Blue and White Society

Chapter 800

Chapter 800 – Please Sleep

Chapter 800 Please sleep with me

Florida peninsula, the weather is still very hot.

Mo Poor and others have already got off the plane, sitting on the best metal and flying at high speed.

They have been tracking for fifteen minutes, and the earth is still there.

At this moment, Best Metal forms a flying shuttle, carrying them through the woods, and the speed of the locator has also dropped back to a low speed. After all, everyone wants to ambush Gaia.

“I’m fine, how about you?” David’s indifferent voice sounded in their mental power channel.

“I’ll pick you up.” Mo Poor cooperated with Che Yun and quickly brought David over.

His efficiency is really fast, or in other words, he restrains the succubus too much.

In addition to being afraid of all living beings, David is not afraid of any distortion of the mind. After a little bit of chasing and taming, the succubus can only obediently accept its fate and be swallowed by him.

“I feel like it’s almost there!” Mo Poor looked at the locator, which was completely attached to the ground, and was turning the front end slightly, slowly adjusting the direction.

Mo Poor, who has used the ability for a long time, has rich experience. He can even simulate the trajectory of the ballistic with the naked eye, and accurately judge the angle of trajectory deflection.

He is very clear what this deflection means, that is, the target distance is not far away.

The target is moving, so Mo Poor’s arrow will also adjust its direction in real time.

If it is still far away, or the scale of the target movement is small, then this adjustment is almost invisible to the naked eye.

“This magnitude shows that she is not moving slowly at the moment.” Mo Poor said.

“Birds? No, chicks can’t fly, so they are flies and mosquitoes?” Mihir said.

Che Yun denied: “Wade turned into a praying mantis. He was reincarnated in the nymph stage, and insects have to wait until they can fly, at least in the adult stage.”

“She must be a creature that can move flexibly from birth.” Lord Gou said.

“Fish? Almost all fish can swim fast in the water after breaking out of their eggs, especially in turbulent rivers, it will be faster with the help of water flow.” Adams said.

Mo Poor quickly opened the satellite map to check the terrain ahead.

Then he shook his head and said, “It’s not a fish! The nearest river is too far away, and the direction of the water flow is wrong. And it’s still a lowland!”

In lowland rivers, the fish is below the level of everyone, and Mo Poong’s arrow should be in the soil at this moment.

At such a short distance, the arrow is still flying on the surface, indicating that the target is moving on the surface.

In this way, all possibilities in the vast ocean are ruled out at once.

“The ground moves, and it will run when it is born…an antelope?” Ziy said.

Mo Poor said: “The antelopes that can run within fifteen minutes of birth are all in Africa…the bovids in this area don’t have this ability.”

On the surface, they can run as soon as they are born, some in the wild forests of the Florida peninsula…

“Snakes…almost all snakes can prey upon birth.” Mo Poor guessed.

Suddenly, Mo Poor caught a glimpse of the positioner’s transfer range becoming larger, almost flying in an obvious arc.

Immediately reduce it to the lowest speed of half a meter per second, and remind everyone to sneak.

“It’s right ahead, it shouldn’t exceed a hundred meters! Sneak!” Mo Poor was the first to disappear.

Then everyone disappeared almost at the same time.

Assassin’s pace is the basic operation, and they have eagle eyes on each other, so they can observe each other.

Gaia, who turned into an animal, has only been reincarnated for fifteen minutes. It is almost impossible to find them if you do mental calculations or carelessly.

As for the locator that floats forward, it is too small and inconspicuous. Even the eyes of cats may not notice it.

Everyone separated tacitly and surrounded them without making any movement.

Hawkeye prowls the trees and grass, trying to spot any animals that might be Gaia.

squirrel? pass! Too big, it’s at least two years old.

Hornets? pass! It’s too mature, it’s an adult, and it’s not moving.

Ants, tree frogs, hares, mice…all pass.

