Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

74. ♥♥ Dominance and a Fairy’s Desire (R-18+ / MDlg)

After her discussion with the goddesses and Lust, Bonny sat down next to the sleeping demoness and concentrated on making herself physical. She was currently in her avatar body, a three inch succubus clone with horns, wings, and a tail, sitting between the breasts of her real, physical bunny body.

She had seen several of the gods and demons appear in this form, so knew it was possible, and Recovery had told her it was a matter of willing herself visible and tangible. Normally, time moved slow or paused entirely while she mingled with the celestials, but once she phased into the material world, she knew time would resume normal speed.

Currently, time was paused and Adelina stood above Bonny and Lust, waiting on Bonny, with one foot on each of the bunny’s physical breasts, her knees slightly bent as if preparing to jump. The fairy used light and wind magic and often had a glare or mist surrounding her, preventing views of her breasts or pelvis. They were currently gone, leaving the fairy’s fanny exposed.

Bonny glanced up and lost her concentration again. Adelina’s pussy was directly above her. It was hairless and neat, like a fortune cookie, and looked amazing, prettier than Bonny’s own, in her own opinion. Even with the fairy’s legs spread, there was only the faintest glimpse of the treasure inside.

Bonny shook her head and concentrated again, this time closing her eyes. Even then, she still visualized the rare view of Adelina. She imagined parting those lips and tasting the sweet nectar of the fairy’s natural juices.

Bonny shook her head, again, dispelling the intrusive, but not entirely unwelcome, thoughts. Those thoughts were the goal, if only she could master physicality.

She renewed her concentration, focusing on the physical sensations around her. The warmth of the skin she sat on. The softness of the breasts around her.

Time slipped and air currents caressed her skin and tugged at her wings. She extended them and felt the slow breeze tease her. If only it were stronger, then she cou…

Bonny shifted her consciousness back to her physical body and opened her eyes. Time resumed its normal speed and Adelina bounced up and down on Bonny’s boobs, her slight weight dimpling Bonny’s skin as she did.

“Hey, are you ready?” The fairy’s voice was made of tiny tinkling bells.

“Almost.” Bonny smiled at the tiny wind mage. “Can you create a stronger breeze for me?”

“Yes!” Adelina sang the word and the wind picked up, blowing dust up into the air in small eddies.

Bonny closed her eyes and faded back to her avatar. She extended her wings again and concentrated on the feel of the warmth and softness and cool breeze as it picked up strength. She touched the wind, cupping her wings around the incoming gust. She stood, time still crawling, but the wind strong enough to pick her up in slow motion.

It blew from her body's feet toward her head and she turned and leaned into it, letting it lift her into the air. Her tail unrolled unconsciously, dragging through the wind and allowing some directional control. It kept her facing into the wind, as the breeze blew her backward, up, and over her physical head.

She concentrated on the direction and flapped her wings, trying to move back to where she had started. Time suddenly snapped into place and the sudden gale smashed Bonny out of the air.

“Bonny?” Adelina’s musical voice was discordant, confused.

Bonny lost concentration and faded, time slowing and stopping. She looked up to see Adelina in midflight, halfway to where she lay on the ground above her physical body’s head.

Bonny tried again. Then again.

Adelina caught her the fourth time. Bonny concentrated on the hands gripping her arms and the flutter of dragonfly wings as they beat the air above her.


“Hi, Addy.” Bonny tried out a nickname. She may as well give everyone one, if there was the possibility of them causing problems. The not-so-little fairy glowed in happiness.

“You are little.”

“Surprise.” Bonny smiled. “I thought that we would have more options if we were closer in size.”

The fairy was about twice Bonny’s height now.

“You’re little and I’m big.”

Bonny laughed. “Yes. You’re bigger.”

“I’m bigger! That means I’m the boss. Big boss!”

“Uh,” this wasn’t exactly going how Bonny expected. “What do you mean?”

“I’m boss. You have to do what I say.”

“You’re usually a little bossy, but okay.”

“Because you don’t.”

“Oh.” Bonny touched Adelina with her aura and felt the fairy’s desire for dominance, for command. “So, when I’m bigger, I should tell you want to do? Now that you’re bigger, you get to tell me?”

“YES!” The word was the gong of a bell, sure of itself and its place in the world.

Bonny smiled. “Okay. What do I need to do?”

“Sit here. You’re little, like a fledgling fairy, so I will take care of you and feed you, like the cow girls do.”

Bonny hesitated. This seemed like Daddy Dom, or in this case Mommy Dom, which always seemed a little weird to her. She knew a few people who liked it, but she had never been interested and had never discussed it. Still, there was a common phrase used in some circles, ‘your kink is not my kink, but your kink is okay’. Maybe she should give it a try, as long as it avoided anything sexual, but since she was here for the purpose of having sex with Adelina ... where was the line drawn?

“I said sit down or I will beat your ass!”

