Blue Sky Sword

Chapter 257

Vol 2 Chapter 86: Dangerous Eggs【3 In 1】

Why go to the neck to get stuck, panting hard: “Just because you are Dayan Zidi!”

As soon as these words came out, Emperor Zi couldn’t help but be dumbfounded. It seems that these words can’t be refuted!

In all fairness, it seems that I really are the prime target of the Golden Emperor, rub, I was fooled by this little official in rainbow clothes in front of me!

“This is the end of the matter, even if you have a lotus-like tongue and a lot of flowers, it will not help you. The lives of 30 million people in Yuezhou City are all on your body, and you can’t let it go!”

Why go to breathe and struggle, but his words are still not showing weakness: “If you leave today, the old man will die, even if no one in Yuezhou City is spared, but the old man can guarantee that the name of Emperor Zi will still stink. Inaudible!”

He looked at Emperor Zi with a sense of expression in his eyes: “Even if you can hold the sky with one hand, you can make up your own words and quibble, but today’s cause and effect is established, when you hit the high level at that time, the 30 million unjust souls in Yuezhou City will be caused by cause and effect… If you don’t believe in the sky, you can’t see it, can you escape!?”

“Your Majesty Zidi, you are also a profound practitioner. You should know that the world cannot be deceived. It’s not that you don’t report it, the time has not yet come!”

This point, Zidi not only knows, but also knows far more than why!

Otherwise, he left early, why did he come out to justify, only adding a lot of troubles

But precisely because he understood the serious consequences, he was even more angry.

As the dignified purple emperor, he was actually riding a tiger and was kidnapped so easily?

During the time when Zidi and He Nei went to talk, Ma Qiange, Wu Tiejun, Jia Xinyu and others were not idle at all.

Separately mobilize troops and horses, arrange troops, rush to the head of the city, and strictly guard the pass!

They also assigned fine people to block all the city gates with sand and gravel, so that even a small snake that rented chopsticks could not get in.

In the face of the pervasive Snake Clan, no matter how careful you are, you can only worry about not being strict enough!

At this moment, the generals of the garrison have already boarded the city head, one person is in charge of a section, and the first echelon, the second echelon, the third echelon are arranged in sequence… ready to support at any time.

People such as Rainbow Tianyi mobilized throughout the city, calling on all the warriors in Yuezhou City, regardless of nationality, to recruit all of them to prepare for the war.

If the army can’t stop the snake tide, then before the army’s casualties are exhausted, they have to use the warriors in the city to top it.

In any case, the snake tide cannot be allowed to enter Yuezhou, and it is necessary to buy time for the reinforcements.

Once any gap appears, with the general trend of the Snake Clan, Yuezhou will be overturned, and half a day will be enough. Only by exerting all our strength can we have a chance of survival.

I don’t know if I should call it luck or misfortune. After Yuezhou has been cleaned up, all the soldiers left behind are of outstanding ability.

The prefect of Yuezhou also acted, leading the soldiers, yamen, etc. to directly empty all the warehouses, and transported a huge amount of kerosene and other materials to the city head.

Many big families also donated kerosene and vegetable oil on their own initiative; and those who did not donate actively, the prefect waved his hand and rushed in directly to grab it!

At this moment, where can we take care of those who have or not?

Seeing that the calamity was over, the people also spontaneously began to transport logs and rocks to the city.

Above the city head, the fire was blazing, and more than thousands of cauldrons were boiling the golden juice.

The Golden Emperor, who was in midair, looked at the many movements below, busy, and in his gloomy eyes, he didn’t care,

Arrange whatever you want

I am attacking with the elites of the whole family, is it a small Yuezhou, can it be resisted in a small place?

Among the current Yuezhou, there is only one super-level master, Zidi.

Even if he has great ability, he can’t stop the attack from all directions.

Go into your best efforts, ants!

Only if you work hard to survive, Emperor Zi can’t leave. I wish you can fight to the last one soldier and one soldier, so that this emperor can consume Emperor Zi to death, and cut off this confidant’s trouble and enmity!

Countless dry branches and firewood were thrown down the city head in bundles, and thick sheets were spread out.

Even many old uninhabited houses were demolished, and the stones were used to guard the city, while the roof beams and sandalwood were cut into pieces and transported to the top of the city as firewood and fuel.

