Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

72. Problems and Solutions

They headed home after Bonny and Kama decided to do a show on the evening after next. Kanae eagerly agreed to join and Eloisss tentatively agreed as well. Freja was hesitant, but would think about it.

It was already dark out and Kanae, back in fox form, exited the brothel first and scanned for cultists or anyone suspicious. When she signaled back that it was clear, Bonny slipped out, flanked by Eloisss and Freja.

They stayed quiet on the walk back, everyone keeping a wary eye out. There were no complications except for a crowd near a bar not far from the docks.

“… telling you, that rabbit was amazing. I’ve never come so hard in my life. I tried to book a session with …”

Bonny looked over to see an otter and beaver sitting together. The otter saw her at the same time.

“That’s her! Bonny!” He jumped up and tried to run over, but Freja interposed herself and grabbed his arm. “But, I lov …”

“No. She doesn’t want to …”

“Wait, Freja.” Bonny interrupted. “Tell him about the next show.”

While Freja announced that there were be another show in two nights, Bonny stepped over and touched the otter’s hand. She extended her aura to cover him and felt the the bond between them.

There was a deep desire within him, not just for sex, but to connect with her. A desire to protect her. It went beyond lust, into love. He wasn’t lying with his outburst, though he also didn’t know her. He loved an image of her that only existed in his imagination.

She smiled at him. “I’m already taken. I can’t return your feelings. But if you bring some friends to the show in two days, I’ll give you a reward.”

He nodded emphatically. “I will. I love you.”

“I know.”

Bonny touched the bond between them again. It was lopsided, a strong bond on his side and a tenuous connection on hers. She knew that if she showed any affection at all, it would strengthen enough that she could claim a portion his life force. She pulled on it slightly, as a test, but there was a resistance and she let it go.

The aura exchange was transactional, a modification of the demonic skill, Sacrifice, meaning that she had to give something in return. During orgasm, she could give a portion of her pleasure. If someone else was orgasming because of her, she could claim a portion of their life as payment. She could also take power outside of sex, as long as the tie between them was strong enough, though it needed at least a touch of lust as lubricant.

She waved as Freja released him and they continued on, still wary.

When they arrived home, Miu welcomed them, jumping into Bonny’s arms with a kiss.

Bonny laughed, “Hey, kitty cat. How are you feeling?”

“Better, nya. Except for when Violet caught some rats. How was your day?”

Bonny carried Miu in to the stall, where they settled in. Colette and her girls brought over food and joined them. Bonny relayed her story while eating, then finished with, “So, I agreed to do another stage show. Miu, I would like you to come if you feel better. Oh, I upgraded my skill, let me check you again.”

Bonny triggered the new skill as Miu laid back. “Analysis!”

A warm glow emanated from Miu’s lower abdomen and knowledge flooded into Bonny’s head. Not a stomach bug or infection, in fact, not an illness at all. “Miu, you’re pregnant.”

They stared at each other for a minute.

“Have yo…”

“They’re yours, nya.”

“But,” Bonny struggled to comprehend the situation. “I’m a girl. How does that work? Has there even been enough time since we, uh ...”

Miu shrugged. “Magic, nya.”

Bonny had assumed her dick was still a toy. Granted, it was a magic dildo that could transfer physical sensation and ejaculate, but she hadn’t seriously considered the possibility of impregnating someone. She looked around at her companions and triggered the skill again. “Analysis!”

Eloisss and Willowbelle weren’t pregnant, but Kanae was. Bonny hadn’t had penetrative intercourse with Adelina or Freja yet, though she did recall Adelina splashing around in a pool of cum. She verified they were not. Violet wasn't either, but she probably worked differently anyway.

Bonny tried to avoid thinking about Hyzenth, since she didn’t want any more ties to the other rabbit than she already had.

Bonny looked over at the three cow girls. There was a chance each of them were pregnant as well. Nothing showed up under the skill, but it had only been a couple of days. She would just have to check everyone again later.

“Kanae, you’re pregnant too. One moment. Spirit Analysis!” Bonny examined her closer, wondering what effect the fox's corruption would have on fetuses.

The warm glow of Kanae’s spirit still had the black streaks of corruption, but they were thinner and fading. There were three overlapping nascent spirits within her, all with auras of red and black: health and corruption.

Bonny turned back to Miu, with spirit sight still active, to see four fledgling spirits, all bearing the same swirl of red and black auras.

