Blue and White Society

Chapter 868

Chapter 868 – Obey The Black Emperor

Chapter 868 Obedience to the Black Emperor

The Great Flood was terrible, but it was much better than a comet hitting the earth directly.

In the end, with the efforts of various ethnic groups, a large number of refuge boats were built, and only some species became extinct.

But comets have been sending a lot of water to the earth, which is obviously not possible.

The comet is too big to revolve around the earth, and ice cubes fall to the earth every moment, forming a global torrential rain.

If all the water falls down, the sea level will have to rise another few hundred meters.

So in order to seal it, all members of the Fuxi and Nuwa clan sent a continent and a broken sky pillar outside the atmosphere to envelop the comet.

Eventually the comet’s remaining water was sealed in stone, allowing it to form a satellite.

This is the roundest satellite, the moon, that humans have discovered so far.

After the tide gradually stabilized, the towering waves stopped. Although there will still be flood waves, the highlands are above the water.

After that, a large amount of water was frozen in the Antarctic, held by a containment that can freeze objects on a large scale.

After the sea level recovers, all the land surfaced, the earth’s environment became stable and suitable, and the temperature gradually warmed up.

At this point, Tianque became Tianque, and the creatures on the earth sacrificed a continent, locked the comet wreckage, and completed the feat of mending the sky.

Que means omission, so Tianque still means omission in the sky.

It’s just that this ‘missing’ has been made up by ‘que’.

This is because the survivors of the Great Flood are not used to having a moon in the sky, and always regard it as a huge white hole in the black sky.

Until four thousand years later, during the period of the emperor Sang, the moon was not given a unique name.

“By the way, do you know this person?” Mo Poor mentally sensed a picture, which is exactly what the corpse of the mysterious man on the moon looks like.

Unexpectedly, the rebels looked at each other, shook their heads and said, “I don’t know, who is this?”

“Eh? Don’t you know me…” Mo Poor rubbed his Adam’s apple.

He just had a whim, thinking that this might be some rebel who died on the moon. But now it seems that it is either a character who emerged after the Empress Sang.

Or, it’s just a simple containment… This containment looks like this!

“The battle to mend the sky became a turning point in the war of rebellion, and the rise of mankind began.” Empress Sang continued.

Human beings have exerted 80% of their efforts in mending the sky and achieved incredible feats.

Since then, mankind has officially entered the stage of history, completed its transformation, and a large number of heroes have emerged.

They are no longer the vassals of powerful non-human races such as the dragons in the past, but the main force among the rebels.

The ancient gods and the migrating rebellious races fought in Zhixing, giving them a lot of time to develop.

After that, Zhixing exploded directly, turning into an asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

The rebel party suffered a disastrous defeat, and almost all the migrating races were wiped out, only a very small number of individuals returned to the earth.

But they can no longer lead this war, they can only be subservient to humans.

After mending the sky, it is almost human beings alone to face the remaining ancient gods.

The war of rebellion turned into a war between humans and gods.

This is not a good thing, because humans are still too weak.

When human beings become the main force among the rebels, the entire rebel camp can be said to be on the verge of failure and complete annihilation.

The ancient gods never put human beings in their eyes. The enemies in their eyes have always been the helper and slave races created by them. As for human beings, they are just experimental materials.

Except Fuxi and Nuwa, other human beings are not even counted as pets.

After the Battle of Zhixing, all the races that the ancient gods considered a threat were wiped out. Although they also suffered heavy losses, they still swaggered back to the earth and demanded that humans go back to the farm by themselves, treating humans like ants.

Human beings have undergone metamorphosis, and they are no longer running errands hiding under the protection of any strong man. They want to become strong by themselves.

So humans declared war on the ancient gods, but at that time there was a huge disparity in the combat power of humans and gods, which was called the war between gods and ants.

So the ancient gods were deeply ashamed when they lost to humans, and they still haven’t recovered from their anger.

But at that time, the civilization that human beings had just developed from the ruins was almost destroyed.

Mankind stubbornly dragged the war into a war of attrition. Hiding underground, under the sea, in space, and even swindling surrender, it can be said that they are trying their best to deal with and guerrilla.

In order to have enough warriors, the Fuxi Nuwa family used the creation stone pillars to create powerful half-human creatures, and in the end they used their entire family as raw materials to squeeze them dry, leaving only a young girl ‘Hang’ Keep it as seeds, and the rest are all dead without a whole body.

But fortunately, mankind has always had a successor who can carry the banner.

Fuxi and Nuwa died, and the Five Emperors emerged.

The Five Emperors can be any race, but they are basically humans. In addition to the five emperors, there are also various king-level leaders, distributed all over the world.

Looking at it this way, the emperor is like the president, while the five emperors are the arbitration system.

It’s just that after the victory of human beings, the five emperors may become the masters in turn. It’s just that they are not called emperors in name, but their status is the same as that of emperors.

Until now, the name of the rebel has been completely reduced to history, and then, the Mohist School, the School of Divination, and the Little Brotherhood, the era rolls forward until the Blue and White Society.

It seems that everything can’t stand the time.

“Speaking of time, after mending the sky, the dimension of the sky slowed down and the astrology changed, so the Fuxi calendar was all wrong. Later, the Yellow Emperor rebuilt the solar calendar. Now that the moon has been pushed so far, the calendar must have changed again, right? “Emperor Sang asked.

