Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

52. Pervs and Prudes

The next morning, the party was awakened by the four cow girls coming into the barn to start their morning milking routine.

Bonny’s group rose and stretched before starting on the their exercises. They were used to working out naked to avoid getting sweat on their armor or clothes. Freja joined in and added more training that the centaur troop used.

The cow girls watched, apparently interested both in what they were doing and in Bonny, who led the workout. Colette finally suggested they join in as well.

The party agreed and went through the rest of their regimen slowly, to accommodate the inexperienced girls. Once finished, Bonny pulsed her recovery aura to heal sore muscles and restore stamina to everyone, then brought up why they were traveling to the city.

“Colette, monsters will probably attack from the forest soon. Do you have a place you can go for safety?”

The minotaur flexed her huge muscles. “I protect the farm from the occasional raid and the city patrols help keep monsters down. Why do you think there will be a problem?”

Bonny explained about the demon Wrath seeking artifacts held in the city. “Since you’re near the forest, they’ll probably overrun this area. I don’t know how many there will be.”

“I have a small warehouse in the city. We can pack up and head in for a few days. It will be tight with the cattle, but it’s better to be safe. Can you help us lead them?”

“Of course. If you don’t mind paying with breakfast.” Bonny grinned.

Colette laughed. “Of course. Girls, use the milk from the cooler. We’ll wait to finish milking the cattle until after we get to the city. A half day delay shouldn't hurt them or their production.”

Bess and Clara ran inside and came out with some bread, butter, cheese, heavy cream, and a mixed berry jam. They sliced the bread and let everyone assemble their own breakfast as desired.

Bonny eyed the two girls. They had black and white fur with long floppy ears. One had small horns that stuck straight out to the sides of her temples. They wore the same clothes as the day before, a halter top and black, pleated skirts, with a bare midriff. The skirts that these two wore had a higher waist with a bulge hidden underneath. She was curious, but decided it was better not to ask.

Instead she introduced herself again, “Hi, I’m Bonny. I know Colette gave your names yesterday, but I don’t think I’ve heard either of you say anything.”

The two glanced at each other and blushed. The one with horns spoke quietly. “I’m Clara. My sister is Bess. Thank you for exercising with us this morning.”

“Oh, you’re welcome. Thank you for preparing breakfast.” Bonny pointed at the milk and cream. “How do you keep the food cold?”

“There’s an ice box inside,” Bess waved at the house. “Colette knows a rune for keeping it cold.”

Bonny turned to the minotaur, excited. “An ice box? Does it keep things cool or can you freeze stuff?”

“We have both.”

“Do you have ice? What about ice cream?”

Colette laughed. “We can freeze water if you want ice. We mostly use it for long term storage of milk. There are bigger coolers at the warehouse.”

“And ice cream?” It was one of Bonny’s favorite foods. She wasn’t going to let it go.

“No, sorry. There’s a shop in the city, but it’s expensive and they keep the recipe secret. I’ve tried it once, but the shop caters to the wealthy.”

“I might know how to make it, if you want. It’s mostly dairy products.”

Colette looked at Bonny for a moment. “You live in the forest and come to warn us about an invasion, but also know how to make a luxury food? Just who are you?”

“Uh, a bunny.” Bonny looked to her companions for help, but they ignored her and continued eating breakfast.

Colette shook her head. “When we get to the city, we can try to make it. If we succeed, I will pay handsomely for the knowledge.”

“Great! I don’t need money though, I just want to eat some.” Bonny smiled.

“If you can make it, you can have all you want.”

It took a little over an hour for the party to get dressed and help the farm pack necessities and goods meant for the city. There were thirteen of the cows, all with bags tied across their backs and leashed with lead ropes. Colette, Miu, Freja, and the three cow girls each led two. The calves all linked to their moms. Eloisss took the last of the dairy cows, while Bonny carried Kanae, who still seemed listless. Adelina rode on Willowbelle’s head as they left for the city.

When they got close, the farms turned into housing and shops, clustered together outside the walls. There were too many people to warn individually, so Bonny decided to tell the guards and try to approach the city leaders to have people send warning. They didn’t know for sure, but thought they had a few days left and it wouldn’t do to start a panic early.

The city walls were about ten feet high and made of clay bricks. It was wide enough for guards to stand on top, behind a low parapet. The gate had a line of people waiting to enter, mostly beast kin, but a few humans were mixed in as well, the first she had seen since transmigrating. Several of both watched the group curiously and a few stared at Bonny lasciviously.

