Blue and White Society

Chapter 782

Chapter 782 – Hard Life

Chapter 782 Hard life

“Missed feeding again…”

For several days, with inexplicable cognition and unstoppable thinking, the little milk leopard always fell asleep because of being overwhelmed, and missed drinking milk.

Feeding and starving all day, this makes it significantly thinner than the other two cubs, and the mother cheetah has nothing to do about it, as if she has gotten used to the child’s ‘nature’ of not wanting to drink milk.

But the little milk leopard is very upset, it wants to drink milk!

“It’s so annoying…how come I know everything!”

“Why do I know the bachelor tree? In this tropical arid area of Africa, in order to reduce water evaporation, the leaves gradually degenerate or even disappear, and the branches turn green, which is a bare tree that replaces the leaves for light and function…”

Little Milk Leopard looked confused, deeply shocked by his own knowledge.

As time goes by, the more things you see, smell, and feel, the richer your inexplicable cognition will be.

If you think about it, you can know even more.

However, hunger forces it to give up these things, and knowledge cannot be eaten, so it wants milk!

“Lactation is very important for cheetahs, if this continues, I will die!”

Little Milk Leopard made such a judgment very clearly, so he decided to forcibly curb his own thinking.

When the mother is away, it never looks around or thinks about it, but lies down with its eyes closed, meditating in the darkness, waiting to feed.

After two days like this, the little milk leopard can finally control the knowledge that emerges from time to time.

When you don’t want it, it won’t come out.

This made it very happy, and finally it can drink milk normally.

However, it doesn’t want to drink, so it can drink.

Sometimes, even if the little milk leopard waits for its mother soberly, there is no milk to drink, or only weak water.

Moreover, it found a strange thing, that is, sometimes the brain still feels very hungry even though it is full.

It seems that in a very far away place, there is a consciousness that is also starving, and it is connected with my soul.


The little milk leopard was very disappointed, and couldn’t help but start to think again… As it thought about why there was no milk to drink, some cognitions about its mother immediately popped up in its mind.

The female cheetah works very hard every day, dare not sleep at night, and always observes the environment vigilantly.

In the morning, catch up on sleep, and only dare to hunt at noon when the scorching sun is at its most vicious. Because at this time, the lion and the hyena are sleeping.

The prey resources in this area are quite poor. It is the dry season now, and prey can only be found near water sources, and there are also many predators there.

It must quickly catch the prey without disturbing other predators, and then take it away and eat it, so that it can come back with a full stomach to feed the cubs, which is very difficult.

Everything in the cheetah’s body is designed to quickly hunt down prey, because the heat dissipation is too poor, and its endurance is not enough to support it to run for a long time.

Because the teeth are too short, it can only bite the throat of the prey and suffocate it to death.

For various reasons, once the luck is bad, let alone feeding, it may starve to death by itself.

After gradually understanding these, the little milk leopard no longer complained, and his attachment and understanding for his mother surged in his heart. It was too difficult for the young mother to raise their three cubs independently.

However, the little milk leopard has nothing to do about it, it is even difficult to move now.

I can only hang out with my sisters during the day, and lick my mother and rub my face with her at night.

The female cheetah enjoyed the licking, and returned her soft tongue to the little ones.

Just like this, a family of cheetahs survived this period of time with difficulty.

Finally, twenty-five days after the cubs were born, they could follow their mothers.

It is convenient to leave the cubs in the grass and hunt alone, but the safety of the cubs cannot be guaranteed at all.

As long as predators find this place, they are almost certain to die.

So when the baby leopards could stumble along with the mother cheetah, the mother cheetah began a more difficult life of hunting with babies.

“Meow!” Two ignorant female leopards always interrupt the female cheetah’s hunting rhythm.

When female cheetahs are lurking, their poor hiding skills or silly calls will startle their prey.

This forces the female cheetah to launch a charge in advance, and in the end it is often in vain and futile.

“Stupid! Will you two shut up! We will all starve if the prey escapes!” The little milk leopard angrily criticized the two little mother leopards.

Of course the baby leopards didn’t understand the cries of the baby leopard, so they licked it instead…


“…” The little milk leopard lay on the ground speechlessly: “It is the habit of male leopards to be ignorant, why are you two so noisy…”

Fortunately, they are precocious female leopards after all.

After witnessing their mother’s failure to hunt, and then they starved, they deeply remembered the connection between the two events.

In addition, the little milk leopards taught them crazily all day long in order to have enough milk. Finally, after just two days, they knew how to be silent and learned to hide themselves.

“Mom can finally hunt well…” The little milk leopard was very pleased.

However, the longed-for meal never came.

The female cheetah wanders around with her three cubs. On this vast sandy land, she always has to walk a long way to find her prey.

After seeing the prey, the female cheetah did not choose to hunt, and after a while, chose to take them away.

“Any other predators?” The baby leopard was too short to see anything.

But it knows that mom must have discovered the existence of a lion or something.

Repeatedly, the female cheetah walked with them for a day, estimated to have traveled more than ten kilometers.

The three little ones were almost starving, and the little milk leopard was in a daze and wanted to sleep, but in order not to fall behind, he could only follow along.

“It’s evening… It seems that I don’t have anything to eat today…” The little milk leopard was desperate. Seeing that the mother cheetah had found a place to rest, she immediately lay down on her and fell asleep.

When he woke up, the other two were still sleeping, and the female cheetah was still vigilant about her surroundings.

Didn’t eat enough for three consecutive days, only drank some clear milk… The little milk leopard was going crazy with hunger, and it felt like it was going to die.

