Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

86. Punishment and Death

“Okay! That’s enough. Move along now.” The guard captain pushed his way past Eloisss to interrupt Bonny and Zeal’s conversation. “Get some clothe …”

Bonny felt Zeal flash hot and reached up to grab one of the girl’s horns, yanking it back and down, forcing her face up toward the sky. Another jet of fire shot out of Zeal’s mouth, redirected up into the air above them, about three fingers thick and twenty feet long.

“How sstupid are you?” Eloisss and Freja immediately cornered the guard captain and forced him back and away from Bonny and Zeal. He stumbled and fell to a sitting position. “Did you not ssee what sshe jusst did? Are you trying to get everyone here killed?”

“Zeal! No!” Bonny pushed Zeal off of her lap and slowly pulled herself to a standing position, muscles and bones aching. “I’ve asked you several times not to hurt anyone.”

The dragon girl started to rise as well, but Bonny pushed her down to her hands and knees.

“Head down, on the ground.”

When Zeal obeyed, Bonny lifted a hoof and set it on one of Zeal’s horns, pressing it to the wet cobblestone and twisting the dragon girl’s head sideways. She looked up at the crowd. “You may want to back up further, I don’t know what will happen.”

The people scrambled back as Bonny summoned her Sword. She held it up, let the sun gleam off the blade, then brought it down.

Crack! The flat of the blade slapped against Zeal’s ass, which was still sticking up in the air. The dragon jerked and twisted her body, but was unable, or unwilling, to dislodge Bonny’s hoof from her horn.

Bonny raised the sword again. “Don’t!”

Crack! Flinch.

And again. “Breathe.”

Crack! Flinch.

And again. “Fire.”

Crack! Flinch.

And again. “In.”

Crack! Flinch.

And again. “The.”

Crack! Flinch.

And a final time. “City!”


By this point, the road near the gate was almost deserted, the group of people and guards having fled. Only her friends and the guard captain were still present and the captain had scrambled backward to the other side of the street.

Bonny looked up to see her friends waiting anxiously. Violet and Recovery both had their eyes on Zeal, staring at her reddened ass, almost … enviously.

“I wish I knew how to train a dragon.” Bonny sighed. “She’ll probably need more discipline. Maybe we should go ahead and deal with Matt. That’ll keep her away from people until … this evening.” She didn’t want to think about it too closely.

“How will we get past the monsters?” Freja asked.

Bonny thought for a moment then turned to Eloisss. “Do you think you, me, Miu, and Kanae can beat him again? We barely won last time, but we’ve been training every day since then. He probably hasn’t had time, since he’s been gathering all the monsters.”

Eloisss nodded. “With our blesssingss, probably. You have Justisce’ss ssword and we recrafted Miu’ss bow, that sshould help.”

Bonny had a Divine Blessing prior to the previous fight, but her auras had gained strength since then. Eloisss now had one as well. Miu and Kanae did not, but they did have the stamina buff from Lust, imbued by their butt plugs. She flexed Miu’s plug while thinking about it, smirking as the cat girl jumped and clenched her ass in return. It would have been nice to make additional plugs for the other companions and experiment with them a little more, if only she had more time.

Bonny glanced over at the bow Miu had left on the ground nearby. They had reshaped and carved runes into it, but had never gotten a power source for them. “Sorry for not finishing it.”

“Is okay, nya.” Miu ducked her head, suddenly shy, reverting to the shorter sentences and odd grammar that she had used when they first met.

“Zeal, can you carry five of us?” Bonny still held the dragon girl down with her hoof.

“Yes. If you let me go.”

“No fire?”

“No fire until you permit, mistress.”

Bonny lifted her hoof, letting Zeal up. She looked around at her companions. “Freja and Willow, stay here and help defend the wall. Violet, you should stay as well, that way we can communicate.”

“Bonny, I should go to defend you …” Freja pleaded.

“Sorry, no. We’re need to move quickly and Zeal is the only way to get past the army at the moment.” Bonny shook her head as she spoke, taking charge and overruling the more experienced centaur. She focused on Violet. “Unless, you can teleport all of us?”

The slime girl shook her head, an all too human gesture that made Bonny wonder where she had picked it up. Maybe she was just copying Bonny's reaction from a moment ago. [[no, even one teleport was hard]]

“Okay. That’s fine. Freja, do you have the rope?”

She didn’t. Most of their gear was left on the boulder, where they had spent the night. Bonny's shield was missing as well. She thought she had brought it, but couldn't remember having it during the dragon fight.

“I have rope.” The forgotten guard captain spoke up, struggling to stand and pointing at Zeal, who was still getting to her feet. “You can have it if you leave. K-keep her away.”