A rabbit man whistled at them, which caused several other people to look. Bonny waved and laughed as a black and gray ferret woman grabbed the man by an ear and pulled him away. Several other men started following the group, watching Bonny and the cow girls closely.

They avoided the nearby gate and crowd to circle around the city, away from the lake front and towards a second entrance.

Eloisss handed off her lead rope to Bonny and waited for the men to approach, letting the party walk ahead. She addressed them as they drew even with her, "None of uss like men. You sshould leave before I feel threatened."

She loosened one of her falcata and glared until the men stopped following, then slithered back up to Bonny. "I don't like them sstaring at you."

Bonny handed the cow leash back to the lamia and reached over to hug Eloisss around the waist with one arm. “I don’t mind the stares, but they can’t compare to you. Don’t worry.”

As they approached the second gate, Colette explained, “This one is closer to my warehouse. I use to supply the ice cream shop and merchants.”

The line was shorter and entering the city was no problem, as the guards knew Colette and let them all through without hassle. Though Bonny’s revealing attire got a second look. Eloisss' falcata and Miu's knives were peace bonded, tied into their sheathes, since they weren’t welcome in the city, and the guards recommended that all weapons be stored at home.

Colette and Bonny stayed to speak with the guard captain, but he explained that he couldn’t do anything without the council’s approval, then asked Bonny to wear something more appropriate.

“Well, I suppose that’s not surprising. But couldn’t he have sent someone to alert the mayor or whoever?” Bonny complained as they hurried to catch up to the group. “Also, what’s wrong with my armor?”

“There’s nothing illegal about what you’re wearing, but most people would be embarrassed.” Colette's enormous breasts caught Bonny’s eye as she shrugged. “I think I’m getting more stares than you. You can use one of our outfits if you want.”

“Maybe later. I’ll see if anyone else complains first.” Bonny looked down at her armor. “Maybe I’ll just go naked and just tell them we don’t have clothes in the forest.”

Colette laughed. “That would be something to see, but I suspect your lamia won’t appreciate it. She seems dangerous, please keep her reined in, and think about wearing one of our outfits.”

They caught up to the group at the warehouse, where Bonny asked Freja, “Do you have a place? Can we stay with you?”

The centaur shook her head. “No, I have a room in the barracks at the south gate. I’ll need to go pick up some stuff later, but it can wait.”

“Okay. Can you lead me to the city hall and the temples? Courage said you pray there regularly.” Bonny turned to Colette, “If you have room, can we stay here today and tonight? We can experiment with ice cream when I get back.”

Both Freja and Colette agreed. Bonny asked her other companions to help the cow girls unpack and setup, then stripped and handed her armor to Eloisss.

“Are you ssure thiss iss wisse, Bonny?” Eloisss didn’t seem to like the plan.

“Probably not, but there shouldn’t be a mob of goblins trying to kill me. What’s the worst that can happen?” Bonny kissed Eloisss and added in a whisper, “Don’t worry, I won’t let you go. You’re mine now.”

Bonny let Eloisss go and turned to Freja, who had taken off her packs and weapons, but still wore her armor. “Will they arrest me for walking around like this?”

“I don’t think so. Some of the dock workers only wear a loincloth, even the women. Maybe you could do that?”

Bonny shook her head. “Let’s see what will happen.”

Courage and Lust both approved vehemently, then glared at each other suspiciously.

Miu grabbed for Bonny’s hand and pulled her close. “Me too, nya.”

Bonny laughed and hugged her tight, then kissed her on the lips. “I was thinking, on the walk in, that you might like a leash. What do you think?”

“Nya?” She blushed and shook her head vehemently. “N-no!”

“Are you sure? It should show everyone that you’re mine.” Bonny giggled as Miu blushed even harder.

They set off shortly after, Bonny following Freja through the crowds. Quite a few people stared, but Bonny ignored them.

The merchant council wasn’t in session. Instead, they met with a clerk, who frowned at Bonny, but promised to take their message to the chairman. Freja gave Colette’s warehouse as a contact location and they headed to the temples.

The temples were in the center of the city, to one side of an open cobblestone plaza. There was a large building with seven symbols, presumably one for each of the major gods. A smaller building stood to one side, marked with a familiar staff and bird.

