Blue and White Society

Chapter 770

Chapter 770 – Old Gods Can’T Be Defeated By The Same Move

Chapter 770 The ancient gods will not be defeated by the same move

In the middle of the Pacific Ocean, huge clouds and mist hang over the sea.

There are three kilometers under the sea and three kilometers above the sea. The six-kilometer-diameter spherical cloud block blocked Gaia’s activity space, and it was impossible to obtain more rock and soil.

Mo Poor stood outside and did not throw the magic sticker rashly.

Because he doesn’t know what’s going on inside now, what if there happens to be various explosive environments inside? The Velcro has just been pasted, isn’t it exposed again?

“How is the battle going? Share your vision with me!” Mo Poor forced a spiritual link to Lord Gou.

Lord Gou roared in his heart: “Did you get the magic sticker?”

Emotions are so agitated, I’m afraid the situation is not good there!

“got it!”

Mo Poor replied, and at the same time shared the sight of Lord Gou.

I saw blood flowing in the cloud realm!

The remains of countless marine animals floated on the surface of the sea, dust filled the sky, and the blood-stained clouds and rain pattered down to rain blood.

Without a doubt, all marine animals, with the possible exception of some plankton, were killed in battle.

The members of the club also suffered heavy losses. The four nuclear submarines were all destroyed, and nuclear pollution flooded the cloud world.

At this moment, there were only ten club members left on the field, and all the rest died.

The giant kun slammed into Gaia crazily, its body covered with bloodstains, and many stone pillars stuck in it.

Gaia’s hands directly grabbed two of the stone pillars, intending to tear the giant kun apart alive!

Behind it, there is a huge, disgusting monster made of beard and flesh, which is as vague as a shadow, and it looks like a towering black goat.

Not knowing what to do, the black goat roared, and Gaia withdrew the hands that were about to tear apart the giant kun, and turned to embrace the monster behind him.

She buried her face deeply into what might be the bearded monster’s chest, completely sinking in, rubbing coquettishly.

Two huge creatures hugged and rolled together, plus the seriously injured giant kun, the three giants rolled and collided in the cloud world, and the rest of the members could only run for their lives.

In this case, Mo Poor couldn’t stick the Velcro on it at all, and it would fall off if it was stuck.

“David! Mo Poor is healed!” Lord Gou roared.

It turned out that the huge bearded monster was summoned by David, and it sacrificed hundreds of millions of sea creatures to recruit black goat larvae.

Hearing Lord Gou’s words, David let the black goat push Gaia away suddenly. Gaia seemed to wake up in a moment, and angrily waved the thousand hands on the rock behind him, and smashed them down like a torrential rain.

The black goat was directly smashed into a pile of rotten meat. After being destroyed, the young black goat would go crazy, and those stumps would not be controlled by David, and then attack everyone, so David immediately sealed it into the magic book.

But Gaia still couldn’t let go of his hatred, suspended countless rocks on the dome of the cloud realm, wrapped in terrifying shocks, and fell like a meteor shower.

In the entire cloud world, there is no place to dodge.

And Gaia is also in the impact, enjoying the blow of meteorite rain.

“Look at me!” Catherine and the others crazily cut open the meteorite around Ziy, allowing Ziy to pass through the falling meteorites and rush to Gaia.

Gaia was forced to lower her head and stare at him.

At the same time, Lord Gou stanced the mecha, rushed to the top of Gaia’s head, and blocked the meteorite from hitting Gaia’s head.

The image of Kitchen God emerged on the right arm, releasing blazing flames to melt meteorites, and then using the poor alloy body to bear it.


Mo Poor knew that they were creating opportunities for themselves, and quickly sent the Velcro to Gaia’s face with a flick of their hands.

It is absolutely impossible to dodge, this is a blow that must be hit.

When the magic sticker appears, it is already in the contact state when it hits.

Arrive as soon as you set off!

The falling rock was blocked by Gou Ye, and Gaia looked down at Zi Yi slightly.

The Velcro sticks to Gaia’s face and will not fall off due to accidental factors.

In an instant, the huge body froze, and the agile stone eyes became dim in an instant.


The ancient **** Gaia fell obliquely, his face was about to hit the sea.

Che Yun appeared out of thin air, and then Mo Poor merged into it, dressed in black armor, and raised his right hand high.


Mo Poor resisted the fallen Gaia with one hand, pressed his hand on the Velcro, and stepped on the air.

Not only was it not smashed down, but it was still rising slowly and firmly.

“How is everyone?” Mo Poor asked with concern.

Everyone was depressed, and Catherine said, “We are the only ones left.”

On the scene, there were only ten members left, and each of them lacked arms and legs. Among them, Luo Yan, with only half of his body left, was floating on the sea while holding the Yunjie flag, twitching constantly.

“No, there are still them.” Adams pointed to the bottom of the sea.