“Thank you.” Bonny nudged Kanae with a foot and poked Zeal. “Both of you need to transform. We’re going to tie ourselves onto Zeal. Fly over the battle and surprise Matt.

The group was uncertain about about mounting Zeal, until she transformed and lay flat, her snout at Bonny’s feet. They tied the ropes around the dragon's forelegs and ran it over the dragon’s body, tying several loops in the center. Then they climbed on, each slipping one of the loops around their waist and pulling it tight. Eloisss wrapped a couple of her coils around Zeal’s neck as added security and Adelina settled down on Bonny’s head, not afraid of being tossed off.

Once she was tied on, Bonny waved at the three staying in the city, a bright smile lighting up her face. Dragonriding! Who would have imagined.

“I love you Bonny. Be careful!” Freja called up.

“I love you too, cutie. I love all of you.”

Zeal jumped into the air, her wings beat hard, and the attached group were thrown back and forth as she bobbed upwards, quickly gaining height.

“Be careful!” Bonny slapped Zeal’s side. “Try to keep it smooth for us non-dragons.”

“Yes, Bonny.” Zeal’s voice was a low growl that rumbled through them. Her flight smoothed out once she gained altitude and started gliding over the army. Every couple minutes, she would rock them back and forth again as she beat her wings, gaining additional height.

They spotted Matt after a half hour of flying, heading mostly north along the forest road, but sweeping back and forth across the fields that lay beyond the city itself. The army grew more dense as they got closer the forest, countless figures, of numerous species, flowing out of the trees.

“Holy fuck, how many monsters are there? Did he find every one in the woods?”

“That iss conscerning.” Even Eloisss seemed taken aback.

Matt was on a small rise, just north of Colette’s property. Most of the fields and buildings in the area had been trampled and ruined.

Bonny pointed him out. He was looking up, watching them, and she wondered if he knew the dragon was no longer under his control. Probably.

“Land close to him, please. Each of you should be ready to cut the rope and jump down. Don’t kill him, try to incapacitate. I need to talk to him briefly. Zeal, Kanae, and Addie, try to keep the monsters away from us. You can use fire, or poison.” Bonny wished for her shield, wondering again where it was. She would just have to be careful and hope her wards were enough.

They all agreed with the plan and Zeal angled down, diving directly at Matt. He didn’t even try to dodge.

The fight was short and brutal, almost anticlimactic.

Zeal landed on top of Matt, knocking him off of his boar mount and onto the ground, she held him down with a foot and roared. The army of monsters cowered under the pressure of dragonfear long enough for each of them to cut their ropes and slide to the ground.

Kanae paralyzed the large boar mount as she landed on her feet and Miu put it down a moment later, an arrow through one of its eyes.

Matt had stabbed up at Zeal as she crashed into it, the demonic spear easily punching through her leg, but then it was stuck, and the delay it took for him to resummon it was enough time for Eloisss shear off his right arm with one of her heavy bladed falcata.

Bonny stabbed her sword into the red fist of Wrath, pinning the severed arm and demon in place, now well aware of how Divine magic could contain and restrict demons.

Zeal, Miu, Kanae, and Adelina turned to keep an eye on the crowd of monsters, only to find that those beyond the range of dragonfear were going wild and attacking each other, ignoring the party. Eloisss restrained Matt, coiling around his legs and remaining arm.

Bonny ignored the chaos, and cast “Mending!” on both Zeal and Matt to seal their wounds and stop the bleeding. Then she sat on Matt’s stomach, just in front of Eloisss, and cast, "Analgesia!" on Matt. She wanted him coherent enough to talk.

He growled up at her until she poked him in the side, then he started struggling to get out from under her, unable to do much with his legs and arm restrained.

She poked him again. “Matt!”

He glared, then anger in his eyes cleared as he focused on the heart pendent Bonny was wearing. The one she had found in the goblin pit. It swung back and forth and he rocked them from side to side.

"Bonny?" He seemed to come to himself. "Is that my ...? Where did you get the necklace?"

She ignored the question. "Matt, this has to end.”

He nodded, refocusing on her face. “I’m tired. I’m tired of being scared, of being angry. I’m sorry. For everything.”

“It’s fine.” It wasn’t, but there wasn’t time to hash out the details. There was one thing she was curious about though. “How did you do it? How did you control the dragon?”

“The demon. It knew her name. I, uh, told her to be still until we got the chain on. Then used her to intimidate the other monsters. ”

“That figures. I broke that chain, you know.”

He nodded again and his gaze slipped down, focusing on her bare chest before sliding lower. “We felt it. Yo-you’re naked. How are you ... I-I’m not as brave ... How do you do this?”

