Blue and White Society

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 – Research Capacity

Chapter 7 Research Capabilities

Han Dang laughed when he saw Mo Poor pointing at himself.

He really wants to play professionally. If Li Minghua gave Mo Poor a big cake, if it was put on him, he would definitely give it a try.

But he knows how much he weighs, and his classmates can brag about it, but if they really want to go to a trial training, bragging is not good enough.

Li Ming was startled, knowing that it was Mo Qiong who politely rejected him, he couldn’t help but anxiously said: “Don’t you think about it? My vision is not wrong, you are really talented. You may not know the salary of the first-tier team, you stand You can earn 400,000 yuan a year for a stable main force. And this is not your limit. In the Chinese Super League, it is not a problem for the main goalkeeper to make 5 million yuan a year.”

Mo Poor has already thought through all the pros and cons, and shook his head resolutely: “Sorry, I’m not interested.”

“I only play football because I joined the football club. In terms of sports, I am more interested in bows and arrows.”

Han Dang also said aside: “I can prove this, he is known as the God of Shooting in our department.”

“Don’t talk nonsense…” Mo Poor was embarrassed, this nickname was more to tease him.

But now, his ability can also be said to be an absolute hit shot, and I don’t know if it has a causal relationship with his hobbies.

He really wanted to study it quickly.

“Look, I really have something else to do.” Mo Poor said.

Li Ming was helpless, took out the prepared business card and stuffed it to him, saying: “Think again, I’m not dragging you to our school team, I just hope that you will not let down your talent. You go to the First Division or the Chinese Super League. It’s not good for me, but if you don’t go, it will be a huge loss for the domestic league.”

“I really just think it’s a pity, try it.”

Mo Poor also knew that Li Ming really liked his talent and recommended him to play professionally.

Might get a better job, but that’s about it.

Mo Poor thought to himself, this Li Ming is more purely hoping to prove that his vision is correct.

“Okay, I’ll think about it again.” Mo Poor had no choice but to say so.

Li Ming smiled, and stopped pestering, and returned to the gymnasium to lead the team back.

Mo Qiong and Han Dang returned to the dormitory, Han Dang regretfully said: “I know, you really don’t want to go.”

“Ha, I really don’t want to go, you know, if you hadn’t insisted on pulling me, I wouldn’t have joined the football club.” Mo Poor said, picking up his bow and arrow again.

Han Dang saw this and said: “You are really good… Facts have proved that I am right, you really have this talent. Unfortunately, you only love archery! But this is just your interest, and it does not conflict with professional football.”

“Stop talking, I’m going to practice archery.” Mo Poor said and was about to leave.

Han Dang said in astonishment: “Practice again? Didn’t you practice today? There is still a fellowship tonight, we will start after playing a few games.”

“I felt like I had mastered archery at noon today. If it wasn’t for the competition, I would actually plan to practice all afternoon.” Mo Qiong laughed.

Han Dang said anxiously: “My god, you have great archery skills, you really don’t want to go? Don’t, our football club is the protagonist today, and you are the protagonist among the protagonists.”

Mo Poor waved his hands and said, “No, no, you are a hat-trick, you are the protagonist.”

“You even assisted a hat-trick! Shit… do you want the money? Luo Qing will definitely go to the twelve associations, Wang Xiong said, and we will ask him for money tonight. Maybe Luo Qing reneges, we You have to stand by Wang Xiong’s side this time, why don’t you go?” Han Dang said.

Mo Poor curled his lips, he would not get into trouble with anything, not money.

Besides, tonight Wang Xiong is so arrogant, maybe he will go too far, and Luo Qing is not easy to deal with.

“Why don’t you go if you have the money? Isn’t there still more than an hour left? I won’t play the game. Call me when you leave.” Mo Poor said.

“Okay, eh? The seaside must be displaying things. Where are you going to practice archery?” Han Dang turned on the computer and said.


On the roof of the dormitory, Mo Poor usually would not come here to practice arrows.

Because most of the time there are a lot of quilts to be dried here, row by row, like a cloth dyeing workshop.

Only when I come back from work late, I will choose to practice here.

He came here this time, standing in the ‘corridor’ formed by two rows of quilts, and began his exploration of superpowers.

The target was placed, and standing ten meters away, he tilted his bow slightly upwards and shot three arrows in a row.

He shot these three arrows in reverse!

The moment he shot, he saw the three arrows first curve upward in the air, and then draw a beautiful arc, heading behind.

“Beep beep…” All three arrows hit the bullseye.

“Didn’t you just go backwards and hit the bull’s-eye with the tail of your arrow?”

“Well, the trajectory is not random. As long as I shoot in the same direction and have the same target, then the path of the arrow is also the same.”

The trajectories of the three arrows are the same, only the sequence is different. The back arrow chases the front arrow, turns along the same trajectory, and hits the target.

Although the turn itself is outrageous, it is not too outrageous, and it does not fly chaotically towards the target.

That is to say, as long as he practices more, he can rely on experience to grasp how a certain arrow will turn when it is shot.

The reason why we need to study this first is because Mo Poor noticed during the game that although he can specify the landing point, it can only be done before or at the moment of launch.

Football or arrow, once it is out of hand, it has nothing to do with him.

He can’t temporarily change the landing point, let alone control the trajectory of the shot.

Cooperating with this is a passive ability, and Mo Poor knows that he must always think about where to go before he can make a move. Moreover, from the direction of his shot to the landing point, whether the path will be particularly tortuous or not, it must also be considered.

Otherwise, there may be big troubles in the future.

The most typical example is shooting the sun.

He still remembered the sound of breaking through the sky when the sun was shot at noon, and the tracks left by high-speed objects cutting through the air.

