Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

55. Geas and Decree

Bonny rushed over to check on Mila after she fainted. “Triage!”

Nothing glowed red except for the side of the mouse priestess’ head, where it hit the floor.

Mending!” Bonny healed her just in case, then looked around to see Gallus and Gloria hurrying up the steps. She waved them over. “She fainted. I cast a healing spell just in case, but she just had a bruise on her head.”

“Why did she faint?” The stern faced beaver kin knelt beside Mila to check her condition, then glared daggers at Bonny.

“Uh, Temperance made a joke?”

“A joke? A GOD told her a joke?”

Bonny realized Gallus hadn’t been in the room or nearby when the gods had appeared earlier. “He, uh, made a joke about me?”

Gallus stood and loomed over Bonny, not noticing Gloria’s motions for him to settle down. “I am a priest of Justice! If you have caused her harm, her pain will be visited upon you thrice!” His shout carried the words across the temple.

Bonny looked around to see the temple supplicants, watching closely, knowing something unusual was going on. That, combined with the long and complicated day so far, was too much. She jumped to her feet, and leaned in, not backing down. “What the fuck, dude? I just said I healed her. Look at my fucking robes. Do you think I’m wearing these for fun? I’d rather be naked, but your creepy, prudish city doesn’t like that."

She stepped back, then continued in a slightly calmer tone, “Besides, that’s not how this works. You don’t cause more pain because of an accident. That’s just stupid, not justice.”

Bonny turned to the center alcove. “Justice! Control your people.”

A tortoise materialized between the bunny and beaver, holding a pair of golden scales in one hand and a small sword in the other. She was blindfolded and wore a toga, both trimmed in gold. “Gallus, you have acted in anger without verification. Bonny is innocent of wrongdoing.”

The beaver kin dropped to his knees and touched his head to the floor, then lowered his body until he prostrated himself. “I am sorry. Forgive me, my Goddess.”

“I do not have the authority to forgive this time.”

“Bonny, forgive me.”

Bonny looked at Justice and winked, suddenly feeling appeased and assuming Justice would know she winked, despite the blindfold. She knelt beside Gallus. “Tell me, what are the three types of justice?”

Gallus stammered, “Uh. I, uh…”

“I’ll give you a hint.” Bonny pulled on a memory of a law class she had taken before starting the nursing program. “What does distributive, retributive, and restorative justice mean?”

Gallus stayed silent, but his body shook. Either embarrassment or shame, maybe fear? She wasn’t sure, but she just wanted to tease him a little, she wasn’t trying to be mean to him.

“Fine, get up. You're forgiven. It's just that someone tried to kill me earlier. I’m not going to hold a grudge against you for trying to protect Mila.” She pulled at his robe and he started to rise until he saw Justice still standing there. He froze and dropped flat, again.

Bonny looked around to see Freja and Gloria kneeling. Gallus and Mila lay flat, him prostrate and her supine, having been turned face up by Bonny while examining her. The crowd looked up in confusion, even more certain something unusual was happening, but clearly unable to see or hear Justice.

Mila opened her eyes long enough to look back and forth, trying to catch up on events since she passed out. She stared at Justice for a moment, then caught Bonny's eyes and immediately closed her own, pretending to still be unconscious.

Bonny called her out. “Glad you’re awake, Mila. How are you feeling?”


Bonny rolled her eyes and turned to Justice. “I’m sorry for the commotion. I’m glad to meet you.”

"Greetings, Bonny, Gallus, and Mila. I am sorry we must meet in these circumstances. Stand."

Gallus climbed to his feet, slowly.  Mila remained prone, eyes closed.

Justice let go of the scales and sword, leaving both floating in the air, and reached out to lay a hand on Bonny and Gallus' shoulders. "I grant you both a boon. It may help in the coming days."

Power flowed through Bonny and she felt her aura grow stronger. She reined it in, semi-consciously, all the practice with Kanae paying off.

Gallus' aura exploded outward, sharp and biting. Bonny felt a dual sense of peace and danger, of rights rewarded and wrongs punished. For once, she wanted to check her status, but didn't dare take her attention from the god in front of her.

Justice released them, then grabbed the floating sword by the blade and handed it to Bonny, hilt first. She spoke, her words reverberating with power, “I charge you with killing Matt as retribution for the lives he has destroyed, including yours.”

