Blue and White Society

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 – Conceptual Competence

Chapter 8 Conceptual competencies

Based on the above summary, he still has many questions.

The most important one is himself.

Why doesn’t he fly when he walks?

He bounces, doesn’t he shoot himself at an imaginary target?

Could it be that he shoots something else, but not himself?

First of all, it must be impossible to shoot directly. This is self-evident, otherwise he would bend his knees and eject and jump, and he would be able to fly directly to his hometown.

What about indirect shooting?

The roof of the dormitory is a magical place, with wooden boards, bricks, and wire beds. I don’t know what I have experienced here.

He found a wire bed on the roof, removed the bed board, and jumped straight up.

However, the bed snapped out from under his feet, and when it reached the target, it bounced up and hit the bull’s-eye.

Finally he fell to the ground, the bed turned over, and the target fell.

“That’s not going to work. It’s like I launched the bed and kicked it into the bull’s-eye. Instead of bouncing myself up and hitting the bull’s-eye.”

Thinking about it carefully, I know that his ability can only be considered to be emitted when it is separated from his body.

How can one separate oneself from oneself?

He jumps on the bed, the interaction force is also applied to himself, and he bounces off the bed.

At this time, the bed is regarded as something that was kicked out by him, and then an absolute hit is triggered.

“I am a standard object and a basis for judgment.”

“This is also the reason why when I kicked the ball to Han Dang, the shoe didn’t fly over. Because the shoe didn’t get out of contact with me under my force.”

“Want to fly, maybe only…”

Mo Poor looked at the roof where the entrance to the rooftop was, and there was an antenna on it.

He shot an arrow at the antenna, and quickly grabbed the arrow again.

Sure enough, he could feel that the arrow maintained the propulsion he gave before, and flew towards the high antenna.

When the arrow got higher and higher, he could feel as if he was holding an aircraft, and kept raising his hands until his feet were off the ground.

“The strength of the arrow’s initial movement is constant, and even gravity can’t hold it, let alone me.”

“It ignores my weight as much as air resistance.”

“As expected…”

Mo Poor suddenly let go of his hand in mid-air, and saw him falling freely, and the arrow changed its target and flew towards the target at a slow speed, of course, the slow speed was hardly detectable by the naked eye.

He can change the landing point, as long as he can touch the projectile again.

The key is whether to get away from yourself. Only when you get away from yourself can you shoot. The act of holding and letting go resets the force.

Because the action of letting go gave the arrow too little force, so that it seemed to be hovering in the air at the moment, and it would probably take several hours for it to hit the target.

“It seems that this is the only way to go. Breaking away from me is the key to the trigger, so I will never be able to simply shoot myself, unless there is a vehicle.”

“Think about it carefully, if indirect launch is also counted, then if I touch the air and spread it ten to ten times, wouldn’t the entire atmosphere be gradually shaken by me? However, in fact, judging from the amount of previous experiments, the impact of the target, Only the part that collides with my body surface”

I don’t have a crossbow on hand, but I can do an experiment with a bow.

I saw him put the arrow on the bed, pull the bowstring by himself, and then went to play the arrow.

The arrow is hit by the string, flies slowly to the target, and falls freely after hitting the target.

Throughout the whole process, Mo Poor didn’t touch the arrow at all, he just pulled the bowstring to hit it.

This still triggers the passive, and the arrow hits the bullseye.

This test shows that even if he uses a crossbow or even a firearm, he only needs to pull the trigger without directly touching the projectile, and the passive will still be triggered.

The matter separated from the instrument he holds is also the matter emitted by him.

This means that the equipment that is connected to him and cannot be separated is regarded as a ‘bow’, just like the arm is regarded as a ‘bow’.

Theoretically, he inserts his hand into the earth, and the earth is his bow. If he has the power to shake or throw a person off the ground, so as to separate him from the surface, then this person can be thrown to the moon by him…

But this is whimsical, it is impossible for him to have that much strength.

Instead of realizing this, it is better to create a kind of machinery, a complex and powerful ‘bow and crossbow’, to serve as an extension of the arm and amplify his interference force.

“Phew… Then let the arrow hit the arrow?”

He tried again and chose a point on the arrow.

The result was pleasantly surprised, the arrow flew out normally and hit the ground.

“Ha, I used to be able to make the ejected matter follow the natural trajectory.”

Mo Poor smiled, he found a way to shoot arrows without triggering the passive, that is to set the landing point on the projectile itself.

Because the landing point is closely connected with the projectile itself, the moment of launch is deemed to have reached the target. At this time, it follows the laws of nature.

“The world is inherently discontinuous, so the disconnection of the microcosm should not be counted.”

”When I let go, the closely connected parts are considered as a whole. Even if they are disconnected by others or nature afterwards to form two or more objects, they should still go to their destination.”

