Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

73. Friendship and Binding

After the discovery and discussion, Colette and the cow girls produced ice cream from one of the enchanted ice boxes. It was made with some cane sugar that Colette had acquired that morning and was going to be the new product sold by Colette’s brand, Udder Delight, in direct competition with the expensive ice cream shop in the upscale portion of the city.

Bess, Clara, and Nellie each gave Bonny samples of their own special ice cream, made with their personal milk, as well. There was a lot of blushing involved.

Everyone celebrated the news of Miu and Kanae’s pregnancies, with ice cream toasts to health and luck. Colette pulled out some liquor and beer as well, which she tried to hand out to everyone. Bonny declined for herself, Miu, and Kanae, explaining that alcohol wasn’t good for developing children and that she didn’t want to drink while her partners couldn’t.

Even Lust and the goddesses participated in the impromptu party, taking small bites and sips of both ice cream and liquor, which everyone agreed was a good sign for the future.

When done, Bonny pulled off her robe and armor, glad to be free of it, then went back to the other side of the barn with the three cow girls, to milk them and reassure them that she still cared for all of them. They had each had a little too much to drink and Bonny had to reassert that she didn’t intend to give them children, and couldn’t join their throuple, since she would need to leave the area soon. There were a lot of hugs and sloppy kisses.

When Bonny rejoined her companions, Eloisss and Freja both demanded hugs and kisses for themselves. They were a little unsteady, both in standing and speaking. Bonny laughed and indulged them, giving them sloppy wet kisses as well.

“I’m glad you two are getting along.” They picked her up and held her, feet dangling off the ground, while she pulled them into a three way hug and bumped foreheads.

“I am too, Bonny. Thank you for accepting me.” Freja spoke slowly, carefully enunciating her words.

“I like you too, Freja. I'm glad you're here.” Bonny laughed, then turned to Eloisss. “Ellisssssie, I was a little surprised you weren’t upset with Miu or Kanae, especially after our conversation about earlier. Do you still feel wanted?”

“I'sss happiesst, Bonny. For yousse and themss. I have ssecretss too. Sss sss sss.” Eloisss slurred her words, making her even more difficult to understand, then ended her comment with suspicious hissing laughter.

“Well, I’m glad you’re happy. Thank you both for everything you’ve done.” Bonny gave them both another hug as they lowered her back to the floor.

She then pulled Miu and Kanae into a cuddle pile as she lay back and settled down on the makeshift bed. Adelina flew over to join them, the mist and glare falling away to expose her miniature body as she landed with one foot on each of Bonny’s breasts.

“Hey, …”

“Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten you, Adelina. Just give me a few minutes and I may have a surprise for you.” Bonny winked and smiled at the little fairy.

“Okay!” She sang the word with the tinkle of tiny bells.

Bonny closed her eyes and sank into sleep, before opening her eyes in her three inch avatar form. She was standing in the air above her body, just behind where Adelina still stood, frozen in time.

The immortals were all still present, deities and demon. Lust had dismissed her cock and wings, appearing almost like a twin to Bonny. She lay on Bonny’s stomach with her head pillowed between Bonny’s breasts, in such a way that she could look up between Adelina’s legs. She seemed lazy and happy.

“I have a question. Pestilence killed two of his cultists.” Bonny watched Lust carefully. “Is that something you can do? Do I need to worry about you suddenly sacrificing me?”

Lust shook her head, but didn’t clarify.

Recovery answered for her, “Pestilence is an aspect of Death and the cultists had sworn their lives to him. It gave him power over them.”

“Death? Wait, is Death real? Like as a god? Or demon?” She thought back to a TV series she had watched, shortly before dying. It depicted death as a cute woman with an ankh necklace. “Are there other aspects, like Famine or War?”

Courage shook her head. “Death is neither god nor demon, male nor female. They just are. They are beyond us, endless.”

“Famine and War are two other aspects, but they aren’t permanent. If there is no conflict to sustain him, War will retire. Other aspects may appear or disappear as conditions warrant.” Recovery added. “Unfortunately, Pestilence is always present.”

Bonny sighed. “I don’t like him. But, back to the question, none of you can kill me?”

“We can influence matters, but killing would not be just.” Justice clarified. “Lust has power over desire, but not death. Courage watches both the courageous and cowardly. Recovery is aware of health and sickness. I represent fairness and impartiality. Causing direct harm would be outside of any of our authority.”

