Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

51. ♥♥ Restraining and Constricting (R-18+ / BDSM)

RETCON: When I added Eloisss, I decided to go with two cloaca, to make her slightly different from the other characters. I thought it would add some variability since sex with her would work and feel slightly different. Unfortunately, I don't think it's added enough and has made writing her a little more difficult.

Now, with Freja, I'm revisiting that. Assuming both have similar magical evolutionary paths, their human halves should basically work the same.

From now on (earlier chapters will be updated eventually), lamia have a human vulva below their waist and a serpent cloaca near their tail. Any future half human species will be the same. It won't make a big difference in this chapter, but it gets mentioned.

Once the cow girls filled some soft leather bags with milk for them, the party retired to the barn behind the house.

Bonny eyed the red and white spotted cow she had milked earlier as they passed it, but it ignored her in favor of some hay it had been given.

As they settled down, Bonny stripped and turned to Eloisss. “It’s your night, beautiful. If you don’t have someone else in mind, can Freja join us?”

Eloisss looked over at the centaur, then back. “If you wissh, Bonny.”

“I do. I noticed you are both avoiding each other. You two both have a blessing from Courage and I’d like for you to get along.” She motioned at both of them to follow and moved to a corner of the barn, away from the rest of the party.

Bonny addressed Freja once they were isolated. “You said you wanted a challenge, but are you sure you want to try this?”

The centaur shifted her hooves as she looked at them both, then nodded. “I will.”

Bonny had never tried BDSM, but one of her coworkers at the club had loved it. The coworker had talked about different experiences and had convinced Bonny to look up some information, but Bonny had never gone further and was basing her current decision on feel. One of the things she remembered talking about was the need for a safeword or warning system and she decided to use the color system.

Bonny smiled, “Okay, then. I’m going to try something new. New to all of us, even me. So, let me know if it’s too much and you want to stop. If I ask how you’re doing, just say a color: red, yellow, or green. We’ll stop on red and let you up. Got it?”

Freja nodded, “What do those colors mean? Why is red special?”

Bonny thought about explaining stop lights and sighed, of course there was a complication. “The colors were used in my world. Uh, nevermind that. I’ll explain it later. For now, just remember that red is for danger, yellow is a warning, and green means everything is fine. Sound good?”


“Great. Now, Eloisss, can you help me get her armor off?”

They worked together to unfasten the weapons and bags attached to Freja, then to remove her barding and cuirass. Once exposed, Bonny stepped back to admire the glossy black centaur. The light was fading at this point, though, and they didn’t dare light a torch or lantern near the hay.

Bonny called for help. “Adelina, can you join us?”

The fairy zipped over and hovered in front of Bonny’s face. “Hey! Do you want to have sex with me too?”

Bonny laughed. “Maybe. For now, can you illuminate Freja? I'll give you a reward later.”

“Okay.” The fairy sang, as she lit up like a bulb and floated around the centaur, who blushed and covered her breasts and groin.

“No, let me see.” Bonny hopped over to pull Freja’s hands away. Like the lamia, she had two vaginas, one that was human-sized, just below her waist and one that was sized for her species, in the normal place. She reflected, again, that evolution in this world was a little weird. It kept things interesting though.

At just over five foot, compared to the centaur’s seven, Bonny’s head came to just under Freja’s breasts, which were wrapped in a long strip of cloth. She reached up to undo it. “This has to come off too, cutie.” She tugged at the binding until Freja unwrapped it, exposing her enticing breasts and dark areola.

Bonny groped her for a moment, then stepped back. “Okay, let me explain. There are too many of you to all sleep with me at the same time, so we’re taking turns. Tonight is Eloisss’ turn, then it’ll be Kanae, Willow, and Adelina. You’ll follow her. I’m fine with a couple other companions taking part, but my focus will be mostly on whomever’s turn it is.”

She glanced at Eloisss and back, “Tonight is a little special because you’re new and I want you two to get along, as I said earlier. Okay?”

They both agreed.

“Now, for the challenge. We’ll keep it mostly tame this first time and can escalate on your night, if you wish.” Freja nodded. “Lay down in the hay, please.”

As the centaur lowered herself, settling down on one side, Bonny turned to Eloisss. “I would like you to wrap up her legs and arms to restrict her movements.”

Eloisss grinned, showing her fangs. “Of coursse, Bonny. I like thiss already.”

Bonny crossed Freja’s front and back legs separately and had Eloisss wrap her coils twice around each pair. A couple of feet of Eloisss’ tail extended beyond the centaur’s back legs. Eloisss raised it and shook the rattle, sending shivers of fear through both the bunny and centaur.

“Wait, Eloisss. You can do that in a minute.” She pulled Freja’s arms behind her back and guided the rest of Eloisss’ body around the centaur’s torso, under her breasts, restricting her movements.

“Freja, can you get loose?”

The centaur struggled a bit, eventually pulling one arm out, but no matter how she kicked her legs, they were tied tight. She tried rolling on top of Eloisss, but the lamia rolled around the centaur’s torso, coiling around her again, and avoiding getting caught under the heavier equine body.

