Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

67. ♥♥ Toys and Roles (R-18+)

Kama came back into the room and checked on Nahia. “Thank you, Bonny. I’m not sure what we would have done without you. The priests at the temple don’t care for us and wouldn’t have spent as much time or energy on us. What do we owe you?”

“Sshe wantss ssex.” Eloisss answered, then laughed at Bonny’s indigent expression. “Sshe alwayss wantss ssex.”

“I’ll do it.” Tamanna jumped up and ran over to hug and kiss Bonny. When she ran, she dropped to all fours and sort of hopped across the room.

Bonny laughed and kissed her back. “Okay. But we should move to a different room, to avoid waking up Nahia. Also, we'll need to be careful, your vagina needs some rest. No penetration.”

“You should use the stage.” Lust spoke up from Bonny’s left shoulder, since her usual location was pressed tight against Tamanna.

Bonny froze. The stage? There were at least a dozen people in the waiting room. She had danced and stripped in front of larger crowds and had had sex with her friends in front of others since arriving in this world, but sex on stage in front of unknown people? A thrill ran through her and she shivered.

But should she really follow the advice of a demon? She turned her head left to see the three gods. Courage grinned. Of course she would agree with anything that pushed boundaries.

Recovery convinced Bonny. “You could use the opportunity to check patrons for the curse.”

“Oh, uh, can we use the stage?” Bonny asked Tamanna and Kama. “I used to be an erotic dancer. I don’t mind people watching.”

Tamanna pulled back in surprise. “Are you sure?”

Bonny nodded. “It’ll let me check the audience for the disease.”

Kama considered, then agreed. “It’ll take a few minutes to set up the stage. Do you want to just have sex or perform a play?”

“Oh, a play! I wanted to be an actor when I was a kid. What kind of stories do you have?” Bonny turned to her friends. “What about you, do any of you want to join in?”

Kanae yipped, but the other two declined.

“You’ll have to change forms, Kanae. Be yourself, no copying. The audience doesn’t need to know you can do that. Is that okay?”

Tamanna and Kama looked at the fox. Kama spoke, “She can change?”

“Yes. She’s a little shy, but she’s a fox spirit. Go ahead, Kanae, if you really want to join us.”

The fox shimmered and a wave of mist enveloped her. When it dissipated, she was sitting in fox kin form. She retained the same coloring, of an orange coat with black limbs and white tipping her tails. She stood, looking around shyly.

“You’re very pretty, Kanae, you should change more often.” Bonny complimented her as she stepped over to pull Kanae into a hug.

“I … I love you, Bonny. Please don’t hate me.” Kanae’s voice was quiet.

Bonny squeezed her tight. “Of course, I don’t hate you. That’s not why … I’m just worried for you. I think I love you too.”

Bonny had never really approved of polygamous relationships back on Earth. Here, she felt driven to have a lot of sex, with different people, due to Lust’s influence. She was having fun with it and really liked her companions, but now two of them had confessed love. Could she love them back? Equally?

She certainly cared a lot for them, especially Miu, Eloisss, and Kanae. It could probably be called love. Well, if they survived the upcoming war, she would do something about it. For now, that would have to be enough.

Kama interrupted Bonny’s thoughts. “I’ll go get everything setup. Tamanna can guide you backstage.”

“Oh, can you have each of your girls visit me backstage? I still need to check them to make sure no one else is sick.”

Kama agreed and they left the room quietly.

Tamanna pulled Bonny over to a glass fronted cabinet halfway down the hall. “Come. We have some toys we can use. Don’t worry, they’re clean.”

The cabinet contained an array of different instruments, from dildos and wands in several shapes, sizes, and colors to paddles, straps, and ropes. They were made from glass, wood, and metal, all enchanted. Plastic and silicone didn’t exist here and Bonny wondered what they would think if she summoned hers. She decided not to.

Tamanna pointed to several different toys. “These vibrate. Usually toys cost extra and not many customers want to use them, but Kama likes to have them available. She enchanted them herself.”

“How are they controlled?”

“She links them to a control rod.”

“That’s amazing. Can we try one? Wait, can multiple vibrators be linked to one control?”

“I think so.”

Bonny turned to Eloisss and Freja, grinning widely. “How about we involve you two as well?”

The two each selected C shaped vibrators, that stimulated both internally and externally, as well as harnesses to hold them in place. Bonny took a control rod to have Kama link to both of them, then chose a thick, six inch strap-on for Tamanna to use with her.

Kanae still had her plug in and didn’t want to remove it.

After selections were made, Bonny gave Eloisss and Freja each a hug and kiss. They separated then, the two heading down to the waiting room, while the rest followed Tamanna backstage to prepare.

They came up with a quick scenario that avoided penetration of the two recovering courtesans and decided to improvise the dialog. Even if it wasn’t perfect, it was sure to entertain.

Each of the other girls, except one who remained downstairs, came in to visit Bonny while they were selecting outfits and dressing. Only one other girl had an infection and it was minor. Bonny healed her without complication.

The other girls stared when Bonny pulled off her robe and they saw her armor.

