Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

76. ♥ Health and S*x Ed (R-18)

After Bonny finished going over the body’s internal components, she moved on to cover issues, common problems, and how to cure them.

Simple injuries like cuts, bruises, and broken bones were simple to fix with Mending. Internal injuries were more complex and she just covered a few like heart failure, respiratory issues, and digestive health. Most healing magic just accelerated the natural healing process, so bones needed to be straightened and set, and deep cuts cleaned and closed, if possible.

She talked about disease, both bacterial and viral, though not in much detail, since curative spells worked on both.

“Mana will be one of your biggest issues, or at least it has been for me. Fortunately, I have Kanae to help out, since she’s a mage with a lot of mana that can be transferred to me. For you, the better you understand the body, the less healing you’ll need to do to fix critical issues. Small treatments over a few days will take less mana and do more good than a single large healing spell.”

Bonny looked around at her audience, who were sitting there a little dazed. “I’m almost done. There are other types of healing magic, but I don’t know the details of how they work. If I find out, I’ll let you know. Maybe I should write some books to hand out, I could call them the ‘medical manuscripts’ or something.”

Bonny thought the three possible mending upgrades and what they implied, then about the different types of magical healing she had used, then about Brooke and the mysterious dark core that refused healing. Something clicked. “Cancer! Oh Shit!”

“What is cancer?” Tamanna asked.

“Let me ask you a question first, do some patients continue to get worse after magical healing?”

The two acolytes looked at each other and nodded. Helem answered, “My aunt. She got sick and healing didn’t help. She just got worse and worse over several weeks until she passed. I was sure the temple did something wrong, so joined to learn what they did and prevent it from happening again. I’ve been here several years, but it hasn’t happened again.”

Bonny didn’t want to get into cellular theory and history, but briefly explained that each part of the body was made of smaller parts, called cells. Sometimes something went wrong and the body’s natural protections would attack itself or sometimes those parts could go rogue and grow out of control.

“Healing could make either of those worse. Cancer is when those tiny parts, the cells, start growing out of control and stealing nutrients from other parts of the body. If there’s enough of them, they can disrupt important organs and cause them to fail. Healing might repair the damage temporarily, but healing the cancer could cause it to grow more aggressively. Wait, what if it feeds on magic? … Magic cancer! Oh, Fuck me! Recovery, what the hell?”

The tiny goddess shimmered into view. She smiled and gave Bonny a peck on the nose. “Good girl.” She vanished. No one else seemed to notice.

Bonny sat down and put her head in her hands, muttering to herself. “Magical cancer! Of course, there’s a magical version and, of course, it feeds on magic and, of course, everything is fucking terrible. I bet this is another test from Pestilence. Fuck that guy. But what if Brooke already had cancer and we only discovered it because of the STD, does that make Pestilence good? Can we use a different disease to poison it like chemotherapy or do I need a special skill or cytotoxin? Would Eloisss’ venom work? Should I even try it? Oh, holy fuck.”

Miu sat down next to her and Adelina landed in her hair. “Bonny?” Miu’s concern showed through the lack of her usual speech affectation.

“Bonny, are you okay?” Tamanna bounced over and headbutted Bonny’s shoulder.

Bonny drew in a deep breath and looked up. “I think I just figured out what’s wrong with Brooke. It’s not good.”

“The cancer?”

Bonny nodded. “A magic cancer. I upgraded a skill last night, let’s hope it helps me figure out how to cure it.”

“I’m sure you will fix it.” Tamanna had complete confidence in her.

Bonny drew herself together and stood, looking around at everyone. “You all should come to the Busty Beaver with me. The, umm, mermaid there is sick.”

She wondered what Rafael would say to that.

[did i do well] Question, private.

Bonny turned to Violet, who was standing near the backpack, the full female reproductive system still visible within her. Bonny spoke out loud, “Thank you, Violet. You were very helpful.”

[can i have head pats] Satisfaction.

Bonny hopped over and squeezed Violet in a tight hug, constricting her around the middle and causing her head and feet to swell up. Bonny smiled and kissed Violet on her extra large lips, then released her and patted her head softly. “You don’t need to keep those organs, Violet.”

[[i like them]]

Bonny laughed. “Okay. You’ll probably get some stares, not that you wouldn’t anyway, I suppose.”


She turned to see Tamanna watching them. “How do penises work?”

Tamanna blushed when Bonny raised an eyebrow. She pointed at Violet’s internals. “I mean, inside.”

“Oh!” Bonny sent a few more images over to Violet, then started to explain as the slime girl’s internals shifted.

Violet kept her vagina as she grew a large penis and scrotum.

“Uhm, not that big, about five to five and a half inches long is normal.” Bonny held out her hands the correct distance apart. “Also, men don’t have vaginas.”

[[yours is bigger]] Amused.

It was Bonny’s turn to blush as everyone turned to look at her. “I, uh, nevermind. So, moving on …”

Miu started giggling as she interrupted Bonny. “Show us, nya.”

Bonny glared at the cat.

“Show us how sex works, nya.” Miu returned a big, cheshire grin.

“Teach us!” Tamanna chimed in.

"Teach us! Teach us!" Adelina started chanting Tamanna's comment while flying in small circles around Bonny's head.