Bonny gasped as she felt the geas settle into her bones. “No. I don’t want to fight. I just want to heal people. I don't want to kill ... more ... people.” She tried to hand the sword back, but Justice refused her refusal.

“Matt has caused enough damage. He is your trial. Deal with him or this world will suffer. You cannot succeed by only doing what you want.”

Bonny bowed her head and sighed. “Can’t someone else do it?”

"No. It must be you. Things will become clear when you face him next."

"Okay. Fine."

"May you both wield my power with fairness, equality, and care.”

Justice vanished, only to reappear on Bonny's shoulder along with Courage and Recovery. The new goddess looked human with braided black hair and light brown skin. She wore a huge tortoise shell shield on her back, over her divine robes. She still wore her blindfold and carried the golden scales, but had no sword.

“I accept Oakleigh's decree to accompany you. You should speak with Trust and Wisdom before leaving.” Justice said as she held her scales up as if to make sure they balanced. They did.

Bonny touched Gallus' arm and whispered just loud enough for him and Mila to hear. “Sorry. I, uh, didn’t expect that.”

The beaver kin choked, coughed, and stared at the floor. “The Divines haven’t shown themselves, anywhere, since the Devastation.”

“Is the Devastation what you call the war between gods and demons? Several hundred years ago?”

Gallus nodded.

“I think they were weakened by the war and the system. This might be the precursor to another one. Maybe that’s why it’s so important for me to fight Wrath.” Bonny sighed. “I don’t want this.”

Gallus met her eyes. “I think I liked it better when the Divines didn’t show up.”

“Don’t say that. Justice is still listening, you know.”

He paled. “What?”

“I wouldn’t worry too much. The gods all seem pretty friendly and forgiving. As long as you’re not trying to destroy civilization, anyway.” She smiled. “Let’s check on Mila.”

They both moved to sit next to the head priest. Bonny shook her shoulder. “Justice is gone, priestess. You may want to make sure someone is ready to sell tokens though, I think there’s going to be a lot of demand when word spreads about the gods showing interest.”

Mila’s eyes shot open. She stared at Bonny, then Gallus. “What do we do?”

“Talk to Wisdom, I’m sure she’ll tell you.” Bonny patted the mouse kin’s arm, then stood and walked over to Freja, who still held Kanae.

"Are you ok, Bonny? I could tell something happened, but it wasn't clear.”

"You couldn't see Justice?" Maybe the public reaction wouldn't be as bad as she initially feared.

"No. Did she give you that sword?"

“Yes. And a new aura. Can you hold it for me, for now?” Bonny held out the Sword of Justice, hilt first.

Freja tried to take it, but her hand passed through. “Um, no.”

Justice spoke up, “The sword is bound to you, Bonny. You can summon and dismiss it at will. Like your … other artifact.”

“Thank you.” She concentrated and the sword faded away.

Freja handed the last two tokens to Bonny and walked with her to Trust’s alcove.

The altar had two porcupines sitting in a circle with several predators: big cats, snakes, and wolves. Was this a sign of Trust or Courage? Bonny looked it over and dropped the token into the offering bowl.

A small porcupine kin appeared, with spines sticking through the back of her robes. She was a few inches high, about the same as the porcupine figurine on the altar. She walked around the circle of predators, looking up at them, then faced Bonny. “Most of your companions are predator species that prey on rabbits. Why do you trust them?”

“Uh, I don't know. I saved Miu and Eloisss. They've saved me in turn. I guess I got to know them? Plus, they're people, smart, not controlled by instinct or hunger.”

“Not everyone will agree with you, you know. What of Matt, someone who was a lover and friend?”

“No, I wouldn't trust him. He tried to kill me, several times, and succeeded once.”

“But why?”

“I'm not sure. Maybe because I left him? I hurt him? But he was already angry all the time. I had to leave.”

“Trust was lost on both sides, but he is lonely now and you are the only thing still familiar to him. Without Wrath, he will listen to you. You should listen to him as well, before completing Justice's request.”

“What? How do I separate him and Wrath? That’s impossible!”

“Nothing is impossible. I’m certain you will find a way. Have faith and trust.” The porcupine smiled and faded away.

