Blue and White Society

Chapter 783

Chapter 783 – Strange Yet Familiar Soul

Chapter 783 Strange yet familiar soul

Little Milk Leopard discovered his strangeness very early on, and there are always some strange phenomena around him.

For example, the dust disappeared strangely, or it flew tens of meters away inexplicably.

In order not to get sleepy due to the craziness and cognition, it deliberately suppresses itself to understand more about the world.

But after inadvertently using the flying gravel, the ostrich was stunned.

Little milk leopard began to realize the importance of this ability, it can help mother hunt!

This is so important! Mom’s hunting success rate makes it want to cry.

So after encountering hyenas snatching food, the hungry little milk leopard did not hesitate to plan the stones and stared viciously at the guy who was enjoying the ostrich.

It just wants to get back the food that belongs to mom!

The flying stone hit the dog’s eye precisely, and he couldn’t dodge it. No matter how sensitive the hyena was, no matter how sensitive the hyena was, even if the stone drew a strange curve, it hit it hard, and its strength remained unabated!

Seeing this magical thing again!

The female cheetah finally had the courage to approach the past, wanting to take the opportunity to regain her food.

However, the hyena has a much stronger head than the ostrich. Although it was injured, it was panicked, but it was also hungry for a long time. More importantly, it knew the cheetah very well.

It snatched food from the cheetah too many times. Seeing the female cheetah sneaking back, it roared and chased after it.

So the hyena just chased and bit the air twice, and drove the female cheetah away again.

“Alas…” The little milk leopard looked helplessly at the retreating mother.

This is too cowardly.

But it can’t be blamed. The cheetah’s physical strength is very poor. It has almost no fighting power after hunting.

Once there is a fight, although the hyena can’t kill the female cheetah, the female cheetah can’t beat the hyena, and she must be bitten in the end.

Once injured, the cheetah is dead, because the injury will affect its speed, and apart from speed, the cheetah is almost useless.

A cheetah that cannot catch up with its prey is doomed.

The little milk leopard would not let the female cheetah take this risk. It continued to plan the stones, squeezed the remaining strength of its body, and smashed the stones at the hyena continuously.

The more you think about it, the more you think about the use of this ability.

So the more it is used, the more proficient it becomes, as if it has been practiced thousands of times, and the use of this ability is very handy.

The only shortcoming is that its strength is too small.

But even so, the hyena was beaten to tears by the continuous flying stones.

All the sharp gravels were concentrated on the same wound! And those are still fragile eyes.

“Jie Jie… Gu!” It screamed and screamed, completely unable to understand when the cheetah became so powerful.

It feels like it’s facing an army of baboons that have gone mad!

Finally unable to bear this long-range attack, the hyena dropped the food whimpering and fled in a panic.

However, even if it fled tens of meters, the stone chased tens of meters around the bend and hit the wound.

This is driving it crazy!

Suddenly, no one knew which nerve was smashed, and the hyena finally fell down in pain, lying on the ground and whimpering.

Paralyzed, the hyena’s brain has been severely traumatized, and it has lost control of its body.

At the same time, the little milk leopard was finally exhausted and passed out as soon as his eyes went dark.

“I want milk!”

I don’t know how long it took, when the little milk leopard woke up in a daze, the hunger made it feel like it was going to die.

Fortunately, the mother cheetah was always on the sidelines, feeling the strong milk fragrance, and the little milk leopard swallowed instinctively, not wanting to open her eyes.

After a full meal, it didn’t want to move, and continued to sleep soundly.

It wasn’t until a day and a night later that it regained some energy.

“Great, survived…”

After going through this crisis, the cheetahs have all changed.

The two young female leopards have obviously matured a lot. They have deeply felt how important hunting is and how difficult it is.

The female cheetah has obviously realized the difference of the baby leopard.

It saw with its own eyes that the little milk leopard pulled out the broken stones and knocked down the hyena alive. In the end, the hyena died of thirst in the wasteland and was eaten by vultures.

The mother cheetah realizes the importance of the baby leopard, so she guards it until it wakes up, feeds it at the first time, makes sure it is full, and then goes hunting.

Two days later, the little milk leopard completely regained its vitality.

The first and third children started their migration journey again while looking for prey.

This time, the two sensible little female leopards imitated their mother very attentively. Their learning ability is very strong. When hunting, they stared nervously and earnestly at their mother’s vigorous figure to learn, and soon they will look good. .

As the male leopard, the little milk leopard has no interest in learning this skill at all, but thinks hard about it.

The more I think about it, the more I investigate, the more I know, and there are always some unreasonable things coming out of my mind.

It has already realized that the memories it has inexplicably poured out seem to be very important.

It is the knowledge gained from this that allows it to help a female cheetah when it is only 20 days old. Let it dissipate heat for the mother cheetah at a critical moment, saving her life.

Although it made me sleepy, but now my mother has learned to be partial, and has learned to keep milk for the sleepy self, and will never miss dinner and be hungry.

So it began to dig deep into the consciousness.

As for hunting, it is not eager to smash the prey at the beginning, but stands on the other side of the high place, waits for the mother to sprint, and throws it while the prey is moving at high speed.

This saves the most effort. When a springbok or antelope moving at high speed is suddenly hit on the head by a stone, they will basically faint. Even if they don’t faint, they will stagger and slow down.

This is much more efficient than chasing and smashing it with stones continuously.

With the remote assistance of the baby leopard, the female cheetah’s hunting success rate soared, directly reaching 100%…

The female cheetah is responsible for chasing the prey, and the baby leopard is responsible for the long-range attack. When the prey falls to the ground, the female cheetah bites the neck and suffocates the prey.

It was done in one go, and the cooperation between mother and child became more tacit.

