Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

78. Books and Breaths

Before leaving, Bonny asked Brooke and Tamanna if they knew about the other artifact, the one hidden in the lake.

Tamanna shook her head as Brooke thought for a minute then nodded. “There’s a hidden cavern under the lake. Most of the lake is shallow, but there’s a deep crevice near the dam. It’s a spring, with a large underwater cave hidden underneath.”

“Is it dangerous?” Bonny still needed to retrieve the artifact before Matt could take it and he was due to arrive in just a few days.

“No. There is a guardian, but she should let you view it. I can take you, if you can breathe underwater.”

Bonny thought about it, wondering if her wind magic would be enough. “No. But I’ll ask my companions if there’s a way.”

“There’s another way if you trust me. I can share my breath with you.”

Bonny thought about kissing Brooke underwater and nodded. “Can you show me?”

“Sure.” Brooke smiled, her whole face lighting up as she did. “Come on in.”

Bonny quickly stripped, careful not to look at Eloissss as she did, then waded into the water. The pool had a steep drop off and was around ten feet deep in the center. The mermaid grabbed Bonny’s hand and pulled her out.

“Take a moderate breath, not too big. Don’t breathe out, it will waste the air.”

Bonny did as directed and Brooke pulled her underwater. The mermaid sucked in water and slits in the sides of her neck opened up, fluttering as the water flowed back out.

They floated near each other, Bonny looking around at the ripples of light flowing along the floor and across the many decorative underwater plants, trying her best not to watch the mermaid’s breasts as they bobbed up and down in the water with their slight motions. She could feel her own shifting as well, but she was smaller around that area. After about thirty seconds, Bonny started needing air and motioned up.

Brooke shook her head. “Only breathe into me.” The mermaid exhaled water when she spoke, no bubbles. Her voice was distorted, but understandable and entrancing. The musical quality heightened by the denser medium.

Brooke pulled Bonny into an embrace and Bonny opened her lips to the mermaid. Brooke pulled the old air from Bonny and returned fresh, flavored by the pool and herself. They floated together, eyes and lips connected, exchanging air back and forth, until Bonny’s need for oxygen dissipated. Brooke broke the kiss, but maintained the hug.

The mermaid pulled in more water, her gills fluttering adorably. “How are you doing? Okay?” No bubbles.

Bonny nodded, not sure how else to respond.

Brooke moved in to lock lips again and Bonny responded. They traded breaths again, but this time, Bonny touched Brooke’s soft lips with her tongue. Brooke returned the affection as they held each other for a long time, exploring each other and breathing into each other. Brooke paused occasionally to draw in water and refresh their oxygen, but quickly returned to Bonny each time.

A splash broke their concentration and Bonny turned to see Kanae swimming toward them. The fox snagged part of a leaf from a potted underwater plant and shimmered into a second mermaid. She swam up to them and joined the embrace, kissing each of them in turn.

“I think Eloisss is mad. She left the room.” When Kanae spoke, she expelled air, bubbles flooded the water between them, obscuring their faces for a moment and making it hard to understand her.

Bonny disengaged from Brooke, not realizing that she had wrapped her legs around the mermaid's hips and tail until then. When they broke the surface, Bonny looked around, finding Eloisss, Adelina, and Freja missing.

Miu and Violet were on the bed, apparently asleep, the slime girl was dressed in Bonny’s armor and curled around the cat like Bonny often did.

Bonny turned to Kanae, “Where did they go?”

The faux mermaid shrugged, the motion doing interesting things to her large floating breasts. “She didn’t say. I jumped in the water when Freja and Adelina followed her out.”

“Thank you.” Bonny kissed Kanae’s nose. “How long were we underwater?”

Kanae shrugged again, grinning as Bonny’s eyes slipped down, again. “A long time. Maybe half an hour?”

Bonny climbed out of the pool, shook herself off, flinging water around the room, and rushed out, still naked.

The other three were in the hallway, just outside the room. Adelina sat cross legged on top Freja’s head, leaning against one of the centaur’s ears.


The lamia held up a hand. “I’m okay. I jusst didn’t want to ssee anymore.” Her eyes were bright with unshed tears.

Bonny wasn’t sure what to say. She had promised not to sleep with Brooke, but had certainly strayed into intimacy during the breathing exercise. Was she being influenced by the Seduction skill she had seen in the mermaid’s status? Was Lust’s hold over her growing?

