Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

89. ♥♥ Nectar and Desire (R-18+)

Bonny closed her eyes to better savor the golden liquid that Compassion had given her. Warm and pleasure radiated throughout her body.

“This is … amazing. What is it?”

“Ambrosia. It will help repair your soul.”

Bonny took her time, sipping slowly, and the goddess waited. Both sat in companionable silence until the cup was drained.

Compassion leaned forward to take the cup and kiss Bonny lightly on her forehead.

“What you did with Courage was foolhardy, but you will both survive. And will likely grow from it. Adversity builds strength and all that. But be careful in the future, little bunny.”

“Thank you. I’ll try.” Bonny smiled back.

“You may experience some minor side effects. This isn’t meant for mortals, after all.”

The dream faded and Bonny found herself leaning back against Eloisss. The lamia was coiled up behind her with arms wrapped around Bonny’s chest. Miu lay against her left shoulder and Kanae was curled up on her right, the fox’s nose resting on her hip. Zeal and Lupa were both laying against her with their heads pillowed on her thighs. Adelina stirred in her hair.

Bonny’s core throbbed and ached, but she couldn’t move without waking up everyone. They had all had a hard day, Zeal most of all, though Lupa had obviously been suffering for days.

A gnawing need stabbed into her. An itch, a hunger, a craving for touch. Her heartbeat sped up and sweat broke out across her forehead.

Kanae’s nose twitched, then the fox was suddenly scrambling across Bonny’s body and thrusting her nose between Bonny’s legs.

At the touch of Kanae’s tongue, Bonny moaned and opened her legs, jostling and waking Lupa and Zeal. She tried to protest at the same time, grabbing at the fox. “Not … that … form.”

Kanae heard and shifted, not relenting in her assault as the cool mist flowed over them both and her form morphed. She wriggled forward, laying half on top of Bonny’s stomach, pushing her head further down. Tongue probing, licking, sliding between Bonny’s folds, and in, lapping up the wetness that was beading up. She pulled back slightly, tongue and lips finding Bonny’s button, licking, sucking, caressing, her actions frantic and needy.

Bonny arched into Kanae, lifting her hips from the ground, feeling Kanae’s hands slide under her ass, massaging and pulling. She moaned louder, thrusting up, pleasure spiking, waves of pleasure washing over her.

Everyone was awake now.

“Bonny? Are you …?” Eloisss spoke up first, but cut off her question as Bonny reached up and pulled the lamia’s head down into a kiss.

They locked lips, Eloisss’ eyes wide, then closing in pleasure as Bonny thrust her tongue in.

Bonny slid her tongue between the tines of Eloisss’ forked tongue, then along the lamia’s folded fangs. They tangled, the long serpentine tongue wrapping around Bonny’s own, pulling on it. Each touch like fire along her nerves.

Miu started grooming Bonny’s torso, the rough tongue lifting Bonny’s fur and wicking away the sweat oozing from the pores, slowly working across until Miu found a nipple. The cat girl bit down lightly, sharp teeth prickling into the skin, and started purring and sucking, hands kneading at Bonny’s breast.

Bonny continued thrusting up into Kanae’s lips and moaning into Eloisss’s. A tingling sensation built in her breasts and her core sang as waves of pleasure started building in intensity.

Adelina had leapt into the air when Bonny pulled Eloisss over and down across her head. She hovered, watching as the four girls went crazy, exchanging mystified looks with Zeal and Lupa. When a golden liquid beaded up on Bonny’s free nipple, she looked at Miu’s ears twitching with delight and dove down to taste it herself.

Kanae shifted a hand forward and pushed two fingers into Bonny, pushing in, touching, rubbing at the bunny’s sensitive internal zones, while continuing to lick and suck at her core.

Bonny convulsed suddenly, hips falling back to the floor and her stomach flexing, curling up despite the three women lying on top of her. Her core spasmed and she squirted across Kanae’s face.

Kanae immediately tilted her head and opened her mouth, lips fastening around Bonny’s own, gulping and swallowing Bonny’s spray.

Adelina unfastened herself and buzzed up, a little drunkenly. “Bonny, your milk is delicious!” She sang as she rubbed her distended belly.

“I shouldn’t have m…” Bonny released Eloisss’ lips to answer, then stopped as she realized Miu was still suckling. The cat’s eyes closed and her ears twitched in time to a deep, satisfied purr.

Eloisss looked at Adelina and Miu, then slithered further over Bonny’s head to latch on to the nipple Adelina had been drinking from. Her tongue circled it with feathery touches, the tines separating to either side and sweeping back and forth, lapping up the drops that had already seeped out. She sucked on it, drawing new drops, moaning in pleasure at the taste.

Kanae hiccuped and rolled off of Bonny, cleaning the girlcum from her face with her hands and tongue, licking each of her fingers in turn.

