Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

75. ♥ Stress Relief and Anatomy Lessons (R-18)

The next morning Bonny woke up with Kanae curled on top of her stomach and nose in her groin. Adelina was nestled between her breasts and Miu was still tucked into one side, head resting on Bonny’s shoulder, trapping her arm. Eloisss lay in a similar position on the other side and both of Bonny’s arms tingled.

Bonny tried to move and found her legs were stuck. She lifted her head enough to peer over Kanae and found Violet, in blob form, covering her legs.

She turned her head to see Willowbelle and Freja standing to one side. Freja seemed to be sleeping standing up, her upper body leaning against a wall. Willowbelle watched over them and winked at Bonny when she noticed the bunny was awake.

Bonny wiggled and tried to turn over. “Wake up, everyone!”

No one moved. Miu snored lightly. Willowbelle laughed quietly and moved back to a position near the open end of the stall.

Bonny tried to turn over again, unsuccessfully. She gave up and lay back. “Fine!”

She scratched Miu and Eloisss’ backs with her limited range of motion, and thought about her day: workout and practice, teaching at the healing temple, then a check up on Brooke. Also another check on Miu and Kanae. Hopefully Miu was feeling better today.

She also had to deal with Nestor and get the magical crafting books he was supposed to be gathering for her, as well check with the Council to see if they had verified the incoming monster army. That reminded her of the other artifact that she needed to secure, which reminded her of Violet, who she hadn’t really had time to talk with since the first day.

Bonny poked at the ball of emotions in her head that she associated with Violet. ‘Are you awake?’

[yes] Violet’s response felt personal instead of broadcast.

‘How are you doing? Are you enjoying your freedom?’

[yes, is it my turn now]

‘Your turn? What do you mean?’

[you spent time with the fairy last night and the dryad the night before]

‘Oh, uh, tonight is Freja’s, then tomorrow night is yours’

[okay] The telepathic message included a swelling of satisfaction and contentment, which caused Bonny’s spirits to elevate beyond just happiness to elation.

‘I need to teach some anatomy today. If I send you an image of internal organs, can you duplicate them?’

[i think so] Curiosity.

‘After you, uh, probed me the other day, I could see a vagina and rectum inside you. I was just thinking it could be helpful if you could also reproduce other organs for study.’

[i don’t require organs, they won’t work]

‘That’s fine, I just want to show the positions. Can you fit into a backpack if I want you to come to the temple with me? I don’t think it would be wise for you to walk around the city openly.’

[yes, i will go with you] Happiness.

‘Thank you.’ Bonny tried sending a smiling emoji, then started thinking about anatomy that the acolytes would need to know and other details of the upcoming busy day.

A sudden invasive intrusion pushed into her, a tentacle that quickly engorged to fill her.

‘Uh, Violet? What are you doing?’

[you are stressed, i will make you happy]

‘But we’re supp …’ Bonny’s mind went blank and her thought cut off as the protrusion grew ridges that flowed up and down inside her, rubbing against her sensitive erogenous zones. She arched her back as pleasure surged, dislodging Kanae.

The fox’s nose flared and she scrambled to stop sliding. She braced her front feet on Bonny’s upper thighs and bent her head to start licking at Bonny’s button and crevice, where fluids were already seeping out around Violet’s thick tentacle.

Bonny moaned at the additional pleasure, tightening her grip on Miu and Eloisss, pulling them close, then tensed and convulsed as she crested into a quick climax.

Miu and Eloisss both jerked awake and looked around before realizing what was happening. They settled back and traded kisses with Bonny, who returned them hungrily, still shuddering in pleasure as Violet and Kanae continued servicing her.

Willowbelle and Freja turned to look as Adelina flew up into the air, and all three settled back to watch the impromptu show.

[[bonny is anxious, we should calm her]] Violet broadcast her thought to everyone.

Miu and Eloisss looked at the others and made room for Willowbelle and Freja to join them in taking turns kissing Bonny, as well as nibbling on her neck and shoulders, and massaging her feet and hands.

Bonny breathed out in a deep sigh when Violet and Kanae finally let her come down, both shifting to humanoid forms a moment later.

[[do you feel better, bonny]] Concern.

“Yes. Uh, thank you, but you should really wait for consent.” Bonny tried to glare at Violet, then Kanae.

[[you consented in your thoughts]]

Bonny thought back to the stress and how welcome it felt to forget her concerns for a few minutes. “Well, maybe. But not everyone can read thoughts. You shou…”

“Sssshhh.” Eloisss put a finger to Bonny’s mouth. “We all know you want it all the time. You’ll always consent.”

Bonny’s face grew hot. That was probably true. “B-but, we-you need to take turns, to keep it fair.”

“Let us worry about that, nya.” Miu spoke up. “We discussed the situation while you were busy last night. Eloisss told us about her reaction to you and Brooke.”

