Blue Sky Sword

Chapter 258

Vol 2 Chapter 87: Just You? 【2 In 1】

As time went on, the offensive and defensive battle at the city head gradually climbed to a white-hot level.

The wave attack of countless giant snakes has already opened a gap in the city wall.

Zi Di was covered in blood, and the long sword was like a tens of meters long purple lightning, swept back and forth within a width of five hundred feet.

Wherever they go, no matter the big snake or the small snake, they are all cut off at one touch, or simply turned into powder!

As far as the sword light can reach, there is no life, and there is no injured person.

Zi Di was so stubborn that he almost exploded.

However, he had to make a move.

This battle was indeed the most uncomfortable battle Zidi had ever fought in his life.

As the Purple Emperor’s biggest opponent, the Golden Emperor stood behind his back and watched the battle from a high altitude.

Looking coldly at Zidi’s grandeur, he didn’t mean to take part in the war at all! He actually meant to watch the fun…

If the Purple Emperor is willing to kill, then kill it. We Snake Clan will use the power of a family to call you the weight of the Purple Emperor, do your best to fight against the Purple Emperor!

You are so exhausted!

Golden Emperor’s calculations can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye. Zidi has already entered the game, and he can’t leave, and he can’t leave until it is sure that Yuezhou City has been wiped out. Then the matter is simple: wait until the children have consumed this guy almost, wait until he spit out a mouthful of uncontrollable inverse blood… and then take the opportunity to shoot, even if you can’t instantly kill this humiliating toy with your biggest enemy for hundreds of years , can also cause considerable trauma!

At that time, it was almost a foregone conclusion that the elites of the snake clan joined forces to surround and kill Dayan Zidi!

This time, it really made a lot of money.

What’s the point of a little loss now, as long as you can pull Zidi on the road, it is worth losing one-third of the elite of the Snake Clan!

With the current situation, the loss is bound to be much lower than this number!

Although Emperor Zi didn’t use his full strength now, and the combat power he showed was at most one-third of his usual strength, the Golden Emperor was not in a hurry at all!

I can’t believe you can keep it this easy!

Tired of your **** sooner or later!

Suddenly, there was a roar in the city.

This roar came suddenly, and the impact was also very large. It is also strange to say that although this roar was deafening to the human race, the response of the snake tribe was even greater. Yuezhou City was five hundred feet in diameter. All the snake clans in the corpse were shocked by it, and countless small snakes were directly shocked to death, even many high-level big snakes and giant snakes.

In addition to profiting from the city, Emperor Zi was not overjoyed, because he was as knowledgeable as he was, and instantly judged that this was the result of the voice of a strong person among the peaks of the demon clan, because of the oppression of the demon clan’s rank.

And the strength of the speaker is not even at the level of a demon emperor, but it is also the peak of the king level. If this guy joins the siege and kills him, his situation is bound to be even worse!

However, although this roar is powerful, how can it faintly reveal a sullen spirit, and there is also a taste of unsustainable strength!?

Kind of weird!

At the right time, a yellow figure rose up into the sky. The man looked old, but his visual perception was still solemn and solemn.

As he moved forward, a huge golden leopard phantom appeared behind him, just a tooth as big as a city gate.

The old man came out of the air step by step.

Pinxiang and the old machine “Jin Xi wins, can you always talk to the old man?” The old editor in yellow said.

The golden emperor’s pupils closed, and he said sharply: “Monster! As a high-level powerhouse of the monster, you are actually hiding in this Yuezhou!”

The old man smiled bitterly and said, “That’s right. I belong to the Leopard Clan. Back then, there was a bandit number called the First King of Golden Flowers; perhaps His Majesty the Golden Emperor has never heard of a cheap name.”

Jin Huang said coldly: “I have heard of the Golden Flower King of the Leopard Clan, and it is true that you have a slight reputation, but after all, you are only a Leopard Clan King, even though you are called the number one monster under the Leopard Clan King, what is there? Qualified to ask me to appreciate my face and communicate?!”

Demon clan hierarchy concept, especially harsh

Before the Golden Flower King appeared, a roar caused countless snake tribes to die directly and indirectly, but they could only blame them for their lack of strength and inability to resist the pressure of the Leopard King, and they died when they died.

The reverse is also the same. Although King of the Golden Flower is known as the number one demon under the Leopard King, he is still under the Leopard King, so he is not qualified to face the Snake King on an equal footing, and because he has caused many Snake tribes to perish before, even if Jin Huawang died. If the emperor kills the general, the Leopard clan has no position to pursue it!

Golden Flower King smiled bitterly and said: “Your Majesty the Golden Emperor, Rong Jian, the reason why the little demon was healed in Yuezhou is because of his life, and he has no choice but to hang on here, waiting for a slim chance.”

