Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

46. Learning and Crafting

“Lust, can we talk?” Bonny wanted to discuss her idea with the demon before she forgot.

The succubus appeared, still sitting in her favorite spot. Oddly enough, she wasn’t trying to be sexy or intimidating, she just stood and nodded, “What about?”

“Can you make a spirit, avatar, body, thing for me?”

The demon nodded again. A moment later, there was a shift, and Bonny was standing beside Lust, on top of her physical right breast. She looked down and felt at her head to find that her new incarnation was almost identical to the demon, just missing the horns and tail. Neither of their dicks were erect, but Lust looked down and licked her lips.

“None of that. I had enough from Kanae earlier.”

Lust looked disappointed, “But…”

“Later.” Bonny reached out and patted Lust on the head. Strangely enough, the demoness seemed to like it, and leaned in, rubbing her head and horns into Bonny’s hand.

“I assume you know what butt plugs are? Will those do?” Bonny pointed at the reshaped burls that Willowbelle had made.

The demon nodded.

“Can they be made into artifacts? And, if so, what would they do?”

The succubus grinned. “Of course. What do you want them to do?”

“Well, Courage mentioned stamina, but I’m sure you can do more than that. Can you give magic or a skill to the user?”

The succubus nodded. “Yes. What will you bargain?”

“Oh, uh, I don’t know. What do you need?”

“You.” The succubus leaned in and kissed Bonny, then pulled the bunny into a hug, rubbing their tits and dicks against each other.

Bonny allowed it for a few seconds, then pulled away, smiling. “I said you would have to wait.”

“Then no, until you pay for a power exchange.”

“Courage! Recovery!” Bonny called in some help.

“Oh, my.” Recovery looked the two succubi up and down. “What do you have pla…”

“Wait.” Bonny stopped the goddess before she could offer anything. “I’m not here for sex tonight. Just more information.”

Bonny explained that she wanted butt plugs for each of her companions and pointed at the two objects. She wanted them to be lust oriented, with desire and stamina increases.

Courage and Recovery looked at each other and shook their heads. Courage explained, “It’s not quite that easy to make an artifact. You can’t just push a spirit in and hope for the best. There have be constraints and foci added. It also needs to attune to the user.”

Bonny glared at Lust, who smiled and shrugged. Then turned back to the two goddesses. “How exactly would I make an artifact then?”

“Perhaps we oversimplified earlier. Artifacts are unique and bond with their users. Take your dildo, for example.” Courage motioned at Bonny’s real-life cock, still wet from her exertions. “It is more than just the power of Lust. It is bound to you and can be summoned or merged to act as a real penis. I believe there are two now, but both are still the same artifact. Right?”

Bonny nodded. “Yes.”

“There were hundreds of Lust spirits bound to it. It not only projects an aura of Lust, though weaker than the one she granted you, but also allows the wielder to act as a succubus or incubus, to become in some small way, an agent of Lust.”

Recovery spoke up, “The pestilence artifact IS a source of disease. If not handled carefully, sickness and death will spread around it. It isn’t just a few Pestilence spirits bound to a rat, but hundreds or thousands, constrained and prevented from running wild. If Matt had gained control, he could have wiped out life in this region of the world and forced us to intervene directly.”

Bonny shivered. “Will Grandma Oak be okay? If it's that powerful, how could she just offer it to me?”

Recovery nodded. “She would not have taken it if she wasn’t confident. Willowbelle has guarded it for more than a century, so she would have trained you to manage it safely.

“The point is, that you cannot make a new artifact by just shoving a few spirits into an object. We’re sorry if we misled you earlier. However, since Big Red,” Recovery paused and smiled as she said the name, “is already a multi-object artifact, you should be able to bind new items to it.”

The three of them turned to look at Lust, who sighed and nodded before saying, “I will allow it. No bargain required.”

Recovery beamed and leaned over to mock whisper to Bonny, “The new objects will still be bound to you, not the users, so you will control them.”

Bonny laughed and wondered how difficult it would be to create vibrating dildos for everyone. She would worry about that later though. For now, she asked, “What about adding a wind power to Miu’s bow? Can I just add a spirit? How would I do the focus and constraint thingies?”

“If you just wanted to make it magical, you could carve stability and accuracy enchantments into the bow. To make it into an artifact, you would need to add similar enchantments to direct the wind power. For a focus, you would need something that resonates with wind. A clear, flawless diamond is sometimes used to represent air, which may be close enough to wind. You can try a few different things and see if the spirit accepts them.”

“Thank you.” Bonny smiled at the goddesses, then leaned in to hug and kiss each of them in turn. “What would I do without you?”

“I am sure you would thrive just as well.” Recovery said.

Bonny turned to the demoness and moved over to hug and kiss her as well. The succubus seemed surprised, but returned the kiss lustily, running her hands up and down Bonny’s back.

When they finally broke apart, Bonny whispered, “Try to be kinder and I’ll give you more time as well.” She winked and smiled, then willed herself back into her body, where she promptly fell into a deep sleep.

