Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

79.1 ♥ Wind and Fire – Part 1 (R-18)

The guards identified the three assassins as Wrath cultists. They questioned Nestor and Bonny, then left, taking the cursed book, prisoner, and two bodies with them.

Bonny took the other two books that had been set aside. She would have Eloisss go through the one on glyphs, since she was the most familiar with them, due to her sister’s work. Hopefully she would find something suitable for each of them to use. Bonny would try to make sense of the other one, with help from Miu and Willowbelle.

They arrived back at Colette’s warehouse before dark, for once. Where Bonny explained that Freja wanted to go for a run outside the walls, just the two of them. They would stay at a guard station and return in the morning.

Eloisss disagreed. “I sshould go with you.”

“Don’t be silly.” Bonny hugged the lamia tight. “We’ve spent weeks outside and nothing happened. Besides, Freja is familiar with the area and the centaur patrol keeps it safe.”

“Matt iss coming.”

“Iolana said he was several days away.”

Eloisss glared at Freja for putting Bonny at risk, but seemed resigned. Miu and Kanae were sad that they couldn’t go, but didn’t protest. Adelina and Violet were both satisfied and content with their recent affection.

Willowbelle was still rooted outside with the sapling that was rapidly outgrowing the pot she had brought it in. She had been a little distant since they arrived in the city and Bonny wondered if the crowds or city itself was bad for her. She hadn’t complained when they had spent time together a few days ago, but that didn’t really mean much.

This was the first time Bonny was leaving them. Miu had spent a night away from her at the Clowder, but had still been relatively close by. Eloisss had left to enter her Rhumba alone, but there had always been someone else from the group present. Freja was part of the group, but still relatively new and trust hadn’t fully formed between her and Bonny’s other companions yet.

Bonny took some time to service the cow girls and give everyone a hug and kiss, then they set out. Freja had packed their supplies and her weapons. Bonny brought her shield, just in case, but tied it onto Freja’s back along with the other supplies.

They left by the gate they had entered from, on the west side of the city, opposite the lake. Bonny jogged alongside Freja’s slow trot until they left the settlement that had built up outside the walls. Once out of sight, they stopped and Freja gave Bonny a hand up.

Once Bonny was settled in, with arms and legs wrapped around Freja’s humanoid torso, then they set off again, not a jog or trot, but a gallop. Freja quickly reached speeds that Bonny had only experienced on Earth and she realized that Freja had held back the first day. The wind whipped through their hair, Freja’s long braid tangling in Bonny’s loose locks.

Bonny looked up to see a couple of wind spirits playing in their wake, occasionally flitting forward and back. Bonny smiled at them and resisted the urge to reach out, like she had done during the last ride.

Bonny kept her head tucked in close to Freja’s back, hands wrapped around the centaur, feeling the taut muscles flex under her hands and ass. She concentrated on the movements and imagined how the centaur would move under her later. Her core tingled and she smiled again, holding tighter.

A forever later they slowed and Bonny looked up to see an enormous boulder in front of them. It was at least four or five stories high and three times as long as it was tall. There was a long shallow staircase running up, along the side, alternating between sections that were carved and anchored into the rock.

“This is a lookout for the patrol. I would usually climb up to check the surroundings, but most of the centaurs would camp at the base.”

Bonny looked around at the low rolling grasslands, then back at the huge stone that seemed out of place. “Where did this come from?”

Freja shook her head. “No one knows. Some say the gods or demons dropped it here, but now that I’ve met some them, I doubt that’s the case.”

Bonny laughed. “Should I ask?”

“No. Let’s not bother them tonight. I want you all to myself for once. No drama.”

“Just coming out here with you is causing drama.” Bonny sighed, remembering some of the arguments she had overheard between her coworkers back in LA. She had tried to stay away from that as much as possible, but sometimes it’s impossible. “Has Eloisss said anything to you about why she’s jealous of Brooke?”