Bonny breathed a sigh of relief as she felt a weight drop off of her shoulders. She hadn’t realized how much the two deaths had affected her. “Thank you. What does it mean to swear to a demon? Or a god? I mean, I’m not bound to you, right? You bound yourselves to me.”

“Correct. We have a more equitable arrangement. Even your relationship with Lust is reversed, she bound herself to you and resurrected you here. Without you, she would have very little power. All of the demonic champions should have similar power structures.” Justice paused and looked at Courage, then Lust. “Wrath is an exception, since Matt immediately surrendered to the demon. Some of the other champions may have done the same.

Lust yawned closed her eyes.

“She seems docile tonight.” Bonny motioned at the succubus, apparently already asleep below the naked fairy. “That’s a little odd considering Adelina is waiting for us. I didn’t even know she could sleep.”

“You gave her a lot of sustenance today. Remember our conversation about gaining power. When you drain a partner, you both grow stronger, but her more than you. You will need to be careful and continue to level up outside of sex to remain in control.” Courage explained. “Do not rely solely on your new abilities.”

Bonny nodded. “It feels so good. Too good. Empowering, but dangerous.”

“I am glad that you are aware of that. Power can be addictive.” Justice agreed.

“I have another question. Can I appear to my companions, like you do? Can I interact with them?” Bonny blushed and pointed to Adelina, who still stood on her physical body’s breasts. “If I could use this body, I could have sex with Adelina. I think she would like that.”

“Of course.” Recovery laughed. “It is a matter of will. Concentrate on the material world. It takes practice to maintain it. Once you do, time will pass normally for you.”

“Thank you.” Bonny turned to Courage. “Is there something I could use to tie you up? For our upcoming, uh, session. Something that would stop you from just disappearing?”

“Anything infused with divine power should work. Demonic would work as well, but can cause irritation, since divine and demonic magics don’t mix.”

Bonny considered their size -- rope was too thick, even most strings or leather straps would be too big for the three inch avatars. “How about hair? One would be too small, but I could braid some together.”

“Yes.” Courage seemed to like the idea. “Your hair?”

Bonny nodded and drifted over to look at her body’s hair cascading down around her shoulders. It was a little longer than shoulder length, so about a foot and a half, or roughly six times as long as Courage was tall. That should be enough.

“Perfect. I’ll work on that tomorrow.” She smiled, then continued as another thought struck her. “One other thing, you have avatars in multiple places, right? Not just with me?”

Courage nodded.

“Can you isolate this one from the others? I think having your consciousness narrowed to one point of view would help.”

Courage nodded again. “Yes. Or I can bring all of my spirits here, to fully concentrate on you.”

Bonny paused. She had gotten used to having the attention of the gods, but understood they had other things to attend to. The full focus of the physical manifestation of an ideal was daunting. Even the thought and re-realization of what Courage was, was disturbing.

“Uh, whichever you prefer. I’ll do my best.” Bonny smiled. “Is there anything you would object to? You didn’t seem to be in pain last time and didn’t need to breathe. Is sex with Recovery or Justice okay? Or Lust?”

It was Courage’s turn to pause. She looked at Lust, who seemed to be asleep, then back to Bonny. “I will trust you to do what's best.”

Bonny shivered. Again, the thought of a god, a full fledged deity that people worship and hold faith in, was putting herself in Bonny’s hands. Granted, she probably couldn’t do anything to affect the actual embodiment of Courage, but it still took a lot of courage from both of them to do this. Maybe that’s what the goddess was going for.

“We - we should still setup a safe word.” Bonny stammered. “Maybe something silly, to kill the mood.”

“Like ‘defecation’?”

Bonny laughed at the absurdity, her fear forgotten. “No, that’s disgusting. I’m glad purification magic makes that unnecessary. Why do you think it’s funny?”

Courage shrugged and wrinkled her nose. “It’s a weird mortal thing. You all talk about it a lot.”

“I do not!”

“You do. You say ‘shit’ all the time, often proclaiming it holy.”

Bonny sighed. Did she really say it all that often? She didn’t think so. “How about ‘friendship’? It’s not funny, but it’ll remind me of all the friends I’ve made, including all of you non-mortals.”

“That sounds good.” Courage nodded. “Friendship is magic.”

No, Courage doesn't know anything about MLP, except that the phrase means something to Bonny.

I was hoping to get back to 2-3 chapters per week, but next month will be very busy. I'll do my best to post at least one chapter per week and two if I have time. I hope to finish this volume by the end of the year. There will be a break while I work on the next arc, but I have some interludes to keep you entertained.

Thanks for reading,

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