Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

54. Divine Meet and Greet

The two priestesses stared at Bonny as if she were naked, or had two heads and was covered in blood. It was hard to tell the difference.

She ignored the stares and told the story of her arrival and fight against Matt. Partway through, Freja knocked and squeezed through the door, followed by Gallus, the stern faced beaver.

“And after that, we traveled here to warn the city. I’ve been told there are two artifacts that Wrath will be looking for, but we didn’t expect to find a faction within in the city working against us.”

Freja added, “I have joined Bonny’s team until the threat is neutralized. Maybe permanently. I suspect someone removed the guards from the plaza in preparation, so things may be worse than we thought. Either a council member or someone high in the guard command is working with the cultists.”

Mila finally sat forward. “Gallus, what did you find?”

“I checked the plaza and questioned witnesses. Three men died and several were injured. No one knows why the guards were absent or who the men were. They took the dead with them.”

Mila nodded. “We’ve dealt with cultists before. I will pray for guidance. Please send an update to the council and guard. Two priests to each, I think.”

He nodded and exited.

Mila smiled. “Thank you for the warning. You said this Matt had thousands of goblins?”

“Uh, at least a thousand. We didn’t have time to count. He recruited them all within a week or so and it’s already taken that long to travel here. He may have more monsters for this attack.”

“Okay. This may be difficult then. Especially if he brings trolls. Nasty creatures. You’ll need to talk to the mage guild at the tower for their crown. I believe the other is held by the beaver kin in the lake. I should have asked Gallus before sending him out. He may know. If I get more information I’ll let you know.” Mila motioned them out, clearly tired.

“Before we go, can someone talk to me about the gods and demons? I heard a little about the great divine war, but I don’t know who all the gods are.”

Mila waved at the other attendant. “Gloria, please take them to the chancel. If any more gods show up, …” She shook her head, not finishing the statement.

They left, Bonny dropping her aura as they followed the human priestess back toward the nave. Most of the blood had dried and flaked away already. She still carried Kanae. “Should we leave offerings for the gods?”

“We have offerings for sale, if …” Gloria shook her head. “No, never mind that. I will provide offerings for you.”

She led the way back into the nave, then up some steps opposite the main door, so a semicircular dais. There were seven alcoves around the half circle, set equidistant from each other and arranged in alphabetical order.

“Wait here, I will be right back.” Gloria left them and walked quickly toward a small shop near the entrance.

Bonny handed the fox to Freja. “If you don’t mind?”

The centaur nodded and took Kanae. Bonny stepped up to the second recessed altar, which held a statue of a lioness standing guard over three cubs. There was a symbol carved in the wall above the altar and a bowl in front for offerings.

“Are you always female, Courage?”

“Yes. The female faces more danger than males of the same species. Courage is overcoming fear or pain to stand firm when it matters.” The goddess spoke from her shoulder, not visible to other visitors.

Bonny knelt before the altar, head bowed. “Thank you for your help and guidance.” She bit into one wrist and allowed several drops of blood to drip into the bowl, covering coins, jewelry, wooden tokens, herbs, and spices that other adherents had left.

Ruby light burst from the bowl, illuminating the room in red for a brief instant. When Bonny could see again, the offerings were gone.

“Thank you, Bonny. A gift of blood is rare.”

Bonny stood and turned to find dozens of people staring at her from the nave. She waved and smiled down at them, then walked to the first alcove, which was just to the left of Courage’s altar.

Gloria came running back up, carrying a small bowl containing several wooden tokens carved with different symbols. “What did you do?” She panted from sprinting the distance.

“I left an offering for Courage. She accepted.”

The priestess walked over to check the donation bowl and back. “It’s empty. Did you take the offerings?”

Bonny raised an eyebrow. “Nooo. She accepted my gift, as I just said. The bowl was empty after the flash.”

“What? What did you offer?”

“Blood. I cut my wrist.” Bonny held up her wrist, which was already healed. “I dripped some into the bowl and thanked her for her help and guidance. How do most people pray?”

Gloria stared, looking back and forth between Bonny and Courage’s altar.

Freja stepped forward and took the small bowl from the dumbfounded priestess, shifting Kanae to rest over one shoulder and bracing the fox with her arm. She searched through the bowl with her other hand, then handed Bonny one of the tokens. “This is a token with the symbol for Courage. We usually leave them in the offering bowls and the priests gather them later. I usually give thanks for past victories and ask for help in future conflicts.”

Bonny looked at the token, which was shaped like a lion with a symbol carved into it. She held it up to her left shoulder. It vanished. “Is this all the gods want? Wooden tokens? If people buy these tokens and they just get reused, where does the money go?”

“The temple uses it for maintenance and supplies. If there are extra funds, they help the needy, of course.”

“But people could just donate money to the temple without the token, right?” Bonny had never been particularly religious on Earth, but she had been to a couple of churches with friends. She remembered them passing around a plate for donations and one of the churches had devotion candles to light, but she had never done either. “What do the gods get out of it?”

Freja looked at Gloria, who shook her head and stepped back.

“They get the prayers, of course.” Mila answered as she scampered up beside Bonny, having been alerted about the disturbance. “What happened?”