“No.” Freja shook her head again, then paused and reconsidered. “Maybe Miu has something to do with it.”

“What? Why Miu?”

“When you’re not around, Miu sometimes brags that she was your first and that you love her the most.”

Bonny sighed. “Really? She is the first person I met, but she’s usually so quiet and shy.”

“Not when she talks about you.”

“Oh. I’ll speak with her when we get back.”

“Don’t.” Freja twisted to look over her shoulder at Bonny. “Don’t tell her I said anything. Please?”

Bonny stood on Freja's whithers and leaned forward to kiss her, balancing with hands on the centaur's shoulders. “I won’t. Take us up, mighty steed.”

Freja laughed and hopped suddenly, forcing Bonny to hold tighter and slide back down into a sitting position. As they climbed the stairs, she noticed the steps were wide, deep, and even, clearly made for a centaur.

At the top, Bonny found a flat area with an amazing view. There was a small stone shelter near the north end that seemed to be shaped from rock, with a small artificial depression that looked a lot like a fire pit. The wind blew noticeably harder this high up and the pit would help shield flames.

“This was already here when the patrol decided to use the boulder as a lookout. No one knows who made it, but I shelter in the house during the spring when rocs and other large flying predators are hunting.” Freja laughed when Bonny immediately looked up at the cloudy sky. “They rarely range this far south during the summer. It’s mostly during mid to late spring when they’re hunting to feed their children.”

Freja led Bonny over to the shelter and started unpacking. She twisted to untie the saddlebags and move them on the ground, and Bonny helped unfasten the harness the bags had been tied to, then assisted in removing the rest of the centaur’s armor. Freja elected to continue wearing a haltertop and a sort of loincloth, that wrapped around her waist and hung down, loose, and flapped in the wind.

Bonny tried to peek under the loincloth while she took off her own robe and armor, but had no luck. Once naked, she stood in the open, reveling in the breeze as it ruffled her fur and played with her already-tangled hair, grinning at Freja as the centaur ogled her in turn.

Bonny started a fire as Freja pulled out an enormous quantity of food, mostly grains and vegetables, which Bonny was happy to see. It was nice having dinner with someone who shared a diet.

“That … is a lot of food.”

“I eat a lot.” Freja’s skin darkened in embarrassment as she motioned at her equine body. “I use a lot of energy.”

Bonny hopped over to kiss the centaur’s belly and squeeze her tight around the waist, then rubbed her hands across her tight abs and obliques. “It’s fine. I’m not picking on you. You’re in amazing shape, so you must be doing something right.”

Bonny raised her arms and slid her hands under Freja’s top, feeling the small breasts and the large pectorals underneath.

Freja blushed harder, her dusky skin turning black as the white star on her forehead reddened. She hoisted Bonny up and kissed her.

Bonny giggled and wrapped her legs and arms around Freja’s torso, then kissed her again, a peck on the lips that turned into something more when Freja responded by opening her mouth and inviting the bunny in. They held on to each other as they touched and tasted, tongues tangling and twisting.

The sky grew darker as the sun dropped to the horizon and Freja pulled away, panting as if she’d been working out harder than she had on the run here.

“This is why I wanted to bring you here, Bonny.” The centaur pointed up at the bright oranges and reds painted across the clouds. “It’s my favorite place to watch the sun set.”

They stood together and watched the sun drop down to the horizon. There was a bright gleam and green flash as the sun disappeared.

"Is there a sea or ocean that direction?" The green flash reminded Bonny of watching the sunset from the Santa Monica pier. The flash was the final glimpse of sunlight shining through the ocean as it passed around the globe.

"Yes. The Great Western Sea, also called the Sea of Courage." She squeezed Bonny's hand. "Don't try to sail it, no one that has passed the horizon has returned. The Saa Territories extend along the coast. They worship an ocean god named Saa, hence the name."