“Do you fight in that?” Tamanna eyed Bonny up and down, noting several cuts and marks from battle, but her eyes lingered longer on Bonny’s exposed breasts and groin. “It looks amazing, but why?”

“Uh, Eloisss had it made for me. Partly as a joke, I think. I have a big shield that covers most of me, though I did get stabbed in the chest once. Fortunately it wasn’t too bad, so I could heal it.” Bonny answered while removing the armor. She then pulled on a loose button-up top, that she left open and unbuttoned, and a pleated miniskirt. She wore nothing underneath.

Tamanna selected a gauzy shirt and crotchless chaps with the strap-on. She also put on a hair band with rabbit ears and grinned at Bonny. "So the audience will know I'm your partner."

After watching the ferret get dressed, Kanae decided to wear Bonny’s leathers. The corset was a little tight and everything else a little big, but it fit well enough once buttoned into place. She pulled out a larger vibrator and needed some help getting the strap on harness situated.

Hananoka joined them as a fourth. She wore a guard’s jacket over some lacy lingerie and leggings, with another strap-on, similar to the one Tamanna had.

“Ready?” Kama was going to guide and narrate. She handed each of them some lube and opened a door onto the stage.

Bonny and Kanae nodded and followed Kama on stage, where they took their places. As guests and customers of the brothel, they would primarily be recipients in the presentation.

The couches had been turned to face the waiting room and a curtain had been dropped to separate the stage and audience. Bonny sat on the couch with skirt pulled up and legs spread. Kanae knelt in front of her. The curtain rose and Kanae began licking enthusiastically, her three tails wagging.

The room was dim with some sort of spotlight on the two of them. Even through the darkness, Bonny could see the audience was far larger than expected. The thrill of excitement ran through her again. Kama must have sent some sort of message that a special event was happening.

Kama stood to one side, a smaller light on her. “Good evening, Gentlemen and Ladies. Welcome to the Busty Beaver. We open the stage tonight for a special showing. Here, we have a tryst between two lovers.”

Bonny shivered in excitement at the attention of the crowd. The cheers and shouts. The enthusiasm and the feel of being watched, of being seen, and desired.

She carefully released her Lust aura, flooding the room with a light touch, feeling the needs of the audience and allowing the aura to heighten everyone’s craving slightly. She slid a finger up the control rod in her left hand, setting Eloisss and Freja’s vibrators to a low hum.

Her button was extra sensitive and the attention combined with Kanae’s attentiveness brought her quickly to the brink. She reached down to grab Kanae’s ears and thrust up into her tongue, already moaning in pleasure. Her moans were broadcast throughout the room by the use of some acoustic magic.

The thought of the audience watching Kanae’s bare ass as her tails swung back and forth and of her companions watching her get pleasured was enough. She moaned louder, then vocalized her pleasure in shouts, as her core clenched.

“Don’t stop! Lick me, foxy. Taste me! Oooohhh, Fuck ME!” Bonny shivered and spasmed as she touched nirvana.

Tamanna came bounding in from offstage, strap-on cock bouncing. She grabbed Kanae by the tails and pulled her back, removing Bonny’s pleasure and exposing the bunny to the audience.

Kama continued to narrate, “What’s this? A cuckolded mate? Is the ravenous rabbit’s husband not enough for her?

Bonny slid a hand down to her button and continued by herself, hips still bucking and thrusting into the air. She moaned again and the audience went wild, their cheers washing over her.

Tamanna’s voice cut in, magically amplified over the crowd. “Who’s been eating my rabbit? You will pay for your crimes, Vixen! Guards!”

Hananoka ran in from the other side of the stage, a comically large paddle strapped to the back of her uniformed top. “What’s wrong, citizen?”

Tamanna pointed to Kanae, lying on the floor. “That vixen was eating my bunny. Punish her!”

Hananoka looked down at the armored fox. “Are you an adventurer?”

Kanae nodded.

“I used to be an adventurer like you. Then I took an arrow in t…”

“Stop talking and punish her!” Tamanna shouted. “She ate my foof!”

Hananoka pointed at Bonny. “Your cunny, uh, coney looks pretty happy about it.”

Bonny was still sitting with her legs open to the audience, stroking herself and sliding fingers in and out of her folds.

“Fanny! Stop touching your fufu.”

Bonny winked and started licking her fingers, eyes locked on the ferret. “Make me. Mate me!”

Tamanna started over and Bonny hopped up to hide behind the couch. They circled once until Bonny tripped and fell over the arm of the couch. Tamanna quickly descended on her. She held Bonny down with one hand and lined up her strap-on with the other. With a thrust, she entered Bonny’s already lubricated rabbit hole.

Bonny mock struggled and shouted, kicking and flailing. “No! No. Nooo. Oh. Ooh! Ooooh!”

With each thrust, Tamanna pushed Bonny’s mons and button into the arm of the couch, and Bonny thumbed the control rod linked to Eloisss and Freja in sync with Tamanna. The ferret's strap on started vibrating after a few thrusts and Bonny moaned for real.

Eloisss and Freja held on to each other for support and tried to hold in their own moans of pleasure as their vibrators worked in tandem with Bonny's pleasure. They were in the middle of the crowd and didn’t want the attention of the men surrounding them.

