Blue and White Society

Chapter 69

Chapter 69 – This Is Azeroth

Chapter 69 This is Azeroth

Mo Poor learned about this world in detail, and he found that the cultivation methods here are useless to him.

After careful study, he realized that the magic here is simply nonsense for reality.

Presumably, even the skills of game characters can be realized, so the basis of magic theory here is naturally as illusory as a game in terms of reality.

The only meaningful thing worthy of praise in reality may be their art.

But once he had a general understanding of the history of civilization development, Mo Poor found that many places did not conform to the law of social development at all.

For example, in terms of the framework of civilization, it is quite rough. There are many city-states on this continent, the countries have formed a loose alliance, and there are barbarians in the north.

Language will not be mentioned, the countries in the central region are all Chinese, and the northern barbarians use some completely unknown languages.

The text has not changed for ten thousand years, which is simply unbelievable.

You must know that on the earth, in just a few thousand years, the language and characters have changed countless times.

Not to mention class, I don’t know about it in other places, but just looking at the current kingdom, its class division has been solidified for nearly ten thousand years.

Even if the dynasty changes, the class itself has not changed.

In addition, there are production structures, military systems, official systems, and commercial and agricultural chains, all of which were transformed only once ten thousand years ago, and continue to this day.

What is even more unbelievable is that their magical civilization has not only failed to improve, but is constantly declining.

It’s fine if technology doesn’t improve. After all, this is a magical world, but as the core competitiveness, the magic system of the primary productive force is actually regressing.

Their ancestors were extremely powerful, and opened up the living space of today’s human beings in the world of beasts. For the next ten thousand years, the descendants only opened up what was necessary, and until the last thousand years, there was no progress at all.

In ancient times, there were as many strong men as a cow’s hair, and magic was extremely prosperous. Up to now, although the status of the magic system has never been shaken, a large number of spells have been lost, and the number of strong ones is getting smaller and smaller. .

The once brilliant spell-casting techniques, rich cultivation methods, a large number of lost, some completely disappeared, some buried in unknown corners.

Once someone finds the ancient cultural relics and technological relics, it will immediately bring a **** storm and stir up waves.

Those who can benefit from it can often become leaders for a while, and even stand at the pinnacle of the times.

Today’s sanctuaries are only rare, but all of them have ancient inheritance or ancient remnants.

The fact that they hold ancient relics is precisely the reason why they stand at the pinnacle, and it is the root of their respect.

Regarding this, Sean even said in an extremely envious tone: “The saint has mastered the cultivation method thousands of years ago, or even earlier, and it is extremely powerful.”

Mo Poor heard this, but felt how sad it was.

The strongest magic is ancient magic, the strongest technology is the secret technique of the ancestors, the strongest inheritance is the remnants of ten thousand years ago, and the strongest treasure is the ancient artifact.

Some remnants of ancient times can still stand at the top in this era, becoming the secret treasure of the country, inspiring countless people to seek and compete, and cite it as the root of their rise.

This is the sorrow of the entire civilization, and also the sorrow of the ancestors who created those technologies.

The offspring they worked hard to protect were not as good as the next generation.

Could it be that after such a long time since it was lost, it cannot be re-researched? Is there no better technology to replace it after 10,000 years?

Lost is not the reason for the decline of civilization. It is nothing more than the loss of some cultures. As the core of civilization, how can magic technology decline? The loss will affect at most a hundred years, but there will definitely be better technologies to make up for it.

Just like on Earth, technology is lost more because it loses competitiveness and is eliminated by progressive society.

There will always be something better, and a new era will come. The decline of one productivity must symbolize the rise of another.

If there’s anything to replace magic, it’s gone.

However, for thousands of years, the status of magic has never been shaken. It has always been the foundation of this civilization, and it has always been the most competitive system.

In this case, why did it decline? Is the mind of people in this world imprisoned? Has the imagination been castrated?

No, Mo Poor got in touch with these people deeply, and listened carefully to some things.