They started the next day with exercises, followed by meditation, and Kanae’s feeding. Then Bonny called to stay for another day, not just for recovery, but to work on Miu’s bow and the two plugs.

The plugs were easy, she called up Lust and projected an intent into the two items, imagining them as part of a set of toys that included her dildo. Several spirits slipped in, happy to participate more directly in increasing desire and the act of sex. The two wooden items slowly faded to a translucent red, the texture smoothing out and softening to a density similar to silicone, like the dildo. She probed at them, mentally, and felt the connection stabilize as they merged into the existing artifact.

“Miu, can you come over here?” Bonny decided one would go to the cat, but wasn’t sure about the second one. She would definitely have to make more, since thinking of sharing them made her feel uncomfortable.

Bonny was sitting on the ground, so straightened her legs and patted them when Miu approached. “Take off your pants and lay down across my lap.”

Miu did as asked, not complaining as Bonny shifted her, so that the cat’s butt was where she wanted. She started purring as Bonny pulled her tail up, out of the way, then ran her hands across her legs and cheeks.

Bonny put one of the plugs into her mouth and sucked on it, coating it with saliva. She knew it wasn’t exactly a great lubricant, but she didn’t have a lot of alternatives. It would probably be fine.

The bunny parted the cat’s legs and ran her fingers down, into Miu’s folds, caressing and teasing. She did it just enough to get Miu worked up, then slid the plug into Miu’s pussy, adding the arousal fluids to the toy.

“Let’s hope this works.” Bonny pulled Miu’s cheeks apart and ran her fingers in between them, pushing in and tickling her anus. She flared her purifying aura as she slid a finger in, moving slowly and making sure Miu was clean and relaxed. She moved up to a thumb, Miu’s purring increasing at the attention.

Once warmed up, Bonny pulled the plug out of Miu’s pussy and slowly pushed it into her ass. There was some stretching and resistance, but overall, it slipped in fine, the cat’s muscles closing quickly as egg shaped object passed the halfway point, sliding down to the flared base.

“How is it?” Bonny pulled and pushed at it, testing its stability. She didn’t want it to fall out or slip further in.

Miu purred and wiggled her butt. “It feels weird, nya. I feel better too, I think. Stronger, sort of.”

“Good. Keep it in for now and let me know if it gets too uncomfortable. Okay? Walk around a little.” Bonny spanked Miu lightly and let her up.

Miu nodded.

“I want to work on your bow as well. Do you mind?”

“It is fine, nya. Thank you.” Miu went to get her bow and returned, walking a little bowlegged.

“Willow and Adelina. Can you help us?”

The two joined her and Bonny explained what she wanted. Physical Education in her high school had included a few weeks of archery, but she had never looked into it beyond that. She knew the general differences between a straight bow and a recurve bow, but not the details of each. However, since magic was involved, she thought making the bow more unique would help with the spirits and powers involved.

Miu had unstrung the bow the night before, so Bonny drew out the general shape on the ground and explained that it should add power and a smoother release. Willow started pulling out the wood, like taffy, shaping it to fit Bonny’s vision. They added an arrow rest and measured it against Miu, for sizing and draw weight. It took a little more shaping and experimenting until they got it right.

Adelina worked with her wind spirits, checking for spiritual resonance and carving wind and air runes into the wood. Eloisss joined them, after a while, and helped with general enchanting. She wasn’t as good at crafting as her sister, but knew the symbols for accuracy, speed, and stability. Unfortunately, without a power source, the enchantments were dormant.

Bonny’s and Eloisss’ enchanted armor had runes that drew on ambient mana for power, but Eloisss wasn’t skilled enough to recreate them, especially when scaled down small enough to fit the bow.

The wind spirits were interested, but not enough to allow imbuement. The party didn’t have any gems or stones that might appeal to the spirits and were at a loss as to how to continue. They finally gave up, though Miu was still happy with the recrafted bow and spent some time practicing with it.

After evening exercises, Bonny spent her time with Willowbelle and Kanae, the fox sharing the dryad's night. Once they were satisfied, the rest of the party cuddled in, as usual.

They had decided that whoever had Bonny’s attention for the evening would sleep beside her. For this evening, Willowbelle and Miu cuddled on each side of Bonny, Kanae curled up on her stomach and Eloisss wrapped around them all. Adelina made a nest in Bonny’s hair and they slept.

All but Bonny, who neither slept nor was satisfied. She called to the goddesses and willed herself back to her succubus body.

Courage answered before she could ask, “We cannot give you more assistance with the bow. The gods of Crafting are already unhappy with us for helping beyond our purview.”

“There are crafting gods? Do they answer prayers and stuff? Why would they be unhappy if someone is crafting things?”

“They have their favorites, as do we. You are new and creating artifacts before their chosen disciples would be insulting.”

Recovery spoke up, “You don’t need help from us or them. Watch the wind.” She winked and smiled.

Bonny thanked them and left, quickly joining her companions in sleep.

Another 2k chapter.

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