Until now, he still doesn’t know whether the arrow in his ignorance or ignorance will alarm the country.

What’s more, what kind of consequences will it cause?

You must know that if the arrow really chased the sun, it would most likely cross half of China from the coast of the East China Sea to the west… Even if the arrow would not be detected by radar, it would not be able to pass over any military area and be discovered.

“Why is the arrow at noon so powerful? Is it because it was shot at the sun and the sun is higher?”

Mo Poor smiled, this is obviously nonsense, he thought about it, and began to test the relationship between the rate of fire and his force.

I saw him bending his bow and setting up an arrow, facing the target head-on, and shooting lightly.

The bowstring is only slightly bent. If the mechanics are followed, the arrow will not hit the target at all, and will fall directly from the bowstring to the foot.

However, it didn’t drop.

Moving away the bow in his hand, he saw the arrow floating in the air, moving slowly…

The speed was horribly slow, and Mo Poor could circle the arrow and observe it from various angles.

It is like an object floating in a weightless environment in space, moving forward at a constant speed at the initial speed…

Mo Poor waited for five minutes before the arrow finally crossed a distance of ten meters and hit the bull’s-eye.

Then he returned to the embrace of gravity in an instant, and fell freely.

Mo Poor didn’t even hear the sound of it touching the target, because the impact was too slight.

“It turned out to be like this…”

Mo Poor fell into deep thought, which was already obvious, and he shot another arrow casually, a little stronger than before.

Sure enough, the arrow ‘floated’ faster, but it was still obviously unreasonable.

“It’s really a super power to kill mechanics.”

“How much propulsion I give the object, then it will only maintain this propulsion to fly to the target I specified. Its trajectory will be as far as possible, but if the laws of nature cannot help it, it will hinder it, such as If there is no gravitational force, then it will ignore it… directly as if you are in a weightless environment without a large gravitational field.”

“It doesn’t just blindly ignore the laws of nature, sometimes it will use the power of the laws of nature.”

Mo Poor thought about it, and suddenly raised his hands and shot an arrow towards the sky. The arrow drew an arc downward and hit the bull’s-eye with acceleration.

When ascending, it briefly maintained the initial direction Mo Qiong shot it in, and then ignored gravity and resistance, maintaining the initial speed given to it by Mo Qiong to make a turn.

When it was descending, the arrow suddenly ignored gravity again, and took advantage of the acceleration of gravity to hit the target at a faster speed. Of course, air resistance still couldn’t help, and it was still ignored.

“Hiss…my ability…what do I take the laws of nature for…”

“Ignore it if it’s useless, and follow it if it’s useful? Fuck, the universe doesn’t want face?”

Mo Qiong thought about it carefully, and felt that this super power was too scary.

It’s no wonder that he can draw an arc when shooting towards the sky, but there is no parabola when shooting flat, but when the target is set on the ground, it falls straight down neatly.

This seems to be bargaining with the gravity of the earth, trying to save face as much as possible, so that the path is not too outrageous.

But this in itself…is already very embarrassing.

Based on this, he sums it up.

First of all, his ability can be summarized as shooting. Whether it is launching, projecting, or using tools to shoot objects out of his control, he will trigger the passive of absolute hit.

The reason why he is so metaphorical is because he loves archery, and the first time he triggers his ability, it is also archery.

If tools are not used, then his body is a ‘bow’, and the molecular clusters are launched by electromagnetic force collisions.

Using tools is definitely not limited to bows, all equipment should be able to trigger.

“Well… this is a passive word, doesn’t it mean that my body is colliding and shooting invisible molecules to the current imaginary target all the time?”

When he touched the ball, he only slightly changed the trajectory, and the ability was triggered.

The football would have been slightly deflected by his light touch, but with his ability, this direction can be directed anywhere, so that the football can go downwards strangely, and the original speed of the ball is borrowed by him instead at this time. Hit the ground at a slow speed.

That is to say, because the speed at which the object is released from the hand will be maintained, even if the force was originally given by someone else, but because the direction was changed by him halfway, it still belongs to the force emitted by him.

Then as long as he changes the direction of a material movement, that thing will go directly to the desired place.

Theoretically speaking, the slighter molecular movement may also be bumped into the target without him noticing.

The reason why we only consider molecules is because it is self-evident whether more microscopic substances count.

Light, so he didn’t passively shoot indiscriminately.

Otherwise, no one would be able to see him, and all the light reflected by him would go to the place he designated. Wouldn’t he be like a black hole long ago?

“Huh!” Mo Poor took a deep breath and exhaled it with all his strength. After a while, the target shook.

Then, Mo Poor took out his mobile phone and took a picture of his mouth.

Staring at the photo, he kept his mouth tightly shut, feeling nothing.

But when he took a few quick steps, he felt that his mouth was hit by the airflow, and his mouth was suddenly stretched open, and he couldn’t help but grow his mouth.

“Ugh…” Mo Poor retched a bit, confirming a fact.

The air will also be shot at the target he wants to hit, and during his own movement, the substances that collide with his body are also triggering the passive.

Just now he didn’t wave the air with his hands, but walked, but the passive was still triggered, which meant that he was actually shooting things in various places all the time.

I just don’t know what the reason is, it’s limited to dust, air and the like.

Light, and even other things in the microcosm are not passively reflected to the target, but follow the laws of nature.

Substances within molecular clusters should not be able to be injected passively, but I don’t know about active injection.

“It’s better. If I listen to my random shooting, how can I live? As a human being, I can’t think about the goals of countless microscopic substances at the same time…”

“If I really want to trigger even the elementary particles, I am afraid that the moment this ability is activated, I will die directly.”

(end of this chapter)

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