Bonny jumped and phased back into the astral world. That phrase didn’t sound like the fairy. Had Adelina really said those words, or did Bonny hear it differently in her head?

She concentrated again, feeling the material aspects around her, the warm skin, the cool breeze, and phased back. Time resumed a fifth time.

“Don’t disappear on me! Are you going to do what I say and sit down?” Adelina had noticed Bonny's slip in control.

Bonny touched the fairy’s aura again and felt the dominance, not just a desire for it. She slipped into a companion role, but not the perfect little girl that Adelina seemed to expect.

“No!” She pitched her voice up, squeaky.

“Don’t sass me. Come here, now.” The chime of her musical voice as off key and jarring.

“Make me!” Bonny hopped into the air and beat her wings, trying to stay aloft. She failed, crashing back down a moment later.

Adelina darted over and grabbed Bonny by the wrist.

Bonny twisted her arm, pushing against the fairy’s thumb and slipped out of the her grip. She jumped, flapped her wings again, and crashed down again.

Adelina pounced, landing on Bonny and sitting on top of her. “Why won’t you be a good little girl for me?”

“Don’t want to.”

“I’ll brush your hair.”

Bonny thought about it. “Teach me to fly.”

Adelina glared down. “Will you behave if I do?”


“Fine.” Adelina fluttered her wings to lift straight off of Bonny, pulling the bunny up as she did.

They worked at it for a while, Adelina coaching Bonny on tilting her wings to catch the wind, while varying the direction and force of the breeze. When Bonny lost her balance, the fairy was there to catch her. She was commanding, but protective.

Bonny noticed her other companions gathering around and watching, but none interrupted, and it didn’t take long before Bonny was able to fly for short periods. Shortly after, they had to quit because her wings and back ached with the unfamiliar muscle strain.

Bonny landed and stretched out her bat-like wings and arms.

Adelina landed behind her a moment later. “Lay down, little one. I’ll massage your shoulders and back. You did well for your first flight.”

“Yes, mama.” Bonny maintained her role and lay face down, on her own other-body’s stomach, grateful for the help and guidance.

Adelina straddled Bonny’s back as she worked on the bunny, loosening knots and working the sore muscles until Bonny felt like putty under her hands and dozed off.

“Wake up, little bunny.” Adelina said, some time later. "Nap time is over."

Bonny yawned and rolled her shoulders as she sat up. “That felt really good. Thank you.”

Her hair felt tight on her scalp and she reached up to feel a complex woven crown braid around her head, with two smaller braids tied into bows around her horns.

Adelina slapped her hands away. “Don’t mess it up. You look very cute.”

Bonny looked around to see her companions were still present, watching. Miu and Kanae were still curled up next to her normal body, but were awake and smiling. Eloisss and Freja lay outside of those two, bracketing them, neither smiling. Willowbelle was sitting cross-legged above her head and Violet was an elongated blob, engulfing Bonny’s legs and pelvis. Nellie was also present, standing behind Violet, a frown on her face.

“Hi.” Bonny waved at all of them.

They greeted her back before Eloisss addressed the concern hanging over them, “Iss Lusst posssesssing you or are you turning into a demonesss?”

“Uhmm, neither?” Bonny explained about the avatar body that Lust had created for her to use when discussing things with the deities. She hadn't mentioned the racial change or new powers to them yet. “Anyway, I don’t feel different in this body.”

“Thiss issn’t normal, Bonny.”

Bonny nodded. “Nothing here is normal to me.”

“Even sso …”

“Stop!” Adelina pulled Bonny into her arms. “This is MY time. You can question her later.”

The fairy leapt into the air and flitted away, carrying Bonny up to the rafters, where a platform used for storing stuff covered half of the rafters. The rest of the attic space was left open down to the floor.

Adelina landed on a clear spot. “You worked hard on your lessons, so I’ll give you your reward now.”

The fairy laid Bonny down and parted the bunny’s legs, before settling herself between them and licking at Bonny’s core. She reached down to stroke Bonny’s tail, then pulled it up to insert it into herself.

Bonny moaned at the double sensation of pleasure. The tip of her tail was heart shaped and normally flat, like a fin, that helped steer while flying, but it had grown bulbous, swollen, and far more sensitive than she had expected. She flexed her prehensile tail and started thrusting in and out on her own, in time with her hip thrusts up into the fairy’s lips and tongue.

Her climax was quick and intense and she faded out of the real world again as she peaked, her tail spraying cum wildly. She reached down to touch her sensitive button and curled her tail up to suck on it until the waves of pleasure softened.

When she opened her eyes, Lust was there, laughing down at her. “You’re going to need more practice at that.”

Bonny stuck her tongue out at the demoness and willed herself back.

“Sorry, Addy. I’ll work on that.”

Adelina grinned back. “It’s okay, we can do it again. We can go all night long if we need to. I want babies too.”

Bonny checked to ensure her Contraception skill was still on before agreeing.

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