Countless scholars and literati took to the streets one after another, calling on everyone to make concerted efforts. If you have money and money, you will be able to contribute to something. At this juncture, if you do your best, you will have vitality.

Everyone understands this, no one is idle, and regards the present as the last day of their lives, showing the meaning of existence

The current situation is completely different from the invasion of troops from other countries. Under the demon tide, people are completely wiped out, how can it be a fluke?!

If the two countries go to war, if they do not use extremes, the enemy will rarely kill the city when they enter the city; but the monsters enter the city to eat their food first. All the creatures in the city will be turned into food in the belly of the monster.

Knowing this, who dares to be slow?

No matter how selfish and shameless people are, now they only have to focus on defending the city, and they don’t dare to relax at all.

At this moment, a thick layer of flammable objects has been spread outside the city wall, which is a hundred feet high.

Wu Tiejun stood at the highest point of the city wall and shouted loudly: “Don’t act rashly! Don’t set fire!”

He hurriedly knocked down a rocket from a soldier’s hand with a split palm, and said sharply, “No one is allowed to act rashly!”

“When the snakes start to attack the city, and then start setting fires, this will be the first line of defense for Zhou Hu Yuezhou City, and it can’t be wasted!”

“If you can’t burn some snakes… then these preparations will be useless and futile.”

“Clear water, go to the city to transport clear water,”

Wu Tiejun calmly and calmly commanded, so that everyone who heard his order calmed down the panic involuntarily.

The calm and unhurried general’s style of commanding Ruoding, the composure that remains unchanged in the face of a big mountain collapse, gave everyone confidence.

Let everyone feel that as long as Wu Shuai is there, Yuezhou will be fine.

He is like a needle of Ding Hai Shen, standing at the head of Yuezhou City, indestructible, unbreakable,

On the other side, why go to fight with Zidi and have stopped fighting,

Just how must go said: “What’s the point of arguing and getting angry now? Even if your Majesty Zi Di wins me, you can go away, and you can change the city of Yuezhou. The hearts of millions of people?

This sentence immediately completely defeated Emperor Zi.

Yes, even if he proves his grievances and pays his innocence, so what if he is innocence; considering the current situation, he can’t walk away anyway?

What is tired of fame? This is it!

“This old man… was tricked by you today!”

Emperor Zi looked up to the sky and sighed, the anger in his eyes seemed to have turned into a sea of fire, burning Yuezhou to the ground!

In mid-air, the Golden Emperor laughed happily: “Emperor Zi, I want to see where you can go? At this moment and here, you and Yuezhou City will live and die together, be buried with him, or die first. Achieve the legend of the feat of death for the human race!”

Zidi gritted his teeth and said, “Then it depends on whether you have that ability!”

After finishing speaking, he asked why he should go: “When will your support from Daqin arrive?”

Why did he caress the bruised neck that Zidi pointed at, coughed and said, “I don’t know, this accident happened suddenly and turned into an armpit, but the news of the call for help has already been sent out.”

Emperor Zi said irritably: “It is impossible for this city to be held for a long time. As the chief of a city, don’t you plan to retreat and preserve the living forces?”

Why go to coldly: “It is possible to order a retreat at any time, but it can never be now!” “Why?”

“No one leaves, all will be united, and the strength of the city can be united. If you fight to the death, there may not be a glimmer of hope. Once someone flees, the hearts of the people will be disintegrated. Not only can Yuezhou City be unable to defend, but those who escape are also rare. Forgive me, I think His Majesty the Purple Emperor should understand this truth, or at this moment, His Majesty the Purple Emperor still wants to deceive people and escape alone?!”

“For today’s plan, there is only one battle, until the last soldier is killed, never give up!”

Why doesn’t Emperor Zi understand this, but… I’m at a loss, I just want to get out of it all by myself now!

In this situation, there is a huge disparity between the strength and the weak, so why is it worth fighting?

What the hell, I have never worked so hard for Daquan in my life, but today I have to work hard for Daqin.

At the tomb, a long howl suddenly came from midair, the golden emperor swayed with a huge body, black clouds and flesh were prosperous, covering the sun and the sky, completely concealing the universe.


The fishy smell in the distance became more intense, and countless groups of snakes began to march towards Yuezhou City.