I found that within the small structure, the people here are quite aggressive, have very rich emotions, and their IQ is normal.

The details of civilization are extremely exciting, everyone has their own rich life and feelings, and the story of just a small town can be endless.

The richness of the bottom layer, the roughness in the general direction, the wonderful details in the microcosm, and the unnaturalness in the macrocosm make Mo Poor feel extremely inconsistent.

Mo Poor deeply felt that the entire world view seemed to have been strictly set, like a big hand, suppressing the world pattern.

The people here don’t realize it at all, but think that everything is good in ancient times, and they regard the more ancient the stronger, and regard it as the truth.

It’s as if this is the low-dimensional world of an unknown novel. The general direction is completely fixed, and the layout has been written in general. Only countless places that are not described or mentioned are completed under the evolution of the real world. Full of natural beauty.

“is that so?”

“What about the realistic world? Can I go there?”

This place is too much like the world of novels. Mo Poor read some novels and quickly accepted this idea.

Immediately, he used the trumpet to try to imagine the world of some urban novels, and then rubbed the hearthstone. However, the game pops up directly, and the character data is lost.

He built more than a dozen trumpets in a row, all of which were the same, and finally he found that as long as it was the earth, nothing would work.

“Why? Only non-earth fantasy worlds are possible for game characters to exist?”

“Why, is the earth special? A world with an earth must be high-dimensional?”

After thinking for a long time, Mo Poor, who couldn’t think of a reason, returned to that world.

Although this world is suppressed and low-level, people here are rich in emotion and normal in intelligence.

The world is useless, but people are.

Maybe constantly filling this world with real substances can make it reborn, but the people here are too weak, and this is a long-term project.

In the short term, it would be more meaningful to bring people here out.

They go to the earth, even if they can only stay in the data carrier, it is still an artificial intelligence.

If they exist in game servers, computer systems, and mobile phone systems, wouldn’t they become residents of the online world, a low-dimensional intelligent race.

“Sean, do you want to become stronger?” Mo Poor said.

Sean was taken aback, and hurriedly lay down at Shengmu’s feet and said, “I am willing to follow you!”

“You’d better think clearly, once you follow me, your life and death will be in my control, and you can’t follow me, you are only following my incarnation.” Mo Poor said.

“Incarnation?” Sean and his wife were astonished. The Holy Priest in front of them was already unbelievably strong, so what would it be?

As he spoke, Mo Poor pulled Sheng Mu back, and switched to a full-level mage account.

Sean saw that the holy priest disappeared in front of him, and after a while, a mysterious human mage appeared again.

“I want to take you out of this world, and now is your only chance to refuse.” Mo Poor reminded again.

“Leaving this world?” Sean widened his eyes, looked at his wife and asked, “Can I come back?”

“Yes, I will arrange it.” Mo Poor said.

“Then I’ll go!” Sean took a deep breath and said.

Mo Poor rubbed the portal silently, and Sean stepped in after saying goodbye to his wife.

Using the portal, it doesn’t matter where it lands, it’s Mo Poor’s designation anyway.

The first stop is not any game, but a folder on this computer called Edge of Reality.

Mo Poor cut to this folder, and saw an extremely agile villain staying in the folder, looking around in amazement, it was Sean.

After looking at it for a while, he tentatively came to the border of the folder, and then… jumped out.

Its expression is vivid, its movements are natural, and its material is like a real person.

Mo Poor pressed the keyboard, and immediately cut out the minimized Warcraft game interface to full screen.

This action seemed to have greatly alarmed Sean. He rushed directly from the back of the game interface, came to the front of the game interface, and then stood there looking at his home in the game screen.

At home, the mage is still there, and his wife is also beside him.

He yelled at the screen, but Madam didn’t notice it, as if there was only a projection in front of him.

Mo Poor cut off the screen again, returned to the desktop, then opened a text and typed: “Can you see this world, is there any exit?”

“No… where is this?” Sean collapsed, he huddled in the corner of the table, for him, the whole space was closed.