“Some of us need more time with you than others.” Kanae added with a grin.

Bonny frowned at her. “Not you, not yet. Sorry. Until you look healthier, at least. I shouldn’t have allowed you to participate this morning. Especially after yesterday.”

Kanae grinned wider and stuck her tongue out at Bonny.

“We alsso think you need ssex more than onsce per day. Your lusst is getting sstronger and we are conscerned about your demon form.”

Bonny nodded. There was a lot going on, but the show and visit with Hyzenth had felt wonderful. The session in the tower the day before was welcome as well.

“Okay. We can plan for a morning and evening session, but I don't think you need to be worried about my avatar. The goddesses don't mind. That's, uhmm, that's the form I use when we, uh, make out. If it doesn't bother them ..."

Willowbelle raised her hand and Bonny turned to her, cutting off her own embarrassed explanation.

"We are worried they are using you, Bonny. They're using your connection to Lust to control her. The gods and demons, even Fate herself, all have ties to you and each of them are pulling in different directions."

Were they using her? Or were Courage and Recovery friends? Bonny remembered them saying they had never had sex, weren't interested in things beyond their Ideals, except her, apparently. Wisdom had commented that the gods were appearing to other Champions as well. She hesitated, suddenly less certain.

"We love you, nya." Miu was still beside her and pulled her in tight for a hug and kiss.

Did they really love her? Or were her companions all being influenced as well? Did they know each other long enough to truly love each other? Would all the questioning make her go crazy? Bonny sighed and focused on the kiss. Did it matter as long as she was happy?

When they finally pulled apart, Bonny smiled at Miu, then around at the rest of them. "Thank you. I love all of you too. I'm happy here, even if I am being used, but I'll ask Justice the next time I talk to her. I don't think she would lie to me, even if she's new."

They all shared in a group hug, then Bonny outlined the things she was thinking about when she woke up, before Violet distracted her. "So, in short, there's still a lot to get done before Matt gets here."

“I will visit the council.” Freja volunteered. “I can probably get Mila to go with me, like yesterday.”

“Eloisss and I can visit the wizard tower.” Kanae suggested.

Bonny turned to Miu. “How are you feeling this morning?”

“Queasy, nya. But good.”

“Stick with water and dry bread. I want you to come with me to the temple.”

Miu nodded in agreement and Adelina flew off to alert Colette and the cow girls, who arrived shortly after with breakfast.

They ate quickly, each of the cows feeding Bonny personally, then had a short warmup and practice session, during which Eloisss and Freja coached Bonny through sword drills.

Bonny’s purification aura cleaned them up and they dressed and set off shortly after, hoping to arrive around midmorning. Willowbelle stayed back at the warehouse again, but everyone else joined Bonny, including Adelina.

Bonny wore a backpack with Violet packed inside. The slime girl hadn’t quite fit, until she somehow condensed herself into a denser, smaller form, releasing a lot of water as she did. Pure water, that they had given to the dairy cattle to avoid wasting it.

Eloisss and Freja bracketed Bonny as they pushed their way through the streets, Kanae and Miu took her front and back, protecting her from the crowd and potential assassins or cultists. Adelina rode on Bonny’s head and watched over everyone.

“Bonny!” The cry came from above and was high pitched and loud, a screech that had everyone in the plaza watching as Iolana landed in front of them. “Thank you for the warning. Some of the scouts are still working on getting an accurate count and the council has been informed. Can you visit with them now?”

Bonny looked at Freja, then back at the harpy with a frown. “What do they need from me?”

“A summary of your last interaction, I believe. More details on Matt’s mentality.”

“Eloisss and Kanae, can you go with Freja and Iolana?” It wasn’t quite what they planned, but maybe it was better. Confirmation of the incoming army meant that the council would probably listen and help evacuate people.

The two agreed.

“They can give details of what happened and Matt's capabilities, probably better than I can. If the council needs anything more, I can stop by later, but I’ll be busy at the temple this morning.”

“Thank you.” Iolana leapt into the air and flew to the other side of the plaza, skipping over the watching crowds.

Freja and Eloisss glared back at the crowds, not leaving to follow the harpy and not letting anyone get close to Bonny.

“If you can escort me to the temple, I’ll stay there until you finish and come get me.”

Eloisss lead the way as they pushed their way through until they were face to face with Rafael, who guarded the temple door, as usual.

The bald priest glared at the mixed group of girls. “Good morning, Bonny. I hope you don’t intend to bring everyone inside today.”

Bonny smiled. “It’s good to see you too, Rafael. Don’t worry, it’s just me, Miu, and Adelina. The rest of us will be going to talk to the council. ”

Adelina waved from her perch.

He sighed and motioned Bonny inside. “The prostitute is already here. She said you were going to teach her anatomy. I hope that doesn’t mean what I think it does.”