“As for the qualifications, the little demon is naturally not qualified to talk to your majesty, but… the little demon is willing to help your majesty to find those children who were stolen… just ask your majesty to be merciful and open up.”

Behind Jin Huang, a black-clothed middle-aged couple showed a surprised look. They turned to look at Jin Huang, with a strong plea: “Your Majesty!”

The black-clothed couple is naturally the swallowing python king couple!

The two of them, their husband and wife, have been out of nothing for many years, and their cultivation has reached a higher level after transforming into a form. , talk about how to breed future generations.

This time, it was a coincidence of machine green, and he found the treasure of returning to heaven.

It is also because Er Python did not hesitate to abandon his cultivation base and forcibly knocked down the prototype of his cultivation base, so that heirs were born.

After the birth and hatching, the couple can immediately take the Heaven-returning Treasure Medicine, and they will be able to restore their original cultivation. Although they will experience one more thunderstorm, compared to the full house of their descendants, they will not be able to care about the future troubles. .

But what the couple never thought was that after they fell to the realm, they were not able to conceive successfully.

However, just after giving birth, when the body was at its weakest, the entire Snake Mountain was obsessed by unknown means. When he woke up again, there was not a single child left!

Husband and wife two snakes almost didn’t cry!

Such a great sacrifice, such a long wait, such an eager expectation…

In the end, all of them became marriages for others, and they were brought to the pot!

You know, the person who came here didn’t steal one or two, but more than four hundred.

The two waxes worked hard, but ended up like this, how could they not be heartbroken.

But precisely because of this, for the two couples, slaughtering Yuezhou really doesn’t make much sense.

What are you doing to slaughter Yuezhou? Our goal is to find the child. That is the first-class event!

In order to find the child, they used the Heaven-returning Potion as soon as they regained consciousness and judged the situation, and recovered their cultivation. They don’t have a second Heaven-returning Treasure Medicine, they can knock down the realm again and come back again

Unless one day, after breaking through the rank of the demon emperor and obtaining the blessing of heaven and earth, it will be possible to regain vitality.

But how long will it take, the husband and wife two snakes have no certainty of any breakthrough at all, otherwise why take the risk of knocking down the realm!

In this way, this child is basically the only child of their lifetime, the only descendant!

Jin Huang felt very unhappy about Jin Huawang’s intervention, squinted his eyes and said, “How many can you find?”

King Jinhua said: “Four hundred, there must be some.”

“His Majesty!”

The Queen of Swallowing Python pleaded: “I…I want to return my child…

Seeing that there is a door, King Golden Flower hurriedly said: “Your Majesty the Golden Emperor, let’s have a discussion. The Tuntian couple is so eager to find the child, and this is also one of the main purposes of His Majesty. In this case, why don’t we turn around? Round one and two, suspend the offensive, save the children first, let them return to the arms of their parents, and then we will discuss the question of whether to fight or not, and now the advantage is in the hands of my demon clan, why rush for a while? Wouldn’t it be nice to accomplish one of the goals of this trip?”

Jin Huang hesitated: “Huh?”

“I know what Your Majesty means, the priority of Emperor Zi’s life is naturally ahead of those children, but as long as the siege of Yuezhou City is not resolved, the grievances of the people of Yuezhou will not subside. At that time, if His Majesty still wants to fight… It doesn’t affect anything, how can this middle-weight and heavy-duty monster be the same as the monster of the monster clan?”

Golden Flower King said solemnly.

These are naturally the things that the Leopard King and He Nei have negotiated with.

As a generation of demon kings, the man behind the Qiankun Tower in Yuezhou City, He Nei, who is also a local snake, naturally has some information.

If you don’t even know this, why go there and act as the head of Rainbow Tianyi Tiannan……

Now the situation is obvious, as long as the little snakes are returned first, this hatred can always be eliminated by half.

At least the Golden Emperor would owe the people of Yuezhou City a little. If you continue to destroy the city, you will be at a loss!

As for the Snake Emperor targeting the Purple Emperor, it was a personal grievance between the Snake Emperor and the Purple Emperor. Yuezhou City had no qualifications, let alone the strength to control the Purple Emperor. In order to protect himself, the actual action of using Yuezhou City as a bunker, I believe the entire No one in Yuezhou City would care about his life or death, no, it should be said that I don’t know how many people are expecting him to die quickly!

If Yuezhou is fine by then, but Emperor Zi will carry everything down…that is the best and best result.

This point, why should you think clearly, in any case, of course, we must plan to facilitate the return of the little snakes.

If it wasn’t for this reliance, with the rotten body of the Golden Flower King, how could he dare to stand out and face the Snake King.

Jin Hua was thinking, weighing the pros and cons.

