Blue and White Society

Chapter 867

Chapter 867 – Scar Of Sky

Chapter 867 Scar of the Sky

After the victory of human beings, internal disputes began.

Homo sapiens wiped out all species that could threaten them. In the past, hundreds of ethnic groups agreed to overthrow the ancient gods. After the agreement was overthrown, all ethnic groups shared the world and lived in peace. Imagining the picture of a better life in the future seems to have become a joke.

Of course, this is also the speculation of later generations. If the rebels don’t ask about this kind of thing, Mo Qiong and David will not talk too much.

Chisong asked about Kuafu, and David also said: Kuafu died day by day in mythology.

The rebels are certainly not so stupid as to question Kuafu’s IQ, they also know how to interpret myths, and I heard that there are such myths.

Chisong said bitterly: “The myth that you have passed down shows that the Kuafu clan was destroyed by the ancient gods.”

Because the sun represented gods in their era, all sun gods in all myths today are prototypes of ancient gods.

“Alas.” After hearing the tragedy of the final battle and the legend of Kuafu chasing the sun, the rebels only said that all races other than Homo sapiens were extinct by the ancient gods.

“It doesn’t matter, if the Creation Stone Pillar is still there, I can still create my own race.” Bingyi said.

Mo Poor’s eyes lit up, many of the human races in the Creation Stone Pillar needed special substances, and Taifeng had those special substances!

So even if only a few can be produced, at least they are not extinct.

Of course, those special humans are not that strong.

The ancient rebels were strong in that they had no taboos and no scruples affecting the normal and rational life of human beings, because they had no stable life at all.

But when it comes to knowledge, there may not be blue and white members.

Although a highly developed civilization once emerged in the era of the rebels, because of the war with the ancient gods, they have no chance of stable development at all. Any large-scale city will soon be hit by high-energy blows from the sky, making them only Inherited in the family.

Mohenjodaro, which was destroyed by nuclear fusion energy, and Sodom, known as the city of demons, were actually the crystallization of human wisdom in the past.

However, after rising slightly, he was beaten back to his original form.

From 15,000 to 9,000 years ago, human technology trees were constantly being destroyed and reborn in the flames of war, and they couldn’t develop well at all.

After communicating with Di Nu Sang and others, Mo Poor found that their knowledge was seriously biased.

They understand the composition of molecules, the conversion relationship between mass and energy, electricity, magnetism, and gravitation, and they understand it better than people in Newton’s time.

But in mathematics, they don’t even know pi.

Mechanical engineering is extremely poor, even the simplest wheel does not know how to make.

This partiality was also caused by the social environment at that time.

Only knowledge that is useful when facing the ancient gods and the contained objects will be carried forward.

And a lot of knowledge is also summed up by spying through the ability of the contained objects.

For example, microscopic knowledge…they can’t even make wheels, let alone microscopes. However, some people can perceive the microscopic world and sum up a lot of truths. For example, the three-eyed Qingdi has a sense of microcosm.

That is to say, in ancient times, some weird ruins that have been handed down, such as the huge Derinkuyu underground city, Mohenjo-daro, which suffered a nuclear explosion, and Göbekli Tepe 13,000 years ago, cannot represent the ancient times. overall human level.

In fact, it is just a special case, built with non-technical means.

The purpose of creation does not necessarily have practical significance, after all, all weird behaviors are possible in containment wars.

In general, the Lanbai Society as a whole is far stronger than the former rebels.

Unknowingly, night fell, and a bright moon rose high in the black starry sky.

“Huh?” Seeing the bright moon, the rebels couldn’t help being stunned.

Mo Poor said in surprise: “You don’t know the moon, do you?”

Emperor Sang asked blankly: “The moon?”

Seeing her like this, the members of the club were stunned. The era of Emperor Nu Sang and others was about the end of the Rebellion War, that is, 8,000 to 9,000 years ago.

Was there no moon at that time? impossible!

Chisong suddenly said: “Sang, this is Tianque!”

“Tianque? Oh oh!” Empress Sang suddenly realized that she seemed to recognize the moon.

Other rebels also nodded and said: “Yes, yes, this is Tianque. It’s so small, I almost couldn’t recognize it.”

Small? In fact, the moon is moving away from the earth every year, but not by much.

According to this magnitude, it is speculated that tens of millions of years ago, the moon may have been so large that it almost covered one-third of the starry sky.

But that was tens of millions of years ago after all, wouldn’t there be obvious changes nine thousand years ago? The moon is only a circle bigger than it is now, right?

After recognizing the moon, the rebels looked solemn and respectfully bowed to the moon, as if expressing some kind of respect.

“At that time, was the moon what you called the sky too big?” Mo Poor asked.

The rebels all nodded and said: “Of course it is big. At that time, the top powerhouses climbed to the top of Buzhou Mountain and could directly attack the surface of Tianque.”


Mo Poor was surprised, how could it be so close?

“How high is Buzhou Mountain?” Mo Qiong asked.

Emperor Sangbi made a stroke, and pointed to the distance between the two places to compare. Mo Qiong was confused when he estimated: “Five… fifty kilometers?”

Fifty kilometers high, that would have pierced the stratosphere.

The highest mountains in the solar system are on Mars, and they are only 21 kilometers high.

There are 50 kilometers of mountains on the earth, how can there be no trace left?

“Buzhou Mountain is not a mountain. It is a thick and large pillar, which looks straight into the sky. Compared with mountains, it has no slopes and ridges, so it is called Buzhou Mountain. It was built by the ancient gods to live, and it is also called heaven. pillars, and the highest place is called ‘zenith’, where the ancient gods lived, looking down on the world.” Emperor Nu Sang said.

Mo Poor murmured: “Then why is it gone?”

The rebels said in unison: “It’s used to mend the sky.”

