Blue and White Society

Chapter 70

Chapter 70 – Steal Npc

Chapter 70 Stealing NPCs

“Azeroth…is this another world? Are you…” Sean looked at Mo Poor’s trumpet and asked respectfully.

After experiencing the indescribable horror of the computer desktop, he has never been more honest.

He who originally had great admiration for Shengmu, was even more in awe at this moment.

The power of Shengmu is still understandable. Whether it is riding a dragon, resurrecting or holy light, it can be said that his magic attainments are too powerful.

However, the world like before, the closed and depressed space, the absurd and disordered material structure, the indescribable cutting, copying and pasting, and even renaming and deletion… Just looking at it made him tremble from the bottom of his heart.

When Mo Poor right-clicked on him, he could feel a kind of panic emanating from the depths of his soul. As long as Mo Poor tapped to uninstall, he would be destroyed.

He can feel that all his information is exposed to the eyes of an existence that cannot be looked up to. Once he checks his details, he will be erased by an infinitely magnificent impact, and removed from the existence.

“You can call me Magic Ball.” Mo Poor said.

“Great magic ball, I can do whatever you want, please don’t exile me…” Sean pleaded on the ground, and he kept it on the table as exile.

Although the Azeroth in front of me is quite weird, at least it looks like a world, with mountains, water, towns and life.

“You are too weak, at least you have to become a **** to help me.” Mo Poor said.

“…” Sean trembled and said in a low voice, “Being a **** can help you?”

“It’s just possible. You must have the ability to protect yourself as much as possible first, and you won’t be easily killed. And this is just a premise. I will arrange for you to learn some knowledge later.” Mo Poor said.

Sean seemed to understand, he couldn’t understand what Mo Poor really was. Just taking him to another world was already beyond imagination.

“What should I do?” Saying that, Sean picked up a handful of dirt on the ground.

Mo Poor was shocked. It was expected that he could exist in Azeroth, but he did not expect that he could destroy the terrain.

But if you think about it carefully, what Sean can do in his own world, as Mo Poor’s arrow, can naturally be done in the game world. It was as if Sean was playing a game called Real Life in Warcraft.

As a living person, he has many functions here that gamers don’t.

Such as cutting down trees, such as digging soil, such as giving birth to children…

“Can you see the names of these people?” Mo Poor asked.

Sean looked at a few NPCs beside him, and said blankly: “What name? The name is still readable? How about I ask him?”

Mo Poor said it was free, so he saw Sean go to talk to the NPC, but the NPC just answered him with some fixed lines very rigidly.

“What does he mean?” Sean was at a loss.

Mo Poor thought for a while and said, “Take off his clothes and put them on, then ride this horse away and follow me.”

Sean obeyed obediently, took off his clothes, and then stripped off the armor of the Sheriff of Shining Gold Town, and put it on himself.

Mo Poor watched from the side, clicked his tongue, and picked up the clothes that Sean had left behind and stuffed them into his backpack.

After changing into the sheriff’s clothes, Sean didn’t look so out of harmony. The original dazzling image, wrapped in that set of distorted clothes, seemed to blend a lot with the world of Azeroth. Covering his face, he couldn’t see that he was a real person.

After changing his clothes, Sean took away the horse tied to the side of the road in Shining Gold Town, and rode on it.

As a knight, of course he can ride a horse. At this moment, he rode away the background horse as if stealing a horse, but no NPC came up to take care of it.

Looking at the magistrate again, naked and wearing only a pair of underpants, standing at the entrance of the village, with a resolute face, he has no objection to this behavior of stripping clothes and stealing horses.

Mo Poor pulled out his mount and led him towards Stormwind City.

Not long after, a player who practiced the hunter trumpet ran over quickly and asked the sheriff to hand in the task. When he saw the naked sheriff, he was shocked on the spot.

“Fuck! What’s wrong!”

Of course the magistrate would not answer him. The hunter trumpet immediately took a screenshot and found that the task could still be handed in.

“Haha, is this a display bug?” The hunter trumpet didn’t pay much attention to it, and just took it as an interesting thing. After all, it is possible that the clothes suddenly disappear in the game, or the hair disappears or becomes bald.

After he handed in the task and left, he also ran towards Stormwind City.

When he arrived at the gate of Stormwind City, he found a group of Stormwind Royal Cavalry Guards coming, but all nine guards were naked.

“What’s wrong with this? Where’s the armor of the Royal Guard? And the horse? How come it’s infantry?” The trumpet hunter was stunned.

The Royal Cavalry Guards were originally extremely handsome, but at this moment they have become a group of muscular men wearing shorts and striding in formation, staring straight at them.

