Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

47. New Enemies and New Friends

The morning started with the now usual exercises and meditation, followed by Kanae’s feeding.

The fox was happy with the extra attention and took Bonny’s form, as usual, though shifted back to her animal form when they were done.

The group packed quickly and left, feeling the pressure of time after several days at the waterfall pool. Miu led the way, as usual, and they made good time. They walked for about eight hours, leaving time for evening exercises and cuddling.

It was Adelina’s night and she only brought Kanae, back in bunny form, per the previous agreement. Bonny serviced the fairy and Kanae serviced her, in turn. The fox was very insistent on sucking Bonny’s dick both morning and night.

Bonny gave the second butt plug to Kanae after Miu had no adverse reaction to wearing it all day. She lubricated it with cum, after the evening’s amorous adventures, and jammed it into place with a grin, remembering Kanae surprising her back at the Lamia Rhumba.

She watched carefully after Kanae shifted back to her fox for the night, but it seemed to fit fine. Kanae curled up and licked at it, but seemed happy.

The party cuddled up again, this time Adelina choose to nestle between Bonny's breasts. She had decided that since Bonny didn't toss and turn in her sleep, that it was safe enough.  Miu and Eloisss snuggled in on the sides and Kanae curled up in her usual spot. Willowbelle rooted herself into the ground near their heads, watching over them as she often did when not involved in the evening activities.

The next two days went quickly, following the same routine, rotating through Miu and Eloisss’ nights.

Midway through the third day after leaving the waterfalls, Miu stopped them, motioning everyone to silence.

“Fighting ahead, nya.” She whispered back.

Kanae and Adelina scouted ahead and came back after a few minutes. Kanae didn’t shift back, seeming to trust the fairy to report what they saw.

Bonny spoke first, holding a finger up. “Shhh, not too loud.”

Adelina grinned, then whispered, “Hey. Listen. There are four trolls and a dozen boar-kin on the road. Both sides have wounded, but the trolls are regenerating. Some boar mounts are dead. ”

“Do we help? Are there good boar-kin? What if Matt is controlling these?”

“Trolls are monsters, nya.”

“Can we avoid them?” Bonny still wasn’t certain.

“We sshould fight the trollss, esspecially if they are blocking the road. Will need fire or ssomething to sstop them from regenerating. None of uss have fire affinity. My poisson will work, but iss sslow.”

Adelina had an answer, “Some of the boar-kin have torches.”

Bonny nodded. “Okay. Let's do this. I’ll go heal the injured boar-kin. Please be careful.”

They ran forward, Bonny heading toward the injured boar-kin at one side of the melee and flaring her courage aura to cover the battlefield, boosting both her companions and the boar people.

The boar kin looked similar to Matt, with a humanoid body, head, and hands, but had hooves for feet. Several had tusks protruding from their mouths, some up to six inches long, often decorated and sharpened to a needle point.

The trolls were ugly. They looked like large upright bipeds, with misshapen bodies and long arms, that reached the ground. They were shades of green, helping camouflage them in the forest. Their fingers and toes were tipped with long claws, which they used to to rake at the boar-kin.

The boar-kin seemed nervous at as the party joined the fight, but then realized Bonny was there to help as her aura swept over them.

Adelina rode on Bonny’s head and used her light affinity to blind the trolls, quickly unbalancing the battle by reducing the number of wounds the boar-kin took.

Miu stayed on the edge of the woods, taking shots when she could. She aimed for joints and eyes, being careful to avoid shooting when a friendly combatant was too close.

Eloisss took on a troll by herself, easily sliding around its clumsy blows. She hacked at one leg, severing it after several blows, then went to work on the other limbs. She had injected poison into her falcata's reservoirs before the fight and it slowed the troll regeneration.

Willowbelle used her earth affinity to smooth the ground for the boar-kin and disrupt footing for the trolls, sometimes creating a pit or mud to slow them and sometimes raising spikes under their feet. When one troll turned toward her, she raised an earthen wall as a shield.