“Tonight is mine. Is that a problem?” Freja addressed them both, interrupting Bonny’s thoughts.

Eloisss shook her head. Bonny paused, watching the lamia, then shook hers as well.

“I would like to go for a run with you, Bonny. Outside the city. Like the day we met.”

Bonny grinned at the centaur. “Will I get to ride you?”

Freja blushed, nodding.

Bonny turned back to Eloisss, who was frowning again. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I want you to ride on me too. Like you ussed to.” Eloisss’s lips quivered as she whispered.

Bonny hopped over and up into an embrace with Eloisss. She wrapped her arms around the lamia’s neck and her legs around the serpentine hips. She rubbed their noses together. “I’m not replacing you.”

“I know. It’ss jusst …”

Bonny released her Lust aura, feeling the desires of her three companions. Eloisss was a black hole of desire, not sexual, but emotional. It was hard for Bonny to reconcile the stoic warrior she had met with the vulnerable, almost sobbing, woman holding on to her so tightly.

Freja felt excited, a need for intimacy and full of expectations for the coming evening, while Adelina was content, but curious of how Eloisss’ emotional breakdown was going to influence Bonny.

“… jusst …” Eloisss repeated, uncertain what to say.

“Do you want me to fuck you in front of Brooke? To show her that you belong to me?”

“Yess?!” Eloisss’ voice raised slightly at the end of the word.

“Do you want to fuck her with me? Like we did with Freja?” Bonny glanced over to see the centaur blush. She winked and smiled, then went back to staring into Eloisss’ eyes.


Bonny laughed. “I don’t think she’s into that, but she may pretend to be if I ask.”

“Will y…?”

“No. Not now. She’s just out of surgery and healing. She needs to rest.” Bonny paused, thinking about home, then shook her head and continued, “In my world, it’s unethical for a doctor to sleep with a patient.”

Eloisss pulled Bonny into a tighter hug and whispered, “I’m ssorry. I don’t know what’ss happening to me.”

“It’s okay. We’ll figure it out.”

They returned to the room, Eloisss carrying Bonny, where Brooke was giving Kanae swimming lessons. The katsune’s tail ended in three fluffy, orange fins, which flashed in the air as she leapt up into a graceful arch and dove back into the pool.

“No!” Eloisss was firm and loud. “Kanae get ou…”

Bonny covered Eloisss’ mouth with one hand. “Don’t tell her what she can or can’t do. You can ask nicely if she’s doing something that bothers you, but you don’t control her.”

The mermaid and fox saw the group a moment later and swam to the edge of the pool near them.

“Are you both okay?” Brooke glanced between Eloisss and Bonny.

Eloisss’ lips tightened and Bonny felt tension in the lamia’s arms as they both nodded.

“Yes, thank you.” Bonny patted Eloisss’ shoulder and slid down when the lamia relaxed her grip. “And thank you for the breathing exercise. You should rest tonight. If you’re feeling up to it, can you take me down to the cave the day after tomorrow? Maybe around noon?”

The mermaid smiled, her face lighting up. “It’s a date.”

Bonny looked back at Eloisss, whose expression had darkened. Bonny shook her head slightly when their eyes met.

Eloisss sighed and turned away, slithering quietly to the door.

“We should go. I’ll check on you again tomorrow, Brooke. Come Kanae.” Bonny grabbed the empty backpack and hopped over to the bed to wake up Violet and Miu. “Good morning, cuties. It’s time to go.”

Violet was still wearing Bonny’s armor and her exposed breasts jiggled as she sat up. She glanced at Bonny and followed her gaze down, then bounced again, laughing at Bonny’s expression.

“No wonder everyone likes watching me wear that armor.” Bonny traced the lines of the armor down, to where most of Violet’s reproductive system was visible in the gap between the leather corset and thigh high greaves. “I want you to wear this next time we, uhh, fuck.”

[[as you wish]] pleasure. Violet’s translucent face darkened into opacity, briefly hiding the crown and and the suspicious white cloud that always floated inside it.

“Oh, I do. You’re cute when you blush.” Bonny leaned in and kissed Violet, squeezing the slime girl’s breasts as she did. She turned and kissed Miu next. “You’re cute too, kitty cat. I would like to join you both in bed, but I need to get dressed, then we should go see Nestor.”

