Blue and White Society

Chapter 799

Chapter 799 – Track Gaia

Chapter 799 Tracking Gaia

Fear of all beings is a group of black water droplets, within a range of 262 meters, a fear will be randomly implanted.

It itself can be regarded as something that almost anyone fears, and anyone who has been implanted by it will fear it.

And after it implants fear in a target, that horrible thing will appear on its surface.

For example, if the brown hair is still alive, then the water droplets he sees will be a piece of green that frightens him.

When the black water drop fell just now, it showed a picture of lightning, which means that what it implanted in Gaia was the fear of lightning, and of course, it may also be the sound of thunder.

But none of this is why it is an Omega-level threat.

The reason why it has such a high degree of threat is that its judgment distance will increase with time.

The radius of influence doubles every 300 days.

This range is an objective scale, and it is useless to change the definition of meters or seconds.

Fifteen years ago, it had to be touched to be implanted with fear. At that time, the range of fear was only one millimeter.

Now, this radius is 262144 times that of fifteen years ago.

Without any explanation, the exponential growth showed its threat. In another nine months, its fear radius would be 524 meters.

In another twelve years, this radius will reach more than 8,500 kilometers, which is 2,000 kilometers more than the radius of the earth.

This process is irreversible.

Similar containment, there is also a beta-level multiplication wax figure, but the wax figure can be destroyed, and it will start from scratch.

If the growth process can be reset, the threat is not great, so the proliferation wax figure is only beta level.

However, all living beings are afraid and cannot contain its expansion.

And this point was determined by Kelong not long ago.

It will continue to expand, without end. Unless it can be completely deleted, or its expansion properties tampered with.

It is estimated that the Blue and White Society will house it for another six to seven years at most. After six years, there will be no good place to house it on earth. After all, this range of influence can be blocked by any obstacles, so how could some animals be affected.

Some people say that it is thrown into space, exiled like Voyager, and the deep universe will accommodate it.

But this is not responsible behavior.

Now it is 262 meters, but in another twenty-six years, its radius of influence will reach the distance between the sun and the earth.

After another ten years, it will reach the scale of one light-year. In another fourteen years, the radius will exceed 130,000 light-years.

That is to say, fifty years from today, all living things in the entire Milky Way plus the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds will be shrouded in boundless fear and want to escape uncontrollably. If you can’t escape, then the final result is to be destroyed in madness and hysteria.

What about another sixteen years? The radius is 68 billion light-years.

It is estimated that 66 years after this year, the observable universe will be almost covered by it.

This is the not-too-distant future, so Lanbai Club never thought of throwing it into space, but is committed to solving it.

It can be said that the appearance of Mo Poor has a solution to many headaches.

Throw it to another universe.

But the problem has not been substantially resolved. There is always a universe that will suffer. What is the difference between killing countless creatures in the land of birth and killing countless creatures in other universes?

Mo Poor can’t be sure that there are no living things in a universe, and he can’t even be sure that there must be no human beings in a universe.

Unless he can know what the universe was like when it was born, or there is an iconic known object from that period. He was able to hit an early universe and dig out a trash can for the Blue and White Society. But how difficult it is. Hardly any clues.

In short, the attitude of the society is to do everything possible to destroy it, regardless of how far away decades are, and it must be resolved within six years.

If it cannot be resolved, then consider the worst choice, which will inevitably lead to the destruction of countless living beings.

“Trouble, this guy is too deadly.”

“Mo Poor, what was the previous signal?” Everyone asked.

Mo Poor pursed his lips, and took out a thin and light scroll-screen computer. The map showed that a signal source was moving.

“It’s still flying, but it looks like it’s in the same hemisphere as us. If it’s on the other side of the earth, the poor alloy locator will go straight into the ground.” Mo Poor said.

The signal source that is moving at the moment is naturally a locator, which is in slow exile.

That’s right, after capturing Gaia, he used Gaia’s soul as a landing point and threw a locator. At that time…Gaia hadn’t woken up yet!

Different from the instant arrival from the other world, the speed of this locator is only half a meter per second.

This is what Gaia will reserve if she can change the image of the soul.

When the arrow is locked, the arrow has not yet arrived, and it is useless if the appearance of the landing point changes during this period.

Let her be ever-changing, it is impossible for this arrow to stop shooting her because the target has changed its appearance!

As long as Mo Qiong is locked and the process of forcing a hit has begun, then the opponent can do whatever he wants, and the result is already doomed.

Gaia’s change of soul can only prevent Mo Poor from instantly locating her reincarnation position.

But he couldn’t guard against it. This arrow was shot ahead of time and was already on the way.

It’s true, to continue the previous successful case, let David be reincarnated for the second time near Gaia. Using David’s sobriety to learn the new image of Gaia’s soul can be quickly located.

But still that sentence, too dangerous.

Every reincarnation is a life gamble. Becoming a fry, becoming a larva, becoming a chick, or becoming a fetal mouse, they may all die at birth, and be killed by natural enemies before they open their eyes.

Even the Catherine Arbitrator died unexpectedly, which shows that the fault tolerance rate is not high.

But Gaia is not afraid, this guy resolutely chose to use reincarnation again to get out of control.

This caused everyone a headache, her head was too hard.

“Mo Poor, you will lead the team next, find her as soon as possible!” Qi Mu said.

“We have to find a way to deal with her consciousness, let her fall asleep or something else. The nano-level anesthesia made her fall asleep for a while, although it was very short, only a few tenths of the conventional effect, but at least she fell asleep. It can be seen that the body of an ordinary animal is a serious drag on her. No matter how strong her soul is, her brain will still be dormant.” Mo Poor said.

The best one is of course the Thinking Trick, but it’s being taken, so the next best thing is… Nightmare.

Although Gaia has spiritual resistance, the succubus does not only have one trick, it can also make living creatures dormant physically, which can indirectly cause the incarnated Gaia to fall asleep.

But the succubi has already escaped, and because it was caught once, this intelligent containment has never been found again, hiding well.

Apart from the above two, the third-hand choice is the bed god.

But Gaia is bound to the house of God, and has the beliefs contributed by believers. So the effect of the bed **** is not much better, at most it makes her sleepy, and she can relieve it.

“David is going to recover the succubus, you can help him locate it, and leave the rest to him,” Chimu said.


Mo Poor remembered the appearance of the succubus, locked his position directly, then found a safe place nearby, and teleported David there.

Then Mo Poor led the crowd to take the plane, and Adams, Gou Ye, Che Yun, Qi Yi, and Michel all followed.

They first found the flying locator. Half a meter per second is too slow, and it took years of monkeys to land on Gaia?

However, the initial speed of Mo Poor’s arrow is only the basis and cannot be reduced, but it can be accelerated.

I saw a piece of best metal extending from the tail of the aircraft. Adams controlled it to push it against the back of the locator. As the aircraft moved at high speed, the locator was also pushed to a high speed until it broke through the sound barrier.

Don’t be afraid of killing Gaia, Mo Poor is always watching, once he realizes that he is about to hit something, he just slows down immediately.

In fact, now this locator arrives instantly as long as it is fully enclosed with best metal.

But the succubi hasn’t been recovered yet, so doing so is just a warning to force Gaia to do it again.

For this reason, they can only tolerate the psychological pressure that Gaia may die suddenly and the earth explode suddenly.

(end of this chapter)

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