Zeal and Lupa looked at each other again, then back at the frenzied girls beside them. They sniffed the air and crept closer, drawn to Bonny’s open flower and the golden nectar running freely from within.

Lupa stopped and moved away when she noticed Zeal next to her, heat emanating from dragon girl, who seemed oblivious to everyone but Bonny.

Zeal slid her hands under Bonny’s ass and pulled herself down, the long, scorching tongue sliding down and inside, to taste the divine essence. The mixed saliva, sweat, and girlcum sizzling at the touch of their lips.

Bonny moaned and reached down, around Eloisss’ head, to grab one of Zeal’s horns, pulling her in tighter, thrusting up, grinding against the dragon girl.

Her other arm circled Miu, pulling her in closer, feeling the happy purrs vibrate through her as the cat continued to lick, suck, and groom, alternating between the sweet golden milk still oozing and dripping from Bonny’s nipples and licking across her breast and abdomen.

Lupa just watched, not sure what to do, afraid to ask. She reached down to touch herself, tentatively stroking in time with Bonny’s moans while she waited.

Neither Eloisss nor Miu had taken their armor off and the way the lamia had arched over Bonny had left her breastplate bearing down on the bunny’s head. Bonny turned her face to the side, hands too busy to it push away.

Kanae came to her rescue, crawling around and under one of Eloisss’ coils, pushing the lamia’s body away, and capturing Bonny’s lips with her own.

Bonny licked at Kanae, tasting the divine flavor of ambrosia on Kanae’s lips and tongue. They lost themselves in each other, even as the waves of pleasure rocking Bonny started cresting again.

Adelina fluttered over to the malnourished wolf girl. “Don’t wait, wolfie. If you want her, jump in.”

Lupa nodded. Bonny was covered with the other girls, everything except her legs and feet obscured. Lupa crawled closer, then licked at one foot. It had been a hoof earlier, but had shifted back at some point when they were all napping.

Her tail started wagging happily and she started licking more enthusiastically, tongue darting between the bunny’s toes. She opened her mouth and sucked on Bonny's big toe, licking across the pad and nipping at the claw with her teeth.

Bonny suddenly let out a muffled cry of pleasure and curled her toes, pressing the sharp nail hard into Lupa’s tongue, the second toe pinching and scraping against the wolf girl's cheek and tugging her forward as Bonny pulled her knees up and legs in.

The bunny’s hips thrust up and her core clenched around the sizzling dragon tongue inside of her. She squirted again, drenching the hot dragon girl, who clamped down, sharp teeth pricking into Bonny’s sex.

Zeal swallowed the spray and continued working her long tongue in and around, touching and caressing Bonny’s hot spots. She kept going until the bunny stopped shuddering and spasming, then slowly withdrew, leaving a searing kiss on Bonny’s button.

Miu and Lupa continued licking Bonny while the rest of them lay back, panting. Golden dew drops still gathered and dripped from Bonny’s nipples and after a minute, Kanae took a turn suckling opposite Miu.

Eloisss recovered first, recoiling herself until she was suspended above Bonny. She grabbed the bunny’s head and tilted it up. “Are you okay, Bonny? What happened?” It was rare for her to speak without sibilants and she enunciated her words slowly and clearly.

“A dream. One of the other goddesses, Compassion, gave me something to drink.”

“A drink? In a dream?”

Bonny nodded.

“Did she join your harem?” Still slow, measured speech from Eloisss. She didn’t hiss the sibilants like usual. That probably meant something bad. "Did you fuck her too?"

Bonny tried to nod and shake her head at the same time. “Yes. No. I mean, we just talked briefly. She said I was kind and she would join me. Then gave me the drink. Kiss me?” Bonny pursed her lips at the lamia.

Eloisss bent down to give Bonny a peck on the lips, seemingly mollified. “Iss that why you’re expresssing thiss tassty ssubsstansce?”

Bonny sighed in relief. She didn’t want Eloisss upset again. “I think s…”

Bonny jumped as Lupa’s tongue tickled her arch. She looked down and slowly pulled her foot away.

Lupa looked up to see Bonny and Eloisss staring at her. Her tail stopped wagging. She dropped her eyes and curled up on herself. “I’m … sorry. I-I didn’t mean to offend.”

“No. No, you’re fine.” Bonny exclaimed, trying to sit up.

Miu wouldn’t let her. The cat lay half on top of Bonny now, still purring and licking the bunny, grooming the soft fur on Bonny’s belly.

Bonny gave up and lay back. “Everyone, this is Lupa. Sorry for not introducing you earlier. We were all tired. My companions are Miu, Eloisss, Kanae, Adelina, and Zeal.” She pointed to each in turn.

“P-pleased t-to meet you.” Lupa stammered the words, then flopped over, rolling to show her belly. She was too thin and her ribs were clearly visible through her coat.

Bonny held up a hand, a finger covering Eloisss’ mouth. “Lupa, you don’t need to be afraid. Would you like to join our team?”

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