Violet lay down and pulled inward, deforming her body into a blob that formed in the gap between corset and pants. She then poured off the bed into the backpack, which Bonny had set by the bed.

Bonny dressed quickly, armor, robe, then backpack, conscious of everyone watching, including Brooke. She felt tingly inside, the attention and focus enough to warm her core and make her wish she had more time.

Before leaving the brothel, they stopped by Kama’s office to give her the update and confirm the show the following evening.

“So, I have an idea for a play from my home, uh, country. It’s a romantic tragedy, but I’ll rework it to be sexy with a happy ending.”

“That sounds good. I’ll alert the town criers tomorrow. If the crowd is big enough, would you be willing to do multiple shows?”

“Yes.” Bonny smiled happily, already imagining all the eyes on her. She imagined the crowd’s cries and the power produced.

The trip to the tower was peaceful, but again, Bonny’s companions surrounded her protectively and Miu scouted ahead. The door was locked and after several knocks, Freja turned around and kicked it in.

The first room was dark and cold. They moved in and stood the door up in its frame. Freja stayed to guard it, since she didn’t care for stairs, and the rest of the group headed up.

At the top, they found a single orb of light, over a desk against one wall piled high with books. The failed, one-handed mage sat in a chair and flipped through one, then closed it and added it to a small pile on one corner.


He jumped and turned. When he saw the group, he paled, and pointed to the small stack of three books. “I, uh, these should be useful to you.”

“Are you alright?”

“N-no. Please just take them and go. Leave me alone.”

Bonny turned to look at her companions. Miu, Eloisss, and Kanae had been with her last time. She addressed them, “Did any of you say or do anything to threaten him like that?”

The trio shook their heads.

‘Violet. Did you threaten Nestor again?’ Bonny frowned as she focused on sending the thought to the slime.

[[no, but there are assassins behind you]] Excitement.

Nestor dove under the desk, shouting, “One of the books is cursed, please protect me!”

Chaos broke out as three figures emerged from the shadows. A tendril slid out of the backpack’s flap, [[greater arcane light]].

A sun burst into being above Bonny, banishing darkness from the room.

Eloisss struck first, leaping through the air and ripping the throat out of one of the figures, blood spraying across the room as she landed, already past him and turned toward the next.

Fade!” [[arcane bolt]] The word and thought were voiced at the same time, but one worked and one didn’t. The figure fell to the floor, his robe burned away and flesh smoking.

The third figure fell face first without a sound and Kanae bounded over to stand next to him, growling.

“Thank you for the warning.” Bonny hopped over to help Nestor out from under the desk.

He looked around, paling even further. “Uh, …”

“I think we would have been fine even without you saying anything, but I’m happy you tried. Who were they?”

“Cultists.” He whispered the word. “The bottom book is cursed. Don’t touch it.”

“Okay.” Bonny was unfazed. “We’ll hand it over to the guards along with them. Sound good?”

He gulped and nodded.

“Eloisss, can you go down and ask Freja to alert the guards?”

The lamia hesitated, looking at the other companions. “I am your sshield. I do not wissh to leave you alone with him.”

Bonny smiled at her. “That’s fine. Miu, can you and Kanae head down. Stay there and guard the door until Freja gets back, please.”

“Yes, nya.” Miu glanced at Eloisss with her chin raised, in an odd sort of triumphant expression that Bonny wouldn’t have noticed except for Eloisss’ protest about leaving Bonny.

Bonny shrugged and turned back to Nestor. “So, what do you have for me?”

He gave her two hand-bound books, explaining that one was a collection of old documents detailing the successful creation of some magic items. The other was a list of glyphs, in both current and dead languages.

He seemed excited about the second. “It doesn’t matter what written language you use, as long as the meaning is clear at the time of crafting. When I learned to make the wands, I had to memorize some symbols, but I never learned them well enough. The wand power has decreased over time, but if the common tongue works, then I could make proper wands again. I’ll have to call my apprentices back. This could …”

He stopped talking suddenly as he realized he was babbling. “Of course, that means magic may lose some mystic and prestige, but if we can make and sell proper wands again, the council may leave us alone.”

Bonny smiled at him. “That’s great. I hope it works out. Are you going to be okay or should we check in on you again tomorrow?”

Nestor looked at the two dead cultists and the unconscious one that Eloisss was curled up on top of. “Uh, please check on me.”

Thanks for reading,

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