This momentum is still surging from all directions, surrounded by all sides, and the dead end has been cast!

In every direction, there are several black-clothed snakes who have been rehabilitated in human form to supervise the battle.

Directly opposite, there are countless giant pythons as thick as small houses taking the lead.

The traveling speed is fast, and it rolls towards Yuezhou City, as if snake mountains are moving fast, hitting the Yuezhou City pass.

Until about three arrows away from the city wall, it stopped,

But the group of snakes in the back continued to come, like a wave of anger,

On the top of the city, the guards and soldiers who saw this scene were all horrified, and there was no human color.

Leaning slightly, a giant python stood up, and it was several meters higher than the highest point of the city wall. Its two eyes flashed with cold light, like two huge lanterns, looking down at Wu Tiejun!

But seeing its open mouth and fangs, it is no less than three or four meters long, and the snake letter is swallowing and swallowing, and it has a length of seventeen or eight meters and three arrows, but it is not easy…

Facing such a beast, even Mei Huanchang turned pale, and it was difficult to maintain his composure.

This is the first time everyone has seen this kind of battle.

Who can not be afraid?

The level of the demon tide is far beyond the limit Wu Tiejun can bear, and it cannot be compared at all.

Seeing that the group of snakes gathered more and more, the piles became higher and higher, and gradually exceeded the height of the city wall. Countless giant snakes swallowed snake letters and looked at Zidi coldly and cruelly.

Behind the Purple Emperor, there is a faint appearance of smoke and dust, but it is the soldiers of the Baizhan Pass, and they have come to reinforce it!

Everyone knows that Mei Huan is dead, but the soldiers of Baizhan Pass still rushed in without hesitation.

Seeing this, Mei Huanchang was furious: “Who asked you to come?!”

The leader of Baizhanguan was a man with a big beard and a thick beard. He said lightly: “It’s better to come than not to come. What are you calling? Do you have a loud voice?”

“You shouldn’t have come!”

“I’m suffering if I don’t come, and if you die, I’ll have to take my life and be afraid of death! I’m here, but if I don’t come, I’ll scold me for being greedy for life and fear of death when you die! What **** is here, and you’re still being scolded! Can you still make some sense!”

“What are you going to do when you come to Baizhanguan?!”

“I’m here, and I may die together; but it’s also possible that because of the strength of my brothers, Emperor Zi can keep it! But if I give it a fight, it will come as soon as I come!”

The general laughed: “As for what to do with the Baizhan Pass… that’s not something we need to worry about right now. There are so many people in Daqin, and if you come carefully, you can hold it alone. Let’s take care of you who are going to die first!”

“What are you!…”

Yuezhou City cursed and cursed, but the circles of his eyes were red.

The guy in front of me has not dealt with me for many years, and they quarreled when they met, and they started when they were in a hurry. As long as the two met each other, it was normal for one to fall in three minutes. It was either you or me, or both fell.

But it was this guy, when he knew that he was going to die, he followed the troops and rushed over, swearing to live and die together with Emperor Zi!

“Don’t be so foolish to think and move!”

The general scolded: “I didn’t come here for you. You look at you like that, and you are disgusting at a glance. Can I die for you? You are ugly, but you are beautiful! As a general of the Qin Dynasty, it is our iron rule not to lose an inch of soil!”

“Your uncle’s!”

Yuezhou Cheng roared and cursed with red eyes.

This **** is still as unbeatable as usual, and it’s only two steps behind the trouble!

As time went on, countless figures, from far to near, went to Mei Huan in all directions, there were people from the dark guards, there were people in rainbow sky clothes, and there were also martial artists…

Daqin’s emergency summoning order, the order to defend against the demon tide and guard the Purple Emperor, has been issued,

The whole Daqin is in action, trying their best to help

Many masters from the capital city and various disciplines are rushing towards this side even at the expense of their vigor and cultivation base.

Thirty million creatures under the kiss of snakes

This matter has touched the hearts of every place in Daqin.

His Majesty the Emperor gave a strict order; “At all costs, save the people of Emperor Zi!”

“Burning incense and breaking jade, please come out of the mountain!”

in the city.

