Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

87. Anger and Hate

When time resumed, Bonny took a moment to look around, feeling annoyed at the imposition. The chat with Death was a nice break, but she was still in the middle of a battle, with her friends’ lives on the line.

Most of the monsters were busy fighting each other at this point. Any control Wrath had over them had been lost and they were going berserk, attacking anything that moved. Getting into one’s way or bumping into one was a death sentence for someone, something.

The annoyance grew stronger and she suddenly resented being out here. Resented Matt, resented the army of monsters around her, even the goddesses that required her to face them.

“Zeal. Burn them. All of them.”

She didn’t speak loudly, but the dragon heard her and took a deep breath, then spewed fire in an arc halfway around them, igniting everything within a hundred and fifty feet. Zeal moved to the other side of Bonny, took another breath, and completed the circle of flames. The other companions pulled back near Bonny.

“Cremate him, please.” Bonny pointed to Matt’s body and Zeal obliged with a superheated flash that left only charred bones and ash. The amputated arm was gone as well.

Adelina flew up and pulled fresh air back down with her, setting up a vortex that blew the smoke away from them in all directions. The fire followed, slowly eating its way across the trampled crops as it pursued and consumed monsters that didn’t flee fast enough.

Bonny’s anger didn’t abate. She glared around the clearing, then summoned her Sword to her. She started to take a step when realization struck and she pulled up her “Status!” with a thought.

Alerts (5):

You have consumed Dragon’s blood and survived. You gain immunity to Dragonfire and lesser flames.

You have slain a Dragon. You gain immunity to Dragonfear and lesser terrors. You have earned the title Dragonslayer.

You have slain a Demonic Champion. You will assume their role.

You have completed a Divine Quest. Reward granted. Ability acquired: Bonus experience.

Your physical stats have exceeded mortal limitations. Plus 2 skills for physical oriented classes.


Name: Bonny
Race/Species: Outworlder / Rabbit-kin / Succubus
Age: 22
Health: Exhausted, Uninjured
Soul: Fragile

Dragonslayer - You have slain a dragon.
Journeyman Sage - You have learned all magical affinities.

Ageless (H) - You have stopped aging due to residual Divine essence. Hidden!
Demonic Champion (H) - You champion the cause of a Demon. Hidden!
Divine Engineer (H) - You have changed the System. Hidden!

Proficiency with all Magic Affinities - Sage title earned.

Attention of the Gods (H) - The Divine Seven are watching you. Hidden!
Demigod (H) - You have acquired and given up Divinity. Hidden!
System Update (H) - Divine Engineer title earned. Hidden!

Magic Affinities:
Arcane Journeyman 0%
Demonic Master (Lust 90%, Wrath 12%)
Divine Journeyman (Courage 90%, Healing 90%, Justice 23%)
Elemental Novice (Air 75%, Water 85%)

Aura Abilities:
Demonic Desire (area) - Increase desire in entities around you.
Demonic Drain (affected) - Drain essence from entities affected by Desire.
Demonic Fury (self) - Increase physical speed and stats when enemies are around you.

Divine Cleansing (area) - Purify the area around you.
Divine Courage (allies) - Allies around you will have their morale boosted.
Divine Healing (area) - Friendly entities around you will slowly heal.
Divine Retribution (area)- Enemies around you inflicting damage to allies will take half damage in return.

Earned Abilities:
Divine Leveling - Double experience rewarded for conflict with Demonic Champions or minions.
Dragonfear Immunity - Immune to Dragonfear and lesser terrors.
Dragonfire Immunity - Immune to Dragonfire and lesser fire.

Class: Expert Medic/Demonic (alternatives available, advancement available)

Skills: (no skills available, no skills may be improved)
Analgesia (all) - 2%
Analysis (all, spirit, system) - 3%
Create Water (all) - 17%
Mending (all) - 100% (Advancement available - Heal, Rehabilitate, or Restore)
Panacea (all) - 100% (Advancement available - Catholicon, Remedy, or Theriac)
Sacrifice (demonic) - 64%
Ward (all) - 83%
Wound Transfer (demonic) - 62%

Non-Class Skills:
Contraception (all)
Invigorate (arcane, divine)

Racial Skills: Draining Aura, Draining Kiss

General Skills: Agility, Dancing, First Aid, Flexibility, Running, Shield Use, Sword Use, Walking, Otherworld Knowledge

Big Red - Bonded, Growth (Unique, multiple parts/Demonic)
Brush of Death - Bonded (Legendary)
Fist of Wrath - Bonded, Growth (Rare/Demonic)
Sword of Justice - Bonded (Legendary/Divine)

Phys Pow: Novice 0%
Phys Con: Novice 0%
Stamina: Novice 0%

Mag Pow: Novice 90%
Mag Con: Novice 80%
Mana: Journeyman 0%

Aura Pow: Journeyman 85%
Aura Con: Journeyman 73%
Will: Expert 0%

Bonny eyed the alerts, then the new aura and equipment. Immunity to Dragonfire must be why Zeal's flames didn't hurt. She wondered if Zeal had known that during her flaming orgasm.

The message ‘You will assume their role,’ was also of particular interest. Maybe that’s why she felt so angry at the world all of a sudden.

“Goddesses! Demonesses!”

The five immortals appeared around her, Lust sitting on her right breast like she often did. The three goddesses stood in midair to her left and Wrath floated to her right. The new demon was a male boar, like Matt had been, and was dressed in leather with a long spear.

“Stop time, please. I need to address something.”