Soon, everyone’s eagle eyes locked on a little snake crawling in the jungle.

This is a Florida king snake, nearly forty centimeters long. It moves purposefully, with no habit of using its tongue to familiarize itself with anything it encounters.

Generally speaking, although newborn snakes can hunt, they usually find a place to rest and curl up.

But the King Snake in front of him is not unfamiliar with the world at all. Although it is constantly voicing messages and sensing the information brought by the air, it does not show any strangeness to the world or fear of the unknown at birth.

This is a typical situation after reincarnation. Mo Poor was like this at the beginning. Other cubs are curious to observe the world, play with and familiarize themselves with the surrounding environment.

Only he is not curious, because as long as he sees, hears and smells something, relevant memories will immediately emerge.

Flowers and trees, geomantic omen, soil and light, we all know each other, there is nothing new about it.

Of course, these are not the most important features.

The most directional thing is that the snake has begun to shed its skin. While walking, through friction, the body surface has been exposed.

This means that in the short time that everyone observes it, its size is growing.

Obviously it didn’t eat anything, and it didn’t even stay in one place to bask in the sun.

“The biggest advantage of Gaia’s reincarnation is that she doesn’t need to eat, and she always has a sufficient supply of energy in her body. Even if she becomes a temperature-changing animal, she will be full of energy and vitality anytime, anywhere.” Mo Poor said.

Everyone followed silently for a while, and after finding that the locator was hanging far away, they completely determined that the target was Gaia.

Mo Poor gave David a wink.

David opened his mouth and vomited out the nightmare.

“Be honest! If you want to let go occasionally in the future, please cooperate with me.” David said.

The Dream Demon looked unwilling, but this time it was not as dragging as Mo Poor saw back then when he was on Mengdao.

Because of the Gaia war this time, the Dream Demon accidentally escaped for three months. Surprisingly, nothing happened.

It is wise, knowing that if something goes wrong, the Blue and White Society will be in place immediately. It didn’t know that David had been reincarnated, and thought it hadn’t caught it in the past three months because it was hiding well.

For three months, the succubus stayed in the sea for a month, occasionally playing with some small animals. Later, I was really bored, so I dared to go to a small coastal town.

But he still didn’t dare to play with humans in his dreams, but hid in a little girl’s teddy bear, and was taken away by her to look around and play.

It wasn’t until another month later that it could no longer restrain its evil thoughts of playing with other people’s dreams.

Start to enter other people’s dreams at night, scare and play.

By the time David found it, the succubi could hardly bear the simple frightening and tricking, and began to cause minor injuries.

And shoot a shot to change places, very cautious.

It is conceivable that if it is not caught after a while, it will probably kill people.

It has to be said that after being housed by the Blue and White Society for more than ten years, it has become more cunning and familiar with the working mode of the Blue and White Society. There is no longer the arrogance of slaughtering the village so unscrupulously when he was first born.

If there is no Moqiong, this will obviously increase the difficulty of Lanbaishe’s containment.

But it’s a pity that Mo Poor can play a huge role in any containment that escapes twice.

Dream Demon thinks he is smart and prudent, not only can’t avoid being caught, but also makes Lanbaishe very happy: Yes, sensible, and know how to be scared.

No one was killed in three months! So cute!

David noticed this, and when taking it in, in order for it to obediently cooperate with the Blue and White Society to get Gaia into a super-long dream, he directly seduced it on the condition that it occasionally let it out.

This was unbelievable in the past, because once the succubus escaped from David’s grip, it would definitely run away.

Dream Demon didn’t want to give up this kind of opportunity, even though he realized that Mo Poor seemed to be particularly good at finding people. But it still yearns for freedom more.

“Pull this snake into a super-long dream, and use the method of physical dormancy.” David said, and he also reminded the dream monster that the little snake in front of him was not enough to kill him, even if the dream monster played tricks, it would be useless. It will only arouse his anger.

