Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

68. Medical Training and a Confrontation

The curtain dropped and the lights in the waiting room brightened. The crowd looked around in confusion, as if awoken from a spell, then back up at the stage as Kama stepped out from behind the curtain, onto the stage apron.

“Thank you for attending the show. As usual, ther…”

Bonny kissed Kanae again, then hopped up and ran out to join Kama, who pointed to Bonny and changed her message. “This is Bonny, here as a guest performer tonight. Let her know if you want her to return for another show.”

Bonny whispered her spell as the crowd went wild with cheers and clapping. “Spirit Triage!”

The crowd was mostly men, roughly fifty or so, with standing room only, but Bonny could see a few women mixed in. There were all types of species, but the audience primarily consisted of human, beaver, and otters. A lone bunny girl sat near the back with two men, a human and some type of stag with an impressive rack of antlers. Eloisss and Freja were near the middle of the crowd with a small gap between them and the people around them.

Bonny waved, then, as the noise receded, she spoke up. “Hi, everyone. Thanks for coming. Pun intended, of course.” She grinned as the crowd cheered again and several threw coins onto the stage, joining a sizable amount of money already there.

“A few of you have been chosen for special attention. Please go upstairs and I’ll spend some time with you. Free, no charge.” She pointed to the bunny girl and five different men in the crowd. The men were all infected, but the bunny was the first other rabbit kin she had seen, and Bonny just wanted to talk to her. “If you have a friend with you, you’re free to bring them as well. Someone should guide you to a room.”

Of the five men, four headed toward the staircase, one with a friend. The last man, a reddish otter kin, moved swiftly to the exit. Bonny nodded at Eloisss and Freja who moved to intercept him. The bunny girl seemed to be arguing with her companions, who both clearly wanted to go. She glared at Bonny for a moment, but agreed and they headed to the stairs as a group.

“Thank you! Have a good night.” Bonny called out to the crowd as she slipped backstage, leaving the coins where they lay.

She stopped and took a breath, exhausted from the performance. Exhausted, but giddy and energetic at the same time. She also felt full, stretched — not physically, exactly, but spiritually.

Kanae and the other two girls closed in around her in a group hug.

Bonny smiled at them and held tight to Kanae and Tamanna, who were next to her. “Thank you. That was fun. Kanae, I might need your help to heal all these guys. Are you up for it?”

Kanae nodded. “Can I change back?”

Bonny kissed her. “Of course. I know that was hard for you, but you look amazing. I hope you had fun.”

The other two agreed as Kanae pulled off Bonny’s leather armor, then shifted back to a fox.

Tamanna reached out to touch Bonny’s shoulder. “Can you teach me to heal?”

“Uh, maybe. Are you unhappy here?” Bonny asked. “Is everything okay?”

“Yes. I mean, everything is fine here. Kama takes good care of us.” The ferret girl seemed flustered. “It’s sometimes hard to get healing at the temple, I don’t think they like us. You made me realize that I want to help take care of the girls here. All the girls really, not just my coworkers. Help with their monthlies, when they’re painful, and stuff. Some men have problems performing, maybe I could help with that too.”

“Oh, that’s great.” Bonny pulled Tamanna into a hug. “Of course. I’ll be teaching some other girls at the temple tomorrow morning. Can you join us?”

Tamanna agreed. “Yes. Thank you.”

“Oh, you should also come with me to see each of the men I’ve pulled from the audience as well. I’ll talk through what I’m doing. It may not be as useful, since it’s a supernatural curse, but I always enjoyed making the rounds when I was training.” As Bonny talked, she buttoned up the shirt, then retrieved her robe and started gathering her leather gear. She would have to switch clothes at some point, but she didn’t want to leave the patients waiting too long.

They went backstage and up a second staircase, to emerge on the top floor. Tamanna led the way and Kanae scampered along beside Bonny. Once there, they could hear someone arguing with Eloisss. Bonny pointed toward that door.

She smiled and waved as they entered. “Hi, Rube. Why’d you try to run?”

He stammered incoherently and blushed, though it was hard to tell with his reddish coloring.