Bonny turned to see everyone watching her again. She straightened her back and turned to the last alcove. It held a horned owl on a branch, eyes watching her. Bonny dropped the last token into its place and wasn't surprised to see the goddess appear.

Wisdom took the guise of a harpy, with owl coloring and huge anime like eyes with brown irises. “We are sorry to give you this task. You were correct in your earlier deduction.”

“The war? A second Devastation?”

“Yes. You and Matt are not the only Earthlings reborn here.”


“Each demon has chosen a champion. There are five other Earthlings spreading chaos across our world. Four, really. Sloth isn’t doing much.” Wisdom grinned, squinching her large eyes as she did.

“Do I have to fight all of them?”

“Concentrate on Wrath for now. Become strong. You aren’t the only demonic champion to have divine assistance. There are two divine champions as well. We will guide you.”

“Thank you. I'll need it.” Bonny bowed her head, thinking of the implications revealed.

The owl-harpy goddess vanished and Bonny left the temple shortly after, once some of the excitement had died down.

Mila arranged people into lines and had Gloria manage donations and tokens. Gallus stood on the dais, his prickly aura keeping the crowd quiet. As far as Bonny could tell, the crowd could feel the divine presence and knew something happened, but not the specifics. She still thought the temple would see a large number of visitors in the near future.

Bonny carried Kanae and followed Freja back to the warehouse, fortunately encountering no further trouble from the cultists.  Once there, she took a moment to check her status.

Alerts (5):

You have increased your physical power and control through training. Plus 2 skills for Physical related classes.

You have increased your Aura and Magic stats through training.

An Optional Quest has been assigned by Courage. Success will be rewarded.

You have been recognized by the Goddess Justice. The touch of the Divine will be seen upon you. Beings that harm you or your allies will be punished. Your aura may intimidate anyone not god-touched. Your will has increased.

A Mandatory Quest has been assigned to you by Justice. Success will be greatly rewarded. Failure will be punished.

The Demon Lust has responded to the Goddess Justice. The touch of the Demonic will be seen upon you. You will detect desire in those around you. Your aura may intimidate anyone not demon-touched. Your aura strength has increased.


Name: Bonny
Race: Outworlder / Rabbit-kin
Age: 22
Health: Healthy
Soul: Healthy

Titles: Beginner Sage, Demonic Champion, Divine System Engineer
Achievements: Proficiency with all Magic Affinities, Attention of the Gods, System Update
Affinities: Arcane Beginner 30%, Demonic Master 12% (Lust), Divine Beginner 60% (Courage, Healing), Elemental Novice 84% (Air, Water)
Auras: Divine Courage (allies), Divine Cleansing (area), Divine Healing (area), Divine Retribution (area), Demonic Desire (area)

Class: Journeyman Medic/Demonic (alternatives available)
Skills: (1 skill available)
     Create Water (all)
     Mending (all)
     Pain Management (all)
     Panacea (all)
     Sacrifice (demonic)
     Spirit Triage (divine)
     Triage (all)
     Ward (all)
     Wound Transfer (demonic)

General Skills: Agility, Dancing, First Aid, Running, Shield Use, Walking, Outworlder Knowledge

     Big Red - Bonded, Growth (Unique, multiple parts/Demonic)
     Sword of Justice - Bonded (Legendary/Divine)

Phys Pow: Above Avg +
Phys Con: High
Stamina:   High

Mag Pow: Novice 30%
Mag Con: Novice 30%
Mana:       Novice 40%

Aura Pow: Journeyman 15%
Aura Con: Journeyman 16%
Will:           Journeyman 44%

     Courage: Arouse Courage through fear.
     Justice: Slay Matt (Mandatory).

It had been more than a week since Bonny had checked her status, knowing that training would show only minor gains and wanting to see a larger jump in status. The first two alerts were from earlier in the week and expected. The following, though, was very much unexpected.

She thought back to the request Courage made the night before, after Bonny's bondage session with Eloisss and Freja. Looking at a quest listed on her status screen made it seem a lot more important than what she had assumed was a playful request.


"Yes, Bonny?" The blindfolded goddess appeared on her shoulder.

"What does 'failure will be punished' mean?"

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