The two acolytes were blushing now as well.

Bonny motioned for the fairy to calm down and turned to the acolytes, “I’ll leave it up to you since I'm here to teach you. Do you want to see how it works?”

Altha nodded, turning even redder.

“Have either of you had sex?”

They both shook their heads.

Bonny sighed.

“We need instruction. Teach us. Please?” Tamanna pleaded, a twinkle lighting up her suddenly large, puppy dog eyes.

“Fine.” Bonny summoned her smallest dildo, the seven inch version, and held it up as she explained to the two acolytes and Tamanna. “This is a magic sex toy that transmigrated with me to this world.”

Bonny glared at Tamanna, who was silently mouthing, “Bigger!”

“This is big enough.”

Adelina flew up beside the dildo and put her arms around it. It was a head taller than her. She grinned up at Bonny. "Bigger."

Tamanna and Miu started giggling again as Adelina flew back to settle on Miu's head.

“Are you three twelve?”

They all nodded, laughing out loud.

Bonny expanded her Lust aura to cover the three and turned up the intensity. She then ignored them and started explaining about erogenous zones to the two acolytes.

“Violet, can you switch your reproductive system back? Do you mind if I use you to demonstrate?”

[[yes, please, my turn]] Joy and Satisfaction.

Violet dropped to her hands and knees, her internals shifting as she did. She was sideways to the audience, displaying both pussy and ass to Bonny.

[[fuck me, bonny]]

“Uhmm, this is supposed to be instructional, not pleasurable.”

[[why not both]] Amused Desire.

Bonny looked to the two acolytes again, who both nodded, answering her unspoken question. Bonny sighed again and pushed the dildo into Violet’s ass.

“Hold onto this for a moment.” She pulled off her robe, revealing the revealing armor underneath, then withdrew the dildo and attached it to herself. She knelt behind Violet and lined herself up.

“Fuck her hard! Like you did to that other bunny.” The ferret’s voice was low and husky.

Bonny glanced over to see Tamanna, Miu, and Adelina all squirming in place, desire radiating off of them in almost palpable waves. She grinned and turned up her aura intensity even more.

Miu’s connection to her was a steel cable, the strongest bond with anyone except Lust. Miu had been her first lesbian experience and first confession of love. She had stayed beside Bonny and had welcomed her other companions. Without her help and support, Bonny didn’t know where she, herself, would be, but it probably wouldn’t be here.

Adelina's link was newer, but still strong enough. Their relationship had changed slightly the night before, when Bonny had managed to materialize in her small avatar form and became aware of Adelina's feelings on size.

She stroked the two connections, sending feelings of love and lust down to them, and was rewarded by Miu and Adelina shuddering into simultaneous orgasms, their ecstasy crossing the bond back to her, sending waves of pleasure radiating through her.

The connection between her and Tamanna wasn’t as sturdy, but it was surprisingly strong, especially from the ferret’s side. It was more than just desire or friendship, probably strengthened by Bonny healing and instructing her. That brought up some ethical questions that Bonny would have to consider later, since Tamanna was both student and patient. Bonny tugged lightly on the thread, pulling a taste of Tamanna’s life and returning some of pleasure taken from Miu and Adelina. Tamanna moaned and slid a hand under her clothes, while wriggling in her seat.

Bonny turned back to Violet and, in one smooth motion, buried her cock in the slime girl’s slick, inviting slit. It was clearly visible to everyone in the room, filling the girl’s opening and touching the entrance to her uterus.

Violet moaned and dropped her head to the floor, reaching back with both hands.

Bonny grabbed the slime girl's hands and pulled her shoulders and head back up off the ground, then started pumping in and out, her balls slapping against the slime girl rhythmically.

A knock sounded at the door, then Rafael poked his head in. “Bonny, there are patients waitin… Oh, Holy Goddess! What the fu…” He slammed the door shut, cutting himself off.

A moment later, they heard him yell from outside the room. “This is a temple of healing! Not a whorehouse!”

Bonny laughed and continued, though the two acolytes were mortified. The other three were oblivious and lost in their own worlds.
She finished quickly, then pointed at the visible semen as it flowed up into Violet’s womb and fallopian tubes. “I think she’s doing something, because it shouldn’t look like that. Still, if she had released an egg, the sperm would …”
[[spank me, mistress]] Violet interrupted.
Bonny slapped Violet’s ass. The slime girl moaned happily as ripples of pleasure flowed through her, gently rocking the crown and other objects suspended inside her body.
[[again, please]]
Bonny slapped her ass again, harder, and Violet went wild. She constricted around Bonny’s dick as the ripples from the first slap rebounded and crossed the waves of the second. The interference pattern grew complex, with both sets of oscillations increasing in intensity.
The waves crashed over Bonny and pleasure undulated through her. Bonny orgasmed again, moaning in pleasure at the unexpected sensations as she fell on top of Violet.
The slime girl shivered, then relaxed. Her skin smoothed out, then her limbs and head pulled in, withdrawing into her torso, which settled into a dome underneath Bonny.
[[thank you, bonny, you are the besst massteerrr]] Happy, Drowsy, Sleeping.
Thanks for reading,

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