“So, even if the arrow I shot into the sun before turned into individual molecules, it will still go to the sun with perseverance.”

“Understood, light… why the passive is not triggered, the reason may be very simple.”

After completely confirming the most critical basic judgment condition of his ability, Mo Poor suddenly wanted to understand why the light was reflected by him, but it did not trigger an absolute hit.

As a mortal, he can make the object move away from him. There is only one thing he can do, which is to give it a force.

That is, the transmission of electromagnetic force between substances.

The movement of light is the basis of electromagnetic force.

“I can apply force to make objects separate from me, all relying on the transmission of electromagnetic force. If even light has to follow my mortal thoughts and be passive, and go to the target point in the mind, then the transmission of electromagnetic force will be destroyed Now, when all objects touch me, the elementary particles are emitted first, and the electromagnetic force cannot be transmitted from the hand to the arrow tail, and then from the arrow tail to the whole body, and the arrow will not leave me. At least the electromagnetic force I transmit , it is impossible to be in a state of normal transmission.”

“Photons, electrons, or gravitons that I don’t know if they are all shot somewhere subjectively by me, then the electromagnetic force cannot propagate normally at all, and I can’t let matter leave me, and I can’t let matter leave me. How can it be possible? shoot the arrow?”

”For the shooting of all elementary particles, because they are the basis of my shooting, I will then regard them as bows?”

“Make it like letting the arrow shoot at the arrow itself will not trigger, and the bow cannot shoot the bow itself?”

“When my ability is passive, I’m destined to use microscopic things to drive macroscopic things.”

To put it simply, his ability requires ‘bow’ and ‘arrow’.

Throw a coin, the human body becomes the bow, and the coin becomes the arrow. The microcosm is the bow, and the macrocosm is the arrow.

He can launch the arrow, all thanks to the orderly work of the elementary particles.

It is equivalent to shooting macro objects with the bow of fundamental force.

It is impossible for him to shoot the microcosm with the macrocosm, because the force of the macrocosm is the collection of countless forces at the microcosm.

It’s not that he can’t shoot microscopic particles, but that he, as a mortal, can’t use microscopic force to shoot microscopic matter, because he can’t directly drive the fundamental force.

So his daily actions, at least, can only trigger passives on small things such as dust and air masses.

Unless he can shoot matter without using fundamental forces as a bow, then he can shoot elementary particles, but is that possible? Is there any intervening force beyond the fundamental force in this world?

Mo Poor felt that he already understood his ability, and when he was thinking about how to make money, he suddenly heard someone walking up the stairs, as if he was going to the rooftop.


He jumped up hastily, first took away the arrow that was still floating in the sky, patted it, and it fell into the other hand.

Soon, he found that it was Han Dang who came up.

“Hey, you are quite messy.” Han Dang said looking at the messy scene.

Mo Poor said with a smile: “I have achieved great archery skills, number one in the world, it’s about time, we can start.”

Han Dang said: “Don’t, it’s too early to go, the seaside must not have been arranged yet. You forgot? If you go too early, you will have to work! We have suffered this before. The work of moving things will be handed over to An honest freshman.”

“Wait another half an hour, you shoot yours, I’ll come up and take a look.”

Mo Poor tidied up the scene and said, “Forget it, let’s play a game.”

“Oh? You can do it yourself. I’m going to take a shower.” Han Dang shook his head.

When Mo Poor saw him like this, he knew that Han Dang was being abused while playing games.

“Abused or cheated?” Mo Qiong laughed.

“Cheating! How arrogant, the second lap became a death penalty area, the absolute domain type of cheating, standing on the edge of the circle is fine, and entering the circle will directly die from the vehicle, and play with a hammer.” Han Dang said annoyed: “The most annoying thing is that I don’t know who killed it! No one can be found even if I report it!”

“Ha ha…”

Mo Poong smiled and went back to the dormitory with him, turned on the computer, and wanted to see if there was any legal way to make money that was more suitable for him.

In order to prevent the keyboard from being knocked off by him directly, the bottom of his palm is always attached to the keyboard.

“Sure enough, the network signal will not lose connection inexplicably.”

Mo Poor used the computer to verify whether his passiveness would bring inconvenience to his life.

If he hits the keyboard, the signal is sent out, and he hits the target, he will still be caught by the hammer!

Basic substances do not automatically trigger passive, which means that he can live a normal life, and he will not go to the hospital for checkups, brain waves cannot be received, and X-rays will be shot indiscriminately. He will not interfere indiscriminately with things like radio and radiation.

As for the use of his ability, he almost knew it in his mind.

What does absolute hit mean? As long as he knows the appearance of the opponent, he can shoot the opponent thousands of miles away.