She sat down next to Miu with a sigh and pulled the cat up, into a hug. She reached out to Kanae and pulled her close too. “Seven. Miu has four and Kanae has three. But, they’re all infected or corrupted, or something. What does that mean?”

The three held on to each other tightly. The others looked on, awkwardly.

Colette broke the silence. “It may be because you’re an outworlder, Bonny. Interspecies children are rare and usually only occur between closely related genuses. I’ve never heard of children from a rabbit and cat, or fox.”

Bonny looked up and nodded. “We need answers. Lust! Goddesses!”

Lust appeared first, in succubus form, without a dick. She grinned wide enough to almost split her face in two. “Congratulations, Bonny. You’re going to be a father.”

“Mother!” Bonny looked at Miu and Kanae. “They’ll each have two mothers. I don’t have Y chromosomes, do I? Wait, does that mean all the children are girls?”

Courage, Recovery, and Justice all appeared while Bonny was talking. Recovery answered, “Yes, all girls. Also, interspecies children take after their mother — the one who gives birth. Sometimes coloring or other traits of the, other, parent will show up.”

“But what about the black auras? Are they sick with something I can’t detect? Did Pestilence do something?”

Recovery drifted down to touch Miu and Kanae, then looked at Lust. “Not sick. This is Lust’s influence.”

“Lust?” Bonny glared at the demoness. “What aren’t you telling us?”

Her grin had never disappeared. “Have you checked your own aura, Bonny?”

“Uh, no?” Bonny immediately recast her skill to find that her own aura was the same mix of red and black. “But what does that mean?”

“You’ve had my essence within you since I brought you to this world. Just a touch, at first, until you accepted my gift, by the waterfall. As you’ve increased in power, my influence within you has grown. Today especially. Your children will have the same opportunity that you have.” As she spoke, Lust’s dick materialized and engorged, in a not-at-all subtle hint.

Bonny thought back to her own rebellious teen years and wondered what raising horny demonic children would be like. “Then they’re okay? They’re mine? Ours?” She glanced at Miu and Kanae and squeezed them tight.

“Yes.” Lust answered. “They are ours. We got them pregnant together, Bonny.”

Bonny thought about clarifying the statement, but another thought struck her. “Kama mentioned skills that prevent pregnancy. I have a free slot now, can I get one?”

Courage laughed. “Of course.”

Lust held up a hand. “I could grant you a full succubus racial transformation, Bonny. If you accept, you would gain a racial ability to choose to conceive or not.”

“No, I don’t trust you.” Bonny glared at the demoness for a moment, then turned to Courage and Recovery again. “Will having, um, demonic touched children be a problem?”

Justice answered. “No. As long as they work for the betterment of society, their heritage is no concern.”

“So we just have to raise them right.” She looked at her two companions. “What are your thoughts?”

Miu started purring and cuddled in tighter. “If you’re happy, nya. I’m happy.”

Kanae yipped. She had never shifted out of fox form.

Bonny frowned. “Is shapeshifting a concern?”

Recovery laughed. “No. There are several species that have that ability.”

“What about the rest of you? Thoughts?” Bonny checked the rest of her party.

Willowbelle spoke up first. “I need to plant my tree and reproduce soon. I would like you to pollinate me too. It is one of the reasons I joined your group.” She blushed as everyone turned to look at her, especially after the sexless night she had recently requested.

Adelina and the three cow girls all chimed in immediately after.

Bonny held up a hand. “Slow the fuck down. Seven kids is a lot and there's a demon army on the way. I asked about your concerns, not whether you wanted children too. Maybe I should look at the skill list now. Skills!”

She pulled up the list of skills and immediately found a toggled Contraceptive skill. It had a slight draw on mana, but nothing that Bonny’s regeneration couldn’t handle. She would just have to recheck to make sure it was still on, if her mana ever got low. Maybe she should verify it was on every time she had sex, based on how her companions were acting.

Status - Class and Skills!

Class: Master Medic/Demonic (alternatives available)
Skills: (no skills available, no skills may be improved)
     Analgesia (all)
     Analysis (all, spirit, system)
     Create Water (all)
     Mending (all)(Advancement available - Heal, Rehabilitate, or Restore)
     Panacea (all)(Advancement available - Catholicon, Remedy, or Theriac)
     Sacrifice (demonic)
     Ward (all)
     Wound Transfer (demonic)

Non-Class Skills:
     Contraception (all)
     Invigorate (arcane, divine)

"All affinities?" She stared at the skill like it offended her. "What the fuck would demonic contraceptives do?"

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