On the other side of the stage, Hananoka had Kanae in handcuffs, hands behind her back. Kanae was facing away from the audience, with her ass up and face down, on the ground.

Kama asked the crowd, “How many lashes should this thieving vixen get?”

The cry from the crowd was unintelligible.

“Three it is, then.” Kama continued.

Hananoka pulled the four foot paddle off of her back and lined it up with Kanae’s ass. She pulled back and … CRACK! The paddle was enchanted to sound much louder than the impact.

Kanae was apparently flattened by the blow and Hananoka grabbed her by her tails to pull her ass back up. “You’re not getting away that easily, little fox. No nobbling the nunny!”


Kanae was flattened again, the bare skin where she didn’t have fur was already turning red. This time, before Hananoka could pull her back up, she flexed and broke the cuff chain. She scurried around and leaped up on the otter, pushing her down and pulling her tear away uniform off.

“What is this? Is the guard just another victim for the villainous vixen?” Kama asked. “Will she ever be punished for her misdeeds?”

Kanae quickly spun and straddled Hananoka’s dildo and slid into place, in a reverse cowgirl. She wagged her tails across Hananoka’s face and started bouncing up and down, her hands on Hananoka’s knees, but her eyes were on Bonny.

Bonny was still lying over the arm of the couch, her moaning becoming more ragged. She turned her head to see Kanae and they locked eyes, watching each other get fucked by someone else.

Tamanna and Hananoka both turned up the speed of both the vibration and their thrusts. Bonny and Kanae kept their eyes on each other as the pleasure pulsed through them, tingling, tantalizing, titillating. They crested together, moans synced and eyes locked. Both spasming wildly, only partly for the audience.

Bonny lay still for a moment after Tamanna pulled off of her, then she scrambled forward, over the couch, toward Kanae. Kanae jumped up, off of Hananoka as the same time. They met in the middle, Bonny jumping onto Kanae and riding her down, lips tight and tongues busy.

“Even that wasn’t enough for this bunny. Does the vixen need another meal of fresh rabbit? What will it take to satisfy these two lovers?”

Bonny slipped her lubricated lower lips over Kanae’s dildo just as the other two caught up.

Tamanna wasted no time in lining up and penetrating Bonny’s ass a moment later. She paused for a moment, to time Kanae’s thrusts, then matched the rhythm.

Hananoka grabbed Bonny’s ears and pulled her head up, then pushed her dildo in. She pulled as Kanae and Tamanna pushed, then reversed, Bonny sliding forward and back on the three rods.

The vibrations had been turned off as they all repositioned and now they started up again, all three on a low intensity.

Bonny again thumbed the control rod for Eloisss and Freja up and down and she rocked back and forth. She put her hands on Hananoka’s hips and looked up, gurgling audibly as her mouth slid up and down the Kanae scented, fake cock.

She clenched around the two dildos as she was pulled back and flared her Lust aura higher, feeling the desire of the audience. The desire of her companions and herself.

Lust materialized in front of Bonny’s lips, sitting on top of the dildo. She winked as Bonny focused on her and started stroking her cock. “That’s my Bonny. Great work today.” As Bonny slid forward, Lust’s tiny cock just touched Bonny’s upper lip. The demoness was positioned so that she penetrated just a fraction of an inch.

An overwhelming desire flooded through Bonny. She had used Lust’s body, but had never actually had sex with the demoness. She should be able to, now that she had a separate avatar body. Something to investigate later.

The next forward thrust, Bonny stretched and paused, her lips sliding all the way to the base of Hananoka's dildo. She could feel the tip of the dildo bury itself in her throat and started to gag. She slid back again, clenching her pelvic muscles around the two poles penetrating her from behind.

Lust had floated up, just in time to avoid being squished, and sat on Bonny’s nose. This time she was dickless, but she rocked her sex along Bonny’s nose, much like Adelina had done. “Feel the room. Feel the desire for you.”

Bonny concentrated on her aura again and realized she could feel the needs of the crowd. Most just wanted to fuck her, as expected. They wanted to be one of the three people penetrating her.

But there were a few … a few wanted to be her, to be fucked like her. To be as pretty. To be as confident.

She was the focus of the audience and it thrilled her. Her core sang in tune with the chorusing desire around her, as it flooded in and overwhelmed her. She spasmed and cried out, her words partially muffled as the cock pushed deep into her mouth. “OH FUCMMMMPHH!”

Bonny pulled back and released Hananoka, then dropped and hugged and kissed Kanae as she convulsed around the two other cocks and all the feelings. She shuddered and rotated her hips, moaning into Kanae’s lips.

The moment stretched out into eternity as she felt the strings attaching her to each person in the room. There was power, not just in her endless orgasm, but in the desire surrounding her, infusing her. She pulled at the ties and received power from the crowd: strength, vigor, mana, capability, potential, mana, … LIFE. It was all hers.

They gave it freely in return for scraps of her pleasure.

This turned into almost 3k words. Maybe I should have split it like I did for chapter 57.

Patreon is up to 4 advanced chapters. If I get two more done this week, I'll post the next chapter on Friday.

Thanks for reading.

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