She felt his desire spike up as he looked her over. She wasn’t quite naked, but her armor had always left her breasts and groin bare. Now that it was shredded, she really just had the metal greaves and vambraces, and even they were dented and torn, with jagged pieces of metal sticking out.

She shrugged. “I like being naked.”

“You were always pretty and confident. I just wish that we …”

“No. Not this. Not now. It’s time to say goodbye. I’m sorry it has to end like this.”

She leaned in and kissed him. His new form wasn’t attractive, but when she closed her eyes and visualized him as he had looked when they met, it wasn’t too bad. The tusks felt weird against her lips though. She gave him a peck, then more.

He returned the kiss, longing, communicating his need, his desire for her.

She caressed their bond, their connection. It was frayed and decaying, but still strong at the core. They had too much history and knew too much of each other to not feel something, even with the recent disgust and hate poisoning their relationship. She pulled on it, tasting his life, his dreams, his regrets. She asked for more and he gave it, offering everything he had.

She gave him peace. She felt his life, his anger, his very soul as his essence flowed into her, through her. When there was nothing left, she sat up and reached up to close his eyes.

That’s when she noticed the world was frozen, the cloaked figure of Death standing beside her.


Bonny shook her head. “It’s not nightfall yet. I still have time. I have to tell everyone goodbye.”

Death shook her head.


Death … Susan, pulled back her hood and grinned. “We can take a few minutes.” She let go of the scythe, which hung in the air, and rummaged through a pocket, finally pulling out a hair brush. She held it up triumphantly.

“What are you doing?”

“Your hair is a mess. Let me brush it out for you.”

Bonny stared at the woman, then nodded and stepped off and away from Matt’s body. She sat on the ground, looking over her friends and the monsters around them, all frozen in place. Eloisss was still coiled around Matt. Zeal was breathing fire to one side, scorching a dozen monsters from nightmare and myth. Kanae, Miu, and Adelina were busy dispatching other enemies while they were incapacitated with dragonfear.

She saw Wrath and Lust on the other side of Matt's body, also frozen in time. Wrath had shed the appearance of an arm, but was still pinned by Justice’s Sword. He glared up angrily at a grinning, triumphant Lust.

Susan knelt behind Bonny and started brushing at the tangles gained from the morning run with Freja, the fight with Zeal, and all the events in between and following. “I don’t normally get to talk to my clients. They’re usually either in a hurry to go or incomprehensible and uncommunicative. Thank you for taking the time.”

“Where do they go?”

“Oh, it depends. The afterlife is messy and complicated. Some get reincarnated, like you did. Some leave the system and dissipate, a few are powerful enough to create their own worlds or become gods. Most get reabsorbed into the Cycle, becoming a part of a different life.”

“There’s no heaven or hell? What about me? Where will I go?” Bonny was more curious than scared.

“You’re not going anywhere yet. I’m here to pick up the extra soul.”

Bonny thought furiously for a moment. “Wait? Do you mean I’m not going to die?”

Susan laughed. “Not today. Sorry for not saying so immediately, it's selfish of me to want to spend time with you. Matt gave you his life, freely. He could have fought you, but didn’t. I can take that.”

“Did you know? That he would do that?”

“No. But I hoped. I like you, Bonny. I can see why all the gods are talking about you. I think a couple more might be joining you soon.”

“Why me? I’m not that special.”

“Yes. You are. They’re hoping that you will be the wild card in their war against the demons. So far, you’re doing well. As long as you don’t succumb to Lust.”

“I don't know. I feel like I'm losing to her. That she's taking over. I need more sex every day and I’m getting more powers from her. What will happen if I do? What if I can’t stop her?”

Susan patted Bonny on the shoulder and stood, ignoring her concerns. “There. You look much prettier with your hair brushed out.”

“Uhm, thank you.”

Susan tied Bonny's hair up with a ribbon, then handed her the brush. “Here. Hold on to it for now, until you get one of your own. It may be useful.”

Bonny accepted it, confused.

Susan leaned in and brushed her lips across Bonny’s cheek. “You’ve had a brush with Death. That can be traumatizing for some, but you’ll be fine. I’ll come by to pick it up later. Maybe we can chat over tea?”

She smiled as she reached inside Bonny’s chest, pulled out a glowing orb that Bonny assumed, hoped, was Matt’s soul. Death slipped it into a pouch on her belt.

“Uhm, be nice to him, please. He didn’t mean to do all that. Tea sounds good, sometime.”

“I will.” Death flashed Bonny a quick smile as she pulled her hood back over her head, and vanished.

The hairbrush is an excuse to visit later.

Guys, if someone you're interested in leaves something personal with you, take the hint.

Thanks for reading,

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