Emperor Yan Zi didn’t see his usual composure anymore. He sat down on the chair and couldn’t stand up for a long while. His pretty face was only snow-white, and both eyes lost focus.

Others may not know why the snake tide came, but she steamed purple emperor doesn’t know?

As long as you think of the former story of the Three Kings in Pengtang Collection, it is not difficult to imagine that it is the disaster caused by the more than 400 snake eggs!

But there is another problem in the heart of Steamed Zidi that is hard to let go.

There are more than 400 snake eggs of the swallowing python, no matter the quantity or quality, but it is still just a sneak attack on the nest of the swallowing python.

This truth… It seems that there is no way to say it!

You must know that the person who stole the eggs of the swallowing python had also stole a lot of high-level old beasts, Youkang, and was trained by Master Ling that Xiaotang Xiaonian came from this person. Based on this inference, no matter what. As far as it’s going to be so slight.

There must be something wrong with this…

How did Emperor Yan Zi know that the reason why he would expand the situation to this point this time was just because he asked the person who received him, and he was the snake emperor who was known as the most careful snake emperor in the world;

What’s more, the more important reason for this Snake Emperor to be so active is to fight because of grievances.

Ming Zhanli was actually tried and created, and it took a hundred years of seclusion to recover…

For the Snake Emperor, who has accumulated anger for hundreds of years, even if the snake eggs of the snake that swallowed the sky were not stolen, this His Majesty Yuezhou must have other actions. Not to make His Majesty Yuezhou feel sick,

In other words, just after leaving the customs, His Majesty Yuezhou, who was at his meeting, met the swallowing pythons and cried, so he raised troops to ask for the guilt, but the fight was right!

I can’t kill the Golden Emperor, and I can’t kill a little Purple Emperor?

After the results arrived, I saw, ah, it’s a happy event…

The Golden Emperor was actually there, and he was still the one who couldn’t run away!

how wonderful…

Well, from this point of view, it’s hard to say who will take the blame for the Golden Emperor and Wu Tiejun. It should be the factor of His Majesty Mei Huan that is much bigger, so the Golden Emperor will bear the safety of the 30 million people of the Purple Emperor. And resentment, it is really unhappy!

It’s just the reason, except for His Majesty Mei Huan himself, few people can say vaguely!

After all, who would have thought that just because of a momentary anger, he would become famous and violent, and this is definitely not something that abnormal people and abnormal monsters can do!


Of course, Mei Huanchang would never know about these things. What she is thinking now is, what should I do about this matter?

There are more than 400 snakes in her hands, all of them are always old.

These must be handed over.

But the key question now is not this, but is, after handing over, will the snake tide recede?

Also, this thing… it’s impossible to hide anything.

Why wait for someone to know sooner or later,

If you are held accountable or even vent your anger…

As soon as he thought of this, Emperor Yan Zi immediately jumped up, brought a few people, and hurriedly ordered to bring all the snake benefits, and took the initiative to find why he should go and discuss countermeasures.

Along the way, unspeakable annoyance.

The last time that guy sent Li Falcon Youhui, he had already caused a catastrophe to the Imperial Beast Sect, and he was almost wiped out.

This time, sending so many high-quality snake eggs, I wanted to make a lot of money, but it ended up attracting a wave of snakes?

This is so…

Where are you going to reason?

In the future, the spirit beasts and beast eggs sent by that guy will definitely not be required!

No, that person should be detained, he is the initiator of so many disasters, how can he pat his **** and leave, and stay out of it?

But this kind of thing, the Imperial Beast Sect has not done less in the past, and has long promised not to investigate the problem of the seller because of the source of the goods. , the turning point is so outrageous!

The Royal Beast Sect has been inherited for a long time, and there is no accident in the morning and no accident in the evening. Why did you arrive at me, and then accidents happened one after another, and who did I provoke?!

If something big could happen like this, wouldn’t the Imperial Beast Sect be wiped out a hundred or eighty times long ago?

Mei Huanlu was cranky along the way

As for the people from the Jianghu family who came from other places to buy the baby snake, the publicity of this auction was very good, and the martial artist families from several distant states came.

Their original intention was to buy a hope for the future of the family, and now they are all looking pale and panicking.

The future hope of the special family can’t be bought like this; and the hope of his own future, like this, will also be buried here.

That’s a real loss!

