Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

77. Shadowing and Surgery

CW: Cancer

At the end of the class, Bonny touched Tamanna and the two acolytes while casting “Sacrificial Restore: Mana!”, but instead of pulling mana, she sacrificed her own to push mana into them, guaranteeing that each would have access to arcane magic. She was sure there were other ways to do it, but hoped giving them a significant amount would expand their mana pool beyond the minimum.

After Bonny and Miu rolled Violet into the backpack, Bonny borrowed the crown long enough to top off her mana, then they left the room. Rafael was waiting for them just outside the door.

“How dare you …” He started.

Bonny held up a finger to his lips. “Shhh. You said there were patients to see?”

Rafael opened and closed his mouth a few times without saying anything, then nodded and turned to lead them into the temple nave.

Bonny cast “Analysis!” when she first entered and mentally sorted the patients into categories of injury. Analysis didn’t work as quickly as Triage, but it returned more information. She could use it either as a quick surface scan or a detailed examination of a specific injury or part of the body.

Bonny led the group, including Rafael, around to visit the dozen patients, asking each for details, and questioning the three students on what they thought the problem was and what the simplest solution would be.

They started with the most critical, those bleeding or with broken bones. In some ways, they were the easiest, since Bonny would cast “Analgesia!” on the wound, straighten the bone or clean the cut, then cast “Mending!”. Tamanna or Altha would usually assist while Helem and Rafael stood back, observing.

A few were sick, but none with the black corruption that Bonny had been dealing with. A quick “Panacea!” was enough to take care of the disease after one of three girls suggested it.

They did well, though Bonny occasionally had to cast “Analysis!” a couple of times and relay the information to the group before someone gave a correct solution. She also corrected them a few times to offer a targeted Mending method that would be more mana efficient than a general heal. Even Rafael seemed impressed, though he refused to meet Bonny’s eyes.

“Great job, everyone.” Bonny praised them when the last patient had been seen. “I’ll be going to see Brooke when my companions arrive, will you come with me?”

The two acolytes looked at Rafael, then shook their heads. Helem spoke for them, “No thank you. We’ll stay here and meditate to change classes.”

Bonny answered additional questions for a few minutes until her companions arrived. They left quickly, Rafael still glaring at Bonny as they went.

As they walked, Eloisss filled Bonny in about the council meeting. They have given an assessment of Matt’s capabilities, but had no idea how big of an army he could gather in the couple of weeks since they had last confronted him. One of the council members, a gray and white tabby cat kin, was upset that Matt's invasion would disrupt the farms to the north of the city and wanted to meet him at the edge of the forest. The other council members disagreed and alerted the guard to the process of evacuating people and moving them south of the city.

The council still wanted to see Bonny, and had reluctantly scheduled another session for the next day, after Freja and Eloisss both refused to persuade Bonny to come in immediately.

Kanae had never shifted and was still in fox form. She seemed to be doing well after the longest separation from Bonny since her incident just after leaving the forest.

They arrived at the brothel without incident and Tamanna immediately led them down to Brooke’s room, where they found her floating listlessly while staring up at the ceiling. A floating easel drifted nearby, facing away from them.

Analysis! Spirit Analysis!” It took a moment for the skills to process, but the dark core inside the mermaid had grown, more than doubling in size. Bonny dropped her backpack while looking over new information.

“Brooke?” Tamanna splashed into the pool that took up most of the room, while Bonny reviewed what she had learned. The ferret had to swim to get to Brooke. “Are you okay?”

The mermaid rolled over to look at them, floating on her side. She held her lower abdomen with both hands. “It hurts.” Her musical voice was discordant and jarring.

Tamanna grabbed one of Brooke’s arms and towed her to the side of the pool, where Eloisss and Freja helped lift her out of the water and onto the bed.

System Analysis!” That was one of Bonny’s new options with the upgraded skill, but not one she had used before.