Kanae stayed near Willowbelle and charmed the troll after it attacked, sending it after one of its friends. Neither seemed to do much damage to each other, but it kept them occupied while the boar-kin fought the remaining troll.

The boar-kin took turns charging in from behind the troll, either headbutting or goring, depending on how large their tusks were. Some rode boar mounts, which could do additional damage. Several carried spears, jabbing with them during the charge. None stayed close by, trying to get out of range before the troll could turn and claw or club them with it’s huge fists and talons.

The damage to the trolls healed quickly, but with the boar-kin focusing on one, it was slowly overwhelmed. A couple of the boar-kin carried torches and would burn the wounds during their charge.

Bonny finished healing the injured and watched as Eloisss dismembered her troll and one of the torch bearing boar kin ran in to finish it off. The boar-kin finished off their own troll shortly after.

Eloisss and them ganged up on the two remaining trolls, making short work of them, while they were still distracted with each other.

Afterward, the party sat together, resting. The boar-kin doing the same a short distance away. The leader approached after a few minutes and Bonny stood to talk with him. He was larger than most of the boar kin and had huge tusks with rings piercing them about halfway up.

“Thank you.” The leader eyed her up and down as he talked, but didn’t comment on her revealing armor. “I don’t think we could have beaten them without your aid.”

Bonny smiled, “Glad we could help.”

“Would you come back to our Sounder? We will prepare a victory feast.”

“No thank you. We’re in a hurry to warn Beaverton of trouble. You should be aware too.”


“There is a boar kin named Matt to the north. He’s been possessed by Wrath and has gathered an army of boar people and goblins. We’ve fought him twice and believe he’ll be headed south to the city.”

“You’ve defeated an army?” The boar leader didn’t seem to believe the story.

“Well, Grandmother Oak defeated the army. We fought Matt and survived, but barely. He may be gathering a new army, be careful, he uses wrath spirits to control them.”

The boar leader’s eyes grew large at the mention of the ancient dryad. “We will be careful. If she’s fighting him, then it’s best if we hide. Thank you again.” He nodded his head in thanks.

“You’re welcome, good luck. If we come back by in the future, we may take you up on your offer.” Bonny waved and they headed south, following the road, and leaving the boar kin to clean up the battle site.

They didn’t travel far and stopped near a wooden bridge built over one of the streams feeding into the river, which had grown as they followed it south, several tributaries feeding in. Crossing them had sometimes been a hassle, but now that they were on the trading road, it looked like travel would be easier.

They cleaned up in the stream, being careful of the aggressive fish. Miu took the time to catch several, which they cleaned and cooked on the lamia hot plate. They usually used a fire for cooking, but didn’t want to take the time or settle in for the night.

After eating, they traveled on until dusk. They skipped the evening work out, due to the fight. It was Kanae’s night, but Bonny declined when the fox tried to bring everyone again.

“Kanae, no. How about one companion tonight?”

She chose Adelina. After playing and cleaning up, they slept.

The next few days passed without incident, cycling through Willowbelle, Adelina, and Miu's nights, before they left the forest. The trees suddenly ended, cut down in a wide semicircle around the road and river.

Stumps dotted the landscape and beaver kin worked around them, cutting trees and moving them to the river, where they floated them toward the city seen in the distance.

A troop of centaurs patrolled the road, and spotted them as they walked out of the trees. The troop trotted toward them and the party paused to wait.

Cue inspirational training montage music. Plus, not all boar kin are bad (or mad). I'll admit it bothered me that I've only shown them with Matt.

Patreon is seven chapters ahead, but about half of them are still drafts. The last couple of weeks have been busy and I've fallen behind, but everything up through chapter 53 should be finalized over the weekend. Next week we'll meet Freja and visit a dairy farm. Then chapter 51, on the 7th, will feature Eloisss and Freja.

Thanks for reading,

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