There is still a house of house gods, and the gods of incense and fire are still alive and well.

“Send the wounded away first!” Lord Gou’s mecha fell from the sky and smashed hard into the sea.

The mecha had been scrapped to such an extent that Master Gou jumped out from the weapon launch port on his chest.

Lord Gou rushed over with the dying Luo Yan in his arms and said, “He has already received two injections, hurry up! Send him back to the headquarters!”

As he spoke, he took the Yunjie Banner from Luo Yan’s hand.

Mo Poor nodded, took off his earrings, and ran towards Lord Gou at the same time.

However, just after taking two steps, Gaia’s huge body suddenly shook!


Mo Poor quickly jumped back and reached out to hold the Velcro.

However, the trembling continued, Catherine’s eyes turned red, and she said sharply, “Everyone be on alert!”

Mo Poor looked at Gaia’s body solemnly, wondering if the Velcro had failed? Impossible, the Velcro has sealed Gaia for more than a hundred years, why is it useless this time?

Just thinking about it, Gaia’s belly suddenly swelled high, the rock became bloated, and then formed a human shape and fell from above.

In an instant, Gaia, a small body more than 100 meters high, appeared in front of everyone!


Little Gaia roared, and the rocks in the cloud circle ran wild again, condensing into thousands of arms.

Mo Poor resolutely grabbed the Velcro and threw it at Little Gaia.

However, before the Velcro arrived, Big Gaia came back to life, and suddenly punched Mo Poor with a terrifying longitudinal wave.

“Two Gaias!”

Mo Poor quickly shot Che Yun out of the cloud world, then reset the Velcro landing point, and shot it into Che Yun’s hand.

After doing all this, he could no longer avoid Gaia’s attack, and was instantly crushed into powder.

But part of the gas disappeared, condensed into flesh beside Che Yun, and turned into Moqiong again after ten seconds.


The cloud realm suddenly dissipated!

In a riot of smoke and shock waves, under the indiscriminate bombardment of thousands of arms, Lord Gou was the first to bear the brunt and was blown away tens of meters.

Despite frantically spraying freezing air to offset the impact, his arms were still turned into ashes, and even his chest was sunken, almost sticking to his back.

Both arms were shattered, but the Yunjie flag was fine, and it was washed to the sea, which ended the blockade of Yunjie, and the two Gaias, one big and one small, were freed immediately.

Under this sudden change, even Lord Gou is like this, not to mention Luo Yan in his arms is dying.

At this moment, Luo Yan is already a pool of blood, sticking to Lord Gou…

Lord Gou floated sluggishly in the waves, relying on the stone heart, he stood up tenaciously, stepped on the water and rushed over to pick up the Yunjie flag, and held it in his mouth.

However, it was too late, and the two Gaias, one on the left and one on the right, distanced themselves. It was already impossible to cover all the Yunjie flags.

“Stupid human beings are trying to defeat me with one move.” Big Gaia sneered.

With a swipe, the magic sticker suddenly appeared. Mo Poor went back and forth from Diaoyu City once, and directly pasted the magic sticker on the face of Da Gaia.

Immediately, the big Gaia was sealed, but the little Gaia laughed and said: “It will only be effective for one target. The first thing I do after waking up is to escape from the ground, and the second thing is to make up for what was sealed last time.” weakness!”

“I split myself and cloned another me.”

“Divide the soul, power, and godhead into two halves, and the smaller one is conceived in the body and suppressed to be born. Otherwise, do you think my strength is only so small? After you sealed me, the newborn me lost the suppression, will come out.”

Mo Poor looked at Gaia coldly, the ancient gods were the first to study the contained objects in this world.

Although they were defeated by humans, it doesn’t mean that their understanding and use of the contained objects is far behind.

Was sealed by magic sticker once, and immediately thought of a way to break it after waking up. Instead of being tough with the traits, the idea only keeps half of myself sealed.

There are two Gaias, one large and one small, both of which are Gaias. The ancient gods reproduce asexually and split themselves, which is actually equivalent to dividing nearly half of their own strength.

The larger one is suppressing the smaller one. She won’t really give birth to another self until the Lanbai Society uses the magic invitation again.

And once the Magic Trap blocks the thoughts of the Great Gaia, then the little Gaia will lose the suppression and come out of the body.

It can be said that in the previous battles, Gaia had only used a small amount of strength because of suppressing childbirth.

Equivalent to 60% of Gaia, suppressing 40% of Gaia, and finally only spared 20% to fight with humans.

Now 60% are sealed, and the remaining Gaia is small, but has 40% combat power.

There is only one Magic Tie, no matter which one Mo Poor seals, everyone has to face Gaia.

p.s: Sorry. I sent the child away and came back late. In the next few days, the child will be at his grandmother’s house, and my update will be much more normal.

(end of this chapter)

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