Name: Brooke
Race/Species: Mermaid
Age: 32

Health: Severely Diseased
Soul: Injured


Class: Expert Hetaera
Skills: Agility, Cervical Barrier, Conversationalist, Dexterity, Identification, Flexibility, Painting, Pulchritudinous, Singing, Seduction, Static Apnea, Swimming

Bonny couldn’t see Brooke’s statistics, but viewing her Class and Skills was still beneficial. She wasn’t quite sure what a Hetaera was or why Brooke had that as a class rather than Courtesan or Prostitute, but decided it probably meant something more to her. She noted that different types of skills were not separated out and it appeared as though the mermaid had no Titles or Achievements.

Bonny wondered how many people could see her own Titles and Achievements and what they would think of them. A question for her to ask the goddesses later.

Being able to see the mermaid’s Physical and Soul Health would be invaluable, in part to be certain any healing was successful, and Bonny immediately hopped over to begin examining her, pressing and poking around the sore areas. There was no visible rash, like last time.

“Brooke, I have a slime assistant here. Is it okay if she covers you? Uhmm, and checks your vagina?”

The mermaid nodded and closed her eyes.

“Freja, can you open the backpack and wake up Violet?”

A few minutes later, after she woke up and Bonny explained what she needed to do, Violet slid onto the bed with Brooke and engulfed the mermaid up to her neck. The slime girl slipped back off after a few minutes and reformed into a translucent mermaid replica next to Brooke.

[[she is not as tasty as you]]

Violet still looked like Bonny, except with bigger breasts and a tail instead of legs. Her copied reproductive system was visible, with her vulva shifted forward slightly to accommodate the tail. A strange dark mass could be seen inside her, covering the cervix and extending up, into her uterus. Its edges faded as it went beyond Violet’s ability to feel the tumor.

“That comment wasn’t needed, Violet. But you’re still amazing. This is better than a CAT scan.” Bonny glanced at Miu and smiled. “Not a real cat, it’s a type of tool from, uh, from my home.”

Bonny turned back to Brooke. “I’m pretty sure this is cancer. It’s an uncontrolled growth that takes over an area of the body. In this case, I think it feeds on both magic and your body, and the mending I did yesterday may have caused it to start growing.”

“Can you fix it?”

“I don’t know.” Bonny thought for a moment. “Where I come from, we would remove it by surgery. That is, by cutting out the growth and some tissue around it. I think this one is benign, which means it hasn’t started spreading throughout your body yet. Do you ever want children?”

Brooke seemed confused about the sudden change of subject, but shook her head. “No. No kids.”

Bonny breathed a sigh of relief. “That might make things easier. I’m going to try surgery to remove this, since using magic is risky. Once we have it out, I should be able to heal the damage. How does that sound?”

Brooke nodded.

Bonny turned to Tamanna. “Can you let Kama know? She may want to come down before we start. Also, it would be helpful if you could get some towels and a bowl or something.”

The ferret nodded and scampered out of the room.

“Eloisss and Freja, do either of you have a small, very sharp knife?

Neither did.

“I might be able to use my sword, but I may need your help.” Bonny moved around the bed, near Violet, and beckoned the two over.

Bonny summoned her Sword, but imagined it sized for her avatar form. She had seen Justice hold it in different sizes, so it stood to reason that it would work the same for her. It appeared, with an inch long blade and tiny golden hilt. She held it up. “Is this cute or what? It would be perfect on a necklace.”

She held it up to Eloisss and Freja’s necks, held vertically with the blade down, not threateningly.

Justice appeared, frowning at Bonny. “It is not a decoration. It is an instrument of authority and death.”

Bonny smiled back. “Today it is an instrument of healing. And it’s cute.”

The other people in the room looked around, unable to see the goddess.

“Iss that Jusstisce?” Eloisss asked.

“She says it’s not a decoration.” Bonny answered, nodding. She turned back to Violet and mimed cutting into her abdomen in several different ways. None seemed to work how she wanted and cutting into scales seemed difficult. “I think we’ll have to go in through the vagina. Violet, can you hold this?”

Bonny handed the tiny sword to the slime girl, hilt first.

Violet shrank one hand to fit and took it from her.

Bonny smiled. “Great!” She had hoped that since Violet was bonded to her, that she would be able to hold it, but wasn’t sure if that would always be the case or if Justice, who was still present, had allowed it for this occasion.