People often pass by the gate of Stormwind City, and more and more people follow them after seeing the Royal Guoben Guards.

“It’s too hot for the eyes, will this bug be restored?”

“I don’t know, I don’t even have weapons and horses,”

They took a screenshot of this scene and sent it to the guild group. After chatting for a while, they left.

However, not long after, someone said in the group: “Go to the king’s hall! The king is gone!”

Everyone was terrified, and hurried to the king’s hall, only to see that young Anduin, from weapons to armor, was gone.

Now everyone is uncomfortable. As the boss of the alliance, how is it decent to behave like this? This will definitely become a meme and spread widely, especially Horde players, will definitely make this a laughing stock.

“It has been passed on, our guild has a tribal pig account.”

“Are you kidding! Hurry up and call customer service to let them fix it!”

“Are there no NPCs naked?”

“No, shit, why didn’t this bug happen to Queen Xi!”

“You… have a good idea…”

A few players who only played in the alliance looked at the naked king standing in the hall with a sad face, and hurriedly took out their mobile phones to call customer service.

He scolded his head and covered his face: “What are you doing! Is the server messed up by the air conditioner again? You know that Anduin is gone!”

“I’m sorry sir, what’s wrong with the server? I’ll record it and report it…” the customer service said warmly.

Alliance players roared: “Anduin is gone! Armor, weapons are gone, and the royal guard is gone.”

“Uh…” The customer service was a little confused.

The player continued: “I heard that the sheriff of Jinshijin Town is also gone, so I’m surprised, why is the bug only targeting people from our alliance? Why is there nothing wrong with the Horde? Why isn’t Queen Xi going? Huh?”

The customer service hurriedly said: “Is the clothes missing? This is a display bug. I will explain the situation to the public and they will fix it as soon as possible.”

“Is the repair finished? Someone in the Tribe has already taken a screenshot! Why is there nothing wrong with the Horde? Why don’t you let Queen Xi go too.” The alliance player said excitedly.

“Sir, of course this is not acceptable…” the customer service said speechlessly.

“Why not? Our kings are all gone, so let their queens be light, why should we cheat our alliance? I doubt that this is not a bug, how can there be a bug that even the horses are gone? The cavalry has changed into infantry! Are you Isn’t it aimed at our alliance? King Wa is dead, so the new king can be ashamed if he is still young, right? King Wa is not good at speaking in the spirit of the sky, right?”

The customer service couldn’t help but laugh: “Of course this can’t be aimed at any camp…”

“Why isn’t it targeted? How can Anduin be king in the future? Why don’t you change your leader!” Alliance players said excitedly.

“Sorry, sir, the game update problem is the work of Rainstorm, we will not interfere.” The customer service said.

After talking for a while, the alliance player reluctantly hung up.

It is unrealistic to want the tribe to lose someone, and he is just venting, so he can only admit that he is unlucky.

He was bored, so he flew to the illusionist to change the appearance of the suit.

Now in this game, if you want to say which NPC has the most people in front of it, it is either the auction house or the illusionist.

As soon as I walked over, I saw someone complaining: “Huh? Where’s the illusionist?”

A group of people jumped around in the house in a daze. The illusionist who should have been standing there disappeared at some point.

“What? The NPC is gone?”

There are more and more people gathering here, and everyone is looking for an illusionist.

“Illusionists don’t run around, look for them quickly.”

“See if there is any in the river!” Some people jumped into the river to look for it.

Some people flew to the roof, and those nearby have been searched.

Even asked the guards and the location of the illusionist.

However, the guards still marked the shop, even if there were no illusionists in it.

“I’m afraid he was killed?” someone said.

Game NPCs can be killed, including their alliance boss, but they must be hostile tribe players.

“Impossible? The Horde is calling?”

“No, there are so many of us here, why don’t I know when they killed them?”

Just when they were wondering, another player soon discovered other abnormalities: “Come on! The enchantment trainer is gone!”

“What about the Engineering NPC?”

“The alchemy trainer is gone!”

“Damn it, where did the NPC in the Void Warehouse go!”

In just ten minutes, the alliance players in the main city looked for NPCs everywhere, and finally found that all the professional trainers and material dealers of life occupations were gone, including all occupational mentors, even illusionists, warehouse managers, and flight managers. Missing!

Even the NPC vendors that they never patronize are all gone, cloth, leather, lock, plate armor, weapon dealers, backpack dealers, drug dealers, and even guild merchants.

Even the military dealer NPC who traded prestige and honor for things is gone.

In such a huge main city, there are only some useless NPCs left, and all functional NPCs are missing!

“What the hell! What about NPCs!”

“We were massacred? When did it happen? Why didn’t I know?”

(end of this chapter)

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