Mo Poor nodded, the rotation speed of the earth is easy to change.

Billions of years ago the earth was five hours a day, and then it got slower and slower.

From Emperor Sang’s mouth, we know that at that time, their day was converted to twenty-five hours.

After the comet event, the earth’s rotation has been much faster, but now that the moon has been pushed to this distance, the earth’s rotation has stabilized to a degree that is a little bit short of twenty-four hours.

“Huh? You said push?” Mo Poor frowned.

Emperor Sang pointed to the moon and said: “Under normal circumstances, how could it be so far away for no reason? It must have been pushed.”

“This is what happened after I entered Chuangjie Mountain, what? You don’t know who pushed it?”

Mo Poor thought, if the moon used to be called Tianque, then the sky pushed away by Jedi Tiantong might be the moon.

Zhuan Xu ordered the sky to be pushed back, and Li to press the earth, so that the sky and the earth were separated and further and further apart.

If this is not just an ideological change, but actually did such a thing, then there is only one suspect.

Because throughout the ages, there is only one moon that is farther away from the ground.

Xuandi Zhuanxu actually pushed the moon far away and sent it to a suitable orbit, so that the earth and the moon formed a perfect relative position.

It is so perfect that it is almost obsessive-compulsive disorder. The ratio of the distance between the earth and the moon to the distance between the sun and the earth is exactly the same as the moon seen on the earth and the sun.

The rotation speed of the earth is stable to 24 hours, and the revolution and rotation speed of the moon have also reached perfection, so that the moon always faces the earth with the same side, achieving tidal locking.

In this way, the cycle of the moon can also be used to make a calendar, and can be integrated with the solar calendar.

“Damn, obsessive-compulsive disorder.” Mo Poor muttered.

When he said this, Empress Sang nodded and said, “That’s right, did he rebuild the calendar?”

Mo Poor nodded and said, “Well, the first lunar and solar calendar for human beings is the Zhuanxu calendar. Although it was not completed until a thousand years after Zhuanxu’s death, it was perfected, but it is still the first time in human history that the lunar cycle is included in the calendar. .”

Before the Zhuanxu calendar, human beings only had the solar calendar, as if the whole world did not consider the existence of the moon when designing calendars.

Now it seems that human beings have to have a reference. There was no moon at all before, and it was too close to cover the stars.

It was not until it was pushed to a distance of 380,000 kilometers, and a tidal lock was formed, and the cycle was so beautiful that it was like obsessive-compulsive disorder, that it was qualified as the basis of the calendar.

After learning about Jedi Tiantong, Emperor Sang and the others seemed to have the joy of fulfilling their dreams, clapping their hands for joy.

However, after learning that three of the four birthplaces of civilization had experienced a long period in which religion was superior to imperial power, the rebels were all dissatisfied: “How could this be?”

“The separation of man and god, ****, should be implemented by all human beings, why is it only implemented in one corner?”

Mo Poor didn’t speak. Obviously, after the victory of mankind, they split up, and the influence of the leader of the rebels shrank sharply.

I don’t know whether it was intentional or unintentional. In the end, the rebels disappeared one after another, and the lives of the contained objects and ordinary people began to mix, until later organizations such as the Mohism, the Little Brotherhood, and the School of Divination appeared.

The deeds of Xuandi Zhuanxu finally only established the humanistic thought in a corner.

Moqiong David and others talked with the rebels all night, and the two sides fully understood each other.

I have to say that rebels like Empress Sang are like a treasure house.

They provided the Blue and White Society with a large amount of information, which is all-encompassing, including the activation methods of many genetic characteristics.

Although I don’t know who is whose offspring, but just try one by one. The pros and cons have already been tested by rebels for thousands of years.

Ordinary members of the Blue and White Club may no longer only have the characteristics of eagle eyes, assassin steps, taffi stone talents, and air walls.

David and a group of members sorted out the materials and said: “Thank you very much for your sharing. In order to thank you, we will assist you to use the creation stone pillars to recreate your respective races, but there will not be many places.”

“But the troubles of this era are the responsibility of the Blue and White Society. You don’t need to participate in the war. We will arrange your habitat and cultivate your health.”

Emperor Sang smiled and said: “Human beings are in trouble, and we still have no hesitation.”

“You want to join the Blue and White Society? This requires strict testing and training…” David said.

Emperor Sang smiled and said: “No… your order is too troublesome. And our order, although it has died out, we are still used to the Five Emperors system.”

“We have recognized the contemporary Black Emperor. Although this is just a code name for you, it has a special meaning for us. If necessary, we, including our own ethnic group, will obey the Black Emperor .”

David smiled, that’s enough, Mo Poor is a member of the Blue and White Club, and also the Black Emperor in the opponent’s order.

This point is recognized by the rebels, which is the biggest gain today.

Before, he told this group of rebels about Mo Poor’s name as the Black Emperor.

In fact, it is an old trick of the Lanbai Club, just like merging the Mohists, the club wants to use this to integrate the rebels.

It is Mo Poor’s meritorious service to kill gods and save people. He is the best candidate to tolerate the other party. He also happens to be code-named Hei Di, so he is simply the best candidate.

p.s: Sorry. It wasn’t until Zhuanxu Jedi Tiantong, the moon is the moon, that corpse didn’t appear. There will only be one in another dimension, so only the moon in the mother universe will have it.

(end of this chapter)

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