Bonny laughed. “You should join us. It would be good for you.”

He blushed this time, his dusky skin growing darker.

Bonny turned and kissed Eloisss and Freja goodbye. Long slow kisses that caused Rafael to turn away. She gave Kanae a peck on the nose, then poked the fox in the side. “If you want more kisses, you should change forms.”

Kanae yipped and Bonny went in, heading toward the room she had used for examination a couple of days prior.

Altha and Helem were already inside, talking with Tamanna.

“Hi, girls.” Bonny waved as she entered. “I have a surprise for you today.”

The three greeted her back as Bonny set the backpack down, then introduced Miu and Adelina. “I wanted Miu to be here because she’s pregnant. Tamanna said she wanted to specialize in women’s health, so I thought this would be a good time to go over some aspects of it.”

“CONGRATULATIONS!” Tamanna shouted as she bounced over to Miu and hugged her.

Miu froze, not comfortable with the volume, excitement, or unwelcome hugs.

Bonny laughed and pulled them apart. “Please don’t scare her. She’s shy.”

“Sorry.” Tamanna hopped back and smiled at the cat girl. “Are you one of Bonny’s companions?”

Miu nodded. “I met her first. She saved me from goblins.”

The three students looked back and forth between Miu and Bonny, expecting a story.

“Sorry, we’re in a hurry. I have one other guest to introduce you to. Don’t be scared, this is Violet. She’s nice.” Bonny changed the subject as she bent over to open the backpack and fold the top back.

Violet formed into a purple translucent Bonny clone, rising from the bag as an elongated blob, then refining her details into Bonny’s features. The crown, a cloudy substance inside it, a few bones resembling a hand, and a vagina were clearly visible inside her.

The three drew back and looked at the door, where Miu inadvertently stood in the way of escape.

Bonny continued talking, unaware. “Violet, this is Tamanna, Altha, and Helem. Girls, Violet is here to help show what anatomy looks like, without having to cut someone open to see the parts.”

[[hello, it is nice to meet you]]

Helem jumped up and looked around before looking closer at Violet. “Is that you talking in my head?”

Violet nodded. [[i communicate through telepathy, but cannot read your thoughts unless you project them toward me, speech is fine if you have questions]]

The other two had frozen at the mental voice and now relaxed as Helem sat back down.

Bonny clapped her hands. “Great. Yesterday, I told Tamanna that she needed a few skills to be a healer. So, to start, there are three primary steps for medical issues: diagnosis, treatment, and recovery. You don’t need magical skills for all of …”

Bonny lectured for a few minutes, then had Violet step forward and sent her images of major organ groups, letting the slime form them and occasionally giving small corrections when it didn’t line up with her memories from her anatomy classes at college, which seemed so far away now. Bonny talked about the different organs and what they did, then went through bones and muscles the same way.

The vagina visible inside Violet’s body never left, even when she cleared the other constructs. Bonny finally addressed it.

“Maybe it’s a good thing that Rafael didn’t come in when I offered. I’m not sure he could cope with this.” Bonny grinned at her audience and sent Violet a mental image of a uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. “I’m sure you all know what this is. Here’s how it works. Miu, this is why I wanted you to come… Oh, maybe I should have had Kanae stay too.”

Bonny talked through fetal development and birth, with Violet’s stomach slowly growing in size and displaying a developing child, as Bonny sent her a series of images of how one grew. They stopped as the infant construct crowned.

Bonny turned to see that her audience, including Miu and Adelina, had shocked expressions as they stared at Violet, who was now laying on her back, with the partially birthed 'baby' pointing toward them.

“Umm, was that too much?”

Miu recovered first, shaking her head. “Cat kin usually have litters, nya.”

“Oh, okay. Violet, stand up.” Bonny went through it a little faster, showing how twins and triplets would develop. “It works the same, but the more children there are, the smaller they have to be. Too many can cause problems and premature birth. Though there’s probably magic to help this process.”

She paused. “By the way, I’m not from this world. I haven’t told many people because I don’t want too much attention, but this is all common knowledge where I’m from. I’m telling you this now because you may get a general skill called ‘outworlder knowledge’ or something similar. If you do, that should allow you to change classes.”

“My world only has humans, so that’s what I’ve learned and covered here, but animal and beast kin should all be similar. Bone structures are a little different and some kin may have specialized organs or diets, but overall, we’re pretty much the same on the inside.”

Bonny thought about Eloisss and Freja. “Well, most of us anyway. I’m still not sure how lamia or centaurs work.”

Chapter 80 was just posted to Patreon, but both it and chapter 79 will probably be split when I release them here, since both are above 3500 words.

Patrons are more than 10k words, and three explicit scenes, ahead of SH. They also get additional bonus chapters, like 76.5 which takes place in parallel with chapter 76, but from Violet's PoV.

Thanks for reading,

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