Rescue the little snakes is indeed one of the goals of this trip, and even the original starting point.

Can’t let the people say that when they saw the Golden Emperor, they even forgot their original purpose, right?

Although for himself, Xue Shi is the key point, the key point that should not be missed!

Now, if I want to go back to the little snake…

“His Majesty!”

The swallowing python king and his wife begged endlessly

“His Majesty!”

Yuezhou Leopard King’s voice was more earnest: “Let the children go home first, we have all the benefits and no harm, at least this trip is worthwhile, if you insist on going to extremes, you will destroy Yuezhou City, but those little snakes are inevitable. Burial. I know that the rest of the battle will not be canceled, so I am willing to do so. In the end, whether this campaign will stop or not depends on your heart, and how far you want to fight is still up to you.”

When Xue Shi heard this, it seems that this is true. If the Golden Emperor can continue to besiege and kill, then there will be no problem.

So he said gloomily: “Where are the children?”

Why would he carry the big cradle and fly up? With his cultivation level, it would be no problem to fly so high, but if he were to face the pressure of Jinhua’s momentum, he would only be suffocated by his nose and mouth, and he would not be able to breathe.

“His Majesty Xue Shi…” Why bother to breathe hard: “I also ask you to take your breath away.”

Jin Hua snorted: “It’s useless, with such a little cultivation, I’m too embarrassed to face the emperor! This little cultivation is actually a high-ranking official in the human race…”

However, he still restrained his momentum.

Why go here to breathe a sigh of relief, and rolled his eyes secretly: Do you think everyone is like your demon clan, and the strong are respected? We are looking at ability here!

Comprehensive ability!

Why don’t you dare to be slow, and lift the cradle in your hand.

During the fog time, the hundreds of snow-white snakes above were exposed to the group of monsters from the excited little snakes showing their small heads.

They shook their heads one by one, their eyes filled with spirituality, and looked at everything in front of them curiously.

The swallowing python king and his wife only felt a burst of touches in their hearts, and tears fell immediately.

That kind of throbbing from the blood can’t be faked

It’s just that in just a few days, how could they all hatch, and they are still growing so well, so weak, and most importantly, so spiritual!

Both the husband and wife felt unbelievable in their hearts: Are these really our children?

Brush brush, countless men in black flew over and galloped over,

Even those who are fighting have left the battlefield and concentrated towards this side,

These men in black are all at the level of snake kings, and they are also high-level snake kings who have been transformed for a long time and are very stable, and they are also the main force to besiege the Golden Emperor.

And when they felt the breath of these little swallowing pythons, they put down everything and rushed over!

The Golden Emperor also took a breath, with a long sword in his hand, his eyes were sharp and clear,

This wave was put together, it is really a great shame, whether it is the Snake Clan or the Purple Emperor or the cutest, why go, in the future, they will all be killed!

The snake kings are in the air. All eyes are burning, looking at the little guys in the cradle.

In each of their eyes, there is that kind of unbelievable shock, as well as deep doubts,

Because the breath overflowing from these little snakes is too pure, too spiritual, and too perfect!

Every snake king is very vague. If such a small snake appears in the group, it must be cultivated as a baby!

Because this is almost the proper successor… Well, the successor snake belongs,

If there are only one or two, the priority naturally cannot be compared with killing the Golden Emperor…

However, all of a sudden… a few hundred?

That’s something else entirely.

For a time, the eyes of all the snake kings became hot.

After confirming that the aptitudes of the little snakes are indeed extraordinary…

Looking at the eyes of the swallowing python king and his wife, they were full of envy, jealousy and hatred.

These two… is Nima blessed by the **** of luck?

There are so many snake king quality little guys born in one litter?

How? What posture?

How did we… not have such good things?

In the past, many of them thought that Jinhua’s promotion this time was too unwise, too impulsive, and the reason was too far-fetched.

But now, how dissatisfied he was at the time, how much he admires it now!

Thanks to Xue Shi’s judgment and determination, would it be possible to bring back so many high-quality seeds without launching a demon wave?

This can be the future of the entire snake clan.

If he was a demon emperor, his vision, his judgment, his decision, he really couldn’t compare!

Jin Hua, who was still hanging in the air, also squinted and looked over.

After seeing the little snakes, the originally gloomy eyes suddenly lit up, brushed all of a sudden, quickly came to He Bigo, and snatched the cradle with his hands.

With one hand, I opened the thin cloth covering the cradle and threw it away…

next moment. White light flashes.


A subtle hissing sound rang out, and more than 400 little snakes flew up with lightning. They opened their tender mouths, revealing sharp and venomous teeth that had just grown, and bit Jinhua fiercely!

In an instant, Jin Hua was covered with pendants.