But the worst… it’s not them.

The worst offenders are the people from the Ximen family and the people from the Supreme Mountain.

These people are really dumbfounded.

The people of the Ximen family stayed here and didn’t leave because they didn’t steal the sky. Now, they can’t leave if they want to.

Faced with such a situation, no force or anyone can escape if they want to, and Da Mo Yuan Tu is not an exception!

As for not saying anything, it is even more impossible. When the snakes enter the city, they will not care if you move or not, what force you belong to, and they will say hello directly, and they will be bigger than heaven!

Therefore, even if you are reluctant, you can only passively participate in the battle of defending the city, and you have to fight to the death, and there may be a chance of life!

But I still know very well that it is really “possible” to have a chance of life, why are they not happy to die?!

However, compared to the Ximen family, the unlucky mountain is even more unlucky. They went to Wutong Mountain Black Crow Valley to pursue Gentleness. As a result, they didn’t see a single hair. Also, in order not to steal the sky, everyone came back again. When I arrived at Zidi, I was listless along the way and didn’t go very fast.

Today, just the second day after returning to Mei Huanlu, was unexpectedly caught in this mortal situation.

Moreover, there are a lot of disciples gathered in Mei Huan now in the Supreme Mountain, but there are more than 200 elite disciples of the sect!

It can even be said that more than 80% of the supreme mountain people who are walking on the rivers and lakes at this stage are gathered in Meihuan!

In other words, if we only talk about the strength of force output now, the people who belong to the Supreme Mountain are the main force in fighting the snake tide!

Faced with such a situation, Mei Huanlu, who was already upset, spit out a mouthful of blood!


He has only one thought now: what is this… what is it called?

Even if we stay on Wutong Mountain, we will not encounter such things. After so many days of traveling, there is nothing wrong with it, and when we come back, we will encounter a disaster!

Who is your mother going to talk to?

I have to say that the influence of not stealing the sky is really extraordinary.

If after this catastrophe, Wu Tiejun can save it, for now, it is definitely the biggest hero who does not steal Tiandinghou!

Because all the main combat power is basically directed at him.

For example, Damei Huanchang – just because he didn’t steal the sky, um, because the son or apprentice who didn’t steal the sky came gentle.

Moreover, the reason why Mei Huan was locked here and couldn’t leave, and the reason why he couldn’t get rid of his grievance with Yuezhou, was also because he stole Mei Huan’s substitute puppet letter back then!

There are also the Ximen family and the Supreme Mountain in the boundless square, also staying here for the sake of not stealing the sky,

So, don’t steal the sky, take great credit!

But now, except for the current senior officials, they don’t know at all that so many of them have fallen into the dead because of themselves.

He will be urging his family to donate money! Donate materials! All the kerosene and countless supplies in the family will be sent out.

There are also some unimportant Dingxi collected over the years, but useful for defending the city, and they are also packaged and sent out.

Looking at the entire Wu Tiejun at the moment, he dares to say that he is sure to retreat under the attack of the demon tide. Except for the golden emperor, the second person must be the one who does not steal the day, except for Ding, Ding, and Ding. There are many caves with cunning rabbits. Not only are there many secret outdoor houses hidden in the city, but there are also secret roads leading directly to the outside of the city.

But at this moment, the members have resumed their attire, but they are pinching the goatee in the gazebo and pondering. If it really comes to a critical moment, should I stay on my own or help? Once I do, I will definitely be recognized

At that time, even if Emperor Zi was safe, from now on, I was afraid that there would be no peace to speak of.

In the world, his enemies and those who want to benefit from him are like crucian carp crossing the river…

But if you don’t take action… How can this conscience be at ease?

He sat under the gazebo, closed his eyes, and muttered in his mouth.

“Tao can be Tao, very Tao, name can be famous, very famous… Master, what do you think I should do?”

Outside the city, Yuezhou has ordered the Snake Clan to end the attack

It is not the soldiers, not the army, that stand on the front of the city wall now.

but a master of the rivers and lakes

The supreme mountain and the Ximen family are the leaders, and they are the masters of thousands of old warrior families. These people are all headed by the Golden Emperor:

In other words, Mei Huan was given the highest command of this wandering army.

Because apart from Mei Huan, no one else can hold down this group of people!