Eloisss grabbed Freja’s loose arm, restraining it again, and looked into her eyes as they rolled, baring her fangs and rattling her tail in warning.

“Wait! No!” There was an edge of fear in Freja’s voice.

“It’s okay. I’m here.” Bonny moved in and separated the two, guiding Eloisss’ body back out of sight behind Freja’s back. The bunny looked into the centaur’s dark eyes and stroked her cheek with a hand. “How are you doing, red, yellow, green?”

“Yellow.” The quaver was still here.

“It’s ok. Good girl.” Bonny glanced up at the lamia. “Eloisss, please let her arms go.”

Eloisss loosened her coils enough to allow Freja to withdraw her arms. She mimed biting Freja from behind and smiled.

Bonny shook her head. This wasn’t the time. Not if the centaur was already this nervous.

“How are you feeling now, Freja? Was it the restriction? Was it too much?”

There was a pause before Freja answered, “Better, yes. Thank you.”

“Good girl. I think it’s hard to admit that sometimes.” Bonny leaned in and kissed her. “I’m going to blindfold you, but Eloisss will hold your arms instead of constricting around them. Does that sound okay?”

Freja nodded and took a deep breath. “Yes.”

Bonny grabbed the cloth that Freja had used to bind her breasts and wound it around her head and over her eyes. “I’m still here. How are you doing?”

“Good. Um, green.”

“Great. You can move or struggle if you want, but if you have a problem, let us know. Okay?”

Freja nodded again.

Bonny reached down and fondled the centaur’s breasts, then pinched her nipples hard enough that the centaur gasped. “We’re going to grab your arms now.”

Bonny motioned Eloisss to circle back around, so the lamia and centaur faced each other. Eloisss bear hugged Freja, pinning the centaur’s arms to her sides, but above the serpent coils that still encircled her stomach and waist. “Perfect, just like that. Not too tight though, please.”

Both Freja and Eloisss were laying on their sides, with beast bodies wound together and human torsos pressed into each other. Bonny kissed each of them on the cheek.

“Eloisss, let’s test that rattle now.” She also motioned to the centaur and clenched her fist.

Eloisss grinned and complied, tightening and constricting around Freja while rattling her tail. Ch-ch-ch-chhh.

There was an un-warrior-ly squeak and gasp from the centaur as air was forced from her lungs.

Bonny opened her fist and Eloisss loosened her coils slightly, allowing Freja to take a breath. Bonny knelt down behind Freja’s head and leaned over to kiss her again. “How was that? Still green?”

Freja nodded.

“Okay. I think we’re set.” Bonny grabbed Freja’s braid and forced her head back, pulling hard, but smoothly. She leaned in and bit the centaur’s neck over her carotid artery, then whispered, “You’re mine now. I’m going to fuck you so hard you’ll need to be carried in to town tomorrow.”

Freja smiled and responded in a hoarse voice, “Hmmm, I li …”

Bonny clenched her fist and Eloisss constricted, cutting off Freja’s words. Bonny had Eloisss release a few seconds later.

“No talking. Except for red, yellow, or green or answering my questions. How are you?”


“Good. Eloisss, …” Bonny shook her fist and mimed biting Freja on the shoulder.

The lamia grinned and leaned in to bite the constrained centaur on her muscular shoulder. Her tail rattled again. Ch-ch-ch-chhh.

Bonny shook her fist harder and the rattle increased intensity to a buzz.

Freja shivered and moaned.

Bonny released Freja’s braid and ran her hands down the equine body to her tail. She pulled it up, exposing the centaur’s backside, where her lady bits were already leaking fluid. She watched, interested, as the centaur’s vulva suddenly gaped open then closed, giving her a brief glimpse of the mare’s wet entrance and jewel. She started to reach down to touch it, when it winked open and closed again.

The sweet scent of arousal hit her and she reached down to rub herself without thinking. That was proof enough. She gave Eloisss a thumbs up with her other hand.

The lamia stopped vibrating her tail and flicked it to Bonny, who grabbed it with her free hand and stroked across the sensitive scales just below the rattle. “Freja, last chance to back out before we start. How are you feeling?”

“Green.” Her voice was husky and low.

Bonny parted the centaur’s folds with the tip of Eloisss’ rattle. She teased at Freja’s clitoris, shaking the rattle manually, then lined it up and shoved it in hard, deep inside the centaur.

Both lamia and centaur drew breath at the sensation at the same time.

Bonny stroked Eloisss’ tail some more, then guided it in and out with long strokes, Freja able to take far more depth than anyone else in the party.

She waved to get Eloisss’ attention, then clenched her fist and shook it.

Eloisss complied, constricting again and vibrating her tail deep inside the centaur.

Freja moaned loudly, happily.

Bonny unclenched her fist and moved back to the front of the tangle to give each a kiss and nibble on their ears. “You’re both doing great.”

She held up both hands, then clenched one and mimed fangs with the other. Eloisss constricted and struck at the same time, biting deep into Freja’s shoulder.