This space seems to be airless and lifeless, but he won’t die.

Jumping from the folder to the desktop, and then rushing to the screen showing his own home, the whole feeling is full of absurdity and bizarreness, as if he is in the pocket of a god.

Only when Mo Poor presents the projection can he see his home. On the contrary, if the projection is turned off, he can only see a strange border floating in midair, and behind it is a blue sky and white cloud prairie.

The prairie is nothing but the shadow of the world, which may be covered by something at any time.

This weird perspective made it difficult for him to accept, and he felt frightened from the bottom of his heart, and the incomprehensible depression drove him crazy.

“Let me go! Please!” Sean cried, and he seemed to be really breaking down.

Mo Poor frowned. Was the world he saw weird? Or is he unable to accept this two-dimensional feeling?

Seeing him curled up motionless, Mo Poor moved the mouse over, clicked and dragged Sean.

Seeing that Sean seemed to be pulled by some force majeure, floating on the desktop, sliding with the mouse, as if it was a dragged software.

But he is a living person. While being dragged by the mouse, he can shake his hands and feet indiscriminately, and even turn his body on his own, struggling over and over again, turning his back to Mo Poor for a while, and facing Mo Poor for a while.

When he faced the ‘camera’, Mo Poor could see his horrified face, and the emotion was extremely real.

“Tick tock.” Sean, a strong man, urinated in fright, and the yellow liquid remained at the bottom of the screen.

Mo Poor moved Sean and put it aside, and then clicked on the lump of urine, and found that it could also be dragged, and even right-clicked to open a bunch of operations, including cutting, copying, and pasting, as well as uploading, compressing, Uninstall, rename, etc., and even view its properties, it is really like a piece of software.

However, when he clicked on the attribute, the ball of urine disappeared directly, as if it had never appeared before.

Mo Poor put the mouse on Sean again, and right-clicked a series of things.

“Don’t! Don’t!” Sean yelled in fear.

Mo Poor stopped his movements. He knew that for Sean to exist, it must be in an uncertain state. It is absolutely impossible to explore why it exists. Once the details of its program are checked, the foundation of its existence will collapse, and it will collapse into a very real world. Consequence: Its existence is false.

“Don’t worry, I won’t destroy you. Calm down. How do you feel? Why are you so scared?” Mo Poor asked while typing in the text.

Sean said incoherently: “Closed… crushed… I don’t know… It’s so strange here… I don’t know…”

He simply couldn’t describe what he felt, and he couldn’t tell what he saw.

This disappointed Mo Poor. Looking at the large row of game icons on the desktop, he thought to himself that he could only take him to various game servers. He would go crazy if he wanted him to live on the desktop.

First of all, it’s better to be 3D. Click the mouse directly to upload, and then think that the landing point is somewhere on the map of Azeroth, and send it there.

Sean directly appeared in the Gold Glitter Town in a certain server in Azeroth.

Mo Poor opened a Union number, a teleport, aimed at Sean, and immediately came to him.

Looking at the upper right corner, he found that the server was indeed random.

“Oh my god… where is this?” Sean looked at the grotesque game world, feeling that every plant and tree here is so weird, and there are many wild wolves not far away, cruising meaninglessly there.

Mo Poor controlled another account and said, “This is Azeroth, this is just the first stop.”

p.s: Sorry, I said it at the end of Chapter 61 and Chapter 62, and the next thing is soil, if you don’t like it, you can stop it as me. I also want to stop updating, but last week Sanjiang refused to let me stop, and this week forced me to push it, and it may be on the shelves next week. I am very depressed. I admit that I am stupid, and I admit that I am boring, but I have tried my best not to digress. From now on, I won’t read book reviews anymore, I’ll just have fun in the game, let me be myself, I can’t help it, readers who don’t want to watch games, I don’t know what you want to see, this time is who wants to see what What to write, I’ve been depressed for the past few days and I’m not happy at both ends, I’m going crazy. It’s only one chapter now, it’s past twelve o’clock…sorry.

(end of this chapter)

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