The ground below them slowly vanished into shadow as they talked, leaving them stranded on a small rocky island in the void. They sky faded into dark reds and purples, the colors more vibrant than any sunset Bonny had seen on earth.

They stayed together, hands clasped, as a few stars peeked out from behind clouds and the fire flickered and danced, casting shadows into the dark beyond the small ring of light.

“You came from the Great Forest and mountains to the north. I meant to show them to you, but, uh, the distraction was fun too.” Freja’s hand felt hot and sweaty as she babbled about the setting and pointed to the northeast. “The Courage and centaur constellations would be visible now if it wasn’t so cloudy.”

Bonny squeezed Freja’s hand. “Calm down. It’s fine. The sunset was beautiful and you can show me the view in the morning. Do you want to eat now?”

Freja nodded frantically and Bonny giggled again.

“Did you bring your grooming kit?”

“Yes. I packed some rope too.”

Bonny grinned. “Do you want me to restrain you? To tie you up and have my way with you?” She expanded her aura, feeling Freja’s desire spike up at her suggestion.


“Do you have a bridle and bit? Can I ride you like a pony?”

Freja squirmed and pranced in place. “N-no and yes.”

“Yes? You want me to ride you?”

Freja nodded, her brown skin turning reddish in the firelight.

“Should I buy a bridle? Maybe get one custom made for you?”

Freja shook her head. “T-too many people would know.”

“Are you afraid? Scared of their opinions? Their judgment?”

She nodded.

“Maybe we’ll have to work on that.” Bonny smiled up at Freja and motioned to the fire and food. “Let’s eat before we die of starvation.”

Freja knelt, then lay down, one foreleg tucked underneath her body and the other three to one side.

There was a large variety of food, a couple of waterskins, and one filled with a fruity wine.

Bonny ate quickly and sipped at the wine, then pulled a large mouthful and hopped up to share it with Freja. They kissed again, the wine mixing between them and dribbling out of the corners of their lips.

Bonny pulled back and licked at the drops and trailed down Freja’s chin. She followed it lower, licking and teasing down to the top of Freja’s halter top. Bonny pulled at it. “I think this has to come off.”

“You do it.”

Bonny loosened the ties and pulled it up, over Freja’s head and arms, then bent to continue licking at Freja’s body. She teased each nipple, cupping and squeezing the small breasts, then traced the pectoral line with her tongue, slowly licking down the centaur’s body to her defined abs.

When Bonny got to the loincloth, she stopped and looked up from her kneeling position. “What about this?”

Freja gulped and and nodded. Sweat beaded her forehead despite the chill breeze.

Bonny winked and slid a hand underneath, slipping it down till she could feel the centaur’s mound, a bit of softness surrounded by hard muscles. She reached a little further and touched Freja's sensitive, swollen nub and lips. She ran her fingers down and reached inside, feeling the centaur’s hot wetness, then pulled back and up, stroking across and pressing on Freja’s button.

The centaur moaned.

“Already ready are you?”

Freja opened her mouth, then closed it and nodded instead.

“Do you really want to wait for me to tie you up? To suffer as I tease you and leave you wanting?” Bonny lifted her hand and licked at her fingers, then slipped her hand back under the loincloth and started caressing Freja again.

Freja waited and watched Bonny’s face and obvious enjoyment at her teasing.

“I’ll bind your hands, so you can’t pleasure yourself, then sit here and eat your food while you watch, helpless. Maybe I’ll feed you a little at a time if you’re good.” Bonny lifted her hand again, but touched Freja’s lips and slipped a finger in between them.

Freja licked at Bonny’s fingers and, when they were removed, whispered, “No. Fuck me. Fuck me now.”

“No.” Bonny grinned at Freja’s startled reaction. “You’ll have to wait.”

This chapter ended up going over 4k words, so this seemed like a good place to split it.  :)  The rest will be out on Friday.

I'm at 1300 readers and 150k words published. That feels pretty good.

Thanks for being awesome and reading my silly story.

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