Super-efficient hunting keeps them from starving, and their lives are nourished and nourished.

On this day, the female cheetah did not eat the springbok that was hunted immediately, but called the cubs to come.

Two female leopard cubs sniffed their prey excitedly, scratched with their small paws, and bit with their small teeth, but they only bit their hairs.

The female cheetah rested aside, and habitually guarded the surroundings by the way, allowing them to play with the corpses of their prey.

However, the little milk leopard didn’t play, and it didn’t have the slightest interest. Instead, it quickly understood: “Oh… are you going to start weaning?”

Watching the two female leopards scratching anxiously, the baby leopard waited silently for work.

Sure enough, after resting for half an hour, the mother finally stepped forward to bite off the skin of the prey.

Two little female leopards came up to sniff the blood curiously, looked at their mother, and wanted to see what she did.

However, the little milk leopard set off directly, leaned forward without hesitation and began to lick the blood.

“Weaning will last for about a month. During this period, you can’t eat meat. It’s probably a mixture of blood and milk. When you grow up to about two months old and can eat meat, you will be weaned automatically…”

“But it will probably take a year to wait until I can hunt by myself… No, if I have the means, I will be independent enough when I grow up to half a year old.”

“Well, I really miss my mother. When I was one year old, it would abandon me and my sisters and leave alone?”

The little milk leopard was thinking, licking blood with great joy.

This thing is much more filling than drinking milk.

Seeing how delicious it was, the two cubs finally got used to the taste of blood and started to drink it.

“I always feel that there are many more worthy of nostalgia. What am I? Where do I come from? Where are I going?”

“Forget it… the most important thing is to eat!”

“Recently, the food intake is getting bigger and bigger. If the brain keeps thinking like this, the demand for nutrition is simply a bottomless pit.”

The little milk leopard is full, looking forward to growing up soon.

A month later, it was finally able to eat meat.

After eating meat, the body also began to grow significantly. Now is the time to grow the body. For the sake of food, it decided that it would be best to let the mother have a little future and hunt some large targets.

Seventieth day of birth.

They harvested a strong bison, weighing eight hundred catties!

This is a very rare food. For a female cheetah, it is very difficult to capture a wildebeest, let alone a bison.

Lions don’t want to mess with bison if they have another choice.

However, this time it was done easily. While the adult bison was running, it was tripped by the little milk leopard somehow.

Of course, the tripped buffalo was still very strong. The female cheetah couldn’t bite its neck, and it struggled to escape.

But fortunately, Little Milk Leopard is ready to back up! The traps were dug in advance from multiple angles, and the operation of hitting the head with two stones was used to guide and force the bison to step into the pit and break its leg.

No doubt this alarmed the nearby pride of lions.

The lions surrounded them in a group, trying to kill the cheetah that was attacking their prey, and kill the bison stuck in the pit by the way, and have a feast.

However, the little milk leopard had already thought of this, and used his ability in advance to make many sticks and vine branches fly in midair, floating slowly and strangely.

The three little cheetahs just lay on the branches and flew in the sky, waiting for their mother at any time.

When the lions surrounded them, they could only watch the female cheetah being picked up and lying on a vine branch more than ten meters high, which they could not catch up with.

What’s even more exasperating is that the lions who have always robbed the cheetahs of their food are now working for the cheetahs.

After they happily killed the bison in the pit, a rope loop made of vine branches fell from the sky, and when it passed by, it just caught the horn of the bison.

Bison has been dragged away! The lions put their mouths in the cow’s belly and gnawed. They didn’t realize something was wrong until the bison was not only dragged out a few meters, but also slowly lifted into the air.

However, there is nothing they can do about this miraculous phenomenon.

There was a lioness lying on the body of a bull and lifted into the air together. She was very unwilling to roar at the four cheetahs flying on the higher ground.

Among them, three cheetahs were trembling and frightened. They didn’t know whether they were afraid of the lion or they were afraid of falling.

Only the thinnest one among them was very calm and roared at the lion: “Meow!”

Seeing the higher and higher, the lioness had no choice but to jump down.

The lions chased on land for a while, but finally gave up and chose to save their energy and go back hunting.

“The lion’s minions are really useful. If there is no lion, it would be really troublesome to kill this bison…”

“Well, let’s use fire next time… Lions must be less gullible…”

After the four cheetahs happily enjoyed the feast in the hideout, there were still a lot of bison left.

This makes the little milk leopard more eager to make a fire, so that the meat that cannot be eaten can be processed and preserved for a longer period of time.

“It’s easy to spoil children. Two little female leopards watch this kind of hunting all day. I’m afraid they won’t learn the real hunting skills.”

“Their survival rate after they grow up is worrying… If they rely on me so much, are they still wild animals?”

“Well, why should I think about this? Strange… What is it that is not wild? From what angle did I come up with this idea?”

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, my head hurts, am I really a little cheetah? How can a little cheetah know that he is a little cheetah?”

“No, how can a little cheetah know so many things? Who am I?”

Every time when thinking about the three ultimate questions, the little milk leopard fell asleep.

It seems that thinking about such a problem is too difficult for its brain.

But every time it thinks like this, it feels that its thinking mode seems to have changed, and then more knowledge and certain habits begin to appear.

Even, there is something called character, which is gradually being formed.


Suddenly, the little milk leopard’s forelimbs began to hurt.

“It’s coming again! From the moment I opened my eyes, I would always have sudden and inexplicable physical pains or extreme hunger. From the time I was weaned, I could clearly feel that there was a consciousness in the distance that was closely connected with me, a strange yet familiar soul, that fellow is either wounded or starving.”

“It’s been three months, and it hasn’t grown at all. If it starves to death, I won’t be dragged down, right?”

“Do you want to find it?”

(end of this chapter)

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