Bonny pointed to the temple of healing and they headed towards it. A man in red robes met them at the entrance and looked Bonny up and down, frowning. “Are you in need of healing? How can I help?”

Bonny looked him over in turn, not having stopped to inspect the humans she had seen earlier. He stood a little taller than her, with dark skin and a shaved head.

“Hi, I’m Bonny. Can we get a tour?” She reached out to shake his hand.

He looked at her hand, but didn’t respond to it. “We don’t normally give tours. There are sick and wounded in here and we try to preserve their privacy.”

“Oh, I can heal them if you want. I’m a Medic.”

“What’s a medic?” He seemed confused.

“A type of healer. Is there a head priest I can speak to?”


Recovery spoke up, “Ask for Castor, he’s in his office. Vigor, my brother, wants us to bless him in order to help prepare the city for Wrath.”

“Are you sure Castor isn’t available? I have it on good authority that he’s in his office right now.”

The man sighed and motioned for them to follow. He led them down a small hallway, avoiding a large room with people inside. The hall was short and opened into an office, with a brown furred beaver kin sitting at a desk. He wore the same red robes as the bald priest, but had a golden staff pinned to his collar.

Bonny hopped forward. “Hi, I’m Bonny and my companion is Freja. Are you Castor?”

“Yes.” He frowned at her, but stood and reached out to clasp wrists. “What brings you to our temple today? And what happened to your clothes?”

“Oh, I left them at the warehouse. One of the guards didn’t like what I was wearing, so I figured ‘why wear anything’ if no one will like it.” She laughed. “I’m here to heal any sick or wounded and offer you a gift.”

“Are you a Mender?”

“Oh, yes. It’s complicated, but Recovery decided she likes me and got all personal and stuff.” Bonny looked down at her shoulder. “Do I need to do anything special? Just touch him? Like Freja? Thanks.”

Castor looked up at the other two. The bald Mender shrugged.

“You should probably sit back down for this. Trust me.” The centaur smiled and motioned Castor to sit down.

He did, leaning forward as he sat, to maintain wrist contact.

“Here goes. Three, Two, One.” Bonny felt a healing spirit land on their clasped hands and pushed it at, and into, the head priest. A dark, blood red aura expanded around them, then condensed into Castor.

He gasped and released her hand, staring up, into space.

“What did you do?!” The other Mender stepped forward, ready to defend the head priest, when Castor raised a hand.

“Stop. She connected me with Vigor. I can feel divine energy. How?” He stared at Bonny. “The divines haven’t shown themselves since the Devastation.”

She grinned. “I told you, it’s complicated. I follow Recovery instead of Vigor, but they’re like siblings or something. Now, should I go heal the sick in the other room?”

“Yes. Wait, can you wear one of our robes?” Castor jumped up and motioned at the other Mender. “Go get one, smallish.”

“Is nudity really that offensive?”

“Well, no, not really. But we have an image to maintain.”

Bonny turned to Freja. “What do you think?”

“If they let you keep it, it could help with recognition and acceptance. Especially with the Council. I will carry it for you, if you don’t want to wear it all the time.”

“You’ll carry my things? I thought centaurs were all prideful and stuff.”

Freja’s skin darkened as she blushed, the star turning pink, again. “I won’t do it for anyone. Besides, you didn’t ask, I offered.”

Bonny considered, then smiled. “Okay. Thank you.”

Once the Mender returned with a couple robes, they found one that fit, then followed Castor into the sick room. Bonny started near the door and made a circuit around the room, triaging, purifying, and healing each person in turn. Some required divine mending, but most were cured with panacea or arcane mending.

She noticed Castor watching closely as she worked, especially when she used divine magic. When done, she turned to him. “If you don’t mind, I’ll return sometime tomorrow to check again. Can you ask anyone that needs divine healing to wait for me?”

He nodded. “I will. Thank you, Priestess Bonny.”

“Freja, can we head over to the main temple now?” Bonny left the robe on, deciding she liked how it looked. She also didn’t want to alienate the priests there, though Courage would probably step in if that was going to be a problem.

“Of course.”

They left the temple and started across the square. About a quarter of the way across, someone grabbed Bonny by a shoulder, reached around her, and sliced across her neck.

Bonny felt a piercing sharpness that severed muscles and tissue and grated across her spine. Warmth flooded down, soaking into the blood colored robe, and leaving a cold emptiness behind.

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