Freja answered, “Bonny gave Courage blood and she took everything in the bowl in acceptance. When Gloria came back, Bonny questioned the usefulness of these offerings.”

“I should have known.” Mila sighed. “Gloria, you can go. I’ll guide her through each of the other Devotions.”

“I wasn’t … didn’t …” Gloria started and stopped her reply a couple times, then nodded in acceptance. “Okay. Thank you.”

“These are the seven primary gods.” Mila explained as she waved her arm around, encompassing the dais. “They helped us, both beast kin and humanity, work together to develop civilization after the Devastation. There are other gods, of course, like the Healer, but they are considered to be lesser gods and worshiped separately. We have a separate altar near the door for them.”

Mila stepped up to the nearby altar, Bonny following. “This is Compassion. Unfortunately, the most common visitors for her are the sick and wounded who are seeking compassion rather than those offering it.”

The statue was of three elephants, each paired and helping another species. One was carrying a basket in its trunk and walking beside a human without an arm. Another supporting a big cat of some sort with a wound in its side. The last was offering grain to an emaciated mouse.

Freja pulled a token from the bowl and offered it to Bonny. The symbol carved into the wooden elephant matched the symbol above the altar.

“I need to learn to read.” Bonny looked between the two symbols, then dropped the token into the bowl. She leaned forward, put her arms around the statue, and whispered, “I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Thank you for your service and reminder of those often forgotten.”

Bonny stepped back and the elephant statues all winked at her simultaneously. She smiled and bowed slightly in acknowledgment.

Mila gasped. “What did you say?”

“I just thanked her. Or him. Them? It probably doesn’t matter which gender they are, does it?”

Freja stepped in and put a hand on Mila’s arm. “Bonny seems to have a special relationship with the gods. You’d better get used to it now or this will just get more awkward as we greet each one.”

Bonny led them to the third altar. The statue here held three rabbits looking up, eyes open and excited. She turned to Mila, smiling. “I thought rabbits represented Lust.”

The priestess blushed. “Well, yes. But they also represent new beginnings and life. They are the symbol of Hope and prosperity.”

The demoness hadn’t shown herself since entering the temple, but Bonny heard a quiet whisper. “You could fuck Mila, you know. Give her some hope and prosperity, maybe some new life in a few months, if you know what I mean.”

There was a flash around Bonny’s right breast, followed by, “Ow! Fuck! I didn’t deserve that.”

“Don’t desecrate my shrine with your profanity.” A rabbit kin appeared on Bonny’s left shoulder, alongside Courage and Recovery, all three glaring down at Lust’s favorite spot. After a moment, the divine bunny looked up at Bonny and bared her teeth in a threatening smile. “Pleased to meet you, but keep your demon pet in check.”

Bonny’s mouth went dry. “Uh, yes ma’am. Uh, I mean, Hope. I’m sorry.” It was not what Bonny expected from someone named Hope.

“Your message brings despair, but its timely arrival allows hope for this town. Keep trying, they will need it. I will help as I can.” The goddess vanished, followed by the other two after they flashed a quick thumbs up and smile.

Bonny looked up to find both Freja and Mila staring at her. “Did you hear any of that?”

Freja shook her head. “Just your apology.”

“Oh. So, uh, Hope said we need to keep trying to inform the Council about the attack. She’ll support us, but didn’t say how. Are you sure her name is Hope?”

A spark of lightning struck Bonny’s butt. She jumped and rubbed at her ass. “Ow! Fuck!”

Freja laughed as she held out a bunny token to Bonny.

Bonny grabbed it and dropped it into the offering bowl with a bow. “Sorry. Hope is important for future progress and development. Thank you for all you have done, both for me and civilization.”

They moved on to the next, which held a blindfolded turtle with scales and a sword. Mila let them know it was Justice. Bonny bowed and dropped the token into the bowl, silently, not clear on her relationship with the goddess. It seemed fitting that her altar was centered among the other six.

The fifth was Temperance. The statue was a Bactrian camel staring out at the worshiper. After Mila informed them of the name and symbolism of the camel, Bonny dropped the token in with a bow. “Temperance is just self control, isn’t it? Do you get a lot of disciples?”

An old man materialized, sitting on the camel statue, between the two humps. He had a long white beard and a twinkle in his eye. “I don’t demand asceticism, Bonny. Everything in moderation. Even sex with gods.”

Bonny blushed and bowed again. “Of course, sorry.”

“Courage is waiting for you to make a move, you know. I’m surprised she hasn’t said something yet. Maybe she’s kissing up to me by denying herself. Wouldn’t you think someone named Courage could work up the …” He grunted in pain and winked at Bonny, ignoring the lioness next to him, half crouched on one of the camel humps. Trickles of blood ran from her mouth and his shoulder.

“Uh.” Bonny wasn’t sure how to respond. She glanced to the side to see Freja and Mila staring at the gods. So they were visible to the group on the dais at least.

“There is great power available to those who abstain from pleasure, but that isn’t your path. Go forth and be happy, just try not to overindulge. Your demonic influence will be a trial, but you have done well by limiting time with your harem members. All except for the fox, of course, but she will recover with time.”

There was a thump as Mila fainted.

I'm traveling and visiting people this week. I may miss a chapter release, but will try to keep up with them.

Thanks for reading,

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