Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

8. New Choices

Bonny woke up to the smell of food cooking. Some sort of meat was roasting above the fire, skewered and hung above the pot, which was filled with some sort of boiling grain and herb mix. Miu sat near the fire, stirring the pot and watching Bonny with an eyebrow raised.

Bonny smiled at Miu. “That smells really good. I’m starving.” Her stomach growled in agreement.

“Is ready, nya. Go clean first.” Miu pointed at Bonny’s stomach, which was still covered with cum. Her fur was matted and sticky where it had sprayed across her body.

“Oh, uh. Something weird happened when you were gone.” Bonny sat up, holding onto the dildo so that it didn’t fall onto the grass and fern bed.

Miu pointed at the pool under the waterfall. Silently.

“Ok, ok.” Bonny walked over and slid down into the water, then started scrubbing at her fur. It took a moment before she realized there was no pain around the bite wounds. She checked her legs and everything looked healthy. Even her fur had grown back.

She moved to a shallower area, spread her legs and bent over to check the bite on her labia. Gone! Healed! She pinched it to be sure. A brief stab of pain, but not the agony of the bite. What the fuck? More magic? Magic is awesome!

“Miu, my bites are gone. Did you do something to cure me?” Bonny called over, still examining her legs and pussy.

“No, nya. Check status.”

“Oh, right. Uh, Status report.” The weird holographic window popped up along with a notification overlaid on top of her status.

You have been touched by demonic energy. Your mana pool has increased.

Name: Bonny
Race: Outworlder / Rabbit-kin
Age: 22
Health: Healthy, Hungry
Soul: Slightly Depleted

Class: None (11 Selections Available)
Skills: None

General Skills: Agility, Dancing, First Aid, Running

Equipment: Big Red - Bonded, Growth (Epic/Demonic)

Power: Below avg
Control: Above avg
Stamina: Above avg
Magic: Low
M Contr: Low
Mana: Low

New classes? Bonny immediately triggered the list, without reading through the full status.

Class Options (standard):
Warrior - prereq met: Combat, Goblin killed
Hunter - prereq met: Survival Tutor (Miu)
Medic - prereq met: First Aid (Outworld Knowledge), Herbal Tutor (Miu)

SubClass Options (standard):
Warrior / unarmed - Training (Outworld Knowledge)
Warrior / spear - Goblin killed
Warrior / club - Goblin killed

Class Options (Magical):
Sorcerer - prereq met: Demonic Taint
Warlock - prereq met: Demonic Contact

SubClass Options (Magical)
Medic / demonic - prereq met: Demonic Taint + Anatomy (Outworld Knowledge)

Class Options (non-standard):
Courtesan - prereq met: Pleasure a partner
Ecdysiast - prereq met: Erotic Dancing (Outworld Knowledge)

“Miiiuuuuu! What does demonic taint mean?”

Miu let out a sigh. “Bonny-bunny. Finish cleaning, come eat, then talk. Nya?”

It took a few minutes for Bonny to finish cleaning up and she rushed over to sit next to Miu by the fire. Miu had pulled the pot off of the fire and let it cool while Bonny was washing up, and now handed it to her. “Careful, nya. Hot.”

Miu then used the knife to cut strips off the haunch and ate them herself. Bonny looked at the meat, but Miu pointed back to the stew. “Bunnies need plants, little meat. Cats need meat, little plants. Nya?”

“I understand. Rabbits in my world are herbivores and cats are carnivores.” Bonny nodded and sniffed at the stew. It smelled wonderful and it took a moment to realize she was supposed to drink it, since Miu hadn’t handed her any utensils. She sipped at the broth, then tipped it to pour the grains and herbs into her mouth. It tasted as amazing as it smelled.

While Bonny ate, Miu started talking. “Everyone that fight monsters, gets status, nya? Class based on actions, but teachers can gives class too. I am hunter. I track and hunt food for clan. Can find herbs and be silent and find path.”

She stopped to take another bite, then continued. “Goblins ambush and capture me, nya. Try to find clan. You rescue me, so I help you. Then go back to clan.”

Bonnie cut in at the pause, “Wait, don’t leave me. Or can I go back to your clan too? Do you have bunnies?”

“No, nya. Cat-kin only.” Miu thought for a moment, then, “Can take food to clan, then help you to town? Long walk, week or more.”

Bonny nodded, “Thank you. I don’t want you to leave. You’re the only person, or cat, that I know here. Or anywhere. I’m from a different world.”

“Maybe, nya. Clan first. You ask demon taint? Where from?”

Bonny pointed at the dildo still laying near the pool. “I think from that. It’s on my status too. It says ‘bonded, growth, epic, demonic’.”

“Means strong, nya. Three types of magic: demon, arcane, and divine. I think humans like divine, but it gone, three hundred years ago, disappear. Demon magic rare, maybe demon made big penis. Arcane neutral, lots of people use.”

“Ok. Is demonic magic bad? Will it hurt me?” Bonny thought for a moment about how humans reacted to things, then continued, “Will other people know? Will they try to kill me if they know I have a demon item?”

Miu shrugged. “Not know, nya. Demon magic need sacrifice. Always trade. What class you get?”

Bonny finished off the broth and set the bowl down as she mentally triggered her Status and Class list. “I have three. Sorcerer because of demonic taint, warlock because of a contact, and medic because of the taint and some schooling in my world. How does it know what I did in the other world? I died, didn’t I?”

“Warlock bad, nya. Contract and summon demons. Strong, but people scared. Sorcerer strong, big magic, but need big sacrifice. Arcane sorcerer harder, but better. Not know about medic. Is healer?”

“Yes. I have a normal class because of first aid and you, then the magic class because I know how bodies work … well, maybe not this one.” She looked down at herself and realized she was still naked. She was sitting cross legged, which exposed her vulva. Her areola and nipples were also bare, though warm and soft in front of the fire. Since her fur coat and the fire kept her comfortable, she didn’t even think about it most of the time. She started to cover up, then decided she didn’t mind if Miu saw her. “No, I don’t know much of anything about bunny girls”.

“Can change class, nya. Once each moon. You are warrior and hunter? You want me to teach?”

Bonny thought about her time so far. The terror and escape. Hitting the first goblin and stabbing the next two. She shuddered. “No, I don’t think so. I’ve never killed anything before yesterday. I don’t like it. Can I just heal people instead?”

Miu nodded. “I teach herbs. Help heal.”

“Ok.” Bonny smiled, “but let me try the magic one first. I can change later if I don’t like it, right?”

As Miu started to nod, Bonny triggered the class change: Medic/Demonic. Her vision turned red and she fainted, for the second time that day.

Here's a rough explanation of classes for those asking about it. Hopefully I've clarified it well enough.  I'll add additional explanation over time. Miu isn't the most knowledgeable person about classes and magic.

It looks like Lamia is in the lead for next companion though, so maybe Eloisss will have more to say. 

Fainting as often as Bonny does is probably not good for her.

Thanks for reading,

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