These people, including Mei Huan, are all distorted and reluctant.

But no matter what aspect, their cultivation base is the highest. Therefore, it is necessary to fight a wave first.

This is really a strange phenomenon, the more reluctant it is, the more it will come to the front.

And even if they don’t come, they don’t trust others to protect themselves, and they don’t trust others to defend the city wall.

This is not a war between the two countries. If it is a war, if you hide yourself, the enemy may not be able to find you when you enter the city. If you find yourself, you may not be able to fight yourself, and you may not be able to win if you fight yourself.

But now we are facing a group of snakes. A gap appears and the whole city suffers. The snake will not find itself. If it finds it, it will definitely eat it. If one cannot eat itself, there will be more. will not attack another target.

So that’s pretty **** up!

Ma Qiange is holding a long sword, and his face is full of expressions like eating shit

The snake group below has ended their attack.

densely packed, like mountains and seas

Towards the city wall, rushing madly,


A majestic shout.

Exactly the troublesome words!

The overwhelming rain of arrows flew out.

The arrows used this time are all bamboo-bodied arrows of special soldiers. They are light in body and heavy in arrows. They are used by old soldiers. They can shoot very far, and they can dive down from high altitudes. Due to their heavy head, their lethality is very strong.

For old soldiers, the lethality is not small.

But for snakes outside the city…that’s hehe.

The special arrow of the rainstorm fell to the ground without causing any damage.

But there is one characteristic: these bamboo arrows are all soaked in oil.

Countless groups of snakes had already rushed to the bottom of the city, and when they finished climbing up, countless giant pythons straightened up and rushed towards the city head.

Mei Huanchang and the others fell into a fierce battle in an instant.

He Xiangming was in charge of the commander-in-chief of the battlefield and stood at the highest point. look calm

Under the thick ignition layer, He Xiangming never ordered the ignition.

He knew that the old attack was just tentative, and Ma Qiange, Jin Huang and the others could definitely hold on!

This fire, when it is not necessary, can’t be burned early, it is too wasteful.

Why would he stare at the Steamed Zi Emperor in front of him, and look at a bed of old snakes in front of him, his eyes all falling out.

“This… this this this…”

Steamed Purple Emperor nodded sadly. “This is…?”

Why don’t you stare.

Steamed Zidi looks unlovable

“This is what the Snake King is looking for… Little Snake?”

Why go to the face is green.

Emperor Yan Zi nodded again. puff!

Why go and place a finger on Emperor Steaming Zi’s forehead, and sit on the ground with the **** of the big girl who is like a flower like a jade.

“You, you!…”

Why go to the beard and tremble.

Emperor Yan Zi fell to the ground with a sad face, crying and said: “Second uncle… I, I didn’t know it would be like this…

Why didn’t you go with a livid face: “When you collected the snake, didn’t you think about it? This is the swallowing python!”

“It was sent by someone else…the price is still so cheap…”

“Damn! You want cheap?”

“Second uncle…” Mei Huanchang called out in a sad voice.

Why go to rage: “Don’t call me second uncle, how can I have such a big face to have your grandniece!”

“What should we do now?”

Emperor Yan Zi had six gods and no masters.

“Give me the snake…you go, even if someone finds you, you must insist…the other party said that he was sent by Da Moyuantu! Do you understand?

Why go to make a decisive decision, make a decision immediately.

Even if it is to deal with the steamed purple emperor, it must be done after the fact.

And this should never be made public. Once it was made public, the Golden Emperor had an excuse to leave

But at this time, how could it be possible to allow the Golden Emperor to go?

So all you have to do now is cover your lids! When this is over, what to do with it

I have to say that the thought of why go is extremely old and dark at this moment.

But for the sake of Emperor Zi, he had to do it.

Some things cannot be known to the public.

Mei Huan, this black pot, must be carried!

Then he asked, “That Master Ling…?”

Emperor Yan Zi explained a little bit with tears in his eyes, all the details were revealed.

Why should I listen to it, my expression is not right: “Very young?”

“He’s handsome?”

“There’s a kitten around…? What’s up with the kitten?”

“I ask you, just a while ago…a dozen to…that day, this Master Ling was not there? Couldn’t find it?”

Why should I ask? It was the time when the Fengshen doctor went to heal the Western Army Marshal Ma Daocheng.

