Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

9. A Touch of Magic and Healing

This time, when Bonny woke up, she was lying on her back in the makeshift bed. The moon was up and the sun gone, the night’s chill offset by Miu curled up next to her. The cat girl had taken off her leathers and was cuddled close, fur and legs intertwined. She was purring loudly as she groomed Bonny’s stomach, the rough tongue pulling and fluffing her fur against the grain. It felt good.

No, it felt great, wonderful, even divine. Not in the orgasmic sense-shattering way that she’d experienced earlier, but in a comfortable acceptance. There was a feeling of love and care in the attentive and unhurried way Miu worked her way across Bonny’s body.

Bonny sighed in contentment and shifted an arm around to stroke Miu’s back, running her fingernails through the cat’s luxurious fur. This was so much better than being human. If nothing else, she would prefer to stay here as long as she could be with Miu. They seemed to fit together so well, even if it had just been … two days. Is that all?

Miu stopped grooming her as Bonny froze, lost in thought.

“Bon-Bun not wash well, nya.” Miu spoke in a accusatory, but teasing tone. The affectionate nickname was new. Miu immediately went back to grooming, shifting a little to lick the fur between Bonny’s breasts.

“Uh, sorry. I umm …” Bonny blushed and paused, thinking back to what had caused her need to bathe. Then at the reason she had hurried through it.

Magic! Real Magic!

“Status.” Bonny focused in on her class and skill section to see what had changed.

Name: Bonny
Race: Outworlder / Rabbit-kin
Age: 22
Health: Healthy
Soul: Slightly Depleted

Class: Novice Medic/Demonic (10 alternatives)
   Wound Transfer

“I have a class and skills now. How can I use them?”

In response, Miu licked one of Bonny’s nipples, the rough papillae of the cat's tongue scraping across her sensitive skin like sandpaper.

Bonny yelped in surprise and pulled Miu’s head up, away from her task. They looked into each other’s eyes for a long moment, then Bonny craned her neck forward to kiss Miu.

Miu kissed her back, sliding up a little to make it less awkward. They explored each other’s mouths, tongues intertwining. Miu’s purring, already loud, increased in volume even more. The comforting vibrations radiated through their tight embrace, affirming that, even if these feelings weren’t love, they were something very close.

It was a long time before either came up for air.


When they finally broke apart, the moon had moved on, settling behind the tops of trees around their small clearing. The air had cooled further, but both of them felt warm and cozy.

Miu settled her head on one of Bonny’s breasts, lips just barely touching the exposed nipple. Miu kissed it briefly. “What skills, nya?”

Bonny listed her class name and skills. “I assume novice means I’m new, but can improve? Will I get more skills?”

Miu nodded, sliding her cheek against Bonny’s fur and breast instead of picking her head up. “I am intermediate hunter, nya. Six skills.”

“How does magic work? Do I just think the skill? Do I have to say it?”

Miu nodded again, shifting her head so that the motion rubbed across Bonny’s nipple. “Either, nya.”

“So if I just … Triage!” Bonny focused on Mui and was surprised to see a series of red auras running down Miu’s left side. The side that was up, since Miu was laying on her right side. Bonny thought back and remembered the blood and punctures in the Miu’s armor. Then realized Miu always positioned herself to avoid weight on her left side. “Miu, you’re hurt. Why haven’t you said anything?”

“Use salve, nya. Will be ok.”

Bonny thought back to how cats on Earth often hid injuries and sighed. “Well, I can help now. Let me try.” She shifted out from under Miu and sat up. Bonny then ran her fingers down Miu’s side, feeling for the scabs under her fur.

Panacea!” There was a pulling from inside her, not uncomfortable, but odd. The red auras running down Miu’s side faded a little, but remained. The scabs were still there as well. “Hmmm, that might have taken care of any disease or infection, but doesn’t help with the actual wounds. What does it feel like to you?”

Miu wriggle around a little, stretching her side and shifting to put her head in Bonny’s lap. “Little less pain, nya. Scabs itch.”

Bonny ran one hand through Miu’s fur again, feeling the wounds. “I don’t like the sound of Sacrifice, so how about … Wound Transfer!” Bonny felt the pulling sensation again, then pain blossomed down her side. A moment later, the pulling sensation abruptly stopped, replaced by nausea and dizziness. Bonny collapsed back onto the bed, groaning.

“Bon-Bun!” Mui slid up from Bonny’s lap to cradle her head. Miu frowned slightly and felt along Bonny’s side, then her own, feeling the changes in the wounds and scabs, some of which had moved from Miu to Bonny. “Ok, nya?”

“Just nauseous. Maybe that spell was too much.”

“Yes, nya. Little mana, should wait between spells.” Mui settled back down, resting her head on Bonny’s shoulder and running a hand through the fur on Bonny’s stomach. After a moment, she slid the hand further down, between Bonny’s legs, to the bare skin around her pussy.

Bonny opened her legs to allow access and realized how touchy Miu had been over the last hour or so since Bonny had woken up. “Are you horny?”

“Hmmmm. Bunny very cute, nya. Can’t help but eat her up.” Miu started purring again and moved her head down from Bonny’s shoulder to her breast, and started nuzzling it again.

Bonny felt the tingling and anticipation start building at Miu’s touches, but paused and looked down at the red aura of Triage highlighting wounds on them both. “Wait a moment. We’re both injured now. You know what cured my wounds earlier.”

Bonny pulled them both upright and looked around, spotting the red dildo still sitting by the pool. “Let’s see if that can cure your injuries as well.”

Eloiss will say hi in chapter 12. I've updated the glossary and added a slight spoiler, if you're curious.

The previous character poll has been closed and a new one added. How about two votes each? I'm still sticking with a woodland theme for this one, but the one after this will probably be different.

It may be a while before this next character is added, so the poll will probably be active longer (however, if there's a good opportunity while writing the next arc, they could be added sooner). As before, please comment if you have a strong preference between a combined option.

I added a patreon link, for anyone who likes my writing enough to support me. At the moment, I only have a couple of chapters available, but will add more over the next week and maintain at least 5 in advance of scribblehub going forward. I'll also post occasional bonus chapters with alternate POVs and backstories that won't be added to the main story.

Thanks for reading,

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