Kama and Tamanna entered, with the supplies Bonny had asked for. Bonny explained the plan to them and Brooke.

Violet would extend a tentacle into Brooke and do the cutting. She would mirror the changes in herself so that Bonny would be able to monitor and direct the cuts. They would remove what they could while leaving as much of the cervix as possible for Bonny to heal afterward.

Bonny placed a hand on Brooke's shoulder. “Kanae will put you to sleep and I’ll disable any pain. You shouldn’t be aware of the surgery until we wake you up.”

“I didn’t sleep last night.” Brooke admitted. “I’ll be grateful if she can.”

“Okay, we’ll get started then. Do you want to stay, Kama?”

Kama declined. “I would like to talk to you afterward though.”

“I’ll give you an update when we’re done.”

Kanae put Brooke to sleep and Kama left shortly after. Bonny cast “Analgesia!”, targeting Brooke’s entire pelvic region.

“Don’t eat these, Violet. We don’t know what they will do to you, since they absorb magic. Don’t eat any blood either, since it may contain cancer cells. Actually, try to avoid touching any of it as much as possible."

They began, Bonny inserted a finger into Violet’s vagina, making slight motions indicating cuts on the tumor, and Violet replicated them. Bonny let the blood run at first, only cleansing and using targeted "Mending!" spells to close Brooke's blood vessels, when the blood started to become excessive.

It took longer than expected, with Violet removing small sections and transferring them to the bowl set beside her and Brooke. The simulated construct inside Violet changed as they progressed and more of the tumor became visible. It had moved further into the uterus than previously thought and they ended up removing about half of Brooke's womb.

Once no more of the dense mass could be detected, by Violet’s sense of touch or sight, once she relocated an eye, or by Bonny’s “Analysis!”, the slime girl withdrew and Bonny started Mending the damage. She had to take mana from both Kanae and Violet before she could complete the uterus and cervix rebuild.

When done, she checked Brooke’s status. “System Analysis, Status!”

Health: Exhausted, Healing
Soul: Healing

“She’s no longer listed as diseased. We did it!” Bonny hopped around the room to hug and kiss each of her companions and Tamanna. Violet was last and Bonny hugged her so tight the slime girl distorted again, her head, breasts, and mermaid tail all expanding comically. “You’re amazing! Thank you.”

[[head pats]] Question, Desire.

"Of course!" Bonny patted Violet on the head several times, then pulled her hand back and smacked the slime in the belly, watching as the ripples danced through her.

[[mmmmm]] Pleasure.

Bonny retrieved the bowl, covered it, then turned up her purification aura to clean up the remaining blood stains. She handed the bowl to Tamanna. “This should probably be burned, without magic. It might be safe now that it’s removed, but I don’t trust it.”

Once things were cleaned up, they woke up Brooke, who was still tired, but pain free. The mermaid slipped back into the water and swam slowly over to retrieve the floating easel. She towed it back and removed the painting, turning it around and handing it to Bonny.

It was a portrait of Bonny, with a yellow-white halo around her head. Bonny’s large, bright blue eyes reflected a view of a choppy sea, with a mermaid perched on a rock and seagulls circling. Water sprayed around them as waves broke against the rock.

“Is this for me?”

“Yes. You said I reminded you of home and the ocean. I hope this continues to bring you fond memories.”

“Thank you.” Bonny carefully set the painting down and leaned in to hug Brooke, trying not to notice the mermaid’s large, soft breasts as she held tight and blinked back tears.

When they separated, Bonny glanced over at Eloisss, who wore a slight frown.

I wasn't sure how much detail to go into here. I originally had more, but went back and removed most of it, summarizing the actual surgery. The chapter ended up over 2k words, so it's probably a good length as long as everyone likes it.

I added the System Analysis on a whim, since I always wanted a way to check other people, but actually adding Brooke's skills was more annoying than expected. I skipped the stats, since I don't want to generate them for every other character in the story. We'll see how much trouble it is to update all the companions skills. I may end up changing the status screen at some point.

If any of you have great ideas for what skills each of the companions should have, I'd be happy to hear them.  :)  You can find class info about each of them on the glossary page.

Thanks for reading,

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