The dream demon stared at David bitterly, and said, “You will die one day. After you die, I will let you know what pain is.”

“I know, I’ve been waiting, but now… you have to listen to me.” David said.

The dream demon said helplessly: “The physical body is dormant? Why do you want to do this? The dormant external stimulation will wake up.”

“You don’t need to worry about external stimuli, that’s our task. You can’t pull its soul into a dream, and I don’t allow you to do so. Remember, once it realizes that it is in a dream, it can’t wait for a moment. You can force reincarnation within a short period of time and seize it into another animal. What I want is for you to drag it in your dream as long as possible, the longer the better, and you don’t have to worry about it starving to death!” David said.

“Oh? But don’t forget, once I start the dream, I have to torture the other party, making the other party feel fear and pain. At the very least, it must be psychological torture.” The Dream Demon said.

David said: “It doesn’t matter, it is very strong. You can make it high in your dreams and indulge in the fun it wants. It hates humans, so you let it kill. It wants to understand the root information, this… I will teach later How do you lie. In short, you can also occasionally scare it with lightning. Listen, it is very afraid of lightning or thunder, very, very afraid! So don’t go too far, just scare it from a distance. If it is too desperate, it will scare You have to use all means to escape, and it is very likely that you will use that trick to reincarnate yourself.”

It can be said that the members have thought of everything.

Dream devils need to frighten or hurt in various weird ways in dreams to satisfy their own characteristics. It has to do this, even if it is intelligent, it is also a containment.

While the physical body is dormant, it will wake up. Nightmare generally does not use this trick. Using this trick is often a torture routine, such as deliberately waking people up with fright or pain, and then pulling them into a dream after a while, and then waking up with pain, the person finds the wound on his body, fears, but is still inevitably pulled into a dream.

Repeatedly, the tormented person wants to die.

Only when playing this, the succubus will sleep with its physical body.

If you want to kill people directly, you are pulling people into a dream that you cannot wake up from.

No matter how much an outsider slaps and stimulates the body, that person will not wake up.

But it’s a pity that the move aimed at the soul is useless to Gaia, and it has been tried in previous sea battles.

This opportunity is difficult, and failure is not allowed. If Gaia runs away again, the earth will have to face another crisis.

And Gaia is very smart. God knows what method he will come up with to avoid tracking after realizing that Mo Poor has tracked him again.

It is safest for the physical body to sleep. This is a natural phenomenon in the animal body. Gaia will only awaken the memory of “snakes also want to sleep”, and will not cause extra problems.

Safely let Gaia’s body hibernate at this moment, and then think that she is in reality in the dream. Afterwards, he became obsessed with the dream, and he could do whatever he wanted. Occasionally, the succubi would threaten him with lightning, and maybe he could force Gaia to try his best to become a peak creature in his dream, and then comprehend the root information to make up for his weakness.

In the dream, you pretend to be on the road to becoming a god. Anyway, in reality, you are still an ordinary snake, and you will not really have root perception.

Gaia in the dream comprehends the ‘root information’, and it is not up to the succubus to decide.

Anyway, root perception basically depends on the face…Occasionally let Gaia understand something else, and give it some sweetness.

In short, I tried my best to make Gaia indulge in dreams and not realize that she was sleeping.

For this reason, the Blue and White Society intends to set up a team of experts from the research department to compile dreams for Gaia, so as to avoid bugs and make Gaia suddenly wake up.

“Sisi…” The little king snake crawled slower and slower, and finally couldn’t stand the drowsiness, curled up and fell asleep.

Gaia did not resist this sleepiness from the body’s instinct, and it should not realize that it is Gaia.

Once in a dream, as long as the body does not experience strong stimulation, or there is no too desperate stimulation in the dream to force Gaia to use the trick of reincarnation, then basically this can contain Gaia for a long time.

But how long it can be maintained is hard to say.

p.s: Sorry.

(end of this chapter)

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