At this moment, He Nei’s expression is very focused,

Steamed Zidi answered affirmatively: “Yes, I was away for a few days, and only came back…”


Why did he take a long sigh of relief, his eyes became infinitely dignified: “Can you train pets to the most magical limit?


“It’s the old kitty eagle, who has the potential to become a king in his hands?”

“…-more than.”

“…The whereabouts are very mysterious? I don’t know the origin?”


“There is a couple around? Suspected experts?”

Why should I think of the two heaven-level bodyguards around me when Feng Shenyi went to bacteria, their expressions became more and more solemn and meaningful.

It is said that it is the West Tianyi Yuezhuang Wei Ran and the East China Sea Xue’e couple?

“Yes… But I don’t know the specific strength, but according to observation, it should not be too high. It seems that both blood and qi have been weakened.” Steaming Zidi said uncertainly,

“Looks? Hehehe… Really good eyesight.”

Why go to sleep for two steps, brows are getting tighter and tighter

He is now almost 85% sure that Master Ling should be an incarnation of Fengshenyi!

There should be nothing wrong with this.

Because, according to Mei Huanlu, that Master Ling also left recently; it is said that he will be away for a while.

At the same time, Feng Langzhong also left a message to He Xiangming, and he will leave Zidi for a month or two recently.

In this way, the time is exactly right.

But this way… This Steamed Purple Emperor can’t handle it.

It’s not entirely because her grandniece is so complicated, so why bother to care about her old relationship, but she won’t be so indiscriminate covering up no matter what.

But now, Emperor Yan Zi has a relationship with Fengyin, but he absolutely cannot move!

Besides, speaking of this matter tolerantly, it is no wonder that Steamed Purple Emperor; because the Royal Beast Sect is doing this kind of business.

If anyone is here, I am afraid that the choice made will be the same as Steamed Purple Emperor!

There are two things to think about now: First, firmly put this matter on the head of the Golden Emperor and save the Zi Emperor. Second, what can be done using the relationship between Mei Huanchang and the relationship between Yan Zidi and Fengyin?

The third is that now Fengyin doesn’t know that he already knows his secret identity,

With this space buffer in place, can I do something? For example, in terms of pets, do some more… operations?

Then this…

When Mei Huanchang was still full of tears, why should he go, he had already thought of the grand blueprint a hundred years later.

And, a plan was made.

And, totally doable. I thought about it for a long time.

Why did he go indifferently and said: “You go back, try to keep a low profile, use the power of your Beast Sect to help defend the city. Besides, the person who sold you the snake eggs, try his best to find it.”


“Third, what you told me about these things… no one is allowed to talk about it, watch out, it’s anyone.”

“Yes, I understand.”

“Also… If Emperor Zi can’t keep it this time, then there’s nothing to say. If it can be kept, then you can find a way to transfer to the capital!” He Nei took a deep breath.

“To the capital?”

Steamed Zidi was a little stunned.

I made such a big mistake, no matter how I thought about it, it was a dead end. Even if I had my second uncle here, Emperor Steaming Zi didn’t expect to survive.

As a result, listening to this tone, not only is there nothing, but it is even higher?

to Beijing?

How big is that market? How high is the oil and water.

This… this is a bit hard to turn my head around.


Why did he patted her on the shoulder lightly, and said softly, “You have met a noble person.”

Steamed Purple Emperor: “???Who?”


Why look at this stupid expression, stomped his feet, gritted his teeth and said angrily: “Me!”

Mei Huanchang nodded blankly, the second uncle was his own nobleman, what did he say?

Why go to a roar: “Get out! Get out!”

Steamed Purple Emperor walked away in embarrassment,


Why put all the little snakes in a huge cradle, UU reading www. then covered it with black cloth,

Carrying the cradle, soaring into the sky.

Immediately, in the various holes of the cradle, countless young heads stretched out curiously, and they looked at the scenery outside with their smart eyes, infinitely surprised and excited.

Wow, it’s flying!


Fly so high!


what’s over there?


More than 400 curious babies, the old watch just sticks out their heads to look, and no one is willing to stretch out more! So high, what if they fall down? When it is not on the spot, it becomes a meat pie?

I’m a stupid baby, I don’t do that!

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