There are dozens of each on both arms, all over the body, neck, shoulders, thighs, chest and abdomen… Even on the scalp, there are several small snow-white swallowing pythons.

When the snake king dried up, his eyes protruded out of his sockets at the same time: I rub it! Such a strong fighting talent!

The little guys bit Jinhua fiercely, but they were not afraid, and they fell into the mouth of the snake!

“Your Majesty! Your Majesty is merciful!” The King and his wife swallowing the sky almost fell ill.

How dare these little Huizis!

In the face of the emperor, there is no sense of awe? Does racial oppression no longer exist? It’s too bold!

As long as Jinhua’s whole body is shaken and her breath is released a little, more than 400 little snakes will instantly burst into 400 small blood mists!

“Worry! You couple are really worrying too much.”

Although there was a hint of jealousy in Jin Hua’s eyes, she was more fond of it, and smiled: “I can only regret such a little baby, how can I be willing to hurt?”

His cultivation level is extremely high, and his muscles are all over his body.

As far as the eye can see, it is like looking at rare treasures, watching the many small snakes on the body.

The body swayed a little, so more than 400 little guys also swayed.

Xue Shi’s shaking is not abnormal, but a shaking method similar to deboning. A little snake with poor or special aptitude is afraid that the joints of the body will be dislocated under such a shake.

But after this sway, more than 400 little snakes were unscathed.

One by one, the body instinctively swayed with it, and it actually completely eliminated the damage power of this swaying,

Are all geniuses?

Jin Hua was truly shocked in an instant. She looked at each one of them carelessly, but what she saw was more than 800 small eyes full of spirituality, all looking at herself fiercely.

What a seedling!

Jin Hua looked at it, and suddenly opened her mouth to look up to the sky and laughed.

“Not bad!”

Jin Hua said with a smile: “A total of four hundred and thirty-two little babies?!”

“Not bad.” Why nod,

“It’s quite a lot.”

Jin Hua smiled and looked at the swallowing python king and his wife: “you were born…is that the number?”

The swallowing python king and his wife swallowed and looked carefully at the children hanging on Jinhua’s body, saying: “The number is slightly different, but the difference is no more than ten figures… This is really unusual, after all, even if it is our husband and wife. Incubating in person, I can’t guarantee that all of them will hatch smoothly, and they are still so weak and agile…”

The current mood of the two of them can be described as elated, smiling, and even planning to absolve human beings,

Because, these more than 400 children, they have received the biggest surprise in their life!

In all fairness, as far as they raise their own children, these little guys will never be able to raise them so well.

This self-knowledge is absolutely there.

It’s a…what kind of feeling?

A well-known analogy is that a person with a monthly salary of only 864 yuan bought all lottery tickets after getting drunk once, and they all had the same number.

As a result, I woke up the next day and saw that I won the first prize of 432 bets!

Even more than this surprise, many times more surprises!

Such qualifications… Even the most conservative estimate must be the achievement of the Snake King!

It is not impossible to become a king.

As far as the aptitudes of these four hundred and thirty-two little snakes are currently revealed, even if it is the worst result, there must be at least thirty-two achievement emperors!

Yes, it is the least!

Such a surprise, how can the couple not be overjoyed, and they are not directly shocked by this huge surprise, they have to be hesitant.

Jin Hua couldn’t help but snorted bitterly when she saw the happy faces of the two couples.

Then he carefully grabbed one from his wrist, put it in his palm, and watched carelessly.

I saw that this little white snake immediately formed a circle in his palm, forming a small snake array in an instant, and then he raised his head, the little letter hissed, and the little black eyes were full of spiritual vigilance. , and the desire to attack.

The small fangs had just emerged, but they were extremely sharp.

The little tail is shaking without a trace…

As a snake clan, they all understand: Juba is shaking like this, it is the most difficult for the opponent to grasp the direction of attack, as long as they are all broken

Ingot, lock on the key points of the target, you can jump up at any time and turn into a deadly rainbow!

But such a small guy was born only two days ago in this world, how can you know this?

Is it even possible to use these techniques with ease?

What’s more… what the swallowing python couple said doesn’t seem to match.

According to what they said these little snakes were stolen, and it took less than a month to fully count.

This time, it will be enough to hatch, how can it be cultivated like this?

These two are cheating!

Just what these little snakes are showing, especially if we all gather together, cultivate together, and work together, we will never be able to achieve this effect!

Jinhua obviously had the same thought, and saw him turn his head and look at the swallowing python king and his wife strangely, and grinned a little: “I said…you two, this is really your child? Can you be sure?”

Veggie has a toothache. I have never been born with such a talent!

“Just the two of you can have such an excellent child?”

[I really underestimate you. There are a lot of guys who guessed how to break the game as soon as I wrote it. This is very frustrating for me. Could you please pretend that you don’t understand?]

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