“You can’t just ask us that whenever you please.” Courage protested. The goddess was still naked and scarred, rope burns still smoking.

“You do it all the time. Do it for me, now.”

Bonny’s companions were all watching her now, though none focused on the gods or demons, so she didn’t think they could see them. She started to smile at them, then noticed they were no longer moving.

“Thank you.” She pointed to Wrath. “Stop trying to influence me. Wanting sex all the time is bad enough, I don’t want to be angry and hateful as well. Angry sex is problematic.”

He sneered at her. “You have no choice. You are my champion and will do as I will!”

“No!” Bonny looked down to where Lust was sitting. “Matt had Wrath’s spear. Why don’t you have a weapon for me?”

Lust leaned back to smile up at her. “You just had to ask. Summon a dildo.”

Bonny did, imagining the medium sized, nine inch one. When it appeared, Lust snapped her fingers and nine lashes began growing from the base of the dildo. Each lash was about a foot and a half long, and made of leather, with a metal spike at the end of each.

“That’ll do.” Bonny concentrated and shifted, appearing as her smaller avatar form. The cat o’ nine tails shifted with her. “Please hold him.”

Wrath tried to escape, but he was weakened due to the amount of power he had put into the army. Lust quickly overpowered him and shoved him up against Bonny’s physical body, bent over the breast she had been sitting on a moment ago.

“Thank you.” Bonny stepped over and stood to the side. She swished the lash, feeling the weight of the claws as they swayed back and forth. “I’m going to whip you until I’m no longer angry. It’s up to you to decide when I stop.”

Bonny brought the lash down across Wrath’s back, the claws biting and tearing into his armor. He squirmed, but Lust held him firm.

Bonny remembered how the imbued ropes had hurt Courage and knew that even if impossible sex wasn’t painful for the immortal spirits, they could still be hurt.

The lash fell again and again. Tearing through the armor and into Wrath's hide. Blood ran, despite the demonic body that had previously been impervious to pain. The mysterious observers appeared again and she could feel their eyes, watching and judging.

She varied her strokes, working her way down his back, across his ass, and down his thighs. His armor eventually fell away completely and Wrath broke down crying, tears streaming down his face. He no longer had to be held, and slumped bonelessly against her breast.

Bonny continued for several more strokes until she felt nothing but pity. She held up the lash, blackened with demonic blood, then dismissed it.

“What happened to the rope? The braid I used on Courage?”

Recovery blushed. “I have it.”

“May I take it? I want to secure him.”

She nodded and her toga vanished. The braided rope of hair was wound around her waist and down between her legs. She started to unwrap it, exposing light burns similar to those Courage bore, if not as severe.

Bonny stared.

Recovery’s blush deepened.

“Do you want me to tie you up too? With that rope?”

She nodded, continuing to unwind it.

“Should I spank you? Whip you with the lash?”

Recovery nodded again as she handed the rope to Bonny. The multiple segments had all been tied together. "Yes, please."


“I want to know pain. I heal people, but don’t know what their injuries feel like. It’s … it’s invigorating.”

“So, like Courage wanting to know what fear was?”


Bonny turned to Justice, “What do you want? Injustice? To punish the innocent?”

Justice opened, then closed her mouth. She blushed as well, so much that the turtle shell shield on her back darkened into a deep brown. She nodded.

Bonny sighed. “How about tonight? I’ll do what I can. Here, hold on to this for me.” She separated out one length of rope and returned the rest to Recovery.

She stalked back to Wrath. “The next time I feel angry without reason, I'm going to whip you again. You’re a second class entity and will have no power over me. I also suggest you change forms, since you currently remind me of all the misery you’ve caused. Misery for me, Matt, and the citizens of this city.”

Wrath didn’t respond. He still lay against her, quivering and sobbing.

Bonny stepped behind him and kicked up, between his legs. He wailed and fell. “I asked you to change. You know what I mean. I swear I will flay your balls if you keep them.”

Wrath’s form shimmered and morphed into a female boar kin, a sow. Her back, ass, and legs were still torn and bleeding. She lay curled into a ball.


Wrath responded immediately this time, docile and compliant.

Bonny almost felt bad for her, and reminded herself again of what the demon -ess had done. She wrapped the rope around the demoness’ wrists, tied it off, looped the rope between Wrath’s wrists to tighten it, then pulled the remaining length of rope down to her ankles and tied them as well, leaving the demon bent double.

“I’ll check back tonight. If you’re willing to behave, I may let you go."

Merry Christmas, for those of you who celebrate it. Happy Solstice, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Krampusnacht, Festivus, and all the other winter celebrations I'm not aware of as well.

There are some big changes in the air.

I had originally envisioned a simplified progression, with limited skills and a few fun bonuses from immortal patrons. It's getting out of hand at this point and I'm not sure how to rein it back in. In the next volume, I plan to redo the stats and class levels into a more standard format with levels divided into tiers.

I'm trying a different format for the status display. I'll eventually go back and update all of them to match, but probably won't list all the details each time. I'll try to define anything new and give an extended status at the end of the volume though.

Speaking of, there are less than ten chapters left in volume 2 (formerly known as arc 3). I hope you enjoyed it. I felt it was getting too slow and cut some plot threads to be explored in the next volume.

After the wrap up, sometime in January, I'm going to take a break. During it, I'll post five interludes, one/week, while working on volume 3, so just over a month before we get back to Bonny. Patreon will still be updated during the break.

Thanks for reading,

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