After some explanations, Mo Poor finally knew what was going on.

After the outbreak of the rebellious war, the ancient gods and rebellious species suffered heavy casualties, and the environment of the earth was also severely beaten, with continuous fires and melting glaciers.

It is exactly the fire that burns and never goes out, and the water that overflows and never stops.

And at this time, the ancient gods and the powerful rebellious species such as the dragons at that time observed a huge comet that would happen to hit the earth in the near future.

There is no doubt that the terrifying power of this comet impact will destroy all species on the surface.

So ancient Kagura, yo! Scourge!

They just ignored it, and instead all gathered on another planet of life: Zhixing.

Zhixing was originally the main battlefield at that time, and the earth was incidental. Unexpectedly, there happened to be a comet impact, and the ancient gods took advantage of the situation to give up on the earth.

At that time, the rebel wars were led by dragons and creatures created by other powerful templates, and humans only belonged to the middle and lower reaches.

Only Fuxi and Nuwa have nine senses and can barely rank among the leadership.

After learning about the impact of the comet, a large number of top rebels finally decided to abandon the earth and go to Zhixing to fight the ancient gods.

After all, the comet is too big and fast, even if it barely passes by with various containment objects, it will have an extremely bad and far-reaching impact on the earth.

More importantly, the ancient gods could not allow them to resist this natural disaster with peace of mind. No matter what means they used to resist, the ancient gods would definitely hinder it.

For them to stay, it is tantamount to facing the comet and the ancient **** at the same time.

Protection is always more difficult than destruction, so almost all races at that time chose to leave the earth unanimously.

However, not so many creatures can migrate, and some creatures are destined to stay. Not only that, the environment of Zhixing is different from that of the earth, and some weaker races cannot survive at all.

So there was a huge division within the rebellious species at that time, and it split into two parts.

The powerful template creatures are gone, and the remaining races that cannot migrate remain.

The remaining rebels are mainly human beings, that is, from then on, human beings began to ascend to the leadership position of the rebels.

Because among the remaining races, there is only one with the nine senses, and that is the Fuxi and Nuwa clan with a human head and a snake body.

They led the remaining rebels to solve the unprecedented natural disaster.

“Comet… Comet… Could it be the Younger Dryas incident 13,000 years ago?” Mo Poor said.

Earth experienced a global climate change 13,000 years ago, which wiped out a large number of organisms, and even the Arctic Dryas appeared on plateaus and tropics.

This kind of impact can only come from outside the sky. Scientists speculate that it is a comet, but they have not found where the comet is until now.

Thinking of this, Mo Poor looked at the moon in the sky.

Emperor Sang certainly didn’t know what the Younger Dryas incident was. She only knew about the comet that almost collided with the earth head-on.

Fortunately, because the attention of the ancient gods was attracted by the migrating powerful races, they did not disperse their energies to intensify the natural disaster.

So there are only a very small number of ancient gods who have not left, such as Gaia.

It has to be said that it was precisely because of the split of the rebels that the comet at that time could possibly block it.

In the end, there are countless weak races left behind. They unite and sacrifice countless sacrifices to make them pass by with difficulty.

Slow down that massive comet, orbiting Earth.

As for Gaia who sabotaged Nuwa’s actions, she was also sealed by hand.

However, the price was extremely heavy. In order to deviate from the comet, countless strong men were crushed to death, and even the pillars of heaven were broken.

After that, came the Great Flood.

“At that time, it cut through the sky, traversed the sky, and dragged a huge tail. We called it the mark of the sky, or the lack of the sky.”

“Countless amounts of water fell from the sky, and the heavy rain overwhelmed the world, just like the Milky Way flowing backwards.”

“My father told me that the absence of the sky caused the stars to shift suddenly, as if the entire sky had fallen to the northwest.”

The description of Empress Sang completely matches the myth.

Originally, this myth of mending the sky was illogical at all. How could the sky be broken? If it is broken, how can there be a Milky Way flowing backwards? Of all the flood myths, this one is the most made up.

But at the moment when he heard it, Mo Poor suddenly realized that the truth seemed to be the opposite, and this was the closest to the truth.

Think about it carefully, the water on the earth, under normal climate change, it is impossible to have a global flood, and it is even more difficult to submerge all the mountains. But if the water comes from outside the sky and has the gravitational influence of a massive body, it makes sense.

Since ancient times, many comet events have been observed. The ancients like to use the sky mark and the sky to describe it, which means that the sky is broken to describe the spectacular scene when the comet passes by.

It turns out that Tianque in the oldest flood myth refers to a comet.

Comets are mainly composed of ice, and will drag a large tail composed of countless ices. At that time, most of the comet must have been solid water, so when it was close to the earth, countless icebergs were stripped off from the comet and kept hitting the earth.

After entering the atmosphere, the comet’s ice melted into water, and the Milky Way flowed backward.

Huge volumes of water entered the earth, coupled with the gravitational influence of comets, created towering tsunamis all over the world, forming the largest flood in history.

Although the comet revolves around the earth, strictly speaking, the earth and the comet revolve around a center of mass. Although the center of mass is inside the earth, there is still a big difference between having and not having it.

Various influences lead to changes in the earth’s orbit, and even the speed of rotation has become faster. From the surface to the starry sky, it seems that the entire sky has moved a little.

It is because the sky tilts to the northwest, so the sun, moon and stars move.

p.s: Sorry. Because many people don’t understand or like it, so I don’t plan to write the story of the rebellious war, and some historical ideas will not be opened. But mending the sky is too important, it is about explaining why the body of the mysterious man on the moon did not appear earlier, so it must be written. In addition, this is also my favorite explanation. It was not easy to integrate into the book. I feel a loss if I don’t write it, and I feel uncomfortable all over.

(end of this chapter)

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