Blue and White Society

Chapter 769

Chapter 769 – Love Of Life

Chapter 769 Love of Life

“This doesn’t treat my body as a body at all…” A young member of the club said looking at Mo Poor’s back.

Beside him seemed to be his leading partner, who said, “Boy, remember, for the sake of containment and protection, members of the club must use resources to the limit.”

“Make the best use of everything, including yourself.”

The young member thought of the Limit Island where he had just graduated, where he desperately squeezed his physical potential, aiming at the limit of marksmanship, fighting and studying. It’s not because it can deal with the contained objects with these, it’s just that when dealing with the contained objects, it can do its best and have no regrets.

Mo Poor obviously has super resilience. Even if he is tortured like this, even if his internal organs are emptied, he will not die even if he is continuously injected with ninety injections of banned drugs.

can’t die, why not do it? It can save tens of millions of people, why not do it?

Make every effort to bring out the good side of the characteristics, and transfer the bad side to an acceptable level.

Looking at all the decisions of the Blue and White Society, there is only one sentence: the lesser of two evils.

The rain is pattering in the sky, transferring hundreds of millions of tons of seawater, which has almost no impact on the ecology of the earth. Find a chance afterwards and send the water back.

Of course, there will be one or two tsunami hits intermittently in the follow-up, but these are not intentionally created by Gaia. Human technology can settle the level of floods.

Blocking the strongest tsunami pouring into the longitudinal wave, Mo Poor and Che Yun watched the other members clean up the mess while waiting for news from the underground.

Almost shot Wu Yunmo, once found, the comrades in the metal ball will post a post, and Mo Poor will go down to respond.

During the waiting period, Mo Poor remained silent and looked depressed.

Seeing this, Che Yun smiled and said, “As long as you are happy, you will never grow old, right?”

Mo Poor said calmly: “Theoretically, when my cells die, new ones will be added immediately. What is depleted is not the lifespan of the cells, but happiness. So I am indeed youthful.”

Che Yun said slyly: “Ha, aren’t your children all the same?”

Mo Poor was taken aback, the sperm died and immediately regenerated the sperm before he lost it. So, no matter how many children he has in the future, the paternal genetic material he will get will be in the same state?

“No, not necessarily. The winner of that race needs a lot of luck. It doesn’t have to be the strongest one. It also has a lot to do with the environment. In addition, the child may also follow the mother during the embryonic growth process. It’s random.”

“Also, the state of cells is not static. Molecular regeneration does not affect my progress. My genes can still evolve, and my body can still become stronger. The regenerative properties will only make up for my weakness and will not hinder my strength. It’s like entropy, which only increases but does not decrease. This characteristic forces me to tend to the optimal state. Once this state falls downwards, it can be traced back through regeneration, and the upward increase will not trigger the characteristic.”

“Of course, there is an extreme situation where I am instantly annihilated after mating, then I may explode the other party and be reborn.”

He answered seriously.

Che Yun laughed loudly, but there was worry in her eyes.

How could she not know this? She was just joking with Mo Poor on purpose, but Mo Poor didn’t answer her at all, but answered her seriously.

Che Yun said: “After any substance in your body is separated from the body, it will be replaced by regeneration, and the departed will be judged not to belong to you… The child that the sperm becomes, doesn’t it belong to you as well?”

Mo Poor said in surprise: “The offspring do not belong to me. The offspring under sexual reproduction are each a brand new individual. At the beginning of life, they are all asexual and reproductive single-celled organisms. They divide infinitely, but Each one is itself, as long as there is still one alive, it is not considered dead. Tens of thousands of years later, it will still be it, which can be called eternal life.”

“However, in the process of evolution, they finally gave up this kind of immortality, and moved towards sexual reproduction, looking for individuals different from themselves, and giving birth to brand-new individuals that had never existed before. From then on, there was’ Death’. ‘I’ died and chose to leave the future to offspring who are different from myself. This great decision has made life evolve into countless possibilities, and then there is today’s prosperity.”

Che Yun stared at Mo Poor, and said quietly: “That is to say, the ancestor of life gave up eternal life for love?”

Mo Poor tilted his head and said: “Your understanding is from an artistic point of view, no, even from an artistic point of view, your understanding is too superficial.”

“Even if it is understood from an anthropomorphic perspective, it should be the great sacrifice of the first pair of single-celled organisms, giving up the eternal life of the ‘ego’ and choosing an infinite future.”

“One life is two, two is three, and three is all things. When single-celled organisms A and B give up self-division and choose to be together to give birth to C, life…big bang.”

The two chatted enthusiastically, from the origin of life to contemporary humans.

Che Yun is trying to lead Mo Poor to emotional topics, hoping that the other party will be more relaxed and cheerful, and think about some happy things. But Mo Poor always thinks from a rational, macro, and overall perspective. Always remind each other solemnly, remember the sacrifices of the predecessors and the mission of the successors, which runs through the 3.6 billion-year life epic.

This made the nearby members look very strange. During the conversation, the two were metaphors for each other.

It seems to be just chatting, but it is actually a game. One of the two is a metaphor for the jurisprudence of the Lanbai Society’s sanctions against the church, and the other is a metaphor for love. The topic has never been separated from the three fundamentals of life: life, death and sex.

The young members nearby whispered: “Brother, what are they doing?”

The older member thought for a while and said, “Maybe they are dating.”

“Ah?” The newcomer was stunned: “What kind of brain circuit do old members have? They talk about this when they are in love? Debating the significance of the era of the origin and evolution of life? Metaphors from the single-cell era?”

The older member smiled and said, “You know what, kid. Only the ultimate topic is the romance of the members. In fact, one of them is confessing his love, and the other is shirking it with his career.”

The newcomers are all stupid, why is Gao Xun so reserved when it comes to dating?

After about fifteen minutes, Mo Poor finally saw the posts posted by members on the exchange forum.

Wu Yunmo found it. He grabbed the handle on the Best metal cabin that had hit at high speed, and used his mental power to dent it to form the blue and white eye badge.

“Che Yun, let’s go!”

“it is good!”

The two disappeared one by one, and teleported into the metal ball.

Wu Yunmo’s dark quantum state cannot tunnel through the best metal. From this, it can be seen that the best metal is not a substance in physics. It is not composed of particles at all, and it may even be a ‘particle’ as a whole.

Mo Poor directly took out another piece of best metal, threw it on Wu Yunmo’s face, and sent the members next to him away.

After waiting for two minutes, Wu Yunmo wrapped the outside again before opening the inner layer to come in.

Although some magma came in, it was nothing to Mo Poor.

As soon as he came in, Wu Yunmo touched the dark quantum state, and Mo Poor immediately sent it to the headquarters.

“The big arbitration…” Mo Poor looked at Wu Yunmo at the headquarters and found that he was in a very bad condition.

The dark quantum state cannot be used indefinitely, it consumes the upper limit of Wu Yunmo’s soul life.

He has only two years left, so with such high-intensity continuous consumption, I am afraid that his time is running out.

“About two months left.” As Wu Yunmo said, he had his stomach cut open and took out the magic sticker.

Just became a major arbitration, and in a blink of an eye there are only two months left.

Mo Poor held the thinking sticker and said, “Leave the rest to me!”

p.s: Sorry. I just mentioned it because I don’t want to be labeled as sexist, but Shooting Sirius is an old reader, it’s a bit sensitive, and it’s not rhythmic, so there’s no need to talk about it anymore, be good.

(end of this chapter)

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