The female cheetah obviously knew about this situation, and was very depressed.

But life had to go on, and it continued to take the three little ones forward. After crossing a large sandy field, they finally saw a tall guy.

“Ostrich…” Little Milk Leopard recognized the target directly.

The female cheetah hesitated, as if hesitating.

The little milk leopard licked his mother pitifully: Ostrich, **** it! No way? Haven’t you eaten it?

This female cheetah must have eaten an ostrich, but it may have been kicked by an ostrich… Or she is weighing whether she has the physical strength to catch up with that guy… In short, she is considering whether to hunt.

However, although it can still be hungry for two more days, the cubs are dying, and their hunger has been so hungry that it has almost reached its limit… It must catch prey.

“Come on! Mom!” The little milk leopard looked expectantly at the female cheetah lurking past.

However, the ostrich is too high. On this desolate sandy land dotted with a few shrubs and weeds, an approaching cheetah can be seen from a distance of 100 meters.

It trotted a few steps to distance itself, looking very leisurely.

The female cheetah approached persistently, but the ostrich was clearly slipping away from her, keeping a distance of no less than 100 meters.

Finally, the female cheetah was forced to sprint directly, but the ostrich was not slow at all. It was too difficult for the hungry female cheetah to reduce the distance of 100 meters by speed.

After chasing for a while, the ashen-faced female cheetah was deliberately kicked by the ostrich’s big foot, and finally slowed down panting, and had no choice but to give up.

“No way! Do you want to starve today? You will starve to death!” The little milk leopard was nervous and desperate.

It can’t wait to throw itself on the face of the ostrich and bite the guy who needs to be beaten to death.


Suddenly, a stone was planed violently by it and shot straight at the ostrich.

Even crossed a distance of hundreds of meters, chasing and killing the ostrich all the way to the face, and accurately hit its eye.


This blow was not heavy, but the ostrich couldn’t stand the small head, such a precise blow, coupled with the sharp corners of the stone, unexpectedly smashed the eyeball, and the ostrich fell down in a daze. coma.

The female cheetah was taken aback for a moment, and immediately pulled up the remaining strength, regardless of the overwhelmed heart, rushed up, and finally bit the guy’s neck.

It succeeded, but the female cheetah collapsed on the ground, biting the neck of the ostrich and gasping for breath.

It is too hot, and it runs explosively, causing its body temperature to rise sharply. If it is too hot, it will damage the internal organs and brain.

At this time, it has almost no ability to resist.

The little milk leopard hurried over with the two little cats. Seeing that his mother was not in good condition, he quickly dragged the fat body of the ostrich to cover his mother.

The feathers of the ostrich are still very fluffy, and it is shaded in the direction of the sun. Let the female cheetah be in the shade, which can slightly help it recover its body temperature.

Otherwise exposed to the hot sun, the sand may scald the female cheetah…

“Hold on!” The baby leopard licked the mother cheetah with its tongue, absorbing heat and evaporating it through saliva to help dissipate heat.

The two little female leopards didn’t know why, but they were also very nervous, so they followed suit.

Finally, after an hour of hard work, the female cheetah slowly stood up and gradually regained its ability to move.

It looked very weak, but still insisted on dragging the ostrich away.

The three little ones helped push and shoved, although it was a drop in the bucket, it was better than nothing.

Drag the prey to the shade of a tall bush, and the female cheetah lay down wearily again. The temperature is too high.

The little milk leopard had no choice but to help pull out the hair with the newly grown baby teeth to save the mother some time for eating.

It was the only one doing this, and the other two cubs were too tired to move.

For some reason, the little milk leopard was able to persevere even though he was exhausted and his body was overwhelmed.

It feels that it can squeeze until the last bit of strength in its body, this terrible self-control allows it to continue to act.

Seeing the baby leopard plucked all the ostrich feathers, the female cheetah was very surprised, but she didn’t know how to express and think about this, so she just licked the baby leopard, got up and started eating.

It must be full, and only when it is full can the cub have milk to drink.

“I want to drink milk…I want to drink milk…” The little milk leopard waited dully.

The female cheetah was swallowing big mouthfuls, and looked left and right vigilantly from time to time.

The little milk leopard lamented the eating speed: “Don’t look, be vigilant every day, are you tired… eat quickly.”

Sudden! The mother cheetah stood up suddenly, and ran away with the three cubs in her mouth.

Even because it was too hasty, a female leopard fell from her mouth.

“What?” The little milk leopard vaguely saw something approaching here.

The mother cheetah hurriedly transported the cub tens of meters away, and then went back to pick up the one that fell.

At this moment, the little milk leopard could finally look back at the visitor, it was a hyena drooling.

“Jie Jie!” The hyena let out a smirk-like cry, and pounced on the female cheetah.

The female cheetah ran away with her cub in her mouth, and watched the prey fall into the mouth of the hyena.

“Snatched by…?”

“Ah! Get out!” The little milk leopard went crazy and rushed back.

On the other hand, the other two female leopards followed their instinct of fear, staring blankly at the ferocious hyena without any temper.

Unfortunately, the little milk leopard who wanted to kill her was stopped by her mother.

The mother was very unwilling to watch the hyena eat greedily, but it could only choose to retreat.

However, how is the little milk leopard willing to let his mother give up the food that he finally got? Will starve to death!

“Die to me!”

“Boom!” A rock hit the hyena hard.

The hyena had already noticed the stone flying through the air, and made an evasive action.

However, the stone turned a corner and landed precisely on the dog’s eye.

It was hit so hard that its eye sockets were bleeding.

p.s: Sorry.

(end of this chapter)

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