Bonny pulled down Freja's blindfold, then moved around behind Eloisss so she and Freja could see each other. The centaur’s eyes were wide with shock and fear. And excitement. She looked up at Bonny, who mimed struggling.

Freja writhed, trying to break free, and the lamia tightened further, unwilling to let her prey go. Her tail buzzed inside the mare, who wrenched one hand free and grabbed for Eloisss’ hair and yanked back, pulling the lamia’s fangs out of her skin.

The two rolled over, twisting and fighting, sweat and fluids dripped from both, soaking the floor. Bonny jumped out of the way as the tussle suddenly turned into spasms of pleasure, the two tangled tight, shuddering and gasping for air.

Bonny tapped Eloisss, who loosened her coils, allowing the centaur deeper breaths. The two remained entangled, still quivering in ecstasy, when Bonny tried to wiggle her way in between them.

“How are you, Freja?”

“Amazing. Green.” Her words came between pants.

“Good. Now lick me.” Bonny pushed her groin into the centaur’s face and leaned back onto the lamia. “Hold me, Eloisss. Bite me.”

Both complied, Freja lapping at Bonny’s wet pussy as Eloisss bit down on her neck, drawing blood, even without fangs. Bonny arched her back, moaning at the mixed pleasure and pain. She rocked her hips into the centaur’s mouth and reached down to rub at her button.

It only took a moment before Bonny exploded, spraying fluids onto and into Freja and her mouth. The centaur continued to lap at her and Bonny kept rubbing, her hips rocking furiously as one orgasm ended and another began.

Eloisss released her bite and licked at the blood. Her arms were wrapped around Bonny’s torso, groping and pinching the bunny’s breasts and nipples.

They settled down a minute later, the three still twisted together into a living knot. Bonny crawled out first, but then pulled the two together and lay on top of them. All three of their faces were close enough that they shared breaths.

“I need both of you.” Bonny whispered. “Even if your two species have issues with each other, I need you two to get along. For me. For what’s coming. Okay?”

“Yes.” Freja nodded.


“How was it Freja?”

“It was, hard. But amazing. I’ve ... never felt like that before.”

“Courage? How did she do?”

The goddess materialized in the middle of them, as her three inch incarnation, laying on the floor. She glanced from side to side, at Eloisss and Freja, then up, at Bonny. “I am surprised you aroused so much fear, so easily. She did not give in and would submit, if you asked.”

Freja blushed, the white star on her forehead turning pink. “That’s, um…”

“Hush.” Bonny leaned over to kiss the centaur. “That was a compliment. From your goddess. Accept it graciously.”

“Thank you.” Freja looked at Courage, then across, meeting Eloisss’ eyes. “All of you.”

Eloisss smiled, showing her fangs. “You are almost as delicsiouss as Bonny. I would happily bite you again.”

Bonny laughed. “That means she’s pleased and will want sex with you again. The blood is optional and up to you, Freja. Now, let’s …”

“Can you do the same for me?” Courage interrupted.

The three looked at the tiny goddess, who smiled serenely.

Bonny thought for a moment, before nodding. “I think so, but I may need a few days to prepare.”

“That is acceptable.” The goddess vanished.

“Now, let’s get up. Freja, do you have a brush or comb?”

“Yes, in my bags.”

“Okay. I’ll go get it while Eloisss untangles you two.” Bonny hopped up and ran over to where the bags were.

She came back a minute later. Freja still lay on the ground. “Do you need help up?”

“No. I can manage.” The centaur rolled onto her back for a moment, then rocked, using the momentum to lunge to her feet.

“I’m going to brush the dirt and hay out of your fur. Okay, Freja?”

The centaur nodded.

Bonny held one brush out to Eloisss. “There were two. You don’t need to help, if you don’t want, but I would appreciate it.”

The lamia took the other brush and started grooming the equine body along with Bonny, copying her strokes. With the fur, not against the grain.

“How does this feel?”

Freja sighed in contentment. “Great, Bonny. No one has groomed me since … since my mother did when I was a filly.”

They took their time and worked until Freja’s glossy black coat shown in the fairy light. When done, they kissed, Bonny and Eloisss, then Bonny and Freja, the centaur lifting Bonny up and hugging her tight as they explored each other’s lips and tongues. Eloisss and Freja kissed as well, though not as deeply.

Bonny looked up at their source of light. “Adelina, you can come down now. You did a great job, thank you. How would you like to be rewarded?”

The fairy giggled and kissed Bonny on the lips. The light blinked out a moment later, but was a long while before either settled down to sleep.

This is my first attempt at writing a bondage scene. I've gotten some good feedback on it, so hope it satisfied. Let me know if you liked it and I should keep writing them.

I touched on S/M themes in arc 2, when absorbing wrath spirits, but have wanted to do something more detailed (and better). None of the other characters seemed quite right for it though, so I waited for an adrenaline junky. Not every explicit chapter with Freja will involve BDSM, but it will be an ongoing theme (unless no one wants them).

Eloisss is a sadist, though I think that mostly comes up in chapter 20.5, her bonus PoV chapter.

This chapter and the next are both over 2600 words, the longest so far.  :)

Thanks for reading,

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