooting out stones, and see the stones keep dropping and disappearing, going to an unknown world.

This is very safe, no matter whether the arrow really disappears or passes through, it will not affect the earth, so there is no need for Mo Poor to think about it.

As long as an arrow does not disappear and rushes into the sea, then Mo Poor can find a way to get it.

After disappearing again and again, finally, on the forty-second time, the stone in his hand finally did not disappear, and was shot directly into the sea.

“Sure enough, the probability of pearls is high…There are too many styles of gemstones.”

For the forty-second time, the goal Mo Poor set was a big pearl, round, plump, and about the size of a fist.

This situation is still very rare. There happens to be a pearl in the sea that is exactly the same as Mo Poor imagined. The color, size, luster, and shape are exactly the same.

After positioning with the jar, continue to repeat this until there are only eight jars left.

“Well, there are only eight jars left, you must have a reservation on hand.”

Mo Poor will not shoot random arrows like this for the time being. The ocean is so big, and the distance may be extremely long if he finds it. He will only take one or two of them in the end.

“Shoot one more to find the crown, and keep the remaining seven.”

So, he fixed the landing point on the crown instead, and shot out a GPS jar from the water. The speed of this jar is not fast, only 30 meters per second.

The jar sneaked all the way in the sea water, gradually going away.

Mo Poor watched from a distance, but he didn’t see the jar surfaced. It can be seen from this that the treasure of the Great Piece King is in the sea, not somewhere at a high altitude.

If the jar surfaced, it meant that the crown might be on a certain mountain, and Mo Poor would immediately slither across the sea to catch up and retrieve the jar.

Now, just wait for it to stop.

Early Saturday morning, Mo Poor had been staring at the map. He had been waiting for more than a day when the GPS stopped.

Suddenly, he was shocked, and saw that the GPS for pearls had stopped by a dozen.

The nearest one is in the northeastern waters of the Philippines, more than 2,000 kilometers away from him. Those who stopped first are so far away, and those who have not stopped will only be farther away.

But he was not in a hurry, and continued to stare at the GPS looking for the crown.

The GPS went all the way south, crossed the Philippines, and became farther and farther away from the country.

“Tsk tsk, this is almost at the equator, how could a Ming Dynasty man find it so far away… No wonder he couldn’t find it.”

In the afternoon, Mo Poor was shocked and found that the GPS had lost contact in the waters near the Caroline Islands.

“Did you hit something?”

Mo Poor shook his head, he knew that the pirate treasure was not easy to find, after all, someone searched for it hundreds of years ago, but they couldn’t find it.

That is not a sunken ship, but something deliberately hidden, probably sealed in a fully enclosed structure.

In this way, the GPS will definitely force a hole into it.

It must have gone in, but the GPS must be useless.

In this case, we can only go to the lost contact area to see the situation first. Maybe the treasure is near the lost contact point, or it may be far away. The GPS was accidentally damaged.

It was precisely because of the thought that this might happen that Mo Poor cast his net widely, looking for some exposed and easy-to-take pearls, and then obtained a sum of money. After all, the ghost knows what is going on with the treasure.

“It’s so far away. Even if I go at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour, it will take me 30 to 40 hours to get there.”

“Pearl’s position should be closer, more than 20 hours should be enough.”

Mo Poor is helpless, these two goals have gone abroad.

He rides his own boat, no matter how fast he is, it can’t be too fast, and the air blowing at 30 meters per second is about the same.

For the ship, the speed of 108 kilometers per hour is close to 100 knots.

The average warship is only 20 knots. It can be so fast when shooting cans, but it is relatively suspended when blowing the boat. It is okay to say at sea…

If you dive in the sea, this speed boat will definitely fall apart… Although it can also be driven when it falls apart, basically it is better to maintain a speed of a few meters per second when diving.

“It seems that I will live on the boat for a few days, food and water are also prepared, let’s go…”

(end of this chapter)

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