“He hass a crussh, Bonny. Be nisce.”

Tamanna nodded and smiled at him. “Rube.”

“Does he visit often?” Bonny asked Tamanna.

“Yes. He’s a regular. Comes in every two or three days. He’s one of our better customers, always polite and never violent.”

“Hey, good for you, Rube.” Bonny handed her robe and armor to Eloisss, then stepped closer to the bed. She patted the otter on the head.

He blushed again, heat emanating from his face, and dropped his head into his hands.

“I asked you to stay because you’re infected with some sort of cursed disease. It would have been better if you’d followed my instructions to come earlier, but this will do.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s complicated. I’m sorry if I gave the wrong impression about what I wanted tonight, but I’m just here to cure the disease. I treated Tamanna and some of the other courtesans earlier and then the stage play just sort of happened.” She smiled and shrugged. “Just lay back. This shouldn’t hurt.”

He glanced at up at Eloisss and Freja crowding the small room and did as asked.

Bonny motioned Tamanna over. “Okay, for treating people, you need several skills. They don’t have to be magical as long as you have the knowledge of what to look for. The first item is to identify the problem. In this case, he should have the same rash that you did. Do you want to see it?”

Rube started pulling up his robe without prompting, even though Tamanna seemed unsure. He wore a loincloth underneath, with some suspicious wet spots, that he immediately loosened and pulled down. His revealed majesty quickly engorged under the gazes of the four women, but it was somewhat mediocre in size.

Fortunately no one laughed. They were all a little shocked at his sudden action.

Bonny sighed. “You didn’t need to do that, Rube. She hadn’t agreed yet and, even if she had, you could have pulled your underwear down just far enough so that we could see if you had a rash.”

“But, …”

“It’s fine. It's nothing we haven't seen before.” Bonny pointed to several red sores on and around his bobbing member. “That’s the physical rash. There are lines of corruption that run between the sores that are only visible with skills to detect injury. Rube, do they hurt?”

“Uh, yes. Not all the time. It itches, mostly. Uh, sex makes it feel better.” He blushed again.

“How long ago did you notice it? Was it after a visit here?”

“Uhm, three or four days. Yes, I, uh, visited Brooke the day before. Then Hananoka two days ago.”

“So, you likely caught it from Brooke, then may have spread it to Hana. Hmmm. I’m a little surprised it hasn’t spread faster, but maybe there’s an incubation period before it becomes contagious. I haven’t seen Brooke yet, but she’s most likely infected as well.”

“She stays downstairs. I’ll take you down after this.” Tamanna offered.

Bonny nodded and continued, “After identification, there are a few different routes depending on the issue. Fortunately, magic simplifies things by providing general physical healing and cure disease options. You’ll want to straighten broken bones and move tissue back into place if there’s significant damage. Burns can be difficult and you may need to scrap scar tissue away first.”

Rube paled and lost most of his erection at the clinical, but graphic, discussion.

“Don’t worry, none of that is necessary for you.” Bonny reassured him. “However, I probably shouldn’t take too much time here, since there are other people waiting. Demonic Triage!”

After double checking the demonic energy and corruption, with the alternative triage skill, she touched his leg and triggered the rest of the cure in rapid sequence, “Pain Management! Demonic Panacea! Demonic Mending!” She didn’t need to contact the injury directly, but a physical conduit for the magic was necessary.

She rechecked with spiritual sight to see that the black corruption was gone, with just the one treatment series. “Mending!” The rash faded as well, with the followup physical healing.

“That should take care of it. You can get dressed and …” Bonny paused and remembered where she was. “Tell you what. I’ll send someone in to make sure you’re taken care of. No charge to you.”

“If you won’t stay with me, can she?” Rube pointed at Tamanna.

“No, she’s with me tonight. Nahia is off as well. Brooke should be too. We’ll have to tell Kama.” Bonny turned to Tamanna.

“I’ll let her know and … meet you in the next room?” The ferret bounced up and down as she spoke.

Bonny smiled at her. “Yes. Thank you.”

After Tamanna left, Bonny turned back to Rube. “What happened to Nestor? He didn’t show up today.”