Of course, he will not kill people, but this ability is used to find people, but it is one-on-one, to find wanted criminals and so on. This ability is better than police dogs.

In addition, if you have initial funds, you can also set up a boat to go fishing.

With this ability, he doesn’t even need fuel to sail!

Not to mention no fuel, even if the bottom of the ship is completely removed, the ship can still drive back to land, just like a ghost ship.

What’s more, in fact, you don’t need to pack anything for transportation. You can rent a warehouse directly on the shore, and throw whatever you find: go to the bowl by yourself.

The object dives into the warehouse by itself.

“It seems that there are many choices, but an initial capital is needed, and it happens that Luo Qing is taking advantage of it tonight.”

After having a plan in mind, Mo Poor copied all the information he found to the network disk, and when he was bored at the party at night, he took out his mobile phone to read and ponder slowly.

However, after such an upload, watching the progress of the uploaded data pass by quickly, Mo Poor felt something wrong in his heart.

The upload ended soon. He looked at the network disk, but he couldn’t find the folder he just uploaded.

“This…” Just now I clearly saw that it was being uploaded on the network disk, how could it not be there?

The corner of Mo Poor’s mouth twitched: “No way… I was thinking of a beach party just now, so you won’t pass it on to me, will you?”

“Why is the file okay? Sure enough, I can actually shoot data, signals and other things, but this kind of thing can’t be shot with a mortal body. In other words, what I actually shoot is a ‘file’.”

Mo Qiong couldn’t find where he had sent the file for a long time, so he just tried again.

This time, he was thinking about his mobile phone desktop.

“Damn it…” Looking at the extra folders on the desktop of the phone, Mo Poor was stunned.

Uploading things directly from the computer to the phone, Mo Poor is not too confused, but the problem is…

On the desktop of the mobile phone’s Android system, there is a folder with a computer Win7 theme…that’s so ridiculous.

“Huh? Huh? Huh?”

“Am I really a superpower?”

Mo Poor has always thought that he has obtained superpowers, which may be related to electromagnetic force, or fundamental force in a broad sense.

Before he felt that abilities ignore the laws of nature, but in his mind, it is more of an exaggerated metaphor.

After all, ignoring the gravity of the earth, it can still be explained by the fact that the superpower gives the projectile greater force and counteracts the gravitational effect.

But now how is this explained?

The launch file can be said to use a stronger ‘bow’. The body’s force against things like signals cannot trigger passives, but computers can. His hands touched the keyboard and mouse, and then all the accessories of the computer were connected by wires, as if holding an extremely complicated crossbow.

It is in line with what he thought before: using complex equipment that enhances his own interference can expand the trigger conditions for hitting.

It’s not that he can’t shoot microscopic particles, but he needs a strong enough instrument as a ‘bow’ to assist.

The signal is sent all the way along the network cable, and finally passes through the nearest transmitter, or the signal tower is detached. At this time, it is in the launch state, and the data that should have entered the network disk, because Mo Poor thought of the mobile phone desktop before launch, and then it absolutely Hit into his mobile phone.

This effect was not triggered when surfing the Internet, but when uploading files, which made Mo Poor realize that he was only shooting ‘files’, not light signals.

Just as every object contains countless elementary particles, when he shoots the arrow, the countless particles contained in the arrow also go away together.

That is to say, although he cannot shoot elementary particles alone, he can combine some elementary particles into a macroscopic object as much as possible. The incidental microcosm of the macro’.

“I shoot a virtual macroscopic object, does it count?”

“Are you kidding, this ability allows me to lie to it? No, is this considered lying to myself?”

“No, no, or is this ability allowed?”

The more Mo Poor thought about it, the more dizzy he became, but this judgment can finally be explained by ‘shooting documents’.


Why does the computer theme folder appear on the desktop of the mobile phone?

Mo Poor clicked on the folder, and found that he could still browse, the interface was still like browsing on a computer… But the problem was that he was holding a mobile phone.

This time, it is true and outright, in the course of the launch path, ignoring the laws of nature: how are different systems compatible?

Could it be that he modified his mobile phone?

“Why? Why?”

The more Mo Poor explored his abilities, and the more he wanted to understand the principles, the more terrifying he felt.

This is not a superpower at all, and it is not limited to physics, physiology, or even the relative laws that Mo Poor’s poor wisdom can imagine.

It also involves more fundamental and rooted concepts that are beyond the limits of the human mind and beyond the scope of understanding.

He was startled by the depth behind his abilities.

If sanity is a value, he can feel it is dropping wildly, frightened by his ability to drop wildly.


“The mobile phone’s system forcibly adapts to the computer files that I have stuffed into it with great ability. This phenomenon did not appear in previous experiments.”

“Is this overbearing that only occurs in the virtual world?”

p.s: Please support, please collect.

(end of this chapter)

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