“I don’t know. He kicked us out of the tower and locked it.”

“Oh, great. I’ll go see him tomorrow then. If you do talk to him, remind him that he owes me some ritual and crafting books.”

Rube nodded and reached down to start stroking his semi-erect dick. “I will. Are you sure you can’t …”

Kanae growled and Eloisss hissed at the same time.

Rube pulled his robe down quickly. “Uh, nevermind. I’ll wait here.”

“Please stay out of trouble.” Bonny turned and led the group out of the room.

The next few visits went smoothly, with a single series of spells each, and she only need to pull mana from Kanae once. Either Pestilence had given up entirely or men weren’t infected as badly as women. She promised each of them that someone would take care of them at no cost and hoped Kama wouldn’t actually charge her for it. There had been a lot of coins thrown on the stage, hopefully it would be enough.

The last room Bonny visited was a little larger, containing the brown coated rabbit and her two companions. They were eating when Bonny knocked and opened the door.

“Hi, I’m Bonny.” She waved rather than try to shake hands. She eyed the stag’s rack and counted ten separate tines. His antlers were almost twice as wide as his muscular shoulders. “Uh, how do you fit through the door?”

The rabbit glared at her. “He is mine. I will not let you take him.”

Bonny smiled at her. “Sorry if I gave the wrong impression. I’m here to talk to you.”

“Me? I don’t like women. Especially not hookers eying my men. Have you already finished working your way through all the other men you lured back here?”

“Oh, no. They all had an infection. I’m here to cure it.” Bonny paused and cast her spell. “Triage!”

“A healer? Working as a prostitute? Ridiculous!”

The two men were both physically injured, mostly on their backs, some sort of lacerations. She had only checked for spiritual injuries earlier from the stage and hadn’t noticed these. Bonny reached a hand out to each of the men. “May I?”

“No!” The other rabbit slapped the table. “Don’t. Touch. My. Men!”

Bonny pulled her hands back and glanced at her companions in confusion. They had all entered and stayed by the door, except for Tamanna, who had left to check on something. Freja shrugged.

“I’m sorry, there seems to be a misunderstanding.” Bonny tried to explain, “I’m not from around here and you’re the first other rabbit kin I’ve seen. I just wanted to talk to you. If you don’t like women and won’t share your men, why did you come to the show?”

She blushed, but answered. “A reward. For good behavior. They like to watch.”

Lust materialized, in the middle of the table, in incubus form. He had ink black hair and red skin. He was naked and his dick hung down almost to his knees. He looked back and forth between them before speaking. “Hyzenth. Bonny. You are both mine.”

Bonny groaned. “Of course, you’re involved. Why didn’t you say something earlier?”

Hyzenth had a very different reaction. “You! You cursed me!” She tried to slap him.

He calmly stepped aside. “No. You asked for power and I gave it to you. Then I directed you here to meet Bonny, who is my Champion.”

“Lust, what are you up to?” Bonny was not amused.

“Bonny, I gift her to you. Conquer her!”


“You dare defy me?”

“Lust, if you haven’t noticed, I have other problems to deal with. I don’t know what your agenda is, but I’m not going to play.” She turned to leave.

“STOP!” Lust shouted and snapped his fingers.

Bonny felt an overwhelming need shoot through her as her dick materialized. She still wore the pleated miniskirt which tented up in the front, then slid down to pool at the base of the massive cock as it pushed its way free. It was enormous, about a foot long and too big to fit a hand around. Her testicles hung down, heavy and huge. Her cock and balls weren’t quite as large as they were after she absorbed the wrath scales in the forest, but they felt the same — too big to be useful. Except maybe with Freja.

“What the fuck?” Bonny shouted at Lust.

“Holy fuck!” Hyzenth added, staring at Bonny’s cock with huge eyes.

Lust smiled and vanished.

The two men at the table stared at Bonny’s cock, then at Hyzenth, then back at Bonny.

There was a blur and Hyzenth knelt on the floor in front of Bonny, hands on Bonny’s massive cock.

Bonny looked down, past it to meet Hyzenth’s pleading eyes.

“I take it back. Fuck me. Please?”

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